
Defines functions print.vertsummary vertsumwrapper sw

# Wrapper for vertsummary function
sw <- function(x) suppressWarnings(x)

vertsumwrapper <- function(input = NULL, verbose = TRUE){
  if (!inherits(input, c("list", "data.frame"))) {
    stop("Input must be of class list or data.frame", call. = FALSE)
  if (inherits(input, "list"))  input <- input$data
  # recs <- number of records in the data frame
  recs <- nrow(input)
  # coords <- number of records with viable lat and long data
  # errest <- number of "coords" records with viable coordinate uncertainty estimate
  if (is.null(sw(input$decimallatitude)) & is.null(sw(input$decimallongitude))) {
    coords <- 0
  } else{ 
    coords <- NULL
  if (inherits(sw(input$coordinateuncertaintyinmeters), "NULL")) {
    errest <- 0
  } else {
    errest <- NULL
  if (is.null(coords)) {
    coords <- sum(stats::complete.cases(input[, c('decimallatitude','decimallongitude')]))
    # checking for good lat/long data (if not, use only the above line)
    input$decimallatitude <- as.numeric(as.character(input$decimallatitude))
    input$decimallongitude <- as.numeric(as.character(input$decimallongitude))
    if (is.null(errest)) {
      input$coordinateuncertaintyinmeters <- as.numeric(as.character(input$coordinateuncertaintyinmeters))
    mappable <- input[stats::complete.cases(input[,c('decimallatitude','decimallongitude')]),]
    mappable <- subset(mappable, mappable$decimallatitude < 90 & mappable$decimallatitude > -90)
    mappable <- subset(mappable, mappable$decimallongitude < 180 & mappable$decimallongitude > -180)
    if (nrow(mappable) < coords) {
      bad <- coords - nrow(mappable)
      mssg(verbose, paste(bad, " record(s) with bad coordinates"))
      coords <- coords - bad
    if (is.null(errest)) {
      mappable <- subset(mappable, mappable$coordinateuncertaintyinmeters > 0 &
                           mappable$coordinateuncertaintyinmeters < 20020000)
      if ((errest <- nrow(mappable)) < coords) {
        bad <- coords - errest
  # instcoll <- number of records from each institution+collection
  removeDups <- function(x) {
    paste(unique(unlist(strsplit(x, split = " "))), collapse = " ")
  if (inherits(input$institutioncode, "NULL") & inherits(input$collectioncode, "NULL")) {
    instcoll <- NA
  } else {
    instcoll <- as.matrix(paste(input$institutioncode, 
                                input$collectioncode, sep = " "))
    instcoll <- table(apply(instcoll, 1, removeDups))
  # country <- number of records from each country
  if (inherits(sw(input$country), "NULL")) {
    country <- NA 
  }  else {
    country <- table(input$country)
  # year <- number of records by year
  if (inherits(sw(input$year), "NULL")) {
    year <- NA
  } else {
    year <- table(input$year)
  # taxon <- number of records by taxonomic name
  taxon <- as.matrix(paste(input$genus, input$specificepithet, sep = " "))
  if (!inherits(sw(input$infraspecificepithet), "NULL")) {
    taxon <- as.matrix(paste(taxon, input$infraspecificepithet, sep = " "))
  taxon <- gsub(" NA", "", taxon) # remove unknowns - usually infrasp.ep
  taxon <- table(apply(taxon, 1, removeDups))
  # return summary
  structure(list("recs" = recs, "coords" = coords, "errest" = errest, 
                 "instcoll" = instcoll, "country" = country, "year" = year, 
                 "taxon" = taxon), class = "vertsummary")

#' @export
print.vertsummary <- function(x, ...){
  cat(paste0("Number of records ($recs): ", x$recs), sep = "\n") 
  cat(paste("Records with decimal lat/long (-90<lat<90, -180<long<180) ($coords): ", x$coords, sep = ""), sep = "\n")
  cat(paste("Records with lat/long and coordinate uncertainty estimate (0<errest<20020000) ($errest): ", x$errest), sep = "\n")
  cat("Record count by institution/collection ($instcoll): ", sep = "\n")
  cat("\nRecord count by country ($country): ", sep = "\n")
  cat("\nRecord count by year ($year): ", sep = "\n")
  cat("\nRecord count by taxon ($taxon): ", sep = "\n")

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rvertnet documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:52 a.m.