antitheticSampling-methods: Methods for 'antitheticSampling' object construction in...

Description Methods


The methods below allow for the construction of individual objects of class "antitheticSampling" when applied to individual "MonteCarloSampling" subclass objects. Alternatively, the second constructor can be applied to a collection of "MonteCarloSampling" subclass objects and will return an appropriate collection of "antitheticSampling" objects (see, e.g., the "antitheticContainer" class).


signature(object = "MonteCarloSampling")


                   alphaLevel = 0.05,
                   description = 'Antithetic Sampling',
                   ... )
  • object: An object that is a subclass of "MonteCarloSampling".

  • alphaLevel: The two-tailed alpha-level for confidence interval construction.

  • description: A character vector description of the object.

signature(object = "mcsContainer")

See the above definitions for the first method for arguments not shown below.


                   alphaLevel = 0.05,
                   description = 'Antithetic Sampling collection',
                   ... )
  • object: A collection of "MonteCarloSampling" subclass objects in a valid "mcsContainer" object.

sampSurf documentation built on March 5, 2021, 5:06 p.m.