boltDimensions: Calculate Bolt Dimensions for "downLog" Objects

Description Usage Arguments Details Value Author(s) See Also Examples

View source: R/boltDimensions.R


This function will calculated volume, length, surface area, etc. for each bolt in a “downLog” object, where the bolts are defined by the taper slot.


boltDimensions(dlog, runQuiet = FALSE)



An object of class "downLog"


TRUE: no feedback; FALSE: print a summary report


Nothing is stored in a “downLog” object with respect to the individual bolts except the taper measurements in the taper slot. This allows the easy computation of different attributes for each bolt as described above.


A data frame with self-evident columns, and rows representing bolts. For example, cross-check the diameters and lengths with the log's taper slot. The "biomass" and "carbon" columns will be NA if no conversions have been given for the log at creation.


Jeffrey H. Gove

See Also



dl = downLog(logLen=5, nSegs=10)

Example output

Loading required package: sp
Loading required package: raster
Loading required package: boot
sampSurf version 0.7-5 (2020-02-03)
     diameter length
1  0.05000000    0.0
2  0.04660849    0.5
3  0.04308869    1.0
4  0.03941868    1.5
5  0.03556893    2.0
6  0.03149803    2.5
7  0.02714418    3.0
8  0.02240702    3.5
9  0.01709976    4.0
10 0.01077217    4.5
11 0.00000000    5.0

Summary of bolts in taper data frame...
  Units = metric
  Number of segments = 10
  Solid type = 3
  Total Length = 5 meters
  Total volume = 0.00420749 cubic meters (from taper equation)
  Total biomass = NA
  Total carbon = NA
  Total surface area = 0.4712433 square meters (from taper equation)
  Total coverge area = 0.15 square meters (from taper equation)
      botDiam    topDiam botLen topLen boltLen       volume surfaceArea
1  0.05000000 0.04660849    0.0    0.5     0.5 9.170376e-04  0.07589215
2  0.04660849 0.04308869    0.5    1.0     0.5 7.906843e-04  0.07046652
3  0.04308869 0.03941868    1.0    1.5     0.5 6.692030e-04  0.06482295
4  0.03941868 0.03556893    1.5    2.0     0.5 5.530207e-04  0.05892145
5  0.03556893 0.03149803    2.0    2.5     0.5 4.426727e-04  0.05270706
6  0.03149803 0.02714418    2.5    3.0     0.5 3.388549e-04  0.04610025
7  0.02714418 0.02240702    3.0    3.5     0.5 2.425199e-04  0.03897720
8  0.02240702 0.01709976    3.5    4.0     0.5 1.550747e-04  0.03112252
9  0.01709976 0.01077217    4.0    4.5     0.5 7.889277e-05  0.02208019
10 0.01077217 0.00000000    4.5    5.0     0.5 1.952944e-05  0.01015299
   coverageArea biomass carbon
1   0.024157084      NA     NA
2   0.022430051      NA     NA
3   0.020633646      NA     NA
4   0.018755140      NA     NA
5   0.016777040      NA     NA
6   0.014674028      NA     NA
7   0.012406690      NA     NA
8   0.009906466      NA     NA
9   0.007028204      NA     NA
10  0.003231652      NA     NA

sampSurf documentation built on March 5, 2021, 5:06 p.m.