
Defines functions dCRP poch transformedWeights getThetas asSetPartition asClusterLabels joinExistingCluster.list joinExistingCluster.numeric joinExistingCluster createNewCluster.list createNewCluster.numeric createNewCluster clusterWithItem.list clusterWithItem.numeric clusterWithItem asCanonical isCanonical

Documented in asCanonical asClusterLabels asSetPartition clusterWithItem createNewCluster dCRP getThetas isCanonical joinExistingCluster poch transformedWeights

#' Check if a Vector of Cluster Labels is in Canonical Form
#' @param partition A numeric vector representing a partition of the integers
#'   \eqn{1}, ..., \eqn{n} using cluster labels
#' @return Logical, indicating whether \code{partition} is in canonical form.

isCanonical <- function(partition) {
  u <- unique(partition)
  if ( min(u) != 0L ) return(FALSE)
  if ( max(u) != length(u)-1 ) return(FALSE)
  !any(diff(u) < 0)

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

#' Coerce a Vector of Cluster Labels to Canonical Form
#' @param partition A numeric vector representing a set partition of the
#'   integers \eqn{1}, ..., \eqn{n} using cluster labels
#' @return A numeric vector representing \code{partition}, but now in canonical
#'   form.

asCanonical <- function(partition) {
  if (!is.numeric(partition)) {
    stop("Argument 'partition' must be a numeric vector of cluster labels.")
  temp <- integer(length(partition))
  i <- 0
  for (s in unique(partition)) {
    temp[which(partition == s)] <- i
    i <- i + 1

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

#' Identify Which Cluster Contains a Given Item
#' @param i Item index as an integer vector of length one
#' @param partition Set partition of the integers \eqn{1}, ..., \eqn{n}
#'   represented as either a numeric vector of cluster labels, or a list
#'   containing subsets of these integers
#' @return A list consisting of \describe{ \item{which}{An integer representing
#'   which cluster \code{i} belongs to} \item{cluster}{The subset of indices
#'   that correspond to the same cluster as \code{i}} }

clusterWithItem <- function(i, partition) UseMethod("clusterWithItem", partition)

clusterWithItem.numeric <- function(i, partition) {
  list(which = partition[i], cluster = which(partition == partition[i]))

clusterWithItem.list <- function(i, partition) {
  index <- which(sapply(1:length(partition), function(x) i %in% partition[[x]]))
  list(which = index, cluster = partition[[index]])

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

#' Create a New Cluster with Given Item
#' @param i Item index as an integer vector of length one
#' @param partition Set partition of the integers \eqn{1}, ..., \eqn{n}
#'   represented as either a numeric vector of cluster labels, or a list
#'   containing subsets of these integers
#' @return Updated partition with a new cluster.

createNewCluster <- function(i, partition) UseMethod("createNewCluster", partition)

createNewCluster.numeric <- function(i, partition) {
  partition[i] <- max(unique(partition))+1

createNewCluster.list <- function(i, partition) {
  removeFrom <- clusterWithItem(i, partition)$which
  partition[[removeFrom]] <- partition[[removeFrom]][partition[[removeFrom]] != i]
  partition[[length(partition) + 1]] <- i
  partition[which(lapply(partition, length) > 0)]

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

#' Join Item to an Existing Cluster
#' @param i Item index as an integer vector of length one
#' @param join Label or index of cluster that \code{i} must join
#' @param partition Set partition of the integers \eqn{1}, ..., \eqn{n}
#'   represented as either a numeric vector of cluster labels, or a list
#'   containing subsets of these integers
#' @return Updated partition.

joinExistingCluster <- function(i, join, partition) UseMethod("joinExistingCluster", partition)

joinExistingCluster.numeric <- function(i, join, partition) {
  partition[i] <- join

joinExistingCluster.list <- function(i, join, partition) {
  removeFrom <- clusterWithItem(i, partition)$which
  partition[[removeFrom]] <- partition[[removeFrom]][partition[[removeFrom]] != i]
  partition[[join]] <- sort(c(partition[[join]], i))
  partition[which(lapply(partition, length) > 0)]

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

#' Coerce a Set Partition in List Structure to Numeric Vectors of Cluster Label
#' @param partition A list representing a set partition of the integers \eqn{1},
#'   ..., \eqn{n}
#' @return A numeric vector representing the set partition using cluster labels.

asClusterLabels <- function(partition) {
  if (is.numeric(partition)) return(asCanonical(partition))
  nItems <- length(unlist(partition))
  partition <- sapply(1:nItems, function(x) clusterWithItem(x, partition)$which)

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

#' Coerce a Set Partition as Numeric Vectors of Cluster Labels to a List
#' Structure
#' @param partition A numeric vector representing a partition of the integers
#'   \eqn{1}, ..., \eqn{n} using cluster labels
#' @return The set partition in a list structure.

asSetPartition <- function(partition) {
  if (!isCanonical(partition)) partition <- asCanonical(partition)
  lapply(unique(partition), function(x) which(partition == x))

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

#' Get theta Parameters from a Numeric Vector of Cluster Labels and Unique phi
#' Values
#' @param partition A numeric vector representing a partition of the integers
#'   \eqn{1}, ..., \eqn{n} using cluster labels
#' @param phi A list of unique model parameters whose length must equal the
#'   number of unique cluster labels in \code{partition}
#' @return A numeric vector of model parameters \eqn{theta_1}, ...,
#'   \eqn{theta_n}.

getThetas <- function(partition, phi) {
  if (!isCanonical(partition)) {
    partition <- asCanonical(partition)
  if (length(phi) != length(unique(partition))) {
    stop("Length of 'phi' must equal number of unique cluster labels in 'partition'.")
  thetas <- lapply(1:length(partition), function(x) {
    phi[[partition[x] + 1]]

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

#' Enumerate Transformed Weights for Choosing i and j Non-Uniformly
#' @param m A square matrix of pairwise similarilities between items
#' @param fn A function that maps pairwise similarities. Default is the identity
#'   function.
#' @param eps A numeric value close to 0 to give some nonzero weight to pairs of
#'   items with 0 or 1 pairwise similarity
#' @export

transformedWeights <- function(m, fn = function(x) x, eps = 1e-12) {
  if (!is.function(fn)) {
    stop("Function argument 'fn' must be of type closure.")
  dims <- dim(m)
  if (dims[1] != dims[2]) {
    stop("Matrix m must be square.")
  n <- dims[1]
  indices <- expand.grid(1:n, 1:n)
  indices$keep <- as.vector(upper.tri(m))
  indices$wt <- as.vector(m)
  colnames(indices) <- c("i", "j", "keep", "wt")
  indices$wt <- sapply(indices$wt, function(i) max(eps, fn(i)))
  return(subset(indices, indices$keep == TRUE, select = c(1,2,4)))

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #

#' Compute the Pochhammer Symbol (Rising Factorials) With Increment
#' @param x Non-negative numeric value
#' @param y Non-negative real value representing increment parameter for
#'   Pochhammer function. If \code{NULL}, there is no increment (i.e.
#'   \code{y=1}).
#' @param n Non-negative integer representing subscript in Pochhammer symbol
#' @param log Logical value indicating whether to return results on log scale
#' @return A numeric value indicating the result of Pochhammer function.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # effect of increment parameter
#' poch(5, y = NULL, n = 3, log = FALSE)
#' poch(5, y = 1, n = 3, log = FALSE)
#' poch(5, y = 1:4, n = 3, log = FALSE)
#' # increment being NULL is equivalent to ratio of gamma functions
#' a <- 7
#' b <- 3
#' out1 <- poch(a, y = NULL, n = b, log = FALSE)
#' out2 <- gamma(a + b) / gamma(a)
poch <- function(x, y = NULL, n = 1, log = FALSE) {
  if (!log) {
    if (is.null(y)) {
      return(gamma(x + n) / gamma(x))
    } else {
      iter <- 0
      acc <- 1
      while(iter < n) {
        acc <- (x + iter*y) * acc
        iter <- iter + 1
  } else {
    if (is.null(y)) {
      return(lgamma(x + n) - lgamma(x))
    } else {
      iter <- 0
      acc <- 0
      while(iter < n) {
        acc <- log(x + iter*y) + acc
        iter <- iter + 1

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #

#' Compute Probability Mass of a Partition Under the Two Parameter Chinese
#' Restaurant Process (CRP)
#' @param partition A numeric vector of cluster labels, or a matrix whose rows
#'   are numeric vectors of cluster labels
#' @param mass A numeric value indicating the mass parameter in the CRP, which
#'   must be greater than the \code{-discount} argument
#' @param discount A numeric value on the interval [0,1), indicating the
#'   discount parameter of the two parameter CRP
#' @param log A logical value indicating whether results should be returned on
#'   the log scale
#' @return A numeric vector of probabilities, or log probabilities if \code{log
#'   = TRUE}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' partitions <- matrix(c(0,0,0,0,0,
#'                        0,0,0,0,1,
#'                        0,0,0,1,2,
#'                        0,0,1,2,3,
#'                        0,1,2,3,4), ncol = 5, nrow = 5, byrow = TRUE)
#' # discount = 0 shows higher probability for lower quantity of components
#' dCRP(partitions, mass = 1, discount = 0, log = FALSE)
#' # discount = 0.5 shows higher probability for higher quantity of components
#' dCRP(partitions, mass = 1, discount = 0.5, log = FALSE)

dCRP <- function(partition, mass = 1.0, discount = 0.0, log = FALSE) {
  if (discount < 0 | discount >= 1) {
    stop("Function argument 'discount' must be on the interval [0,1).")
  if (mass <= -discount) {
    stop("Function argument 'mass' must be strictly greater than then negative of the function argument 'discount'.")
  if (!is.logical(log)) {
    stop("Function argument 'log' must be either TRUE or FALSE.")

  if (!is.matrix(partition)) {
    partition <- matrix(partition, nrow = 1)
  nItems <- ncol(partition)
  nSamples <- nrow(partition)

  mkFunction <- function(m, d, log) {
    function(p) {
      sizes <- sapply(unique(p), function(x) sum(p == x))
      q <- length(sizes)
      if (d == 0) {
        if (log) {
          lgamma(m) + q*log(m) + sum(lgamma(sizes)) - lgamma(m + nItems)
        } else {
          gamma(m) * m^q * prod(gamma(sizes)) / gamma(m + nItems)
      } else {
        if (log) {
          poch(m, y = d, n = q, log = TRUE) +
            sum(poch(1-d, y = NULL, n = sizes - 1, log = TRUE)) -
            poch(m, y = NULL, n = nItems, log = TRUE)
        } else {
          poch(m, y = d, n = q, log = FALSE) *
            prod(poch(1-d, y = NULL, n = sizes - 1, log = FALSE)) /
            poch(m, y = NULL, n = nItems, log = FALSE)

  dCRP.once <- mkFunction(mass, discount, log)
  apply(partition, 1, function(z) dCRP.once(z))

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