
Defines functions has_any_name_recursive trim_ws is_string has_any_name collapse0 add_class dir.create2 file.copy2 is_connect_app is_shiny_server_app is_hosted_app is_shiny_app get_file_mtimes read_utf8 read_raw raw_to_utf8 write_utf8

# @staticimports pkg:staticimports
#  is_installed get_package_version

write_utf8 <- function(text, ...) {
  writeBin(charToRaw(enc2utf8(text)), ...)

raw_to_utf8 <- function(data) {
  res <- rawToChar(data)
  Encoding(res) <- "UTF-8"

read_raw <- function(file) {
  # If the file doesn't exist, readBin() will throw a warning and an error. We
  # really only want it to throw the error (when used in FileCache), so suppress
  # the warning. Unfortunately, the error has litle useful information; it only
  # says 'Error in file(con, "rb") : cannot open the connection'. The warning
  # contains the information about wht the actual problem is, as in 'cannot open
  # file 'asdf': No such file or directory'. For the FileCache use case, it's OK
  # to throw away that information, but for general use, it would be better to
  # use brio::read_file_raw(), because it only throws an error (no warning), and
  # the error is informative.
    readBin(file, "raw", n = file.size(file))

read_utf8 <- function(file) {
  res <- read_raw(file)

# `file` must be a character vector with files and directories. This will return
# a data frame with the mtimes of all files that are passed in, as well as the
# mtimes of files in the directories that are passed in. The data frame will not
# contain the mtimes of the directories themselves. Also, any files that were
# passed in but don't exist will not be present in the returned data frame.
get_file_mtimes <- function(files) {
  if (length(files) == 0) return(NULL)

  is_dir <- dir.exists(files)
  all_files <- c(
    dir(files[is_dir], full.names = TRUE, all.files = TRUE, recursive = TRUE, no.. = TRUE)
  rlang::set_names(file.mtime(all_files), all_files)

# Returns TRUE if this is called while a Shiny app is running; FALSE otherwise.
is_shiny_app <- function() {
  isNamespaceLoaded("shiny") && shiny::isRunning()

# Is this app hosted? Returns TRUE for both Shiny Server and RStudio Connect.
is_hosted_app <- function() {
  nzchar(Sys.getenv("SHINY_SERVER_VERSION")) && is_shiny_app()

# Is this app running on Shiny Server (and not RStudio Connect)?
is_shiny_server_app <- function() {
  is_hosted_app() && !is_connect_app()

# Is this app running on RStudio Connect (and not Shiny Server)?
is_connect_app <- function() {
  if (!is_hosted_app()) {

  info <- shiny::serverInfo()
  if (!is.null(info) && is.list(info) && identical(info$edition, "Connect")) {


# Wrapper for file.copy that throws if any files fail to copy. Use name
# file.copy2 to make clear that it's a wrapper for a base function, and not for
# fs::file_copy.
file.copy2 <- function(from, to, ...) {
  res <- file.copy(from, to, ...)
  if (!all(res)) {
    stop("Error copying files: ", paste0(from[!res], collapse = ", "))

dir.create2 <- function(path, ...) {
  res <- dir.create(path, ...)
  if (!res) {
    stop("Error creating directory: ", path)

# adds a class to the object (if possible) (if not already done)
add_class <- function(x, class_val) {
  if (is.null(x)) return(x)
  if (inherits(x, class_val)) return(x)

  class(x) <- c(class_val, class(x))

collapse0 <- function(..., collapse = "\n") {
  paste0(..., collapse = collapse)

# checks for any valid, non-"" keys in the list x
#' @importFrom  rlang have_name
has_any_name <- function(x) {

is_string <- function(x) {
  is.character(x) && length(x) == 1

trim_ws <- function(x) {
  sub("^\\s*", "", sub("\\s*$", "", x))

has_any_name_recursive <- function(x) {
  if (has_any_name(x)) {
    # if this level has a name, return true
  if (!is.list(x)) {
  # Recursively inspect list objects
  # Use for loop to pre-empty calculations
  for (item in x) {
    if (has_any_name_recursive(item)) {

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