# Estimate output from sbwcau
.estimate.sbwcau = function(object, out = NULL, digits, ...) {
if (!is(object, "sbwcau")) {
warning("Object not of class \"sbwcau\"")
ind = object$ind
if (is.null(out)) {
out = object$out
dat = object$dat_weights
if (sum(1 -, colnames(dat)))) == 0) {
stop("Please specify a correct string for out.")
fac_ind = sapply(dat, is.factor)
dat[fac_ind] = lapply(dat[fac_ind], function(x) as.numeric(as.character(x)))
if (object$par$par_est == "att") {
tre_ind = dat[, ind]
weights0 = dat$sbw_weights*(1 - tre_ind)
weights1 = dat$sbw_weights*tre_ind
n = sum(tre_ind == 1)
Y = as.matrix(dat[, out])
dat[, ind] = NULL
dat[, out] = NULL
dat$sbw_weights = NULL
dat = dat[, object$bal$bal_cov]
dat = as.matrix(dat)
# remove collinear columns
qr_dat = qr(dat, tol = 1e-9, LAPACK = FALSE)
rank_dat = qr_dat$rank
keep_dat = qr_dat$pivot[seq_len(rank_dat)]
dat = dat[, keep_dat, drop=FALSE]
tmp = cor(dat)
tmp[upper.tri(tmp)] = 0
diag(tmp) = 0
dat = dat[,!apply(tmp,2,function(x) any(x > 0.9999))]
var_cau = colMeans(as.matrix((as.matrix(n*weights1*Y - rep(1, length(weights1))%*%(weights1%*%Y)
- dat%*%solve(t(weights1*dat)%*%dat)%*%(t(weights1*dat)%*%Y)*(n*weights1 - 1)))[tre_ind == 1,])^2) +
colMeans(as.matrix((as.matrix(n*weights0*Y - rep(1, length(weights0))%*%(weights0%*%Y)
- dat%*%solve(t(weights0*dat)%*%dat)%*%(t(weights0*dat)%*%Y)*(n*weights0 - 1)))[tre_ind == 1,])^2)
sd_cau = sqrt(var_cau/n)
if (object$par$par_est == "atc") {
tre_ind = dat[, ind]
weights0 = dat$sbw_weights*(1 - tre_ind)
weights1 = dat$sbw_weights*tre_ind
n = sum(tre_ind == 0)
Y = as.matrix(dat[, out])
dat[, ind] = NULL
dat[, out] = NULL
dat$sbw_weights = NULL
dat = dat[, object$bal$bal_cov]
dat = as.matrix(dat)
# remove collinear columns
qr_dat = qr(dat, tol = 1e-9, LAPACK = FALSE)
rank_dat = qr_dat$rank
keep_dat = qr_dat$pivot[seq_len(rank_dat)]
dat = dat[, keep_dat, drop=FALSE]
tmp = cor(dat)
tmp[upper.tri(tmp)] = 0
diag(tmp) = 0
dat = dat[,!apply(tmp,2,function(x) any(x > 0.9999))]
var_cau = colMeans(as.matrix((as.matrix(n*weights1*Y - rep(1, length(weights1))%*%(weights1%*%Y)
- dat%*%solve(t(weights1*dat)%*%dat)%*%(t(weights1*dat)%*%Y)*(n*weights1 - 1)))[tre_ind == 0,])^2) +
colMeans(as.matrix((as.matrix(n*weights0*Y - rep(1, length(weights0))%*%(weights0%*%Y)
- dat%*%solve(t(weights0*dat)%*%dat)%*%(t(weights0*dat)%*%Y)*(n*weights0 - 1)))[tre_ind == 0,])^2)
sd_cau = sqrt(var_cau/n)
if (object$par$par_est == "ate") {
tre_ind = dat[, ind]
weights0 = dat$sbw_weights*(1 - tre_ind)
weights1 = dat$sbw_weights*tre_ind
n = length(weights0)
Y = as.matrix(dat[, out])
dat[, ind] = NULL
dat[, out] = NULL
dat$sbw_weights = NULL
dat = dat[, object$bal$bal_cov]
dat = as.matrix(dat)
# remove collinear columns
qr_dat = qr(dat, tol = 1e-9, LAPACK = FALSE)
rank_dat = qr_dat$rank
keep_dat = qr_dat$pivot[seq_len(rank_dat)]
dat = dat[, keep_dat, drop=FALSE]
tmp = cor(dat)
tmp[upper.tri(tmp)] = 0
diag(tmp) = 0
dat = dat[,!apply(tmp,2,function(x) any(x > 0.9999))]
var_cau = colMeans((as.matrix(n*weights1*Y - rep(1, length(weights1))%*%(weights1%*%Y)
- dat%*%solve(t(weights1*dat)%*%dat)%*%(t(weights1*dat)%*%Y)*(n*weights1 - 1)))^2) +
colMeans((as.matrix(n*weights0*Y - rep(1, length(weights0))%*%(weights0%*%Y)
- dat%*%solve(t(weights0*dat)%*%dat)%*%(t(weights0*dat)%*%Y)*(n*weights0 - 1)))^2)
sd_cau = sqrt(var_cau/n)
if (object$par$par_est == "cate") {
if (is(object$par$par_tar, "character")) {
dat = subset(dat, eval(parse(text = object$par$par_tar)))
dat[fac_ind] = NULL
} else if (is(object$par$par_tar, "numeric")) {
if (sum(fac_ind) >= 1) {
dat = dat[apply(dat[fac_ind] == object$par$par_tar[match(names(fac_ind), names(object$par$par_tar))][fac_ind], 1, prod, na.rm = TRUE) %in% 1,]
dat[fac_ind] = NULL
tre_ind = dat[, ind]
weights0 = dat$sbw_weights*(1 - tre_ind)
weights1 = dat$sbw_weights*tre_ind
n = length(weights0)
Y = as.matrix(dat[, out])
dat[, ind] = NULL
dat[, out] = NULL
dat$sbw_weights = NULL
dat = dat[, object$bal$bal_cov[!(object$bal$bal_cov %in% names(which(fac_ind == TRUE)))]]
dat = as.matrix(dat)
# remove collinear columns
qr_dat = qr(dat, tol = 1e-9, LAPACK = FALSE)
rank_dat = qr_dat$rank
keep_dat = qr_dat$pivot[seq_len(rank_dat)]
dat = dat[, keep_dat, drop=FALSE]
tmp = cor(dat)
tmp[upper.tri(tmp)] = 0
diag(tmp) = 0
dat = dat[,!apply(tmp,2,function(x) any(x > 0.9999))]
var_cau = colMeans((as.matrix(n*weights1*Y - rep(1, length(weights1))%*%(weights1%*%Y)
- dat%*%solve(t(weights1*dat)%*%dat)%*%(t(weights1*dat)%*%Y)*(n*weights1 - 1)))^2) +
colMeans((as.matrix(n*weights0*Y - rep(1, length(weights0))%*%(weights0%*%Y)
- dat%*%solve(t(weights0*dat)%*%dat)%*%(t(weights0*dat)%*%Y)*(n*weights0 - 1)))^2)
sd_cau = sqrt(var_cau/n)
estimates = crossprod(weights1 - weights0, Y)
estimates = as.vector(estimates)
cau_table = cbind(estimates, sd_cau, estimates/sd_cau,
2*pt(q = abs(estimates/sd_cau), df = n - 1, lower.tail = FALSE),
estimates + sd_cau*qt(0.025, n-1),
estimates + sd_cau*qt(0.975, n-1))
rownames(cau_table) = out
colnames(cau_table) = c("Estimate", "Std. Error", "t value", "Pr(>|t|)", "2.5 %", "97.5 %")
cat(paste(toupper(object$par$par_est), ": ", sep = ""), "\n")
print(cau_table, digits = digits)
invisible(list(cau_table = cau_table))
# Estimate output from sbwpop
.estimate.sbwpop = function(object, out = NULL, digits, ...) {
if (!is(object, "sbwpop")) {
warning("Object not of class \"sbwpop\"")
if (object$par$par_est == "pop") {
ind = object$ind
if (is.null(out)) {
out = object$out
dat = object$dat_weights
if (sum(1 -, colnames(dat)))) == 0) {
stop("Please specify a correct string for out.")
fac_ind = sapply(dat, is.factor)
dat[fac_ind] = lapply(dat[fac_ind], function(x) as.numeric(as.character(x)))
if (is(object$par$par_tar, "character")) {
dat = subset(dat, eval(parse(text = object$par$par_tar)))
dat[fac_ind] = NULL
} else if (is(object$par$par_tar, "numeric")) {
if (sum(fac_ind) >= 1) {
dat = dat[apply(dat[fac_ind] == object$par$par_tar[match(names(fac_ind), names(object$par$par_tar))][fac_ind], 1, prod, na.rm = TRUE) %in% 1,]
dat[fac_ind] = NULL
tre_ind = dat[, ind]
dat = dat[tre_ind == 0,]
weights = dat$sbw_weights
n = length(weights)
Y = as.matrix(dat[, out])
dat[, ind] = NULL
dat[, out] = NULL
dat$sbw_weights = NULL
dat = dat[, object$bal$bal_cov[!(object$bal$bal_cov %in% names(which(fac_ind == TRUE)))]]
dat = as.matrix(dat)
# remove collinear columns
qr_dat = qr(dat, tol = 1e-9, LAPACK = FALSE)
rank_dat = qr_dat$rank
keep_dat = qr_dat$pivot[seq_len(rank_dat)]
dat = dat[, keep_dat, drop=FALSE]
tmp = cor(dat)
tmp[upper.tri(tmp)] = 0
diag(tmp) = 0
dat = dat[,!apply(tmp,2,function(x) any(x > 0.9999))]
var_pop = colMeans((as.matrix(n*weights*Y - rep(1, length(weights))%*%(weights%*%Y)
- dat%*%solve(t(weights*dat)%*%dat)%*%(t(weights*dat)%*%Y)*(n*weights - 1)))^2)
sd_pop = sqrt(var_pop/n)
estimates = crossprod(weights, Y)
estimates = as.vector(estimates)
pop_table = cbind(estimates, sd_pop, estimates/sd_pop,
2*pt(q = abs(estimates/sd_pop), df = n - 1, lower.tail = FALSE),
estimates + sd_pop*qt(0.025, n-1),
estimates + sd_pop*qt(0.975, n-1))
rownames(pop_table) = out
colnames(pop_table) = c("Estimate", "Std. Error", "t value", "Pr(>|t|)", "2.5 %", "97.5 %")
cat(paste(toupper(object$par$par_est), ": ", sep = ""), "\n")
print(pop_table, digits = digits)
invisible(list(pop_table = pop_table))
# Estimate output from sbwaux
.estimate.sbwaux = function(object, out = NULL, digits, ...) {
if (!is(object, "sbwaux")) {
warning("Object not of class \"sbwaux\"")
if (object$par$par_est == "aux") {
if (is.null(out)) {
out = object$out
dat = object$dat_weights
if (sum(1 -, colnames(dat)))) == 0) {
stop("Please specify a correct string for out.")
fac_ind = sapply(dat, is.factor)
dat[fac_ind] = lapply(dat[fac_ind], function(x) as.numeric(as.character(x)))
if (is(object$par$par_tar, "numeric")) {
if (sum(fac_ind) >= 1) {
dat = dat[apply(dat[fac_ind] == object$par$par_tar[match(names(fac_ind), names(object$par$par_tar))][fac_ind], 1, prod, na.rm = TRUE) %in% 1,]
dat[fac_ind] = NULL
weights = dat$sbw_weights
n = length(weights)
Y = as.matrix(dat[, out])
dat = dat[, object$bal$bal_cov[!(object$bal$bal_cov %in% names(which(fac_ind == TRUE)))]]
dat = as.matrix(dat)
# remove collinear columns
qr_dat = qr(dat, tol = 1e-9, LAPACK = FALSE)
rank_dat = qr_dat$rank
keep_dat = qr_dat$pivot[seq_len(rank_dat)]
dat = dat[, keep_dat, drop=FALSE]
tmp = cor(dat)
tmp[upper.tri(tmp)] = 0
diag(tmp) = 0
dat = dat[,!apply(tmp,2,function(x) any(x > 0.9999))]
var_aux = colMeans((as.matrix(n*weights*Y - rep(1, length(weights))%*%(weights%*%Y)
- dat%*%solve(t(weights*dat)%*%dat)%*%(t(weights*dat)%*%Y)*(n*weights - 1)))^2)
sd_aux = sqrt(var_aux/n)
estimates = crossprod(weights, Y)
estimates = as.vector(estimates)
aux_table = cbind(estimates, sd_aux, estimates/sd_aux,
2*pt(q = abs(estimates/sd_aux), df = n - 1, lower.tail = FALSE),
estimates + sd_aux*qt(0.025, n-1),
estimates + sd_aux*qt(0.975, n-1))
rownames(aux_table) = out
colnames(aux_table) = c("Estimate", "Std. Error", "t value", "Pr(>|t|)", "2.5 %", "97.5 %")
cat(paste(toupper(object$par$par_est), ": ", sep = ""), "\n")
print(aux_table, digits = digits)
invisible(list(aux_table = aux_table))
#' Estimate causal contrasts and population means
#' @description Function for estimating causal contrasts and population means using the output from \code{\link[sbw]{sbw}}.
#' @param object an object from function \code{\link[sbw]{sbw}}.
#' @param out outcome, a vector of strings with the names of the outcome variables. The default is the \code{out} argument from the \code{object}.
#' @param digits a scalar with the number of significant digits used to display the estimates. The default is \code{6}.
#' @param ... ignored arguments.
#' @return An estimate for the estimand of interest.
#' The standard error is calculated by robust sandwich variance estimator.
#' @examples
#' # Please see the examples in the function sbw below.
#' @export
estimate = function(object, out = NULL, digits = 6, ...) {
if (is(object, "sbwcau")) {
.estimate.sbwcau(object, out = out, digits = digits, ...)
} else if (is(object, "sbwpop")) {
.estimate.sbwpop(object, out = out, digits = digits, ...)
} else if (is(object, "sbwaux")) {
.estimate.sbwaux(object, out = out, digits = digits, ...)
} else stop("Please use one of the calls from sbw.")
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