.filter_ndata <- function(ndata) {
gene_sum <- as.numeric(apply(ndata, 1, sum))
ndata <- ndata[which(gene_sum > 0), ]
.percent_cell <- function(x) {
return(length(x[x > 0])/length(x))
.filter_marker <- function(marker, species, cancer, tissue) {
if (is.null(species)) {
stop("Please provide the correct species, 'Human' or 'Mouse'!")
if (length(species) != 1) {
stop("Please provide the correct species, 'Human' or 'Mouse'!")
if (!species %in% c("Human", "Mouse")) {
stop("Please provide the correct species, 'Human' or 'Mouse'!")
marker <- marker[marker$species == species, ]
if (cancer == "Normal") {
marker <- marker[marker$cancer == "Normal", ]
# check tissue
if (is.null(tissue)) {
stop("Please define the origin tissue of cells! Select one or more related tissue types.")
tissue_match <- NULL
# check the tissue
tissue_match <- tissue %in% marker$tissue
tissue_match <- which(tissue_match == FALSE)
if (length(tissue_match) > 0) {
stop(paste(tissue[tissue_match], ", not matched with the tissue types in CellMatch database!", sep = ""))
marker <- marker[marker$tissue %in% tissue, ]
cellmarkers <- marker$gene
tissue1 <- tissue[1]
if (length(tissue) > 1) {
for (i in 2:length(tissue)) {
tissue1 <- paste(tissue1, tissue[i], sep = ", ")
if (length(cellmarkers) < 100) {
warning(paste("There are only ", length(cellmarkers), " potential marker genes in CellMatch database for ",
species, " on ", tissue1, "!", sep = ""))
if (length(cellmarkers) >= 100) {
message(paste("There are ", length(cellmarkers), " potential marker genes in CellMatch database for ", species,
" on ", tissue1, ".", sep = ""))
} else {
# check cancer
cancer_match <- NULL
# check the tissue
cancer_match <- cancer %in% marker$cancer
cancer_match <- which(cancer_match == FALSE)
if (length(cancer_match) > 0) {
stop(paste(cancer[cancer_match], ", not matched with the cancer types in CellMatch database!", sep = ""))
marker <- marker[marker$cancer %in% cancer, ]
# check tissue
if (is.null(tissue)) {
stop("Please define the origin tissue of cells! Select one or more related tissue types.")
tissue_match <- NULL
# check the tissue
tissue_match <- tissue %in% marker$tissue
tissue_match <- which(tissue_match == FALSE)
if (length(tissue_match) > 0) {
stop(paste(tissue[tissue_match], ", not matched with the tissue types in CellMatch database!", sep = ""))
marker <- marker[marker$tissue %in% tissue, ]
cellmarkers <- marker$gene
cancer1 <- cancer[1]
if (length(cancer) > 1) {
for (i in 2:length(cancer)) {
cancer1 <- paste(cancer1, cancer[i], sep = ", ")
tissue1 <- tissue[1]
if (length(tissue) > 1) {
for (i in 2:length(tissue)) {
tissue1 <- paste(tissue1, tissue[i], sep = ", ")
if (length(cellmarkers) < 100) {
warning(paste("There are only ", length(cellmarkers), " potential marker genes in CellMatch database for ",
species, " ", cancer1, " on ", tissue1, "!", sep = ""))
if (length(cellmarkers) >= 100) {
message(paste("There are ", length(cellmarkers), " potential marker genes in CellMatch database for ", species,
" ", cancer1, " on ", tissue1, ".", sep = ""))
.get_clu_pair <- function(meta, cluster) {
clu_num <- unique(meta$cluster)
clu_pair <- NULL
for (i in 1:length(clu_num)) {
d1 <- data.frame(cluster1 = rep(clu_num[i], (length(clu_num) - 1)), cluster2 = clu_num[-i], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
clu_pair <- rbind(clu_pair, d1)
if (cluster[1] != "All") {
cluster_match <- cluster %in% clu_num
cluster_match <- which(cluster_match == FALSE)
if (length(cluster_match) > 0) {
stop(paste(cluster[cluster_match], ", not matched with the cell clusters! Please select one or more related clusters.",
sep = ""))
clu_pair <- clu_pair[clu_pair$cluster1 %in% cluster, ]
clu_num1 <- clu_num[clu_num %in% cluster]
return(list(clu_pair = clu_pair, clu_num = clu_num1))
} else {
return(list(clu_pair = clu_pair, clu_num = clu_num))
.get_pct_ndata1 <- function(ndata1) {
ndata1_pct <- apply(ndata1, 1, .percent_cell)
.get_pvalue <- function(ndata1, ndata2) {
clu_marker_pvalue <- rep(1, nrow(ndata1))
# assigning pct and pvalue
for (k in 1:nrow(ndata1)) {
genedata1 <- as.numeric(ndata1[k, ])
genedata2 <- as.numeric(ndata2[k, ])
clu_marker_pvalue[k] <- as.numeric(stats::wilcox.test(genedata1, genedata2, alternative = "greater", paired = FALSE)$p.value)
.get_marker <- function(ndata, meta, ndata1, clu_pair1, logfc, pvalue, pct_ndata1, cell_min_pct) {
clu_marker1 <- NULL
ndata_temp <- ndata[rownames(ndata1), ]
for (j in 1:nrow(clu_pair1)) {
clu_marker2 <- = 0, nrow = nrow(ndata_temp), ncol = 6))
colnames(clu_marker2) <- c("cluster", "gene", "pct", "comp_cluster", "logfc", "pvalue")
clu_marker2$cluster <- unique(clu_pair1$cluster1)
clu_marker2$gene <- rownames(ndata_temp)
clu_marker2$comp_cluster <- clu_pair1$cluster2[j]
clu_marker2$pct <- pct_ndata1
# extract normalized data of pair wise clusters
ndata2 <- ndata_temp[, meta[meta$cluster == clu_pair1$cluster2[j], ]$cell]
clu_marker2$logfc <- as.numeric(apply(ndata1, 1, mean)) - as.numeric(apply(ndata2, 1, mean))
clu_marker2$pvalue <- .get_pvalue(ndata1, ndata2)
# filtering genes with cell_min_pct logfc
clu_marker2 <- clu_marker2[clu_marker2$pct >= cell_min_pct & clu_marker2$logfc >= logfc & clu_marker2$pvalue < pvalue, ]
if (nrow(clu_marker2) > 0) {
# combine the results for each cluster
clu_marker1 <- rbind(clu_marker1, clu_marker2)
.get_marker_scCATCH1 <- function(ndata, meta, cluster, clu_num, clu_pair, cell_min_pct, logfc, pvalue, comp_cluster, verbose) {
# generating result file
clu_marker <- NULL
# calculate the p value and log fold change
pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(format = "[:bar] Finished::percent Time :elapsedfull", total = length(clu_num), clear = FALSE,
width = 60, complete = "+", incomplete = "-")
for (i in 1:length(clu_num)) {
clu_pair1 <- clu_pair[clu_pair$cluster1 == clu_num[i], ]
ndata1 <- ndata[, meta[meta$cluster == clu_num[i], ]$cell]
pct_ndata1 <- .get_pct_ndata1(ndata1)
clu_marker1 <- .get_marker(ndata, meta, ndata1, clu_pair1, logfc, pvalue, pct_ndata1, cell_min_pct)
# generating result file for each cluster
if (is.null(comp_cluster)) {
comp_cluster <- length(cluster) - 1
} else {
if (comp_cluster > (length(cluster) - 1)) {
stop("comp_cluster must be less than the length of unique cluster number!")
if (!is.null(clu_marker1)) {
if (nrow(clu_marker1) > 0) {
d1 <-$gene), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
d1 <- d1[d1$Freq >= comp_cluster, ]
if (nrow(d1) > 0) {
clu_marker1 <- clu_marker1[clu_marker1$gene %in% d1$Var1, ]
clu_marker <- rbind(clu_marker, clu_marker1)
if (verbose) {
.get_marker_scCATCH2 <- function(ndata, meta, cluster, clu_num, clu_pair, cell_min_pct, logfc, pvalue, verbose) {
# generating result file
clu_marker <- NULL
# calculate the p value and log fold change
pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(format = "[:bar] Finished::percent Time :elapsedfull", total = length(clu_num), clear = FALSE,
width = 60, complete = "+", incomplete = "-")
for (i in 1:length(clu_num)) {
clu_pair1 <- clu_pair[clu_pair$cluster1 == clu_num[i], ]
ndata1 <- ndata[, meta[meta$cluster == clu_num[i], ]$cell]
pct_ndata1 <- .get_pct_ndata1(ndata1)
ndata1 <- ndata1[which(pct_ndata1 >= cell_min_pct), ]
ndata_temp <- ndata[rownames(ndata1), ]
pct_ndata1 <- .get_pct_ndata1(ndata_temp)
clu_marker2 <- = 0, nrow = nrow(ndata_temp), ncol = 5))
colnames(clu_marker2) <- c("cluster", "gene", "pct", "logfc", "pvalue")
clu_marker2$cluster <- unique(clu_pair1$cluster1)
clu_marker2$gene <- rownames(ndata_temp)
clu_marker2$pct <- pct_ndata1
# extract normalized data of pair wise clusters
ndata2 <- ndata_temp[, meta[meta$cluster %in% clu_pair1$cluster2, ]$cell]
clu_marker2$logfc <- as.numeric(apply(ndata1, 1, mean)) - as.numeric(apply(ndata2, 1, mean))
clu_marker2$pvalue <- .get_pvalue(ndata1, ndata2)
# filtering genes with cell_min_pct logfc
clu_marker2 <- clu_marker2[clu_marker2$pct >= cell_min_pct & clu_marker2$logfc >= logfc & clu_marker2$pvalue < pvalue, ]
# combine the results for each cluster
clu_marker <- rbind(clu_marker, clu_marker2)
if (verbose) {
.get_score <- function(clu_ann) {
# [1]
clu_ann_cellname <-$celltype), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
m <- clu_ann_cellname$Freq + 1
clu_ann_cellname$Freq <- clu_ann_cellname$Freq/m
clu_ann_cellname <- clu_ann_cellname[order(clu_ann_cellname$Var1), ]
# [2]
clu_ann_article <- unique(clu_ann[, c("pmid", "celltype")])
clu_ann_article <-$celltype), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
m <- clu_ann_article$Freq + 1
clu_ann_article$Freq <- clu_ann_article$Freq/m
clu_ann_article <- clu_ann_article[order(clu_ann_article$Var1), ]
# scoring and select
clu_ann_cellname$Freq <- sqrt(clu_ann_article$Freq * clu_ann_cellname$Freq)
clu_ann_cellname <- clu_ann_cellname[clu_ann_cellname$Freq == max(clu_ann_cellname$Freq), ]
.get_score_subtype <- function(clu_ann1) {
clu_ann_subcellname <-$value), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
m <- clu_ann_subcellname$Freq + 1
clu_ann_subcellname$Freq <- clu_ann_subcellname$Freq/m
clu_ann_subcellname <- clu_ann_subcellname[order(clu_ann_subcellname$Var1), ]
clu_ann_subarticle <- unique(clu_ann1[, c("pmid", "value")])
clu_ann_subarticle <-$value), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
m <- clu_ann_subarticle$Freq + 1
clu_ann_subarticle$Freq <- clu_ann_subarticle$Freq/m
clu_ann_subarticle <- clu_ann_subarticle[order(clu_ann_subarticle$Var1), ]
clu_ann_subcellname$Freq <- sqrt(clu_ann_subcellname$Freq * clu_ann_subarticle$Freq)
clu_ann_subcellname <- clu_ann_subcellname[clu_ann_subcellname$Freq == max(clu_ann_subcellname$Freq), ]
clu_ann_subcellname <- clu_ann_subcellname[clu_ann_subcellname$Freq > 0.5, ]
.get_clu_ann <- function(clu_markergene, marker) {
clu_ann <- marker[marker$gene %in% clu_markergene, ]
clu_ann_cellname <- .get_score(clu_ann)
celltype <- clu_ann_cellname$Var1
celltype_score <- round(clu_ann_cellname$Freq, digits = 2)
clu_marker <- unique(clu_ann[clu_ann$celltype %in% clu_ann_cellname$Var1, ]$gene)
PMID <- unique(clu_ann[clu_ann$celltype %in% clu_ann_cellname$Var1, ]$pmid)
if (nrow(clu_ann_cellname) == 1) {
res <- .get_clu_ann_subtype(clu_ann, clu_ann_cellname, celltype, celltype_score, clu_marker, PMID)
} else {
res <- list(cellsubtype1 = "NA",cellsubtype2 = "NA",cellsubtype3 = "NA",celltype = celltype,celltype_score = celltype_score,clu_marker = clu_marker,PMID = PMID)
.get_clu_ann_subtype <- function(clu_ann, clu_ann_cellname, celltype, celltype_score, clu_marker, PMID) {
cellsubtype1 <- "NA"
cellsubtype2 <- "NA"
cellsubtype3 <- "NA"
# matching cell subtype to determine the start
clu_ann1 <- clu_ann[clu_ann$celltype == clu_ann_cellname$Var1, ]
clu_ann1 <- clu_ann1[, c("gene", "pmid", "subtype3", "subtype2", "subtype1")]
clu_ann1$row <- 1:nrow(clu_ann1)
clu_ann1$row <- as.character(clu_ann1$row)
clu_ann1 <- clu_ann1[, c(6, 1:5)]
clu_ann1 <- reshape2::melt(data = clu_ann1, id.vars = 1:3, measure.vars = c("subtype3", "subtype2", "subtype1"))
clu_ann1 <-
clu_ann1$variable <- as.character(clu_ann1$variable)
clu_ann1 <- clu_ann1[!$value), ]
# exist cell subtype
if (nrow(clu_ann1) > 0) {
clu_ann_subcellname <- .get_score_subtype(clu_ann1)
if (nrow(clu_ann_subcellname) == 1) {
clu_ann_for_det <- clu_ann1[clu_ann1$value == clu_ann_subcellname$Var1, ]
# max cell subtype label exist in subtype1
if (unique(clu_ann_for_det$variable == "subtype1")) {
cellsubtype1 <- unique(clu_ann_for_det$value)
clu_marker <- unique(clu_ann_for_det[clu_ann_for_det$value %in% cellsubtype1, ]$gene)
PMID <- unique(clu_ann_for_det[clu_ann_for_det$value %in% cellsubtype1, ]$pmid)
clu_ann_for_second <- clu_ann1[clu_ann1$variable == "subtype2", ]
# exist cell second subtype2
if (nrow(clu_ann_for_second) > 0) {
# calculting the second cell subtype2 max score of the same cell type -- short name.
clu_second <- clu_ann1[clu_ann1$variable == "subtype2", ]
clu_second_name <-$value), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
m <- clu_second_name$Freq + 1
clu_second_name$Freq <- clu_second_name$Freq/m
clu_second_name <- clu_second_name[order(clu_second_name$Var1), ]
clu_second_article <- unique(clu_second[, c("pmid", "value")])
clu_second_article <-$value), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
m <- clu_second_article$Freq + 1
clu_second_article$Freq <- clu_second_article$Freq/m
clu_second_article <- clu_second_article[order(clu_second_article$Var1), ]
clu_second_name$Freq <- sqrt(clu_second_name$Freq * clu_second_article$Freq)
# matching cell second subtype2
clu_ann_second <- clu_ann[clu_ann$subtype1 == cellsubtype1, ]
clu_ann_second <- clu_ann_second[!$subtype1), ]
clu_ann_secondname <-$subtype2), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
if (nrow(clu_ann_secondname) > 0) {
m <- clu_ann_secondname$Freq + 1
clu_ann_secondname$Freq <- clu_ann_secondname$Freq/m
clu_ann_secondname <- clu_ann_secondname[order(clu_ann_secondname$Var1), ]
clu_ann_secondarticle <- unique(clu_ann_second[, c("pmid", "subtype2")])
clu_ann_secondarticle <-$subtype2), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
m <- clu_ann_secondarticle$Freq + 1
clu_ann_secondarticle$Freq <- clu_ann_secondarticle$Freq/m
clu_ann_secondarticle <- clu_ann_secondarticle[order(clu_ann_secondarticle$Var1), ]
# cell second subtype2 scoring and compare with max second subtype2 score
clu_ann_secondname$Freq <- sqrt(clu_ann_secondname$Freq * clu_ann_secondarticle$Freq)
clu_ann_secondname <- clu_ann_secondname[clu_ann_secondname$Freq == max(clu_ann_secondname$Freq), ]
clu_ann_secondname <- clu_ann_secondname[(clu_ann_secondname$Freq > 0.5) & (clu_ann_secondname$Freq >= max(clu_second_name$Freq)), ]
if (nrow(clu_ann_secondname) == 1) {
cellsubtype2 <- clu_ann_secondname$Var1
clu_marker <- unique(clu_ann1[clu_ann1$value %in% cellsubtype2, ]$gene)
PMID <- unique(clu_ann1[clu_ann1$value %in% cellsubtype2, ]$pmid)
clu_ann_for_third <- clu_ann1[clu_ann1$variable == "subtype3", ]
# exist cell third subtype3
if (nrow(clu_ann_for_third) > 0) {
# calculting the third cell subtype3 max score of the same cell type -- short name.
clu_third <- clu_ann1[clu_ann1$variable == "subtype3", ]
clu_third_name <-$value), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
m <- clu_third_name$Freq + 1
clu_third_name$Freq <- clu_third_name$Freq/m
clu_third_name <- clu_third_name[order(clu_third_name$Var1), ]
clu_third_article <- unique(clu_third[, c("pmid", "value")])
clu_third_article <-$value), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
m <- clu_third_article$Freq + 1
clu_third_article$Freq <- clu_third_article$Freq/m
clu_third_article <- clu_third_article[order(clu_third_article$Var1), ]
clu_third_name$Freq <- sqrt(clu_third_name$Freq * clu_third_article$Freq)
# matching cell third subtype3
clu_ann_third <- clu_ann_second[clu_ann_second$subtype2 == cellsubtype2, ]
clu_ann_third <- clu_ann_third[!$subtype2), ]
clu_ann_thirdname <-$subtype3), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
if (nrow(clu_ann_thirdname) > 0) {
m <- clu_ann_thirdname$Freq + 1
clu_ann_thirdname$Freq <- clu_ann_thirdname$Freq/m
clu_ann_thirdname <- clu_ann_thirdname[order(clu_ann_thirdname$Var1), ]
clu_ann_thirdarticle <- unique(clu_ann_third[, c("pmid", "subtype3")])
clu_ann_thirdarticle <-$subtype3), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
m <- clu_ann_thirdarticle$Freq + 1
clu_ann_thirdarticle$Freq <- clu_ann_thirdarticle$Freq/m
clu_ann_thirdarticle <- clu_ann_thirdarticle[order(clu_ann_thirdarticle$Var1), ]
# cell third subtype3 scoring and compare with max first subtype score
clu_ann_thirdname$Freq <- sqrt(clu_ann_thirdname$Freq * clu_ann_thirdarticle$Freq)
clu_ann_thirdname <- clu_ann_thirdname[clu_ann_thirdname$Freq == max(clu_ann_thirdname$Freq), ]
clu_ann_thirdname <- clu_ann_thirdname[(clu_ann_thirdname$Freq > 0.5) & (clu_ann_thirdname$Freq >= max(clu_third_name$Freq)), ]
# Number of (cell third subtype3 with max score) >= 1 -- output -- last
if (nrow(clu_ann_thirdname) >= 1) {
cellsubtype3 <- clu_ann_thirdname$Var1
clu_marker <- unique(clu_ann1[clu_ann1$value %in% cellsubtype3, ]$gene)
PMID <- unique(clu_ann1[clu_ann1$value %in% cellsubtype3, ]$pmid)
# max cell subtype label exist in subtype2
if (unique(clu_ann_for_det$variable == "subtype2")) {
cellsubtype2 <- unique(clu_ann_for_det$value)
clu_marker <- unique(clu_ann_for_det[clu_ann_for_det$value %in% cellsubtype2, ]$gene)
PMID <- unique(clu_ann_for_det[clu_ann_for_det$value %in% cellsubtype2, ]$pmid)
clu_ann_for_first <- clu_ann1[clu_ann1$variable == "subtype1", ]
# exist cell first subtype1
if (nrow(clu_ann_for_first) > 0) {
# calculting the cell first subtype1 max score of the same cell type -- short name.
clu_first <- clu_ann1[clu_ann1$variable == "subtype1", ]
clu_first_name <-$value), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
m <- clu_first_name$Freq + 1
clu_first_name$Freq <- clu_first_name$Freq/m
clu_first_name <- clu_first_name[order(clu_first_name$Var1), ]
clu_first_article <- unique(clu_first[, c("pmid", "value")])
clu_first_article <-$value), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
m <- clu_first_article$Freq + 1
clu_first_article$Freq <- clu_first_article$Freq/m
clu_first_article <- clu_first_article[order(clu_first_article$Var1), ]
clu_first_name$Freq <- sqrt(clu_first_name$Freq * clu_first_article$Freq)
# matching cell first subtype1
clu_ann_first <- clu_ann[clu_ann$subtype2 == cellsubtype2, ]
clu_ann_first <- clu_ann_first[!$subtype2), ]
clu_ann_firstname <-$subtype1), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
if (nrow(clu_ann_firstname) > 0) {
m <- clu_ann_firstname$Freq + 1
clu_ann_firstname$Freq <- clu_ann_firstname$Freq/m
clu_ann_firstname <- clu_ann_firstname[order(clu_ann_firstname$Var1), ]
clu_ann_firstarticle <- unique(clu_ann_first[, c("pmid", "subtype1")])
clu_ann_firstarticle <-$subtype1), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
m <- clu_ann_firstarticle$Freq + 1
clu_ann_firstarticle$Freq <- clu_ann_firstarticle$Freq/m
clu_ann_firstarticle <- clu_ann_firstarticle[order(clu_ann_firstarticle$Var1), ]
# cell first subtype1 scoring and compare with max first subtype1 score
clu_ann_firstname$Freq <- sqrt(clu_ann_firstname$Freq * clu_ann_firstarticle$Freq)
clu_ann_firstname <- clu_ann_firstname[clu_ann_firstname$Freq == max(clu_ann_firstname$Freq), ]
clu_ann_firstname <- clu_ann_firstname[(clu_ann_firstname$Freq > 0.5) & (clu_ann_firstname$Freq >= max(clu_ann_firstname$Freq)), ]
if (nrow(clu_ann_firstname) == 1) {
cellsubtype1 <- clu_ann_firstname$Var1
clu_marker <- unique(clu_ann1[clu_ann1$value %in% cellsubtype1, ]$gene)
PMID <- unique(clu_ann1[clu_ann1$value %in% cellsubtype1, ]$pmid)
clu_ann_for_third <- clu_ann1[clu_ann1$variable == "subtype3", ]
# exist cell third subtype3
if (nrow(clu_ann_for_third) > 0) {
# calculting the third cell subtype3 max score of the same cell type -- short name.
clu_third <- clu_ann1[clu_ann1$variable == "subtype3", ]
clu_third_name <-$value), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
m <- clu_third_name$Freq + 1
clu_third_name$Freq <- clu_third_name$Freq/m
clu_third_name <- clu_third_name[order(clu_third_name$Var1), ]
clu_third_article <- unique(clu_third[, c("pmid", "value")])
clu_third_article <-$value), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
m <- clu_third_article$Freq + 1
clu_third_article$Freq <- clu_third_article$Freq/m
clu_third_article <- clu_third_article[order(clu_third_article$Var1), ]
clu_third_name$Freq <- sqrt(clu_third_name$Freq * clu_third_article$Freq)
# matching cell third subtype3
clu_ann_third <- clu_ann_first[clu_ann_first$subtype1 == cellsubtype1, ]
clu_ann_third <- clu_ann_third[!$subtype1), ]
clu_ann_thirdname <-$subtype3), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
if (nrow(clu_ann_thirdname) > 0) {
m <- clu_ann_thirdname$Freq + 1
clu_ann_thirdname$Freq <- clu_ann_thirdname$Freq/m
clu_ann_thirdname <- clu_ann_thirdname[order(clu_ann_thirdname$Var1), ]
clu_ann_thirdarticle <- unique(clu_ann_third[, c("pmid", "subtype3")])
clu_ann_thirdarticle <-$subtype3), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
m <- clu_ann_thirdarticle$Freq + 1
clu_ann_thirdarticle$Freq <- clu_ann_thirdarticle$Freq/m
clu_ann_thirdarticle <- clu_ann_thirdarticle[order(clu_ann_thirdarticle$Var1), ]
# cell third subtype3 scoring and compare with max first subtype score
clu_ann_thirdname$Freq <- sqrt(clu_ann_thirdname$Freq * clu_ann_thirdarticle$Freq)
clu_ann_thirdname <- clu_ann_thirdname[clu_ann_thirdname$Freq == max(clu_ann_thirdname$Freq), ]
clu_ann_thirdname <- clu_ann_thirdname[(clu_ann_thirdname$Freq > 0.5) & (clu_ann_thirdname$Freq >=
max(clu_third_name$Freq)), ]
# Number of (cell third subtype3 with max score) >= 1 -- output -- last
if (nrow(clu_ann_thirdname) >= 1) {
cellsubtype3 <- clu_ann_thirdname$Var1
clu_marker <- unique(clu_ann1[clu_ann1$value %in% cellsubtype3, ]$gene)
PMID <- unique(clu_ann1[clu_ann1$value %in% cellsubtype3, ]$pmid)
# max cell subtype label exist in subtype3
if (unique(clu_ann_for_det$variable == "subtype3")) {
cellsubtype3 <- unique(clu_ann_for_det$value)
clu_marker <- unique(clu_ann_for_det[clu_ann_for_det$value %in% cellsubtype3, ]$gene)
PMID <- unique(clu_ann_for_det[clu_ann_for_det$value %in% cellsubtype3, ]$pmid)
clu_ann_for_second <- clu_ann1[clu_ann1$variable == "subtype2", ]
# exist cell second subtype2
if (nrow(clu_ann_for_second) > 0) {
# calculting the second cell subtype2 max score of the same cell type
clu_second <- clu_ann1[clu_ann1$variable == "subtype2", ]
clu_second_name <-$value), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
m <- clu_second_name$Freq + 1
clu_second_name$Freq <- clu_second_name$Freq/m
clu_second_name <- clu_second_name[order(clu_second_name$Var1), ]
clu_second_article <- unique(clu_second[, c("pmid", "value")])
clu_second_article <-$value), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
m <- clu_second_article$Freq + 1
clu_second_article$Freq <- clu_second_article$Freq/m
clu_second_article <- clu_second_article[order(clu_second_article$Var1), ]
clu_second_name$Freq <- sqrt(clu_second_name$Freq * clu_second_article$Freq)
# matching cell second subtype2
clu_ann_second <- clu_ann[clu_ann$subtype3 == cellsubtype3, ]
clu_ann_second <- clu_ann_second[!$subtype3), ]
clu_ann_secondname <-$subtype2), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
if (nrow(clu_ann_secondname) > 0) {
m <- clu_ann_secondname$Freq + 1
clu_ann_secondname$Freq <- clu_ann_secondname$Freq/m
clu_ann_secondname <- clu_ann_secondname[order(clu_ann_secondname$Var1), ]
clu_ann_secondarticle <- unique(clu_ann_second[, c("pmid", "subtype2")])
clu_ann_secondarticle <-$subtype2), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
m <- clu_ann_secondarticle$Freq + 1
clu_ann_secondarticle$Freq <- clu_ann_secondarticle$Freq/m
clu_ann_secondarticle <- clu_ann_secondarticle[order(clu_ann_secondarticle$Var1), ]
# cell second subtype2 scoring and compare with max second subtype2 score
clu_ann_secondname$Freq <- sqrt(clu_ann_secondname$Freq * clu_ann_secondarticle$Freq)
clu_ann_secondname <- clu_ann_secondname[clu_ann_secondname$Freq == max(clu_ann_secondname$Freq), ]
clu_ann_secondname <- clu_ann_secondname[(clu_ann_secondname$Freq > 0.5) & (clu_ann_secondname$Freq >= max(clu_second_name$Freq)), ]
if (nrow(clu_ann_secondname) == 1) {
cellsubtype2 <- clu_ann_secondname$Var1
clu_marker <- unique(clu_ann1[clu_ann1$value %in% cellsubtype2, ]$gene)
PMID <- unique(clu_ann1[clu_ann1$value %in% cellsubtype2, ]$pmid)
clu_ann_for_first <- clu_ann1[clu_ann1$variable == "subtype1", ]
# exist cell first subtype1
if (nrow(clu_ann_for_first) > 0) {
# calculting the first cell subtype1 max score of the same cell type
clu_first <- clu_ann1[clu_ann1$variable == "subtype1", ]
clu_first_name <-$value), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
m <- clu_first_name$Freq + 1
clu_first_name$Freq <- clu_first_name$Freq/m
clu_first_name <- clu_first_name[order(clu_first_name$Var1), ]
clu_first_article <- unique(clu_first[, c("pmid", "value")])
clu_first_article <-$value), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
m <- clu_first_article$Freq + 1
clu_first_article$Freq <- clu_first_article$Freq/m
clu_first_article <- clu_first_article[order(clu_first_article$Var1), ]
clu_first_name$Freq <- sqrt(clu_first_name$Freq * clu_first_article$Freq)
# matching cell first subtype1
clu_ann_first <- clu_ann_second[clu_ann_second$subtype2 == cellsubtype2, ]
clu_ann_first <- clu_ann_first[!$subtype2), ]
clu_ann_firstname <-$subtype1), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
if (nrow(clu_ann_firstname) > 0) {
m <- clu_ann_firstname$Freq + 1
clu_ann_firstname$Freq <- clu_ann_firstname$Freq/m
clu_ann_firstname <- clu_ann_firstname[order(clu_ann_firstname$Var1), ]
clu_ann_firstarticle <- unique(clu_ann_first[, c("pmid", "subtype1")])
clu_ann_firstarticle <-$subtype1), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
m <- clu_ann_firstarticle$Freq + 1
clu_ann_firstarticle$Freq <- clu_ann_firstarticle$Freq/m
clu_ann_firstarticle <- clu_ann_firstarticle[order(clu_ann_firstarticle$Var1), ]
# cell first subtype1 scoring and compare with max first subtype1 score
clu_ann_firstname$Freq <- sqrt(clu_ann_firstname$Freq * clu_ann_firstarticle$Freq)
clu_ann_firstname <- clu_ann_firstname[clu_ann_firstname$Freq == max(clu_ann_firstname$Freq), ]
clu_ann_firstname <- clu_ann_firstname[(clu_ann_firstname$Freq > 0.5) & (clu_ann_firstname$Freq >=
max(clu_first_name$Freq)), ]
# Number of (cell first subtype1 with max score) >= 1 -- output -- last
if (nrow(clu_ann_firstname) >= 1) {
cellsubtype1 <- clu_ann_firstname$Var1
clu_marker <- unique(clu_ann1[clu_ann1$value %in% cellsubtype1, ]$gene)
PMID <- unique(clu_ann1[clu_ann1$value %in% cellsubtype1, ]$pmid)
res <- list(cellsubtype1 = cellsubtype1,cellsubtype2 = cellsubtype2,cellsubtype3 = cellsubtype3,celltype = celltype,
celltype_score = celltype_score,clu_marker = clu_marker,PMID = PMID)
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