
Defines functions scorecard_ply scorecard2 scorecard score2p p2score ab

Documented in scorecard scorecard2 scorecard_ply

# coefficients in scorecard
ab = function(points0=600, odds0=1/19, pdo=50) {
  # sigmoid function
  # library(ggplot2)
  # ggplot(data.frame(x = c(-5, 5)), aes(x)) + stat_function(fun = function(x) 1/(1+exp(-x)))

  # log_odds function
  # ggplot(data.frame(x = c(0, 1)), aes(x)) + stat_function(fun = function(x) log(x/(1-x)))

  # logistic function
  # p(y=1) = 1/(1+exp(-z)),
      # z = beta0+beta1*x1+...+betar*xr = beta*x
  ##==> z = log(p/(1-p)),
      # odds = p/(1-p) # positive/negative <==>
      # p = odds/1+odds
  ##==> z = log(odds)
  ##==> score = a - b*log(odds)

  # two hypothesis
  # points0 = a - b*log(odds0)
  # points0 - PDO = a - b*log(2*odds0)

  b = pdo/log(2)
  a = points0 + b*log(odds0) #log(odds0/(1+odds0))

  return(list(a=a, b=b))

# p to score
p2score = function(p, points0=600, odds0=1/19, pdo=50) {
  aabb = ab(points0, odds0, pdo)

  s = aabb$a - aabb$b * log(p/(1-p))

score2p = function(score, points0=600, odds0=1/19, pdo=50) {
  aabb = ab(points0, odds0, pdo)

  p = 1/(1+1/exp((aabb$a - score)/aabb$b) )

#' Creating a Scorecard
#' \code{scorecard} creates a scorecard based on the results from \code{woebin} and \code{glm}.
#' @param bins Binning information generated from \code{woebin} function.
#' @param model A glm model object.
#' @param points0 Target points, default 600.
#' @param odds0 Target odds, default 1/19. Odds = p/(1-p).
#' @param pdo Points to Double the Odds, default 50.
#' @param basepoints_eq0 Logical, Defaults to FALSE. If it is TRUE, the basepoints will equally distribute to each variable.
#' @param digits The number of digits after the decimal point for points calculation. Default 0.
#' @return A list of scorecard data frames
#' @seealso \code{\link{scorecard2}} \code{\link{scorecard_ply}}
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # load germancredit data
#' data("germancredit")
#' # filter variable via missing rate, iv, identical value rate
#' dtvf = var_filter(germancredit, "creditability")
#' # split into train and test
#' dtlst = split_df(dtvf, y = 'creditability')
#' # binning
#' bins = woebin(dtlst$train, "creditability")
#' # to woe
#' dtlst_woe = lapply(dtlst, function(d) woebin_ply(d, bins))
#'# lr
#' m = glm(creditability ~ ., family = binomial(), data = dtlst_woe$train)
#' # scorecard
#' card = scorecard(bins, m)
#' prob = predict(m, dtlst_woe$train, type='response')
#' # problst = lapply(dtlst_woe, function(x) predict(m, x, type='response'))
#' }
#' @import data.table
#' @export
scorecard = function(bins, model, points0=600, odds0=1/19, pdo=50, basepoints_eq0=FALSE, digits=0) {
  # global variables or functions
  variable = var_woe = Estimate = points = woe = NULL

  # coefficients
  aabb = ab(points0, odds0, pdo)
  a = aabb$a
  b = aabb$b
  # odds = pred/(1-pred); score = a - b*log(odds)

  # bins # if (is.list(bins)) rbindlist(bins)
  bins = check_bincard(bins)

  # coefficients
  coef_dt = data.table(var_woe = names(coef(model)), Estimate = coef(model))[, variable := sub("_woe$", "", var_woe) ][]

  # scorecard
  basepoints = a - b*coef_dt[1,Estimate]

  card = list()
  if (basepoints_eq0) {
    card[["basepoints"]] = data.table( variable = "basepoints", bin = NA, woe = NA, points = 0 )

    for (i in coef_dt[-1,variable]) {
      card[[i]] = bins[variable==i][, points := round(-b*coef_dt[variable==i, Estimate]*woe + basepoints/coef_dt[,.N-1], digits)]
  } else {
    card[["basepoints"]] = data.table( variable = "basepoints", bin = NA, woe = NA, points = round(basepoints, digits) )

    for (i in coef_dt[-1,variable]) {
      card[[i]] = bins[variable==i][, points := round(-b*coef_dt[variable==i, Estimate]*woe, digits)]


#' Creating a Scorecard
#' \code{scorecard2} creates a scorecard based on the results from \code{woebin}. It has the same function of \code{scorecard}, but without model object input and provided adjustment for oversampling.
#' @param bins Binning information generated from \code{woebin} function.
#' @param dt A data frame with both x (predictor/feature) and y (response/label) variables.
#' @param y Name of y variable.
#' @param x Name of x variables. If it is NULL, then all variables in bins are used. Defaults to NULL.
#' @param points0 Target points, default 600.
#' @param odds0 Target odds, default 1/19. Odds = p/(1-p).
#' @param pdo Points to Double the Odds, default 50.
#' @param basepoints_eq0 Logical, defaults to FALSE. If it is TRUE, the basepoints will equally distribute to each variable.
#' @param digits The number of digits after the decimal point for points calculation. Default 0.
#' @param return_prob Logical, defaults to FALSE. If it is TRUE, the predict probability will also return.
#' @param posprob_pop Positive probability of population. Accepted range: 0-1,  default to NULL. If it is not NULL, the model will adjust for oversampling.
#' @param posprob_sample Positive probability of sample. Accepted range: 0-1,  default to the positive probability of the input dt.
#' @param positive Value of positive class, default "bad|1".
#' @param ... Additional parameters.
#' @return A list of scorecard data frames
#' @seealso \code{\link{scorecard}} \code{\link{scorecard_ply}}
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # load germancredit data
#' data("germancredit")
#' # filter variable via missing rate, iv, identical value rate
#' dtvf = var_filter(germancredit, "creditability")
#' # split into train and test
#' dtlst = split_df(dtvf, y = 'creditability')
#' # binning
#' bins = woebin(dtlst$train, "creditability")
#' # train only
#' ## create scorecard
#' card1 = scorecard2(bins=bins, dt=dtlst$train, y='creditability')
#' ## scorecard and predicted probability
#' cardprob1 = scorecard2(bins=bins, dt=dtlst$train, y='creditability', return_prob = TRUE)
#' # both train and test
#' ## create scorecard
#' card2 = scorecard2(bins=bins, dt=dtlst, y='creditability')
#' ## scorecard and predicted probability
#' cardprob2 = scorecard2(bins=bins, dt=dtlst, y='creditability', return_prob = TRUE)
#' }
#' @import data.table
#' @importFrom stats predict
#' @export
scorecard2 = function(bins, dt, y, x=NULL, points0=600, odds0=1/19, pdo=50, basepoints_eq0=FALSE, digits=0, return_prob = FALSE, posprob_pop = NULL, posprob_sample = NULL, positive='bad|1', ...) {
  variable = wgts = NULL

  # data frame to list
  if (inherits(dt, 'data.frame')) dt = list(dat=dt)
  # check y column
  dt = lapply(dt, function(d) check_y(d, y, positive))
  dt0 = dt[[1]]

  # param
  kwargs = list(...)
  badprob_pop = kwargs[['kwargs']]
  if (!is.null(badprob_pop)) posprob_pop = badprob_pop

  # bind bins
  bins = check_bincard(bins)

  # check xs
  x_bins = bins[, unique(variable)]
  if (is.null(x)) x = x_bins
  x = x_variable(dt0,y,x)

  # dt to woe
  dt_woe = lapply(dt, function(d) do.call(woebin_ply, args = c(list(dt=d, bins=bins, print_info=FALSE), list(...))))
  dt0_woe = dt_woe[[1]]

  # model
  if (is.numeric(posprob_pop) && posprob_pop > 0 && posprob_pop < 1) {
    # positive probability in population
    p1 = posprob_pop
    # positive probability in sample dataset
    if (is.numeric(posprob_sample) && posprob_sample > 0 && posprob_sample < 1) {
      r1 = posprob_sample
    } else {
      r1 = dt0[, table(get(y))/.N][['1']]

    dt0_woe = dt0_woe[grepl(positive, get(y)), wgts := p1/r1
                  ][is.na(wgts), wgts := (1-p1)/(1-r1)
                  ][,c(paste0(x,"_woe"), "wgts", y), with=F]

    fmla = as.formula(sprintf('%s ~ %s', y, paste(paste0(x,"_woe"), collapse=" + ")))
    model = glm(fmla, family = 'quasibinomial', weights = wgts, data = dt0_woe)
  } else {

    model = glm(
      as.formula(paste(y, "~ .")), family = 'binomial',
      data = dt0_woe[,c(paste0(x,"_woe"),y), with=F])

  na_coef = coef(model)[is.na(coef(model))]
  if (length(na_coef) > 0) warning(sprintf('The model coefficients for the following %s variables are NA, please remove these variables:\n%s', length(na_coef), paste(sub('_woe', '', names(na_coef)), collapse = ',')))

  # scorecard
  card = scorecard(bins = bins, model = model, points0 = points0, odds0 = odds0, pdo = pdo, basepoints_eq0 = basepoints_eq0, digits = digits)

  # returns
  if (return_prob) {
    rt = list(
      card = card,
      prob = lapply(dt_woe, function(d) predict(model, d, type='response'))
  } else {
    rt = card

#' Score Transformation
#' \code{scorecard_ply} calculates credit score using the results from \code{scorecard}.
#' @param dt A data frame, which is the original dataset for training model.
#' @param card A data frame or a list of data frames. It's the scorecard generated from the function \code{scorecard}.
#' @param only_total_score  Logical, Defaults to TRUE. If it is TRUE, then the output includes only total credit score; Otherwise, if it is FALSE, the output includes both total and each variable's credit score.
#' @param print_step A non-negative integer. Defaults to 1. If print_step>0, print variable names by each print_step-th iteration. If print_step=0, no message is print.
#' @param replace_blank_na Logical. Replace blank values with NA. Defaults to TRUE. This argument should be the same with \code{woebin}'s.
#' @param var_kp Name of force kept variables, such as id column. Defaults to NULL.
#' @return A data frame in score values
#' @seealso \code{\link{scorecard}} \code{\link{scorecard2}}
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # load germancredit data
#' data("germancredit")
#' # filter variable via missing rate, iv, identical value rate
#' dtvf = var_filter(germancredit, "creditability")
#' # split into train and test
#' dtlst = split_df(dtvf, y = 'creditability')
#' # binning
#' bins = woebin(dtlst$train, "creditability")
#' # scorecard
#' card = scorecard2(bins=bins, dt=dtlst$train, y='creditability')
#' # credit score
#' # Example I # only total score
#' score1 = scorecard_ply(germancredit, card)
#' # Example II # credit score for both total and each variable
#' score2 = scorecard_ply(germancredit, card, only_total_score = FALSE)
#' }
#' @import data.table
#' @export
scorecard_ply = function(dt, card, only_total_score=TRUE, print_step=0L, replace_blank_na=TRUE, var_kp = NULL) {
  # global variables or functions
  variable = bin = points = . = V1 = score = dat_col_placeholder = NULL

  # set dt as data.table
  dt = setDT(copy(dt)) # copy(setDT(dt))
  # # remove date/time col
  # dt = rmcol_datetime_unique1(dt)
  # replace blank values by NA
  if (isTRUE(replace_blank_na)) dt = rep_blank_na(dt)
  # print_step
  print_step = check_print_step(print_step)

  # card # if (is.list(card)) rbindlist(card)
  card = check_bincard(card)
  # bin_close_right
  bin_close_right = check_bcr(card)

  # x variables
  xs = card[variable != "basepoints", unique(variable)]
  # length of x variables
  xs_len = length(xs)
  # initial datasets
  n = 0
  while (paste0('dat_col_placeholder',n) %in% xs) n = n+1
  dat = copy(dt)[, (paste0('dat_col_placeholder',n)) := 1][,(xs) := NULL]

  # loop on x variables
  for (i in 1:xs_len) {
    x_i = xs[i]
    # print x
    if (print_step > 0 & i %% print_step == 0) cat_bullet(sprintf('%s/%s %s', i, xs_len, x_i), bullet = "tick", bullet_col = "green")

    cardx = card[variable==x_i]
    dtx = dt[, x_i, with=FALSE]

    dat = cbind(dat, woepoints_ply1(dtx, cardx, x_i, woe_points="points", bin_close_right=bin_close_right))

  # set basepoints
  card_basepoints = ifelse(
    card[variable == "basepoints", .N] == 1,
    card[variable == "basepoints", points], 0)

  # total score
  dat_score = dat[, paste0(xs, "_points"), with=FALSE]
  dat_score[, score := card_basepoints + rowSums(dat_score)]

  if (only_total_score) dat_score = dat_score[, .(score)]

  # check force kept variables
  if (!is.null(var_kp)) {
    var_kp2 = intersect(var_kp, names(dt))
    len_diff = length(var_kp) - length(var_kp2)
    if (len_diff > 0) {
      warning("Incorrect inputs; there are ", len_diff, " var_kp variables are not exist in input data, which are removed from var_kp. \n", setdiff(var_kp, var_kp2))
    var_kp = var_kp2
  if (!is.null(var_kp)) dat_score = cbind(dat[,c(var_kp),with=FALSE], dat_score)

# https://dmg.org/pmml/v4-1/Scorecard.html

#' Scorecard to PMML
#' \code{scorecard_pmml} converts scorecard into PMML format.
#' @param card A data frame or a list of data frames. It's a scorecard object generated from the function \code{scorecard}.
#' @param save_name A string. The file name to save scorecard. Defaults to None.
#' @param model_name A name to be given to the PMML model.
#' @param model_version A string specifying the model version.
#' @param description A descriptive text for the Header element of the PMML.
#' @param copyright The copyright notice for the model.
#' @examples
#' data("germancredit")
#' dtvf = var_filter(germancredit, y='creditability')
#' bins = woebin(dtvf, y='creditability')
#' card = scorecard2(bins, dtvf, y='creditability')
#' # export scorecard into pmml
#' cardpmml = scorecard_pmml(card)
#' # save pmml
#' # cardpmml = scorecard_pmml(card, save_name='scorecard', model_version='1.0')
#' @import xml2
#' @export
scorecard_pmml = function(
    card, save_name=NULL,
    model_name = "scorecard",
    model_version = NULL,
    description = "scorecard",
    copyright = NULL
) {
  points = variable = NULL

  # scorecard
  card = try(check_bincard(card)[,c('variable', 'bin', 'points'),with=FALSE], silent = TRUE)
  if (inherits(card, 'try-error')) stop("Not a scorecard object")

  # is bin_close_right
  bcr = get_bcr_bin(card)

  # points
  ## base points
  points0 = card[variable == 'basepoints', points]
  ## x points
  dfx = pmml_card2field(card)

  # card pmml
  ## param
  copyright = ifelse(is.null(copyright), sprintf("Copyright (c) %s %s", year(Sys.time()), Sys.info()["user"]), copyright)
  model_version = ifelse(is.null(model_version), as.character(Sys.time()), model_version)

  ## init ## https://dmg.org/pmml/v4-4-1/Scorecard.html
  cardpmml =
      Header = structure(list(Timestamp=list(Sys.time())), copyright=copyright, description=description, modelVersion=model_version),
      DataDictionary = list(),
      Scorecard = structure(list(
        Output=list(OutputField=structure(list(), name="Final Score", feature="predictedValue", dataType="double", optype="continuous")),
      ), modelName=model_name, functionName="regression", useReasonCodes="false", initialScore=points0)
    ), version="4.4", xmlns="https://www.dmg.org/PMML-4_4", 'xmlns:xsi'="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance")))

  ## DataDictionary
  xml_DataDictionary = pmml_df2xml(dfx$df, 'DataField', c("name","dataType", "optype"), root = 'DataDictionary')
  xml_replace(xml_child(cardpmml, "DataDictionary"), xml_DataDictionary)

  ## MiningSchema
  xml_MiningSchema = pmml_df2xml(dfx$df, 'MiningField', c("name","usageType", "invalidValueTreatment"), root = 'MiningSchema')
  xml_replace(xml_child(cardpmml, "Scorecard//MiningSchema"), xml_MiningSchema)

  ## Characteristics
  xml_Characteristics = pmml_xstoxml(dfx$x)
  xml_replace(xml_child(cardpmml, "Scorecard//Characteristics"), xml_Characteristics)

  # save pmml file
  if (!is.null(save_name)) {
    cp_name = sprintf('%s_%s.pmml', save_name, format(Sys.time(),"%Y%m%d_%H%M%S"))
    write_xml(cardpmml, cp_name, options = "format")
    cli_inform(c(i = sprintf('The scorecard is saved as %s', cp_name)))


pmml_card2field = function(card) {
  variable= .= bin= isbin= bcr= V1= rid= name= invalidValueTreatment= points= f= value= operator= field= NULL

  # x points
  pointsx = copy(card)[
    variable != 'basepoints'
  ][, .(unlist(strsplit(bin, "%,%", fixed=TRUE))), by=c('variable', 'bin', 'points')
  ][, isbin := max(grepl(binpattern('isbin', bcr), bin)), by = 'variable'
  ## numeric x points
  pointsx_num = pointsx[isbin == 1][][V1 != 'missing', `:=`(
    f = sub(binpattern('leftright_brkp', bcr),"\\1",bin),
    t = sub(binpattern('leftright_brkp', bcr),"\\2",bin)
  )][, rid := seq(.N), by = variable]
  ## categorical x points
  pointsx_cat = pointsx[isbin != 1][, rid := seq(.N), by = variable]

  # DataField MiningField
  df = rbind(
    pointsx_num[,.(name = unique(variable), dataType = 'double', optype = 'continuous')],
    pointsx_cat[,.(name = unique(variable), dataType = 'string', optype = 'categorical')],
    data.table(name="overallScore", dataType="double", optype="continuous")
    usageType = 'active', invalidValueTreatment='asMissing'
  )][name == 'overallScore', invalidValueTreatment := NA]

  # Characteristic
  x = rbind(
    ## numeric
      pointsx_num[V1=='missing',.(field=variable, operator = 'isMissing', partialScore = points, rid)],
        pointsx_num[V1!='missing',.(field=variable, f, t, partialScore = points, rid)],
        id.vars = c('field', 'partialScore', 'rid')
      )[, value := as.numeric(value)
      ][variable == 'f', operator := ifelse(isFALSE(bcr), 'greaterOrEqual', 'greaterThan')
      ][variable == 't', operator := ifelse(isFALSE(bcr), 'lessThan', 'lessOrEqual')
      ][,c('field', 'operator','value','partialScore', 'rid'),with=FALSE][],
      fill = TRUE
    )[order(field, rid)
    ## categorical
      pointsx_cat[V1=='missing',.(field=variable, operator = 'isMissing', partialScore = points, rid)],
      pointsx_cat[V1!='missing',.(field=variable, operator = 'equal', value=V1, partialScore = points, rid)],
    )[order(field, rid)
  )[, name := paste0(field,'Score')
  ][,c('name', 'field', 'operator', 'value', 'partialScore', 'rid'),with=FALSE]
  return(list(df=df, x=x))

pmml_df2xml = function(df, node, attrs, root=NULL, retlst = FALSE) {
  rid = NULL

  # keep attrs column
  df = setDT(df)[, attrs, with=FALSE]

  arglst3 = sapply(
    split(df[, rid:=.I], by='rid', keep.by=FALSE),
    function(df1r) {
      nacols = names(which(df1r[,sapply(.SD, is.na)]))
      if (length(nacols) > 0) df1r[, (nacols) := NULL]

      arglst = c(list(list()), as.list(setDF(df1r)))
      arglst2 = list(foo = do.call('structure', arglst))
      names(arglst2) = node
  names(arglst3) = rep(node, nrow(df))

  arglst4 = list(foo = arglst3)
  if (!is.null(root)) names(arglst4) = root

  if (retlst) return(arglst4)

pmml_x1toxml = function(x1, retlst = FALSE) {
  partialScore = name = NULL

  xmlst_x1 = sapply(
    split(x1, by = 'rid'),
    function(x1b) {
      xmlst_x1b = pmml_df2xml(x1b, 'SimplePredicate', c('field', 'operator', 'value'), retlst = TRUE)[[1]]
      if (nrow(x1b) > 1) {
        xmlst_x1b = list(CompoundPredicate=structure(list(xmlst_x1b), booleanOperator="and"))

      xmlst_x1 = list(Attribute=structure(list(
      ), partialScore=x1b[,unique(partialScore)]))
  names(xmlst_x1) = rep('Attribute', length(xmlst_x1))

  if (retlst) return(xmlst_x1)
  as_xml_document(list(Characteristic = xmlst_x1))

pmml_xstoxml = function(xs, retlst = FALSE) {
  name = NULL

  xmlst_xs = sapply(
    split(xs, by = 'name'),
    function(x1) {
      xmlst_x1 = pmml_x1toxml(x1, retlst = TRUE)
      list(Characteristic=structure(list(xmlst_x1), name = x1[,unique(name)]))
  names(xmlst_xs) = rep('Characteristic', length(xmlst_xs))

  if (retlst) return(xmlst_xs)
  as_xml_document(list(Characteristics = xmlst_xs))

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scorecard documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:16 a.m.