
Defines functions hier_compute

Documented in hier_compute

#' Compute a nested hierarchy
#' This function allows to compute a nested hierarchy from an character
#' vector or a (named) list.
#' @param inp a character vector (for methods `"len"` and `"endpos"`
#' containing codes of a hierarchical variables or a list for
#' method `list`. In the latter case, the input is expected to be a
#' named list where each list-element contains the codes belonging to the
#' node that has the name of this specific list element. In the examples
#' below, the required input formats are further explained.
#' @param dim_spec an (integerish) vector containing either the length
#' (in terms of characters) for each level or the end-positions of
#' these levels. In the latter-case, one needs to set argument
#' `method` to `"endpos"`. This argument is ignored in case the
#' hierarchy should be created from a named list.
#' @param root `NULL` or a scalar characer specifying the name
#' of the overall total in case it is not encoded at the first
#' positions of `dim`.
#' @param method either `"len"` (the default) or `"endpos"`
#' - `"len"`: the number of characters for each of the levels
#' needs to be specified
#' - `"endpos"`: the end-positions for each levels need to be fixed
#' - `"list"`: the end-positions for each levels need to be fixed
#' @param as (character) specifies the type of the return object. Possible
#' choices are:
#' - `"network"`: the default; a `data.table` as network. The
#' table consists of two columns where the `"root"` column defines the
#' name of parent node to the label in the `"leaf"` column.
#' - `"df"`: a `data.frame` in `"@@; label"`-format.
#' - `"dt"`: a `data.table` in `"@@; label"`-format.
#' - `"code"`: returns the R-code that is required to build
#' the tree
#' - `"sdc"`: the tree is structured as a list
#' - `"argus"`: suitable input for [hier_export()] to
#' write `"hrc"`-files for tau argus.
#' - `"json"`: a character-vector encoded as json-string.
#' @return a hierarchical data structure depending on choice of
#' argument `as`
#' @export
#' @md
#' @examples
#' ## Example Regional Codes (NUTS)
#' # digits 1-2 (len=2, endpos=2) --> level 1
#' # digit 3 (len=1, endpos=3) --> level 2
#' # digits 4-5 (len=2, endpos=5) -> level 3
#' # all strings have equal length but total is not encoded in these values
#' geo_m <- c(
#'   "01051", "01053", "01054", "01055",
#'   "01056", "01057", "01058", "01059", "01060",
#'   "01061", "01062",
#'   "02000",
#'   "03151", "03152", "03153", "03154", "03155", "03156", "03157", "03158",
#'   "03251", "03252", "03254", "03255", "03256", "03257",
#'   "03351", "03352", "03353", "03354", "03355",
#'   "03356", "03357", "03358", "03359",
#'   "03360", "03361",
#'   "03451", "03452", "03453", "03454", "03455", "03456",
#'   "10155")
#' a <- hier_compute(
#'   inp = geo_m,
#'   dim_spec = c(2, 3, 5),
#'   root = "Tot",
#'   method = "endpos"
#' )
#' b <- hier_compute(
#'   inp = geo_m,
#'   dim_spec = c(2, 1, 2),
#'   root = "Tot",
#'   method = "len"
#' )
#' identical(
#'   hier_convert(a, as = "df"),
#'   hier_convert(b, as = "df")
#' )
#' # total is contained in the first 3 positions of the input values
#' # --> we need to set name of the overall total (argument "root")
#' # to NULL (the default)
#' geo_m_with_tot <- paste0("Tot", geo_m)
#' a <- hier_compute(
#'   inp = geo_m_with_tot,
#'   dim_spec = c(3, 2, 1, 2),
#'   method = "len"
#' )
#' b <- hier_compute(
#'   inp = geo_m_with_tot,
#'   dim_spec = c(3, 5, 6, 8),
#'   method = "endpos"
#' )
#' identical(a, b)
#' # example where inputs have unequal length
#' # the overall total is not included in input vector
#' yae_h <- c(
#'   "1.1.1.", "1.1.2.",
#'   "1.2.1.", "1.2.2.", "1.2.3.", "1.2.4.", "1.2.5.", "1.3.1.",
#'   "1.3.2.", "1.3.3.", "1.3.4.", "1.3.5.",
#'   "1.4.1.", "1.4.2.", "1.4.3.", "1.4.4.", "1.4.5.",
#'   "1.5.", "1.6.", "1.7.", "1.8.", "1.9.", "2.", "3.")
#' a <- hier_compute(
#'   inp = yae_h,
#'   dim_spec = c(2, 4, 6),
#'   root = "Tot",
#'   method = "endpos"
#' )
#' b <- hier_compute(
#'   inp = yae_h,
#'   dim_spec = c(2, 2, 2),
#'   root = "Tot",
#'   method = "len"
#' )
#' identical(
#'   hier_convert(a, as = "df"),
#'   hier_convert(b, as = "df")
#' )
#' # Same example, but overall total is contained in the first 3 positions
#' # of the input values --> argument "root" needs to be
#' # set to NULL (the default)
#' yae_h_with_tot <- paste0("Tot", yae_h)
#' a <- hier_compute(
#'   inp = yae_h_with_tot,
#'   dim_spec = c(3, 2, 2, 2),
#'   method = "len",
#' )
#' b <- hier_compute(
#'   inp = yae_h_with_tot,
#'   dim_spec = c(3, 5, 7, 9),
#'   method = "endpos"
#' )
#' identical(a, b)
#' # An example using a list as input (same as above)
#' # Hierarchy: digits 1-2 (nuts1), digit 3 (nut2), digits 4-5 (nuts3)
#' # The order of the list-elements is not important but the
#' # names of input-list correspond to (subtotal/level) names
#' geo_ll <- list()
#' geo_ll[["Total"]] <- c("01", "02", "03", "10")
#' geo_ll[["010"]]   <- c(
#'   "01051", "01053", "01054", "01055",
#'   "01056", "01057", "01058", "01059",
#'   "01060", "01061", "01062"
#' )
#' geo_ll[["031"]]   <- c(
#'   "03151", "03152", "03153", "03154",
#'   "03155", "03156", "03157", "03158"
#' )
#' geo_ll[["032"]]   <- c(
#'   "03251", "03252", "03254",
#'   "03255", "03256", "03257"
#' )
#' geo_ll[["033"]]   <- c(
#'   "03351", "03352", "03353", "03354", "03355",
#'   "03356", "03357", "03358", "03359",
#'   "03360", "03361"
#' )
#' geo_ll[["034"]]   <- c(
#'   "03451", "03452", "03453",
#'   "03454", "03455","03456"
#' )
#' geo_ll[["01"]]    <- "010"
#' geo_ll[["02"]]    <- "020"
#' geo_ll[["020"]]   <- "02000"
#' geo_ll[["03"]]    <- c("031", "032", "033", "034")
#' geo_ll[["10"]]    <- "101"
#' geo_ll[["101"]]   <- "10155"
#' d <- hier_compute(
#'   inp = geo_ll,
#'   root = "Total",
#'   method = "list"
#' ); d
#' ## Reproduce example from above with input defined as named list
#' yae_ll <- list()
#' yae_ll[["Total"]] <- c("1.", "2.", "3.")
#' yae_ll[["1."]] <- paste0("1.", 1:9, ".")
#' yae_ll[["1.1."]] <- paste0("1.1.", 1:2, ".")
#' yae_ll[["1.2."]] <- paste0("1.2.", 1:5, ".")
#' yae_ll[["1.3."]] <- paste0("1.3.", 1:5, ".")
#' yae_ll[["1.4."]] <- paste0("1.4.", 1:6, ".")
#' # return result as data.frame
#' d <- hier_compute(
#'   inp = yae_ll,
#'   root = "Total",
#'   method = "list",
#'   as = "df"
#' ); d
hier_compute <- function(inp,
                         dim_spec = NULL,
                         root = NULL,
                         method = "len",
                         as = "network") {

  stopifnot(as %in% c("network", "df", "dt", "code", "argus", "sdc", "json"))

  stopifnot(method %in% c("len", "endpos", "list"))

  # compute from a nested (named) list
  .from_list <- function(dim, root) {
    nn <- names(dim)
    dim_q <- shQuote(substitute(dim))
    if (is.null(nn)) {
      stop(paste("Argument", dim_q, "must be a named list"), call. = FALSE)
    if (sum(nn == "") > 0) {
      e <- paste("Some elements of argument", dim_q, "are not named.")
      stop(e, call. = FALSE)

    if (!root %in% nn) {
      e <- c(
        "The given name for the overall total",
        "was not found in the given input list."
      stop(paste(e, collapse = " "), call. = FALSE)

    if (any(duplicated(nn))) {
      stop(paste("Duplicated names in argument", dim_q, "found."), call. = FALSE)

    all_codes <- as.character(unlist(dim))
    if (root %in% all_codes) {
      t <- shQuote(root)
      err <- paste("The overall total", t, "was found in", dim_q)
      stop(err, call. = FALSE)

    nodes <- setdiff(nn, root)
    ind <- which(!nodes %in% all_codes)
    if (length(ind) > 0) {
      nn <- paste0("- ", nodes[ind], collapse = "\n")
      err <- paste("The following sub-levels were not found as inputs:\n", nn)
      stop(err, call. = FALSE)

    # generate hierarchy
    tree <- hier_create(root = root)

    if (length(nodes) == 0) {
    dt <- lapply(1:length(dim), function(x) {
        root = names(dim)[x],
        leaf = dim[[x]]
    names(dt) <- sapply(dt, function(x) x$root[1])

    finished <- FALSE
    while (!finished) {
      idx <- which(!is.na(match(names(dt), tree$leaf)))[1]
      tmp <- dt[[idx]]

      tree <- hier_add(tree, root = tmp$root[1], nodes = tmp$leaf)
      dt[[idx]] <- NULL
      if (length(dt) == 0) {
        finished = TRUE
    tree <- .add_class(tree)

  # compute from a vector and the positions of the levels are
  # specified by their required length
  .from_len <- function(inp, dim_len, root) {
    if (!is_integerish(dim_len)) {
      e <- c(
        "Argument", shQuote("dim_spec"), "must be",
        "a numeric vector specifying the required number of characters",
        "for each hierarchical level."
      stop(paste(e, collapse = " "), call. = FALSE)

    stopifnot(all(dim_len > 0))
    if (!is.null(root)) {
    stopifnot(sum(dim_len) >= max(nchar(inp)))
    if (sum(any(duplicated(inp))) > 0) {
      err <- paste("duplicated values detected in argument", shQuote("inp"), "!")
      stop(err, call. = FALSE)

    tree_depth <- length(inp)
    only_total <- FALSE
    if (is.null(root)) {
      if (length(dim_len) == 1) {
        only_total <- TRUE
      df <- data.frame(
        path = substr(inp, 1, dim_len[1]),
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE
      if (length(unique(df$path)) > 1) {
        err <- paste("Top-Level should be included in first", dim_len[1])
        err <- paste(err, "characters, but > 1 values were detected!")
        stop(err, call. = FALSE)

      inp <- substr(inp, dim_len[1] + 1, nchar(inp))
      dim_len <- dim_len[-c(1)]
    } else {
      df <- data.frame(path = rep(root, tree_depth), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
      only_total <- FALSE

    # only total specified
    if (only_total == TRUE) {
      nn <- hier_create(root = as.character(df[1, 1]))

    cs <- c(0, cumsum(dim_len))
    tree <- hier_create(root = as.character(df[1, 1]))

    new <- list()
    length(new) <- length(cs) - 1

    for (i in 2:length(cs)) {
      from <- cs[i - 1] + 1
      to <- cs[i]

      levs <- substr(inp, from, to)
      ii <- which(levs != "")

      if (length(ii) > 0) {
        if (i == 2) {
          new[[i - 1]] <- data.table(
            root = .rootnode(tree),
            leaf = unique(substr(inp, 1, to)[ii]),
            level = i
        } else {
          to_prev <- cs[i - 1]
          new[[i - 1]] <- unique(data.table(
            root = substr(inp, start = 1, stop = to_prev)[ii],
            leaf = substr(inp, start = 1, stop = to)[ii],
            level = i

    tree <- .add_nodes(tree = tree, new = rbindlist(new))
    tree <- .sort(tree)

  # compute from a vector and the positions of the levels are
  # specified by their end positions
  .from_endpos <- function(inp, dim_endpos, root) {
      inp = inp,
      dim_len = .endpos_to_len(dim_endpos),
      root = root

  if (method == "list") {
    m <- c(
      "Argument", shQuote("dim_spec"),
      "is ignored when constructing a hierarchy from a nested list."
    message(paste(m, collapse = " "))
    tree <- .from_list(dim = inp, root = root)
  if (method == "len") {
    tree <- .from_len(
      inp = inp,
      dim_len = dim_spec,
      root = root
  if (method == "endpos") {
    # convert endpos to length
    .endpos_to_len <- function(end_pos) {
      if (!is_integerish(end_pos)) {
        e <- "end positions provided in `dim_spec` must be numbers!\n"
        stop(e, call. = FALSE)
      diff(c(0, end_pos))
    tree <- .from_endpos(
      inp = inp,
      dim_endpos = dim_spec,
      root = root

  if (as == "network") {

  out <- hier_convert(tree, as = as)

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sdcHierarchies documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:01 a.m.