
Defines functions rankSwap

Documented in rankSwap

#' Rank Swapping
#' Swapping values within a range so that, first, the correlation structure of
#' original variables are preserved, and second, the values in each record are
#' disturbed.  To be used on numeric or ordinal variables where the rank can be
#' determined and the correlation coefficient makes sense.
#' Rank swapping sorts the values of one numeric variable by their numerical
#' values (ranking).  The restricted range is determined by the rank of two
#' swapped values, which cannot differ, by definition, by more than P
#' percent of the total number of observations. Only positive P, R0 and K0 are
#' used and only one of it must be supplied. If none is supplied, sdcMicro sets
#' parameter r0 to 0.95 internally.
#' @name rankSwap
#' @docType methods
#' @param obj a \code{\link{sdcMicroObj-class}}-object or a \code{data.frame}
#' @param variables names or index of variables for that rank swapping is
#' applied.  For an object of class \code{\link{sdcMicroObj-class}}, all numeric key variables are
#' selected if variables=NULL.
#' @param TopPercent Percentage of largest values that are grouped together
#' before rank swapping is applied.
#' @param BottomPercent Percentage of lowest values that are grouped together
#' before rank swapping is applied.
#' @param K0 Subset-mean preservation factor. Preserves the means before and
#' after rank swapping within a range based on K0.  K0 is the subset-mean
#' preservation factor such that \eqn{| X_1 -X_2 | \leq \frac{2 K_0
#' X_1}{\sqrt(N_S)}}{abs(X_1-X_2<=2*K_0*X_1/sqrt (N_S)}, where \eqn{X_1}{X_1}
#' and \eqn{X_2}{X_2} are the subset means of the field before and after
#' swapping, and \eqn{N_S}{N_S} is the sample size of the subset.
#' @param R0 Multivariate preservation factor. Preserves the correlation
#' between variables within a certain range based on the given constant R0.  We
#' can specify the preservation factor as \eqn{R_0=\frac{R_1}{R_2}}{R_0 =
#' R_1/R_2} where \eqn{R_1}{R_1} is the correlation coefficient of the two
#' fields after swapping, and \eqn{R_2}{R_2} is the correlation coefficient of
#' the two fields before swapping.
#' @param P Rank range as percentage of total sample size. We can specify the
#' rank range itself directly, noted as \eqn{P}{P}, which is the percentage of
#' the records. So two records are eligible for swapping if their ranks,
#' \eqn{i}{i} and \eqn{j}{j} respectively, satisfy \eqn{| i-j | \le \frac{P
#' N}{100}}{abs(i-j)<P*N/100}, where \eqn{N}{N} is the total sample size.
#' @param missing missing - the value to be used as missing value
#' in the C++ routine instead of NA. If NA, a suitable value is calculated internally.
#' Note that in the returned dataset, all NA-values (if any) will be replaced with
#' this value.
#' @param seed Seed.
#' @return The rank-swapped data set or a modified \code{\link{sdcMicroObj-class}} object.
#' @author Alexander Kowarik for the interface, Bernhard Meindl for improvements.
#' For the underlying C++ code: This work is being supported by the
#' International Household Survey Network (IHSN) and funded by a DGF Grant
#' provided by the World Bank to the PARIS21 Secretariat at the Organisation
#' for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).  This work builds on
#' previous work which is elsewhere acknowledged.
#' @references
#' Moore, Jr.R. (1996) Controlled data-swapping techniques for
#' masking public use microdata, U.S. Bureau of the Census \emph{Statistical
#' Research Division Report Series}, RR 96-04.
#' Kowarik, A. and Templ, M. and Meindl, B. and Fonteneau, F. and Prantner, B.:
#' \emph{Testing of IHSN Cpp Code and Inclusion of New Methods into sdcMicro},
#' in: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, J. Domingo-Ferrer, I. Tinnirello
#' (editors.); Springer, Berlin, 2012, ISBN: 978-3-642-33626-3, pp. 63-77.
#' \doi{10.1007/978-3-642-33627-0_6}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(testdata2)
#' data_swap <- rankSwap(
#'   obj = testdata2,
#'   variables = c("age", "income", "expend", "savings")
#' )
#' ## for objects of class sdcMicro:
#' data(testdata2)
#' sdc <- createSdcObj(
#'   dat = testdata2,
#'   keyVars = c("urbrur", "roof", "walls", "water", "electcon", "relat", "sex"),
#'   numVars = c("expend", "income", "savings"),
#'   w = "sampling_weight")
#' sdc <- rankSwap(sdc)
rankSwap <- function(obj, variables = NULL, TopPercent = 5, BottomPercent = 5,
                     K0 = NULL, R0 = NULL, P = NULL, missing = NA, seed = NULL) {

  TFpar <- c(!is.null(P), !is.null(R0), !is.null(K0))
  if (sum(TFpar) > 1) {
    stop("Only one of the parameters P, R0 and K0 should be provided.", call. = FALSE)

  if (sum(TFpar) == 0) {
    R0 <- 0.95
    message("setting parameter R0 = 0.95 as no inputs have been specified.")

    obj = obj,
    variables = variables,
    TopPercent = TopPercent,
    BottomPercent = BottomPercent,
    K0 = K0,
    R0 = R0,
    P = P,
    missing = missing,
    seed = seed

setGeneric("rankSwapX", function(obj, variables = NULL, TopPercent = 5, BottomPercent = 5,
                                 K0 = -1, R0 = 0.95, P = 0, missing = NA, seed = NULL) {

setMethod(f = "rankSwapX", signature = c("sdcMicroObj"),
  definition = function(obj,
                        variables = NULL,
                        TopPercent = 5,
                        BottomPercent = 5,
                        K0 = NULL,
                        R0 = 0.95,
                        P = NULL,
                        missing = NA,
                        seed = NULL) {
    manipData <- get.sdcMicroObj(obj, type = "manipNumVars")

    if (is.null(variables)) {
      variables <- colnames(manipData)

    res <- rankSwap(
      obj = manipData,
      variables = variables,
      TopPercent = TopPercent,
      BottomPercent = BottomPercent,
      K0 = K0,
      R0 = R0,
      P = P,
      missing = missing,
      seed = seed

    obj <- nextSdcObj(obj)
    obj <- set.sdcMicroObj(obj, type = "manipNumVars", input = list(res))
    obj <- dRisk(obj)
    obj <- dUtility(obj)

  f = "rankSwapX",
  signature = c("data.frame"),
  definition = function(obj,
                        variables = NULL,
                        TopPercent = 5,
                        BottomPercent = 5,
                        K0 = -1,
                        R0 = 0.95,
                        P = 0,
                        missing = NA,
                        seed = NULL) {

  # by default, all variables will be used
  if (is.null(variables)) {
    variables <- colnames(obj)
  dataX <- obj[, variables, drop = FALSE]
  dataX <- as.matrix(dataX)

  if (!all(apply(dataX, 2, is.numeric))) {
    dataX <- apply(dataX, 2, as.numeric)
  data2 <- dataX
  data2[, ] <- NA

  index_missing <- is.na(dataX)
  miss_val <- ifelse(is.na(missing), min(dataX, na.rm = TRUE) - 1, missing)
  if (sum(index_missing) > 0) {
    dataX[index_missing] <- miss_val

  seed <- ifelse(is.null(seed), -1L, as.integer(seed))
  if (is.null(K0)) {
    K0 <- -1
  if (is.null(R0)) {
    R0 <- -1
  if (is.null(P)) {
    P <- -1
  dat <- RankSwap(
  if (sum(index_missing) > 0 & is.na(missing)) {
    dat[dat == miss_val] <- NA
  obj[, variables] <- dat

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sdcMicro documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:24 a.m.