
Defines functions .getPackageGitHubList .getPackageList .loadLib .require .is.installed .eval

# Author: Babak Naimi, naimi.b@gmail.com
# Last Update :  Nov. 2021
# Version 1.9
# Licence GPL v3

.eval <- function(x,env) {
.is.installed <- function(n) {
  names(n) <- n
  sapply(n, function(x) length(unlist(lapply(.libPaths(), function(lib) find.package(x, lib, quiet=TRUE, verbose=FALSE)))) > 0)

.require <-function(x) {
  x <- as.character(x)
  xx <- unlist(lapply(.libPaths(), function(lib) find.package(x, lib, quiet=TRUE, verbose=FALSE)))
  if (length(xx) > 0) {
    .loaded <- eval(parse(text=paste0('require(',x,')')))
    return (.loaded)
  } else FALSE
.loadLib <- function(pkgs) {
  return(unlist(lapply(pkgs,function(x) {
    all(unlist(lapply(x,function(p) {.require(p)})))

.getPackageList <- function() {
  methodInfo <- NULL
  pkgs <- c()
  lst <- list.files(system.file("methods/sdm", package="sdm"),pattern='R$',full.names = TRUE)
  for (l in lst) {
    p <- methodInfo$packages
    p <- p[!p == '.tmp']
    pkgs <- c(pkgs,p)
  p <- c('shiny','rgdal','raster','shinyBS','leaflet','usdm','devtools','mmap','ggplot2','gridExtra')
# List of the packages that should be installed from GitHUB:
.getPackageGitHubList <- function() {

if (!isGeneric("installAll")) {
  setGeneric("installAll", function(pkgs,update,...)

setMethod('installAll', signature(pkgs='ANY'),
          function(pkgs,update=FALSE,...) {
            if (missing(update)) update <- FALSE
            pl <- .getPackageList()
            plG <- .getPackageGitHubList()
            plGr <- sapply(strsplit(plG,'/'),function(x) x[2]) # name of the github packages
            if (!update) {
              p <- pl[!.is.installed(pl)]
              pG <- plG[!.is.installed(plGr)]
              if (length(c(p,pG)) > 0) {
                s <- rep(TRUE,length(c(p,pG)))
                if (length(p) > 0) {
                  #s <- rep(TRUE,length(p))
                  for (i in seq_along(p)) {
                    pi <- try(install.packages(p[i],...),silent = TRUE)
                    if (inherits(pi, "try-error")) s[i] <- FALSE
                if (length(pG) > 0) {
                  s[(length(p)+1):length(c(p,pG))] <- .eval("devtools::install_github(pG,quiet=TRUE)",env=environment())
                if (any(!s)) {
                  if (any(s)) {
                    cat(paste('\n',length(c(p,pG)[s]),' packages are successfully installed...\n'))
                    cat(paste('The following packages could not be installed:\n.... ',paste(c(p,pG)[!s],collapse=', '),'\n'))
                } else cat(paste('\n ',length(c(p,pG)[s]),' packages are successfully installed...\n'))
              } else cat(paste('\n All required packages have been already installed!\n'))
            } else {
              p <- pl[!pl %in% c('stats','utils','parallel','base','grDevice','tools','methods','graphics','compiler','datasets','profile','grid')]
              pG <- plG[!plGr %in% c('stats','utils','parallel','base','grDevice','tools','methods','graphics','compiler','datasets','profile','grid')]
              if (length(c(p,pG)) > 0) {
                s <- rep(TRUE,length(c(p,pG)))
                if (length(p) > 0) {
                  pi <- p[.is.installed(p)]
                  if (length(pi) > 0) pi <- try(remove.packages(pi),silent = TRUE)
                  for (i in seq_along(p)) {
                    pi <- try(install.packages(p[i],...),silent = TRUE)
                    if (inherits(pi, "try-error")) s[i] <- FALSE
                if (length(pG) > 0) {
                  pGr <- sapply(strsplit(pG,'/'),function(x) x[2])
                  pGi <- pGr[.is.installed(pGr)]
                  if (length(pGi) > 0) {
                    pGi <- try(remove.packages(pGi),silent = TRUE)
                    .xx <- try(.eval("devtools::install_github(pG,quiet=TRUE)"),silent = TRUE)
                    if (inherits(.xx,'try-error')) .xx <- FALSE
                    else .xx <- TRUE
                    s[(length(p)+1):length(c(p,pG))] <- .xx
                if (any(!s)) {
                  if (any(s)) {
                    cat(paste('\n',length(c(p,pG)[s]),' packages are successfully installed or updated...\n'))
                    cat(paste('The following packages could not be installed:\n.... ',paste(c(p,pG)[!s],collapse=', '),'\n'))
                } else cat(paste('\n ',length(c(p,pG)[s]),' packages are successfully installed or updated...\n'))
              } else cat(paste('\n There is no package to install!\n'))

Try the sdm package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

sdm documentation built on Nov. 12, 2021, 9:06 a.m.