## package 'secr'
## 2010 04 29, 2010 05 01
## 2010-11-21 tweaked msg
## 2010-11-21 added cutval to read.capthist
## 2010-11-26 trapcovnames passed to read.traps covnames
## 2010-12-01 suppressed warning re- detectors not recognised by Density
## 2012-10-19 telemetry detector type
## 2013-01-11 adjust call to count.fields etc to allow binary.usage
##            to be passed through to read.traps
## 2017-05-24 replace filetype function with file_ext from tools
## 2017-05-24 modified to read Excel files
## 2021-09-21 modified for nonspatial detector type
## Write capture histories and traps to text files in DENSITY format
write.capthist <- function (object, filestem = deparse(substitute(object)),
   sess = '1', ndec = 2, covariates = FALSE, tonumeric = TRUE, ...)

    sep <- list(...)$sep
    suffix <- '.txt'
        if (sep == ',')
            suffix <- '.csv'

    if (!is(object, 'capthist'))
        stop ("requires a 'capthist' object")
    ## following assignment unused 2011-09-26
    ##    det <- detector(traps(object))

    objectname <- deparse(substitute(object), control=NULL)
    if (filestem=='') {
        captfile <- ''
        trapfile <- ''
    else {
        captfile <- paste(filestem, 'capt', suffix, sep='')
        trapfile <- paste(filestem, 'trap', suffix, sep='')

    if (inherits(object, 'list')) {

        same <- all(sapply(traps(object)[-1], identical, traps(object)[[1]]))

        if (filestem != '') {
            if (same & !(filestem==''))
                trapfile <- paste(filestem, 'trap.txt', sep='')
                trapfile <- paste(filestem, 'trap', session(object)[1], '.txt', sep='')
        tempname <- ifelse(same, paste('traps(',objectname,')',sep=''),
            paste('traps(',objectname,') Session ',session(object)[1], sep=''))
        write.traps (traps(object)[[1]], file = trapfile, deblank = TRUE,
                     header = tempname, ndec = ndec, covariates = covariates, ...)
        write.captures (object[[1]], file = captfile, deblank = TRUE,
            header = deparse(substitute(object), control=NULL), append = FALSE,
            sess = session(object)[1], ndec = ndec, covariates = covariates,
                        tonumeric = tonumeric,
        for (i in 2:length(object)) {
            if (!same) {
                trapfile <- paste(filestem, 'trap', session(object)[i], suffix, sep='')
                write.traps (traps(object)[[i]], file = trapfile, deblank = TRUE,
                             header = FALSE, ndec = ndec, covariates = covariates,...)

            write.captures (object[[i]], file = captfile, deblank = TRUE,
                header = FALSE, append = TRUE, sess = session(object)[i], ndec = ndec,
                            covariates = covariates, tonumeric = tonumeric, ...)
    else {
        tempname <- paste('traps(',objectname,')',sep='')
        write.captures (object, file = captfile, ..., deblank = TRUE,
            header = deparse(substitute(object), control=NULL), append = FALSE,
            sess = session(object), ndec = ndec, covariates = covariates, tonumeric = tonumeric)
        write.traps (traps(object), file = trapfile, header = tempname, covariates = covariates,  ...)

## 2015-10-02
## form joint trap layout for marking and sighting data
MRtraps <- function (marktraps, sighttraps, qvec) {
    qvec <- qvec>0
    alltraps <- rbind(marktraps, sighttraps,renumber = FALSE)
    rown <- c( rownames(marktraps), rownames(sighttraps))
    if (any(duplicated(rown)))
        rown <- c(paste('M', rownames(marktraps), sep='.'), 
                                paste('R', rownames(sighttraps), sep='.'))
    rownames(alltraps) <- rown
    tmat <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(alltraps), ncol = length(qvec))
    tmat[1:nrow(marktraps), qvec] <- 1
    tmat[(nrow(marktraps)+1) : nrow(alltraps), !qvec] <- 1
    usage(alltraps) <- tmat
read.capthist <- function (captfile, trapfile, detector = 'multi', fmt = c('trapID','XY'),
                          noccasions = NULL, covnames = NULL, trapcovnames = NULL,
                          cutval = NULL, verify = TRUE, noncapt = 'NONE', tol = 0.01, 
                          snapXY = FALSE, markocc = NULL, ...) {

    fmt <- match.arg(fmt)
    dots <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)$...
    if (any(detector %in% .localstuff$polydetectors) & !(fmt == 'XY'))
        stop ("polygon-like detectors require fmt = XY")
    if (length(captfile) != 1)
        stop ("requires single 'captfile'")
    if (any(detector=='nonspatial')) {
        if (!all(detector=='nonspatial'))
            warning('cannot mix nonspatial and spatial detectors; ignoring the latter')
        detector <- 'nonspatial'
    nvar <- if (detector[1] == 'nonspatial') 3 else switch(fmt, trapID = 4, XY = 5)
    ext <- tolower(file_ext(captfile))
    if (missing(trapfile) & ext %in% c("xls","xlsx"))
        trapfile <- captfile
    if (ext %in% c("xls","xlsx")) {
        if (!requireNamespace("readxl", quietly = TRUE))
            stop("package readxl is required for input from Excel spreadsheets")
        defaultargs <- list(sheet = 1, skip = 0, col_names = TRUE)
        captargs <- replacedefaults (defaultargs, list(...))
        ## first refers to captfile
        captargs$sheet <- captargs$sheet[1] 
        captargs$skip <- captargs$skip[1] 
        captargs$col_names <- captargs$col_names[1]
        ## drop any junk
        captargs <- captargs[names(captargs) %in% names(formals(readxl::read_excel))]
        captargs <- c(list(path = captfile), captargs)
        capt <- do.call(readxl::read_excel, captargs) 
        capt <- data.frame(capt)
    else {
        countargs <- dots[names(dots) %in% names(formals(count.fields))]
        if (tolower(file_ext(captfile)) == 'csv')
            countargs$sep <- ','
        countargs$file <- captfile
        nfield <- max(do.call(count.fields, countargs))
        if (detector[1] == 'nonspatial') {
            colcl <- c('character','character','character', rep(NA,nfield-nvar))
        else if (fmt == 'trapID') {
            colcl <- c('character','character','character','character', rep(NA,nfield-nvar))
        else {
            colcl <- c('character','character','character',NA,NA, rep(NA,nfield-nvar))
        defaultargs <- list(sep = '', comment.char = '#')
        if (ext == 'csv') defaultargs$sep <- ','
        captargs <- replacedefaults (defaultargs, list(...))
        captargs <- captargs[names(captargs) %in% names(formals(read.table))]
        capt <- do.call ('read.table', c(list(file = captfile, as.is = TRUE,
                                              colClasses = colcl), captargs) )
    ## let's be clear about this...
    if (detector[1] =='nonspatial')
        names(capt)[1:3] <- c('Session','AnimalID','Occ')
    else if (fmt =='trapID')
        names(capt)[1:4] <- c('Session','AnimalID','Occ','Trap')
        names(capt)[1:5] <- c('Session','AnimalID','Occ','X','Y')
    if (any(is.na(capt[,1:nvar])))
        stop ("missing values not allowed")
    ## allow injections 2014-07-26
    injected <- substring(capt$Occ,1,1) == '+'
    inject.time <- ifelse(injected, as.numeric(capt$Occ), 0)
    ## need to retrospectively zero this detection...
    ## and perhaps set prior to NA?
    capt$Occ <- as.numeric(capt$Occ)
    if (all(detector=='telemetry')) {                     ## untested
        maketelemetrytrap <- function(x) {
            trp <- t(apply(x,2,mean))
            trp <- as.data.frame(trp)
            dimnames(trp) <- list(1:nrow(trp), c('x','y'))
            class(trp) <- c('traps', 'data.frame')
            attr(trp, 'detector') <- 'telemetry'   ## or rep('telemetry', noccasions) ?
            attr(trp, 'telemetrytype') <- 'independent'
        captsess <- split(capt[,4:5], capt[,1])
        trps <- lapply(captsess, maketelemetrytrap)
    else if (detector[1] == 'nonspatial') {
        trps <- NULL
    else {
        ## assumes file= is first argument of read.traps
        ## allows for multiple trap files
        ext <- tolower(file_ext(trapfile[1]))
        if (ext %in% c("xls","xlsx")) {
            defaultdots <- list(sheet = 2, skip = 0)
            dots <- replacedefaults (defaultdots, list(...))
            if (length(dots$sheet)>1) dots$sheet <- dots$sheet[2] 
            if (length(dots$skip)>1)  dots$skip <- dots$skip[2] 
            if (length(dots$col_names)>1) dots$col_names <- dots$col_names[2]
        else {
            defaultdots <- list(sep = '', comment.char = '#')
            if (ext == 'csv') defaultdots$sep <- ','
            dots <- replacedefaults (defaultdots, list(...))
        readtraps <- function (x, mo) {
            trapargs <- c(list(file = x, detector = detector,
                               covnames = trapcovnames, markocc = mo), dots)
            do.call ('read.traps', trapargs)
        ## use mapply to carry session-varying markocc?
        molist <- inherits(markocc, 'list')
        if (molist) {
            trps <- mapply(readtraps, trapfile, markocc, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
        else {
            trps <- sapply(trapfile, readtraps, mo = markocc, simplify = FALSE)
    if (length(trps)==1) trps <- trps[[1]]
    temp <- make.capthist(capt, trps, fmt = fmt,  noccasions = noccasions,
                          covnames = covnames, sortrows = TRUE, cutval = cutval,
                          noncapt = noncapt, tol = tol, snapXY = snapXY)
    ## temporary (?) way to attach injection times, not changng make.capthist
    ## vector of occasion after inj at which first available for detection
    ## may be all zero
    ## consider NA instead of zero for non-injected animals
    ## include in verify.capthist checks that
    ## -- animal not detected before injected
    ## -- length inject.time equals number of animals
    ## -- animal not injected twice
    ## 2014-07-27
    attr(temp, 'inject.time') <- inject.time
    if (verify && detector[1]!='nonspatial') verify(temp)


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secr documentation built on Oct. 18, 2023, 1:07 a.m.