
Defines functions print.summary.bootsem summary.bootsem print.bootsem bootSem.msem bootSem.sem boot.sem

Documented in boot.sem bootSem.msem bootSem.sem print.bootsem print.summary.bootsem summary.bootsem

# bootstrapped standard errors and confidence intervals for sem

# last modified 2015-06-09 by J. Fox

boot.sem <- function(...) {
	.Deprecated("bootSem", package="sem")

bootSem <- function (model, ...){

bootSem.sem <- function(model, R=100, Cov=cov, data=model$data,  max.failures=10, show.progress=TRUE, ...){
    refit <- function(){
        indices <- sample(N, N, replace=TRUE)
        S <- Cov(data[indices,])
        refitted.model <- sem(ram, S, N, param.names=coef.names, var.names=var.names,
            	optimizer=model$optimizer, objective=model$objective, ...)
#    if (!require("boot")) stop("package boot not available")
#	has.tcltk <- require("tcltk")
#	  pb <- tkProgressBar("Bootstrap Sampling", "Bootstrap sample: ", 0, R)
    if (show.progress){
        cat("\n", R, "bootstrap replications\n")
        pb <- txtProgressBar(min=0, max=R, style=3)
    # the following 2 lines borrowed from boot in package boot
    if (!exists(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv, inherits = FALSE)) runif(1)
    seed <- get(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv, inherits = FALSE)
    warn <- options(warn=-2)
    on.exit(options(warn)) # insure restore even in event of error
    nErrors <- 0
	if (is.null(data)) stop("the model object doesn't contain a data matrix")
    N <- nrow(data)
    coefficients <- model$coeff
    coef.names <- names(coefficients)
    var.names <- model$var.names 
    ram <- model$ram 
    ram[coef.names, "start value"] <- coefficients 
    coefs <- matrix(numeric(0), R, length(coefficients))
    colnames(coefs) <- coef.names
    for (b in 1:R){
#		setTkProgressBar(pb, b, label=sprintf("Bootstrap sample: %d", b))
        if (show.progress) setTxtProgressBar(pb, b)
        for (try in 1:(max.failures + 1)){
            if (try >  max.failures) stop("more than ",  max.failures, " consecutive convergence failures")
            res <- try(refit(), silent=TRUE)
            if (inherits(res, "try-error")) nErrors <- nErrors + 1
            else {
                coefs[b,] <- res
    if (nErrors > 0) warning("there were", nErrors, 
        "apparent convergence failures;\nthese are discarded from the",
        R, "bootstrap replications returned")
    res <- list(t0=coefficients, t=coefs, R=R, data=data, seed=seed,
        statistic=refit, sim="ordinary", stype="i", call=match.call(),
        strata=rep(1, N), weights=rep(1/N, N))
    res$call[[1]] <- as.name("bootSem")
	if (show.progress) close(pb)
    class(res) <- c("bootsem", "boot")

bootSem.msem <- function(model, R=100, Cov=cov, data=model$data,  max.failures=10, show.progress=TRUE, ...){
    refit <- function(){
        for (g in 1:G){
            indices <- sample(N[g], N[g], replace=TRUE)
            S[[g]] <- Cov(data[[g]][indices, ])
        refitted.model <- sem(ram, S, N, param.names=coef.names, var.names=var.names,
        		optimizer=model$optimizer, objective=model$objective, fixed.x=model$fixed.x, ...)
#    if (!require("boot")) stop("package boot not available")
#	has.tcltk <- require("tcltk")
#	  pb <- tkProgressBar("Bootstrap Sampling", "Bootstrap sample: ", 0, R)
    if (show.progress){
        cat("\n", R, "bootstrap replications\n")
        pb <- txtProgressBar(min=0, max=R, style=3)
    # the following 2 lines borrowed from boot in package boot
    if (!exists(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv, inherits = FALSE)) runif(1)
    seed <- get(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv, inherits = FALSE)
    warn <- options(warn=-2)
    on.exit(options(warn)) # insure restore even in event of error
    nErrors <- 0
	if (is.null(data)) stop("the model object doesn't contain data matrices")
    N <- sapply(data, nrow)
    coefficients <- model$coeff
    coef.names <- names(coefficients)
    var.names <- model$var.names 
    ram <- model$ram 
    groups <- model$groups
    group <- model$group
    G <- length(groups)
    S <- vector(G, mode="list")
    for (g in 1:G){
        pars <- ram[[g]][, "parameter"]
        free <- pars != 0
        ram[[g]][free, "start value"] <- coefficients[pars[free]]
    coefs <- matrix(numeric(0), R, length(coefficients))
    colnames(coefs) <- coef.names
    for (b in 1:R){
#		setTkProgressBar(pb, b, label=sprintf("Bootstrap sample: %d", b))
        if (show.progress) setTxtProgressBar(pb, b)
        for (try in 1:(max.failures + 1)){
            if (try >  max.failures) stop("more than ",  max.failures, " consecutive convergence failures")
            res <- try(refit(), silent=TRUE)
            if (inherits(res, "try-error")) nErrors <- nErrors + 1
            else {
                coefs[b,] <- res
    if (nErrors > 0) warning("there were", nErrors, 
        "apparent convergence failures;\nthese are discarded from the",
        R, "bootstrap replications returned")
    res <- list(t0=coefficients, t=coefs, R=R, data=data, seed=seed,
        statistic=refit, sim="ordinary", stype="i", call=match.call(),
        strata=rep(1:G, N), weights=rep(1/N, N))
    res$call[[1]] <- as.name("bootSem")
	if (show.progress) close(pb)
    class(res) <- c("bootsem", "boot")

print.bootsem <- function(x, digits=getOption("digits"), ...){
    t <- x$t
    t0 <- x$t0
    result <- data.frame("Estimate"=t0, "Bias"=colMeans(t) - t0, 
        "Std.Error"=apply(t, 2, sd))
    rownames(result) <- names(t0)
    cat("Call: ")
    print(result, digits=digits)

summary.bootsem <- function(object,
    type=c("perc", "bca", "norm", "basic", "none"), level=0.95, ...){
    type <- match.arg(type)
    t <- object$t
    t0 <- object$t0
    result <- data.frame("Estimate"=t0, "Bias"=colMeans(t) - t0, 
        "Std.Error"=apply(t, 2, sd))
    if (type != "none"){
        p <- length(t0)
        lower <- upper <- rep(0, p)
        low <- if (type == "norm") 2 else 4
        up  <- if (type == "norm") 3 else 5 
        for (i in 1:p){
            ci <- as.vector(boot.ci(object, type=type, index=i, 
                conf=level)[[type, exact=FALSE]])
            lower[i] <- ci[low]
            upper[i] <- ci[up]
        result$Lower <- lower
        result$Upper <- upper
    rownames(result) <- names(t0)
    result <- list(table=result, call=object$call, level=level, type=type)
    class(result) <- "summary.bootsem"

print.summary.bootsem <- function(x, digits=getOption("digits"), ...){
    cat("Call: ")
    if (x$type != "none") {
        cat(paste("Lower and upper limits are for the", 100*x$level, 
            "percent", x$type, "confidence interval\n\n"))
    print(x$table, digits=digits)

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sem documentation built on April 11, 2022, 1:06 a.m.