read.splsm: Import of XML Model Description Specified in SmartPLS

Description Usage Arguments Value References See Also Examples

View source: R/read.splsm.R


Imports a .splsm file, an XML model description, specified in SmartPLS (see references). Note, that moderator effects specified within SmartPLS are not yet supported. Nevertheless moderating effects can be specified manually.


read.splsm(file=character(), order=c("generic", "alphabetical"))



A character naming the path to the .splsm file produced by SmartPLS.


A character describing how to order the latent variables (LVs). If

  • "generic" the LVs will be ordered according to their appearance in the causal chain of the structural model (default).

  • "alphabetical" the LVs will be ordered alphabetically.


The object returned is of class splsm with the elements:


A data.frame containing a source id and target id for all connections of the path model, as specified in the .splsm file produced by SmartPLS. The ids refer to the nodes of latent and manifest variable.


A data.frame containing the names of all the nodes together with their id and x -, y-position on the SmartPLS GUI.


A character vector naming the latent variables.


A character vector naming the manifest variables.


Is somehow identical with connectionIDs, only that the node ids are replaced by their names.


Contains only the subset of path representing the structural model.


Contains only the subset of path representing the measurement model.


The adjacency matrix \bm{D} for the structural model.


The adjacency matrix \bm{M} for the measurement model.


A list naming the MVs belonging to each LV's block and telling their measurement mode.


See armguments section.


Ringle, C.M./Wende, S./Will, S.: SmartPLS 2.0 (M3) Beta, Hamburg 2005,

See Also

sempls, plsm


# getting the path to file: 'ECSI_Tenenhaus.splsm' (generated by SmartPLS)
ptf <- system.file("SmartPLS", "workspace", "ecsi", "ECSI_Tenenhaus.splsm",

# creating the model specification to use with 'sempls()'.
ECSI <- read.splsm(ptf)

Example output

Loading required package: lattice
Loading required package: XML
   sourceID targetID
1  14651541 21722279
2  14651541 17027654
3  13579577 26179329
4  14651541  1266014
5  26179329 32685607
6  13579577 15463408
7  24640154 13165790
8  24567316 24835182
9  14651541 25504385
10 16164994 13236631
11 24640154 22041176
12 24567316 26384885
13 24567316 13778515
14 26179329 22834317
15 13579577 24640154
16 24567316 26179329
17 26179329 16164994
18 24640154 26179329
19 24567316  8630287
20  1266014  4456558
21 24567316 22693155
22 14651541 26179329
23 14651541 31380681
24 14651541 20336075
25 24567316 24640154
26 14651541 13579577
27 26179329 28518282
28 13579577 24567316
29 13579577 21521158
30 26179329  1266014
31 24567316  1272917
32  1266014 27449879
33  1266014 17754918
34 13579577 10154161
35 16164994  1266014
36 24567316 16655704

           name       id xPos yPos
1         Image 14651541  331  123
2  Satisfaction 26179329  551  320
3         Value 24640154  340  320
4   Expectation 13579577  154  209
5    Complaints 16164994  745  448
6       Loyalty  1266014  741  218
7       Quality 24567316  156  458
8         CUEX1 21521158   19  199
9         CUEX2 10154161   19  234
10        CUEX3 15463408   19  269
11        CUSA1 22834317  671  310
12        CUSA2 32685607  671  345
13        CUSA3 28518282  671  380
14        CUSCO 13236631  738  582
15        CUSL1 17754918  649  133
16        CUSL2 27449879  734  133
17        CUSL3  4456558  819  133
18        IMAG1 31380681  154   38
19        IMAG2 25504385  239   38
20        IMAG3 21722279  324   38
21        IMAG4 20336075  409   38
22        IMAG5 17027654  494   38
23        PERQ1  1272917   21  378
24        PERQ2 24835182   21  413
25        PERQ3 22693155   21  448
26        PERQ4 16655704   21  483
27        PERQ5  8630287   21  518
28        PERQ6 13778515   21  553
29        PERQ7 26384885   21  588
30        PERV1 22041176  205  327
31        PERV2 13165790  205  362

[1] "Image"        "Expectation"  "Quality"      "Value"        "Satisfaction"
[6] "Complaints"   "Loyalty"     

 [1] "IMAG1" "IMAG2" "IMAG3" "IMAG4" "IMAG5" "CUEX1" "CUEX2" "CUEX3" "PERQ1"
[10] "PERQ2" "PERQ3" "PERQ4" "PERQ5" "PERQ6" "PERQ7" "PERV1" "PERV2" "CUSA1"
[19] "CUSA2" "CUSA3" "CUSCO" "CUSL1" "CUSL2" "CUSL3"

      source         target        
 [1,] "Image"        "IMAG3"       
 [2,] "Image"        "IMAG5"       
 [3,] "Expectation"  "Satisfaction"
 [4,] "Image"        "Loyalty"     
 [5,] "Satisfaction" "CUSA2"       
 [6,] "Expectation"  "CUEX3"       
 [7,] "Value"        "PERV2"       
 [8,] "Quality"      "PERQ2"       
 [9,] "Image"        "IMAG2"       
[10,] "Complaints"   "CUSCO"       
[11,] "Value"        "PERV1"       
[12,] "Quality"      "PERQ7"       
[13,] "Quality"      "PERQ6"       
[14,] "Satisfaction" "CUSA1"       
[15,] "Expectation"  "Value"       
[16,] "Quality"      "Satisfaction"
[17,] "Satisfaction" "Complaints"  
[18,] "Value"        "Satisfaction"
[19,] "Quality"      "PERQ5"       
[20,] "Loyalty"      "CUSL3"       
[21,] "Quality"      "PERQ3"       
[22,] "Image"        "Satisfaction"
[23,] "Image"        "IMAG1"       
[24,] "Image"        "IMAG4"       
[25,] "Quality"      "Value"       
[26,] "Image"        "Expectation" 
[27,] "Satisfaction" "CUSA3"       
[28,] "Expectation"  "Quality"     
[29,] "Expectation"  "CUEX1"       
[30,] "Satisfaction" "Loyalty"     
[31,] "Quality"      "PERQ1"       
[32,] "Loyalty"      "CUSL2"       
[33,] "Loyalty"      "CUSL1"       
[34,] "Expectation"  "CUEX2"       
[35,] "Complaints"   "Loyalty"     
[36,] "Quality"      "PERQ4"       

      source         target        
 [1,] "Image"        "Expectation" 
 [2,] "Expectation"  "Quality"     
 [3,] "Expectation"  "Value"       
 [4,] "Quality"      "Value"       
 [5,] "Image"        "Satisfaction"
 [6,] "Expectation"  "Satisfaction"
 [7,] "Quality"      "Satisfaction"
 [8,] "Value"        "Satisfaction"
 [9,] "Satisfaction" "Complaints"  
[10,] "Image"        "Loyalty"     
[11,] "Satisfaction" "Loyalty"     
[12,] "Complaints"   "Loyalty"     

      source         target 
 [1,] "Image"        "IMAG1"
 [2,] "Image"        "IMAG2"
 [3,] "Image"        "IMAG3"
 [4,] "Image"        "IMAG4"
 [5,] "Image"        "IMAG5"
 [6,] "Expectation"  "CUEX1"
 [7,] "Expectation"  "CUEX2"
 [8,] "Expectation"  "CUEX3"
 [9,] "Quality"      "PERQ1"
[10,] "Quality"      "PERQ2"
[11,] "Quality"      "PERQ3"
[12,] "Quality"      "PERQ4"
[13,] "Quality"      "PERQ5"
[14,] "Quality"      "PERQ6"
[15,] "Quality"      "PERQ7"
[16,] "Value"        "PERV1"
[17,] "Value"        "PERV2"
[18,] "Satisfaction" "CUSA1"
[19,] "Satisfaction" "CUSA2"
[20,] "Satisfaction" "CUSA3"
[21,] "Complaints"   "CUSCO"
[22,] "Loyalty"      "CUSL1"
[23,] "Loyalty"      "CUSL2"
[24,] "Loyalty"      "CUSL3"

             Image Expectation Quality Value Satisfaction Complaints Loyalty
Image            0           1       0     0            1          0       1
Expectation      0           0       1     1            1          0       0
Quality          0           0       0     1            1          0       0
Value            0           0       0     0            1          0       0
Satisfaction     0           0       0     0            0          1       1
Complaints       0           0       0     0            0          0       1
Loyalty          0           0       0     0            0          0       0

      Image Expectation Quality Value Satisfaction Complaints Loyalty
IMAG1     1           0       0     0            0          0       0
IMAG2     1           0       0     0            0          0       0
IMAG3     1           0       0     0            0          0       0
IMAG4     1           0       0     0            0          0       0
IMAG5     1           0       0     0            0          0       0
CUEX1     0           1       0     0            0          0       0
CUEX2     0           1       0     0            0          0       0
CUEX3     0           1       0     0            0          0       0
PERQ1     0           0       1     0            0          0       0
PERQ2     0           0       1     0            0          0       0
PERQ3     0           0       1     0            0          0       0
PERQ4     0           0       1     0            0          0       0
PERQ5     0           0       1     0            0          0       0
PERQ6     0           0       1     0            0          0       0
PERQ7     0           0       1     0            0          0       0
PERV1     0           0       0     1            0          0       0
PERV2     0           0       0     1            0          0       0
CUSA1     0           0       0     0            1          0       0
CUSA2     0           0       0     0            1          0       0
CUSA3     0           0       0     0            1          0       0
CUSCO     0           0       0     0            0          1       0
CUSL1     0           0       0     0            0          0       1
CUSL2     0           0       0     0            0          0       1
CUSL3     0           0       0     0            0          0       1

[1] "IMAG1" "IMAG2" "IMAG3" "IMAG4" "IMAG5"
[1] "A"

[1] "CUEX1" "CUEX2" "CUEX3"
[1] "A"

[1] "PERQ1" "PERQ2" "PERQ3" "PERQ4" "PERQ5" "PERQ6" "PERQ7"
[1] "A"

[1] "PERV1" "PERV2"
[1] "A"

[1] "CUSA1" "CUSA2" "CUSA3"
[1] "A"

[1] "CUSCO"
[1] "A"

[1] "CUSL1" "CUSL2" "CUSL3"
[1] "A"

[1] "generic"

[1] "splsm" "plsm" 

semPLS documentation built on May 2, 2019, 9:34 a.m.