
Defines functions performanceCompareSingle performanceCompare dsClustCompare almostEqual diff meanMinDistance equalInstDaisy equalInstRow equalInst dataSimilarity

Documented in dataSimilarity dsClustCompare performanceCompare

# functions comparing the data sets and measuring quality of generated data

# returns different statistics comparing the similarity of data1 and data2
# some statistics are applied to discrete and other too numeric columns only
# dropDiscrete contains a list of discrete features which shall be left out of comparison i.e., response variable
dataSimilarity <- function(data1, data2, dropDiscrete=NA) {
		stop("Only data with equal number of columns can be compared.") 
	# identify discrete columns
	discrete <- c()
	noVal <- c()
	for (i in 1:ncol(data1)) {
		if (is.factor(data1[[i]]) != is.factor(data2[[i]]))
			stop("Only data with equal types of columns can be compared.", names(data1)[i], " ", names(data2)[i])
		discrete[i] <- is.factor(data1[[i]])
		if (discrete[i]) {
			if (! all(levels(data1[[i]]) == levels(data2[[i]])))
				stop("Only data with equal types of columns can be compared.", levels(data1[[i]]), " ", levels(data2[[i]]))
			noVal[i] <- length(levels(data1[[i]]))
			noVal[i] <- NA
	# extract numeric columns
	data1Num <- data1[,!discrete,drop=FALSE]
	data2Num <- data2[,!discrete,drop=FALSE]
	#prepare result matrices
	s1<- matrix(0,nrow=7,ncol=ncol(data1Num))
	s2<- matrix(0,nrow=7,ncol=ncol(data1Num))
	s1Norm<- matrix(0,nrow=7,ncol=ncol(data1Num))
	s2Norm<- matrix(0,nrow=7,ncol=ncol(data1Num))
	ks <- c() # store p-values of Kolmogorov-Smirnov test on drawing from the same distribution, only for numeric attributes
	# numeric columns
	if (ncol(data1Num) > 0) {
		notAllNAcol1 <- !apply(data1Num,2, function(x) all(is.na(x)))
		validData <- data1Num[, notAllNAcol1, drop=FALSE]
		if (ncol(validData)>0) {
			s1[1,notAllNAcol1] <- apply(validData, 2, mean, na.rm=TRUE)
			s1[2,notAllNAcol1] <- apply(validData, 2, sd, na.rm=TRUE)
			s1[3,notAllNAcol1] <- apply(validData, 2, skewness, na.rm=TRUE)
			s1[4,notAllNAcol1] <- apply(validData, 2, kurtosis, na.rm=TRUE)
			s1[5,notAllNAcol1] <- apply(validData, 2, function(x) mc(jitter(x, factor=1e-7), na.rm=TRUE)) # medcouple MC
			med1 <- apply(validData, 2, median, na.rm=TRUE)
			for (i in 1:ncol(validData)) {
				leftData <- validData[!is.na(validData[,i]) & validData[,i] < med1[i], i][[1]]
				leftData <- leftData[[1]]
				if (length(leftData) == 0)
					s1[6,which(notAllNAcol1)[i] ] <- 0
					s1[6,which(notAllNAcol1)[i] ] <-  - mc(jitter(leftData, factor=1e-7), na.rm=TRUE) # left MC, LMC
				rightData <- validData[!is.na(validData[,i]) & validData[,i] > med1[i], i][[1]]
				rightData <- rightData[[1]]
				if (length(rightData) == 0)
					s1[7, which(notAllNAcol1)[i] ] <- 0
					s1[7, which(notAllNAcol1)[i] ] <-  mc(jitter(rightData, factor=1e-7), na.rm=TRUE) # right MC, RMC
		s1[,!notAllNAcol1] <- NA  # set for columns with all value equal to NA
		notAllNAcol2 <- !apply(data2Num,2, function(x) all(is.na(x)))
		validData <- data2Num[, notAllNAcol2, drop=FALSE]
		if (ncol(validData)>0){
			s2[1,notAllNAcol2] <- apply(validData, 2, mean, na.rm=TRUE)
			s2[2,notAllNAcol2] <- apply(validData, 2, sd, na.rm=TRUE)
			s2[3,notAllNAcol2] <- apply(validData, 2, skewness, na.rm=TRUE)
			s2[4,notAllNAcol2] <- apply(validData, 2, kurtosis, na.rm=TRUE)
			s2[5,notAllNAcol2] <- apply(validData, 2, function(x) mc(jitter(x, factor=1e-7), na.rm=TRUE)) # medcouple MC
			med2 <- apply(validData, 2, median, na.rm=TRUE)
			for (i in 1:ncol(validData)) {
				leftData <- validData[!is.na(validData[,i]) & validData[,i] < med2[i], i][[1]]
				if (length(leftData) == 0)
					s2[6, which(notAllNAcol2)[i] ] <- 0
					s2[6, which(notAllNAcol2)[i] ] <-  - mc(jitter(leftData, factor=1e-7), na.rm=TRUE) # left MC, LMC
				rightData <- validData[!is.na(validData[,i]) & validData[,i] > med2[i], i][[1]]
				if (length(rightData) == 0)
					s2[7, which(notAllNAcol2)[i] ] <- 0
					s2[7,which(notAllNAcol2)[i] ] <-  mc(jitter(rightData, factor=1e-7), na.rm=TRUE) # right MC, RMC
		s2[,!notAllNAcol2] <- NA  # set for columns with all value equal to NA
		# normalize data to [0,1] 
		data1NumNorm <- normalize01(data1Num[,notAllNAcol1,drop=FALSE])
		data2NumNorm <- normalize01(data2Num[,notAllNAcol2,drop=FALSE])
		if (ncol(data1NumNorm)>0) {
			s1Norm[1,notAllNAcol1] <- apply(data1NumNorm, 2, mean, na.rm=TRUE)
			s1Norm[2,notAllNAcol1] <- apply(data1NumNorm, 2, sd, na.rm=TRUE)
			s1Norm[3,notAllNAcol1] <- apply(data1NumNorm, 2, skewness, na.rm=TRUE)
			s1Norm[4,notAllNAcol1] <- apply(data1NumNorm, 2, kurtosis, na.rm=TRUE)
			s1Norm[5,notAllNAcol1] <- apply(data1NumNorm, 2, function(x) mc(jitter(x, factor=1e-7), na.rm=TRUE)) # medcouple MC
			med1n <- apply(data1NumNorm, 2, median, na.rm=TRUE)
			for (i in 1:ncol(data1NumNorm)) {
				leftData <- data1NumNorm[!is.na(data1NumNorm[,i]) & data1NumNorm[,i] < med1n[i], i][[1]]
				if (length(leftData) == 0)
					s1Norm[6, which(notAllNAcol1)[i] ] <- 0
					s1Norm[6, which(notAllNAcol1)[i] ] <-  - mc(jitter(leftData, factor=1e-7), na.rm=TRUE) # left MC, LMC
				rightData <- data1NumNorm[!is.na(data1NumNorm[,i]) & data1NumNorm[,i] > med1n[i], i][[1]]
				if (length(rightData) == 0)
					s1Norm[7, which(notAllNAcol1)[i] ] <- 0
					s1Norm[7, which(notAllNAcol1)[i] ] <-  mc(jitter(rightData, factor=1e-7), na.rm=TRUE)# right MC, RMC
		s1Norm[,!notAllNAcol1] <- NA  # set for columns with all value equal to NA
		if (ncol(data2NumNorm)>0) {
			s2Norm[1,notAllNAcol2] <- apply(data2NumNorm, 2, mean, na.rm=TRUE)
			s2Norm[2,notAllNAcol2] <- apply(data2NumNorm, 2, sd, na.rm=TRUE)
			s2Norm[3,notAllNAcol2] <- apply(data2NumNorm, 2, skewness, na.rm=TRUE)
			s2Norm[4,notAllNAcol2] <- apply(data2NumNorm, 2, kurtosis, na.rm=TRUE)
			s2Norm[5,notAllNAcol2] <- apply(data2NumNorm, 2, function(x) mc(jitter(x, factor=1e-7), na.rm=TRUE)) # medcuple MC
			med2n <- apply(data2NumNorm, 2, median, na.rm=TRUE)
			for (i in 1:ncol(data2NumNorm)) {
				leftData <- data2NumNorm[!is.na(data2NumNorm[,i]) & data2NumNorm[,i] < med2n[i], i][[1]]
				if (length(leftData) == 0)
					s2Norm[6, which(notAllNAcol2)[i] ] <- 0
					s2Norm[6, which(notAllNAcol2)[i] ] <-  - mc(jitter(leftData, factor=1e-7), na.rm=TRUE) # left MC, LMC
				rightData <- data2NumNorm[!is.na(data2NumNorm[,i]) & data2NumNorm[,i] > med2n[i], i][[1]]
				if (length(rightData) == 0)
					s2Norm[7, which(notAllNAcol2)[i] ] <- 0
					s2Norm[7, which(notAllNAcol2)[i] ] <-  mc(jitter(rightData, factor=1e-7), na.rm=TRUE) # right MC, RMC
		s2Norm[,!notAllNAcol2] <- NA  # set for columns with all value equal to NA
		warn.save <- getOption("warn")
		options(warn=-1) # switch off warnings about ties  
		validCols <- intersect(which(notAllNAcol1), which(notAllNAcol2))
		for (i in 1:ncol(data1Num)) { # KS test 
			if (i %in% validCols) {
				tst <- ks.test(data1Num[[i]], data2Num[[i]])
				ks[i] <- tst$p.value
			else ks[i] <-NA
		names(ks) <- names(data1Num)
		options(warn=warn.save) # restore warning level
	# difference between normalized statistics
	ds <- s1Norm - s2Norm
	colnames(s1) <- colnames(s2) <- colnames(s1Norm) <- colnames(s2Norm) <- colnames(ds) <- names(data1Num)
	rownames(s1) <- rownames(s2) <- rownames(s1Norm)<- rownames(s2Norm) <- rownames(ds) <- c("mean","stdev","skewness","kurtosis","medcouple","LMC","RMC")
	# nominal attributes: compare frequencies and Hellinger distance
	f1 <- list()
	f2 <- list()
	df <- list()
	hel <- c() # store Hellinger distance between two discrete distributions
	if (! is.na(dropDiscrete)) {
		dropIdx <- match(dropDiscrete, names(data1))
		discreteIdx <- discreteIdx[-match(dropIdx, discreteIdx, nomatch=length(discreteIdx)+1)]
	for (i in seq(along=discreteIdx)) {
		f1[[i]] <- table(data1[,discreteIdx[i]])/nrow(data1)
		names(f1)[i] <-names(data1)[discreteIdx[i]]
		f2[[i]] <- table(data2[,discreteIdx[i]])/nrow(data2)
		names(f2)[i] <-names(data2)[discreteIdx[i]]
		df[[i]] <- f1[[i]] - f2[[i]]
		names(df)[i] <-names(data1)[discreteIdx[i]]
		hel[i] <- hellinger(f1[[i]], f2[[i]])
	if (length(hel) > 0) 
		names(hel)<- names(data1)[discreteIdx]
	# return values
	list(equalInstances=noEqualRows(data1,data2), stats1num=s1, stats2num=s2, stats1numNorm=s1Norm, stats2numNorm=s2Norm,
			KSpvalue=ks, freq1=f1, freq2=f2, dfreq=df, dstatsNorm=ds, hellingerDist=hel)

# find a number of the same instances in data1 and data2 (up to the given tolerance)
# use either a double loop or construct a distance matrix depending on data dimensions
equalInst<-function(data1, data2) {
	if (nrow(data1) > ncol(data1))
		return(equalInstRow(data1, data2))
		return(equalInstDaisy(data1, data2))

equalInstRow<-function(data1, data2) {
	eq <- 0
	for (i in 1:nrow(data1)) 
		for (j in 1:nrow(data2))    
			eq <- eq + as.integer(almostEqual(data1[i,], data2[j,],tolerance=1e-5))

# find a number of the same instances in data1 and data2 (up to the given tolerance)
# use the Gower's metric and daisy distance matrix
equalInstDaisy <- function(data1, data2, tolerance=1e-5) {
	dta <- rbind(data1, data2)
	sim <- as.matrix(daisy(dta, metric="gower"))
	eq <- 0
	for (i in (nrow(data1)+1):nrow(sim)) {
		if (length(which(sim[i,]< tolerance)) >1)
			eq <- eq+1

# for each instance in data2 find a closest instance in data1 and 
# compute a mean of these minimal distances
meanMinDistance<-function(data1, data2) {
	dist <- vector(mode="numeric",length=nrow(data2))
	for (i in 1:nrow(data2)) {
		row2 <- as.numeric(data2[i,])
		dist[i] <- min(apply(data1, 1, diff, row2))

# sum of squared distance between two instances
diff<-function(inst1, inst2){

# are two instances almost equal 
almostEqual <- function(inst1, inst2, tolerance=1e-5) {
	all(abs(as.numeric(inst1)-as.numeric(inst2)) < tolerance, na.rm=TRUE)

# Computes a similarity metric of two data sets based on any of the follwoing clustering similarity scores: 
# adjusted Rand index, Fowlkes-Mallows index, Jaccard index or Variance of Information (VI) index.
# The procedure is as follows:
# 1. use data1 to get clusters, assign data2 to these clusters
# 2. use data2 to get clusters, assign data1 to these clusters
# The method uses pam clustering (partitioning around medoids) with 
# optimal k computed for each data1 and data2 separately with average silhouette width method (using pamk)
# final data set similarity score is computed on clusterings with merged data1 and data2 instances 
dsClustCompare <- function(data1, data2) {
	# check if data is of compatibile types
		stop("Only data with equal number of columns can be compared.")
	discrete <- c()
	noVal <- c()
	for (i in 1:ncol(data1)) {
		if (is.factor(data1[[i]]) != is.factor(data2[[i]]))
			stop("Only data with equal types of columns can be compared.", names(data1)[i], " ", names(data2)[i])
		discrete[i] <- is.factor(data1[[i]])
		if (discrete[i]) {
			if (! all(levels(data1[[i]]) == levels(data2[[i]])))
				stop("Only data with equal types of columns can be compared.", levels(data1[[i]]), " ", levels(data2[[i]]))
			noVal[i] <- length(levels(data1[[i]]))
			noVal[i] <- NA
	#distance matrix
	dist1 <- daisy(data1, metric="gower")
	dist2 <- daisy(data2, metric="gower")
	pamkBest1 <- pamk(dist1) # number of clusters estimated by optimum average silhouette width
	pamkBest2 <- pamk(dist2) # number of clusters estimated by optimum average silhouette width
	clu1 <- pam(dist1, k=max(2,pamkBest1$nc)) #get the clustering
	clu2 <- pam(dist2, k=max(2,pamkBest2$nc)) #get the clustering
	medoids1 <- data1[clu1$medoids,] 
	medoids2 <- data2[clu2$medoids,] 
	# compute distances of data2 to medoids1 and data1 to medoids2
	dta1 <- rbind(medoids1,data2)
	dta2 <- rbind(medoids2,data1)
	dst1 <- as.matrix(daisy(dta1,metric="gower"))
	dst2 <- as.matrix(daisy(dta2,metric="gower"))
	# find nearest medoid for each data2 instance, this is its cluster index in 1st clustering
	closestMed1 <-apply(dst1[-c(1:nrow(medoids1)),1:nrow(medoids1)],1,which.min)
	# find nearest medoid for each data1 instance, this is its cluster index in 2nd clustering
	closestMed2 <-apply(dst2[-c(1:nrow(medoids2)),1:nrow(medoids2)],1,which.min)
	# put the cluster assignments together
	clustering1 <- c(clu1$clustering, closestMed1)
	clustering2 <- c(closestMed2, clu2$clustering)
	cp <- comPart(clustering1, clustering2, type=c("ARI","J","FM"))
	vi <- vi.dist(clustering1,clustering2)
	list(ARI=cp["ARI"], J=cp["J"], FM=cp["FM"], VI=vi)

# compare classification performance on two data sets of the same problem
# by splitting the each data set into two parts and do a 2-fold stratified cross-validation
performanceCompare <- function(data1, data2, formula, model="rf", stat=NULL, ...) {
	informula <- as.formula(formula)
	response <- all.vars(informula)[1]
	# check if data is of compatibile types
		stop("Only data with equal number of columns can be compared.")
	discrete <- c()
	noVal <- c()
	for (i in 1:ncol(data1)) {
		if (is.factor(data1[[i]]) != is.factor(data2[[i]]))
			stop("Only data with equal types of columns can be compared.", names(data1)[i], " ", names(data2)[i])
		discrete[i] <- is.factor(data1[[i]])
		if (discrete[i]) {
			if (! all(levels(data1[[i]]) == levels(data2[[i]])))
				stop("Only data with equal types of columns can be compared.", levels(data1[[i]]), " ", levels(data2[[i]]))
			noVal[i] <- length(levels(data1[[i]]))
			noVal[i] <- NA
	if (is.factor(data1[[response]]))
		problemType <- "classification"
	else problemType <- "regression"
	if (is.null(stat))
		if (problemType == "classification")
			stat <- "accuracy"
		else stat <- "RMSE"
	# shuffle the data to allow several different runs
	d1 <- data1[sample(nrow(data1),nrow(data1)),]
	d2 <- data2[sample(nrow(data2),nrow(data2)),]
	if (problemType == "classification") {
		# split into halves based on startified cross-validation
		cv1 <- cvGenStratified(d1[[response]], k=2)
		d1a <- d1[cv1==1,]
		d1b <- d1[cv1==2,]
		cv2 <- cvGenStratified(d2[[response]], k=2)
		d2a <- d2[cv2==1,]
		d2b <- d2[cv2==2,]
		# build models
		m1a <- CoreModel(informula, d1a, model=model, ...)
		m1b <- CoreModel(informula, d1b, model=model, ...)
		m2a <- CoreModel(informula, d2a, model=model, ...)
		m2b <- CoreModel(informula, d2b, model=model, ...)
		# test performance
		# model m1a
		pred.m1ad1b <- predict(m1a, d1b)
		acc.m1ad1b <- modelEval(m1a, d1b[[response]], pred.m1ad1b$class, pred.m1ad1b$probabilities)  
		pred.m1ad2 <- predict(m1a, d2)
		acc.m1ad2 <- modelEval(m1a, d2[[response]], pred.m1ad2$class, pred.m1ad2$probabilities)  
		#model m1b
		pred.m1bd1a <- predict(m1b, d1a)
		acc.m1bd1a <- modelEval(m1b, d1a[[response]], pred.m1bd1a$class, pred.m1bd1a$probabilities)  
		pred.m1bd2 <- predict(m1b, d2)
		acc.m1bd2 <- modelEval(m1b, d2[[response]], pred.m1bd2$class, pred.m1bd2$probabilities)  
		# model m2a
		pred.m2ad2b <- predict(m2a, d2b)
		acc.m2ad2b <- modelEval(m2a, d2b[[response]], pred.m2ad2b$class, pred.m2ad2b$probabilities)  
		pred.m2ad1 <- predict(m2a, d1)
		acc.m2ad1 <- modelEval(m2a, d1[[response]], pred.m2ad1$class, pred.m2ad1$probabilities)  
		#model m2b
		pred.m2bd2a <- predict(m2b, d2a)
		acc.m2bd2a <- modelEval(m2b, d2a[[response]], pred.m2bd2a$class, pred.m2bd2a$probabilities)  
		pred.m2bd1 <- predict(m2b, d1)
		acc.m2bd1 <- modelEval(m2b, d1[[response]], pred.m2bd1$class, pred.m2bd1$probabilities)  
		# destroy models
	else { # regression
		# split into halves based on cross-validation
		cv1 <- cvGen(n=nrow(d1), k=2)
		d1a <- d1[cv1==1,]
		d1b <- d1[cv1==2,]
		cv2 <- cvGen(n=nrow(d2), k=2)
		d2a <- d2[cv2==1,]
		d2b <- d2[cv2==2,]
		# build models
		if (model == "regTree") {
			m1a <- CoreModel(informula, d1a, model=model, ...)
			m1b <- CoreModel(informula, d1b, model=model, ...)
			m2a <- CoreModel(informula, d2a, model=model, ...)
			m2b <- CoreModel(informula, d2b, model=model, ...)
		else if (model %in% c("rf","bagging")) {
			m1a <- do.call(model, list(informula, d1a, ...))
			m1b <- do.call(model, list(informula, d1b, ...))
			m2a <- do.call(model, list(informula, d2a, ...))
			m2b <- do.call(model, list(informula, d2b, ...))
		# test performance
		# model m1a
		pred.m1ad1b <- predict(m1a, d1b)
		acc.m1ad1b <- modelEval(NULL, d1b[[response]], pred.m1ad1b, avgTrainPrediction=mean(d1a[[response]]))  
		pred.m1ad2 <- predict(m1a, d2)
		acc.m1ad2 <- modelEval(NULL, d2[[response]], pred.m1ad2, avgTrainPrediction=mean(d1a[[response]]))  
		#model m1b
		pred.m1bd1a <- predict(m1b, d1a)
		acc.m1bd1a <- modelEval(NULL, d1a[[response]], pred.m1bd1a, avgTrainPrediction=mean(d1b[[response]]))  
		pred.m1bd2 <- predict(m1b, d2)
		acc.m1bd2 <- modelEval(NULL, d2[[response]], pred.m1bd2, avgTrainPrediction=mean(d1b[[response]]))  
		# model m2a
		pred.m2ad2b <- predict(m2a, d2b)
		acc.m2ad2b <- modelEval(NULL, d2b[[response]], pred.m2ad2b, avgTrainPrediction=mean(d2a[[response]]))  
		pred.m2ad1 <- predict(m2a, d1)
		acc.m2ad1 <- modelEval(NULL, d1[[response]], pred.m2ad1, avgTrainPrediction=mean(d2a[[response]]))  
		#model m2b
		pred.m2bd2a <- predict(m2b, d2a)
		acc.m2bd2a <- modelEval(NULL, d2a[[response]], pred.m2bd2a, avgTrainPrediction=mean(d2b[[response]]))  
		pred.m2bd1 <- predict(m2b, d1)
		acc.m2bd1 <- modelEval(NULL, d1[[response]], pred.m2bd1, avgTrainPrediction=mean(d2b[[response]]))  
		# destroy CoreModel models
		if (model == "regTree") {
		else{ # these are not CoreModel models
			m1a <- m1b <- m2a <- m2b <- NULL
	# averages for 2-fold cross-validation
	acc.m1d1 <- (acc.m1ad1b[[stat]] + acc.m1bd1a[[stat]])/2.0
	acc.m1d2 <- (acc.m1ad2[[stat]] + acc.m1bd2[[stat]])/2.0
	acc.m2d1 <- (acc.m2ad1[[stat]] + acc.m2bd1[[stat]])/2.0
	acc.m2d2 <- (acc.m2ad2b[[stat]] + acc.m2bd2a[[stat]])/2.0
	diff.m1 <- acc.m1d1 -acc.m1d2
	diff.m2 <- acc.m2d2 - acc.m2d1
	list(diff.m1=diff.m1, diff.m2=diff.m2, perf.m1d1=acc.m1d1, perf.m1d2=acc.m1d2, perf.m2d1=acc.m2d1, perf.m2d2=acc.m2d2 )  

# compare classification performance on two data sets of the same problem
performanceCompareSingle <- function(data1, data2, formula, model="rf", stat="accuracy", ...) {
	informula <- as.formula(formula)
	trms <- terms(as.formula(informula),data=data1)
	response <- all.names(attr(trms,"variables"))[1+attr(trms,"response")]
	# check if data is of compatibile types
		stop("Only data with equal number of columns can be compared.")
	discrete <- c()
	noVal <- c()
	for (i in 1:ncol(data1)) {
		if (is.factor(data1[[i]]) != is.factor(data2[[i]]))
			stop("Only data with equal types of columns can be compared.", names(data1)[i], " ", names(data2)[i])
		discrete[i] <- is.factor(data1[[i]])
		if (discrete[i]) {
			if (! all(levels(data1[[i]]) == levels(data2[[i]])))
				stop("Only data with equal types of columns can be compared.", levels(data1[[i]]), " ", levels(data2[[i]]))
			noVal[i] <- length(levels(data1[[i]]))
			noVal[i] <- NA
	# shuffle the data
	d1 <- data1[sample(nrow(data1),nrow(data1)),]
	d2 <- data2[sample(nrow(data2),nrow(data2)),]
	# build models
	m1 <- CoreModel(informula, d1, model=model, ...)
	m2 <- CoreModel(informula, d2, model=model, ...)
	# test performance
	# model m1
	pred.m1d2 <- predict(m1, d2)
	acc.m1d2 <- modelEval(m1, d2[[response]], pred.m1d2$class, pred.m1d2$probabilities)  
	# model m2a
	pred.m2d1 <- predict(m2, d1)
	acc.m2d1 <- modelEval(m2, d1[[response]], pred.m2d1$class, pred.m2d1$probabilities)  
	# destroy models
	# difference in performance
	diff <- acc.m1d2[[stat]] - acc.m2d1[[stat]]
	list(m1=acc.m1d2[[stat]], m2=acc.m2d1[[stat]], diff=diff)

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