
Defines functions getSubjRoute

Documented in getSubjRoute

## The function getSubjRoute.
## History:
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Date         Programmer            Note
## ----------   --------------------  ------------------------------------------
## 2021-01-06   Bo Larsen             Initial version

#' Extract the set of animals of the specified route of administration - or just
#' add actual route of administration for each animal.
#' Returns a data table with the set of animals included in the
#' \code{animalList} matching the route of administration specified in the
#' \code{routeFilter}.\cr
#' If the \code{routeFilter} is empty (null, na or empty string) - all rows from
#' \code{animalList} are returned with an additional populated ROUTE column.
#' The route of administration per animal are identified by a hierarchical
#' lookup in these domains
#' \itemize{
#'   \item EX - If a distinct not empty EXROUTE value is found for animal, this
#'   is included in the output.\cr
#'   \item TS - if a distinct TS parameter 'ROUTE' value exists for the study,
#'   this is included in the output.\cr
#' }
#' The comparison of route values is done case insensitive and trimmed for
#' leading/trailing blanks.
#' If input parameter \code{inclUncertain=TRUE}, uncertain animals are included
#' in the output set. These uncertain situations are identified and reported (in
#' column UNCERTAIN_MSG):
#' \itemize{
#'   \item TS parameter ROUTE is missing for study and no EX rows contain a
#'   EXROUTE value for the animal
#'   \item The selected EXROUTE or TS parameter ROUTE value is invalid (not CT
#'   value - CDISC SEND code list ROUTE)
#'   \item Multiple EXROUTE values have been found for the animal
#'   \item Multiple TS parameter ROUTE values are registered for study but no EX
#'   rows contain a EXROUTE value for the animal
#'   \item The found EXROUTE value for animal is not included in the TS
#'   parameter ROUTE value(s) registered for study
#' }
#' The same checks are performed and reported in column NOT_VALID_MSG if
#' \code{routeFilter} is empty and \code{noFilterReportUncertain=TRUE}.
#' @param dbToken Mandatory\cr
#'   Token for the open database connection (see \code{\link{initEnvironment}}).
#' @param animalList  Mandatory, data.table.\cr
#'  A table with the list of animals to process.\cr
#'  The table must include at least columns named 'STUDYID' and 'USUBJID'.
#' @param routeFilter  Optional, character.\cr
#'  The route of administration value(s) to use as criterion for filtering of the
#'  input data table.\cr
#'  It can be a single string, a vector or a list of multiple strings.
#' @param exclusively Mandatory if \code{routeFilter} is non empty, boolean.
#'   \itemize{
#'   \item TRUE: Include animals only for studies with no other routes then
#'   included in \code{routeFilter}.
#'   \item FALSE: Include animals for all studies with route
#'   matching \code{routeFilter}.
#' }
#' @param matchAll Mandatory if \code{routeFilter} is non empty, boolean.
#'   \itemize{
#'   \item TRUE: Include animals only for studies with route(s) matching all
#'   values in \code{routeFilter}.
#'   \item FALSE: Include animals for all studies with route matching at least
#'   one value in \code{routeFilter}.
#' }
#' @param inclUncertain  Mandatory if \code{routeFilter} is non empty, boolean,.\cr
#'  Indicates whether animals for which the route cannot be confidently
#'  identified shall be included or not in the output data table.
#' @param noFilterReportUncertain Mandatory if \code{routeFilter} is empty, boolean\cr
#'  Only relevant if the \code{routeFilter} is empty.\cr
#'  Indicates if the reason should be included if the route cannot be
#'  confidently decided for an animal.
#' @return The function returns a data.table with columns:
#'   \itemize{
#'   \item STUDYID       (character)
#'   \item Additional columns contained in the \code{animalList} table
#'   \item ROUTE         (character)\cr
#' The value is always returned in uppercase and trimmed for leading/trailing
#' blanks.
#'   \item UNCERTAIN_MSG (character)\cr
#' Included when parameter \code{inclUncertain=TRUE}.\cr
#' In case the ROUTE cannot be confidently matched during the filtering of data,
#' the column contains an indication of the reason.\cr
#' Is NA for rows where ROUTE can be confidently matched.\cr
#' A non-empty UNCERTAIN_MSG value generated by this function is merged with
#' non-empty UNCERTAIN_MSG values which may exist in the input set of animals
#' specified in \code{animalList} - separated by '|'.
#'   \item NOT_VALID_MSG (character)\cr
#' Included when parameter \code{noFilterReportUncertain=TRUE}.\cr
#' In case the ROUTE cannot be confidently decided, the column contains an
#' indication of the reason.\cr
#' Is NA for rows where the ROUTE can be confidently decided.\cr
#' A non-empty NOT_VALID_MSG value generated by this function is merged with
#' non-empty NOT_VALID_MSG values which may exist in the input set of animals
#' \code{animalList} - separated by '|'.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Extract animals administered oral or oral gavage plus uncertain animals
#' getSubjRoute(dbToken, controlAnimals,
#'              routeFilter = c('ORAL', 'ORAL GAVAGE'),
#'              inclUncertain = TRUE)
#' # Extract animals administered oral or oral gavage.
#' # Do only include studies which include both route values
#' getSubjRoute(dbToken, controlAnimals,
#'              routeFilter = c('ORAL', 'ORAL GAVAGE'),
#'              matchAll = TRUE)
#' # Extract animals administered subcutaneous.
#' # Include only animals from studies which do not contain other route values
#' getSubjRoute(dbToken, controlAnimals,
#'              routeFilter = 'subcutaneous',
#'              exclusively = TRUE)
#' # No filtering, just add ROUTE - do not include messages when
#' # these values cannot be confidently found
#' getSubjRoute(dbToken, controlAnimals,
#'              noFilterReportUncertain = FALSE)
#' }
getSubjRoute <- function(dbToken,
                            routeFilter = NULL,
                            exclusively  = FALSE,
                            matchAll = FALSE,
                            inclUncertain = FALSE,
                            noFilterReportUncertain = TRUE) {

  # Function to identify uncertain animals
  identifyUncertainROUTE <- function(ROUTE, ALL_ROUTE_EX, ALL_ROUTE_TS) {

    if (is.na(ROUTE)) {
      if (length(ALL_ROUTE_EX) > 1)
        msgArr<-c(msgArr, 'Multiple values for EXROUTE found')
      else if (length(ALL_ROUTE_TS) > 1)
        msgArr<-c(msgArr, 'Multiple TS parameters ROUTE found and EX rows with EXROUTE values are missing')
        msgArr<-c(msgArr, 'TS parameters ROUTE and EX rows with EXROUTE values are missing')
    else {
      if (! toupper(trimws(ROUTE)) %in% ctROUTE) {
        if (!is.null(ALL_ROUTE_EX) && ! ALL_ROUTE_EX %in% ctROUTE)
          msgArr<-c(msgArr, 'EXROUTE does not contain a valid CT value')
        else if (!is.null(ALL_ROUTE_TS) & ! ALL_ROUTE_TS %in% ctROUTE)
          msgArr<-c(msgArr, 'TS parameter ROUTE does not contain a valid CT value')
      if (! is.null(ALL_ROUTE_EX) &&
          ! is.null(ALL_ROUTE_TS) &&
          ! TRUE %in% (ALL_ROUTE_EX %in% ALL_ROUTE_TS))
        msgArr<-c(msgArr, 'Mismatch in values of TS parameter ROUTE and EXROUTE')
    msg<-paste(msgArr, collapse = ' & ')
    ifelse(msg=="", as.character(NA), paste0('ROUTE: ', msg))

  # Verify input parameter
  if (!data.table::is.data.table(animalList)) {
    stop('Input parameter animalList must have assigned a data table ')
  if (is.null(routeFilter) | isTRUE(is.na(routeFilter)) | isTRUE(routeFilter==''))
    execFilter <- FALSE
    execFilter <- TRUE
  if (execFilter & !(inclUncertain %in% c(TRUE,FALSE))) {
    stop("Parameter inclUncertain must be either TRUE or FALSE")
  if (execFilter & !(exclusively %in% c(TRUE,FALSE))) {
    stop("Parameter Exclusively must be either TRUE or FALSE")
  if (execFilter & !(matchAll %in% c(TRUE,FALSE))) {
    stop("Parameter matchAll must be either TRUE or FALSE")
  if (!execFilter & !(noFilterReportUncertain %in% c(TRUE,FALSE))) {
    stop("Parameter noFilterReportUncertain must be either TRUE or FALSE")

  # List of studyid values included in the input table of animals

  #check if POOLDEF exists and if EX contains POOLDEF
  if (dbExistsTable(dbToken, 'POOLDEF') && 'POOLID' %in% dbListFields(dbToken, 'EX'))
    # select part of pool level rows from EX
    # Trim EXROUTE value and convert to uppercase
    sqlPartPool <- "union
                        select pooldef.STUDYID,
                               upper(trim(EXROUTE)) as EXROUTE
                         from pooldef
                         join ex
                           on ex.studyid = pooldef.studyid
                          and ex.poolid = pooldef.poolid
                          and exroute is not null
                          and exroute != ''
                        where pooldef.studyid in (:1)"
    sqlPartPool <- ""

  # Extract unique set or rows from EX for all animals studies
  # included in the input table of animals.
  # Do only include rows with a non-empty value of EXROUTE
  # Trim EXROUTE value and convert to uppercase
  allAnimals <-
    genericQuery(dbToken, paste0(
                  "select distinct STUDYID,
                          case exroute
                            when '' then null
                            else upper(trim(exroute))
                          end as EXROUTE
                     from ex
                    where studyid in (:1)
                      and exroute is not null
                      and exroute != ''",

  # Add variables with
  # - number of distinct EXROUTE values per study
  # - concatenation of all EXROUTE per animal
  #  (for animals with one distinct EXROUTE value this is equal to EXROUTE)
  allAnimals[, `:=` (NUM_ROUTE_EX = .N), by = list(STUDYID,USUBJID)]
  allAnimals[,`:=`(ALL_ROUTE_EX = c(.SD)), by = list(STUDYID,USUBJID), .SDcols='EXROUTE']

  # Limit the set to the animals included in the input set of animal
  #  - do only keep the calculated columns from allAnimals
  allAnimals <-

                                   animalList[,c('STUDYID', 'USUBJID')],
                                   by = c('STUDYID', 'USUBJID'),
                                   all.y = TRUE)

  # Extract TS parm ROUTE parameter for all studies in the input list of animals
  # Trim ROUTE value and convert to uppercase
  studyRoutes <-
                 "select distinct studyid,
                         upper(trim(tsval)) as ROUTE_TS
                    from ts
                   where tsparmcd = 'ROUTE'
                     and tsval is not null
                     and tsval != ''
                     and studyid in (:1)",

  # Add variables with
  # - number of distinct routes per study
  # - concatenation of all ROUTE values per study
  #  (for studies with one ROUTE this is equal to ROUTE_TS)
  studyRoutes[, `:=` (NUM_ROUTE_TS = .N), by = STUDYID]
  studyRoutes[,`:=`(ALL_ROUTE_TS = c(.SD)), by = STUDYID, .SDcols='ROUTE_TS']

  # Add calculated columns to the list of animals
  #  - do only keep the calculated columns and remove potential duplicates from studyRoute
  allAnimals <-
                                 by = 'STUDYID',
                                 all.x = TRUE)

  #  Add variables
  #    - ROUTE with the first non-empty single value from EX or TS
  allAnimals[,`:=` (ROUTE=ifelse(is.na(NUM_ROUTE_EX),
                                 # No EXROUTE found
                                 ifelse(NUM_ROUTE_TS == 1,
                                        # No or multiple TSROUTEs found
                                 # One or more EXROUTEs found
                                 ifelse(NUM_ROUTE_EX == 1,
                                        # Multiple ESROUTE(s) found

  #  Get values of codelist ROUTE from CDISC CT
  ctROUTE <-  getCTCodListValues(dbToken, "ROUTE")
  # Identify uncertain animals - add variable MSG
  allAnimals[,`:=` (MSG = mapply(identifyUncertainROUTE,

  if (execFilter) {
    # Extract animals matching the routeFilter
    foundAnimals <-
      # Only include routes which are not uncertain
        allAnimals[ROUTE %in% toupper(trimws(routeFilter)) & is.na(MSG),
                             c('STUDYID', 'USUBJID', 'ROUTE')]

    if (exclusively) {
      # Exclude all animals belonging to studies which have other ROUTEs than the requested
              # Set of studies to keep:
                       # Set of studies (included in the found set of animals with matching ROUTE values) with possible
                       # ROUTE values not included in the routeFilter:
                       unique(data.table::fsetdiff(data.table::merge.data.table(# Set of possible ROUTE values per study in the input set of animals:
                                                                                unique(foundAnimals[,c('STUDYID')]), by='STUDYID'),
                                                   unique(foundAnimals[,c('STUDYID', 'ROUTE')]))[,c('STUDYID')])),

    if (matchAll & length(routeFilter) > 1) {
      # Exclude animals belonging to studies which do not match all requested ROUTE values
              # Studies with equal number of distinct number of ROUTE values as included in the requested set of ROUTEs
              unique(foundAnimals[,c('STUDYID','ROUTE')])[,list(NUM_ROUTE = .N), by = STUDYID][NUM_ROUTE == length(routeFilter),c('STUDYID')],

    if (inclUncertain) {
      # Rename MSG col to correct name
      data.table::setnames(allAnimals, 'MSG' ,'UNCERTAIN_MSG')
      # Add the uncertain animals
      foundAnimals <- data.table::rbindlist(list(foundAnimals,
                                                            c('STUDYID', 'USUBJID', 'ROUTE', 'UNCERTAIN_MSG')]),
                                            use.names=TRUE, fill=TRUE)
  else {
    # Include all animals
    foundAnimals <-
      if (noFilterReportUncertain)
        # Rename MSG col to correct name
        data.table::setnames(allAnimals, 'MSG' ,'NOT_VALID_MSG')[,c('STUDYID', 'USUBJID', 'ROUTE', 'NOT_VALID_MSG')]
        allAnimals[, c('STUDYID', 'USUBJID', 'ROUTE')]

  # Merge the list of extracted animals with the input set of animals to keep
  # any additional columns from the input table
  foundAnimals <- data.table::merge.data.table(animalList,
                                               by=c('STUDYID', 'USUBJID'))

  # Do final preparation of set of found animals and return

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sendigR documentation built on Aug. 18, 2022, 9:07 a.m.