
Defines functions tooltipCallback_agg tooltipCallback make_interval meanEveryNth create_lb_cat_agg_table aggDomain_bw_lb aggDomain GetUniqueSex GetAnimalGroupsStudy GetStudyTS GetAvailableStudies GetUniqueLBTESTCD GetUniqueOrgans GetUniqueRoutes GetUniqueStrains GetUniqueSpecies GetUniqueDesign getMinStudyStartDate BodyWeight LiverFindings MiFindings MiFindings_table GetAnimalList

## A set of internal functions for extraction and manipulation of data for the
## Shiny app
## History:
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Date         Programmer            Note
## ----------   --------------------  ------------------------------------------
## 2021-04-28   Yousuf Ali,           Initial version
##              Daniel Russo
##              Bo Larsen

GetAnimalList <- function(design, species) {
  # helper function tjust used for troubleshooting
  # to get a quick list of animals.
  species <- sendigR::genericQuery(.sendigRenv$dbToken,
                                   sprintf('SELECT STUDYID
                                            FROM TS
                                            WHERE TSPARMCD == "SPECIES"
                                            AND TSVAL == "%s" ', species))
  design <- sendigR::genericQuery(.sendigRenv$dbToken,
                                  sprintf('SELECT STUDYID
                                           FROM TS
                                           WHERE TSPARMCD == "SDESIGN"
                                           AND TSVAL == "%s" ', design))

  studies <- merge(species, design, by='STUDYID')

  controls <- sendigR::getControlSubj(.sendigRenv$dbToken, studyList = studies)
  animals <- merge(studies, controls, by='STUDYID')

MiFindings_table <- function(animalList, mispec) {
  # given a set of USUBJIDs and and target organ
  # will return the frequency counts of counts
  # of the findings

  # query MI and remove findings not in
  # our target animals. Convert
  # all findings to uppercase for
  # counting.
  findings <- sendigR::genericQuery(.sendigRenv$dbToken,
                                    sprintf('SELECT STUDYID, USUBJID, MISTRESC
                                            FROM MI
                                            WHERE MISPEC == "%s"', mispec))
  finalFindings <- merge(animalList, findings,
                         by=c('STUDYID', 'USUBJID'))
  finalFindings <- finalFindings %>% dplyr::filter(MISTRESC!="")
  finalFindings$MISTRESC <- toupper(finalFindings$MISTRESC)

MiFindings <- function(animalList, mispec) {
  # given a set of USUBJIDs and and target organ
  # will return the frequency counts of counts
  # of the findings

  # query MI and remove findings not in
  # our target animals. Convert
  # all findings to uppercase for
  # counting.
  findings <- sendigR::genericQuery(.sendigRenv$dbToken,
                                    sprintf('SELECT STUDYID, USUBJID, MISTRESC
                                            FROM MI
                                            WHERE MISPEC == "%s"', mispec))
  finalFindings <- merge(animalList, findings,
                         by=c('STUDYID', 'USUBJID'))
  finalFindings <- finalFindings %>% dplyr::filter(MISTRESC!="")
  finalFindings$MISTRESC <- toupper(finalFindings$MISTRESC)

  # Count findings using dplyr
  findingsCount <- finalFindings %>%
    dplyr::distinct(STUDYID, USUBJID, MISTRESC) %>% # only one organ, finding per animal (input errors cause duplications)
    dplyr::count(MISTRESC) %>%

  # findings = n / total animals * 100
  # round to 2 decimal places and
  # sort by descending.
  findingsCount$Incidence <- (findingsCount$n / length(unique(finalFindings$USUBJID))) * 100
  findingsCount$Incidence <- paste0(round(findingsCount$Incidence, 2), '%')
  findingsCount <- dplyr::select(findingsCount, -n)

LiverFindings <- function(animalList, lbtestcd, how='max') {
  # given a set of USUBJIDs and and target LBTESTCD
  # will return either the max or mean responses
  # for all the animals.

  # set function to either
  # max or mean
  if (tolower(how) == 'max') {
    fx = max
  } else {
    fx = mean

  # use a list to filter
  # valid test units per
  # each LBTESTCD
  LAB_TEST_UNITS <- list(
    ALP = c('U/L', 'IU/L'),
    ALT = c('U/L', 'IU/L'),
    AST = c('U/L', 'IU/L'),
    BILEAC = c('umol/L', 'mmol/L'),
    BILI = c('umol/L', 'mg/dL'),
    GGT = c('U/L'),
    GLDH = c('U/L'),
    SDH = c('U/L')

  # only get valid units
  validUnits <- LAB_TEST_UNITS[[lbtestcd]]

  # parameters vary per lbtestcd
  # need to get specific number
  questionMarks <- paste(rep('?', length(validUnits)), collapse=', ')
                          FROM LB
                          WHERE LBTESTCD == ?
                            and LBSTRESU IN (%s)', questionMarks)

  params <- c(lbtestcd, validUnits)

  results <- sendigR::genericQuery(.sendigRenv$dbToken, queryString, params)
  results <- merge(results, animalList, by=c('STUDYID', 'USUBJID'))

  # strip and remove equality signs
  results$LBSTRESC <- as.numeric(gsub("[^0-9.-]", "", results$LBSTRESC))
  results <- results[!is.na(results$LBSTRESC),]

  # convert BILI to from umol/L
  # to ml/dL
  if ((lbtestcd == 'BILI') & (any(results$LBSTRESU == 'mg/dL'))) {
    results[results$LBSTRESU == 'mg/dL',]$LBSTRESC <-
                          results[results$LBSTRESU == 'mg/dL',]$LBSTRESC * 17.1
    results[results$LBSTRESU == 'mg/dL',]$LBSTRESU <- 'umol/L'

  # use dplyr to take max
  # or mean and return results
  finalResults <- results %>%
    dplyr::group_by(STUDYID, USUBJID) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(LBSTRESC_TRANS = fx(as.numeric(LBSTRESC))) %>%


# TODO: find a better analysis for
# BW or remove.
BodyWeight <- function(animalList) {

  results <-
                           FROM BW')

  results <- merge(results, animalList, by=c('STUDYID', 'USUBJID'))
  results$BWSTRESN[results$BWSTRESU == 'kg']  <-
                        results$BWSTRESN[results$BWSTRESU == 'kg'] * 1000
  results$BWSTRESU[results$BWSTRESU == 'kg']  <- 'g'

  results <- results %>%
    dplyr::group_by(STUDYID, USUBJID) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(days = 1:dplyr::n() / dplyr::n())


# Get the minimum study start date in ts
getMinStudyStartDate <- function() {
                                                      "select distinct tsval
                                                       from ts
                                                       where upper(tsparmcd) = 'STSTDTC'")$TSVAL),
      na.rm = TRUE)

# series of functions to query the
# database to find unique elements.
GetUniqueDesign <- function() {
  uniqueDesigns <- toupper(sendigR::genericQuery(.sendigRenv$dbToken,
                                                 'SELECT DISTINCT TSVAL
                                                  FROM TS
                                                  WHERE upper(TSPARMCD) = "SDESIGN"')$TSVAL)

GetUniqueSpecies <- function() {
                       "select SPECIES
                          from (select upper(tsval) as SPECIES
                          from ts
                         where upper(tsparmcd) = 'SPECIES'
                                 select  upper(txval) as SPECIES
                          from tx
                         where upper(txparmcd) = 'SPECIES'
                                 select upper(SPECIES) as SPECIES
                                 from dm)
                         where SPECIES is  not null
                           and SPECIES != ''
                         order by SPECIES")$SPECIES

GetUniqueStrains <- function(species) {
  if (length(species) == 1) {
    # 1 species selected
    # - select strain values without any prefixes
    selectStrTS <- "ts1.tsval"
    selectStrTX <- "tx1.txval"
    selectStrDM <- "strain"
  else {
    # Multiple species selected
    # - select strain values prefixed with respective species value
    selectStrTS <- "ts2.tsval || ': ' || ts1.tsval"
    selectStrTX <- "tx2.txval || ': ' || tx1.txval"
    selectStrDM <- "species || ': ' || strain"

    sendigR::genericQuery(.sendigRenv$dbToken, sprintf("select  upper(%s) as STRAIN
                            from ts ts1
                            join ts ts2
                              on upper(ts2.tsparmcd) = 'SPECIES'
                             and upper(ts2.tsval) in (:1)
                             and ts1.tsgrpid = ts2.tsgrpid
                             and ts1.studyid = ts2.studyid
                           where upper(ts1.tsparmcd) = 'STRAIN'
                             and ts1.tsval is not null
                             and ts1.tsval != ''
                         select upper(trim(%s)) as STRAIN
                            from tx tx1
                            join tx tx2
                              on upper(tx2.txparmcd) = 'SPECIES'
                             and upper(tx2.txval) in (:1)
                             and tx1.setcd = tx2.setcd
                             and tx1.studyid = tx2.studyid
                           where upper(tx1.txparmcd) = 'STRAIN'
                             and tx1.txval is not null
                             and tx1.txval != ''
                         select upper(trim(%s))
                           from dm
                          where species in (:1)
                            and strain is not null
                            and strain != ''",

GetUniqueRoutes <- function() {
  toupper(sendigR::genericQuery(.sendigRenv$dbToken, "select distinct tsval as ROUTE
                           from ts
                          where upper(tsparmcd) = 'ROUTE'
                         select distinct exroute as ROUTE
                           from ex
                          order by ROUTE")$ROUTE)

GetUniqueOrgans <- function() {
  uniqueOrgans <- toupper(sendigR::genericQuery(.sendigRenv$dbToken, 'SELECT DISTINCT MISPEC
                                                          FROM MI')$MISPEC)

GetUniqueLBTESTCD <- function(cat) {
  uniqueLBTESTCD <- toupper(sendigR::genericQuery(.sendigRenv$dbToken,
                                                  'SELECT DISTINCT LBTESTCD
                                                   FROM LB
                                                   WHERE LBCAT = ?', c(cat))$LBTESTCD)

GetAvailableStudies <- function() {
  uniqueStudies <- sendigR::genericQuery(.sendigRenv$dbToken,
                                         'SELECT DISTINCT STUDYID
                                          FROM TS')$STUDYID

GetStudyTS <- function(studyid) {
  studyInfo <- sendigR::genericQuery(.sendigRenv$dbToken,
                                     'SELECT *
                                      FROM TS
                                      WHERE STUDYID = :1', c(studyid))

GetAnimalGroupsStudy <- function(studyid) {
  studyAnimals <- sendigR::genericQuery(.sendigRenv$dbToken,
                                        'SELECT TX.STUDYID, USUBJID, TX.SETCD, "SET"
                                         FROM TX
                                         INNER JOIN DM
                                            on DM.SETCD = TX.SETCD
                                           AND DM.STUDYID = TX.STUDYID
                                         WHERE DM.STUDYID = ?', c(studyid))

GetUniqueSex <- function() {
  uniqueSex <- sendigR::genericQuery(.sendigRenv$dbToken,
                                     'SELECT DISTINCT SEX FROM DM')


aggDomain <- function(domainData, grpByCols, includeUncertain=TRUE) {
  # creates an aggregate table from domainData
  # domainData: should be a data.table that with
  # both domain data (e.g., MI) merged with animal
  # meta data.  In the case of the R Shiny App
  # this is the result of the animalList() reactive
  # groByCols is a vector of column names in
  # domainData for which to summarize stats.

  # group by counts and get
  # the number of incidence per
  # group
  aggData <- domainData %>%
    dplyr::group_by_at(grpByCols) %>%
    dplyr::summarize(N = dplyr::n())
  aggData <- data.table::as.data.table(aggData)

  # if include uncertain is not
  # selected, we dont need to calc.
  # the differences in non confident
  # matches.

  if (!includeUncertain) {

  # do the same for non confident
  # matches, which are rows with
  aggDataNonConf <- domainData %>%
    dplyr::filter(!is.na(UNCERTAIN_MSG)) %>%
    dplyr::group_by_at(grpByCols) %>%
    dplyr::summarize(Uncertain.Matches = dplyr::n())

  # if no UNCERTAIN_MSG, that is
  # a confident match.

  aggDataConf <- domainData %>%
    dplyr::filter(is.na(UNCERTAIN_MSG)) %>%
    dplyr::group_by_at(grpByCols) %>%
    dplyr::summarize(Certain.Matches = dplyr::n())

  # some groups by have no or all confidence
  # matches.  Need to to an outer join and
  # replace these as 0s
  df <- merge(aggData, aggDataConf, by=grpByCols, all=TRUE)
  df <- merge(df, aggDataNonConf, by=grpByCols, all=TRUE)
  # for(j in seq_along(df)){
  #   data.table::set(df, i = which(is.na(df[[j]]) & is.numeric(df[[j]])), j = j, value = 0)
  # }
  df <- data.table::as.data.table(df)



# function for Aggregate BW and LB domain
# control animal list and domain subject data merged to create doaminData
#domain should be "lb" or "bw"
aggDomain_bw_lb <- function(domainData, domain, includeUncertain=F) {

  domain <- tolower(domain)

  if (domain=='bw') {
    result <- 'BWSTRESN'
    result_unit <- 'BWORRESU'

  } else if (domain=='lb') {
    result <- 'LBSTRESN'
    result_unit <- 'LBSTRESU'

  mean_result <- paste0('Mean_',result)
  sd_result <- paste0('SD_',result)

  if (includeUncertain==F) {

    agg_tb_certain <- domainData%>%
      dplyr::group_by_at(grpByCols) %>%
      dplyr::summarize(!!mean_result := mean(get(result)),
                       !!sd_result := stats::sd(get(result)),
                       N = dplyr::n())
    agg_tb_certain <- dplyr::relocate(agg_tb_certain,{{result_unit}}, .after = (!!sd_result))
    agg_tb_certain <- data.table::as.data.table(agg_tb_certain)

  } else if (includeUncertain==T) {

    agg_tb_uncer <- domainData%>%
      dplyr::group_by_at(grpByCols) %>%
      dplyr::summarize(!!mean_result := mean(get(result)),
                       !!sd_result := stats::sd(get(result)),
                       N = dplyr::n())

    aggDataNonConf <- domainData%>%
      dplyr::filter(!is.na(UNCERTAIN_MSG)) %>%
      dplyr::group_by_at(grpByCols) %>%
      dplyr::summarize(Uncertain.Matches = dplyr::n())

    aggDataConf <- domainData%>%
      dplyr::filter(is.na(UNCERTAIN_MSG)) %>%
      dplyr::group_by_at(grpByCols) %>%
      dplyr::summarize(Certain.Matches = dplyr::n())

    df <- merge(agg_tb_uncer, aggDataConf, by=grpByCols, all=TRUE)
    df <- merge(df, aggDataNonConf, by=grpByCols, all=TRUE)
    df <- dplyr::relocate(df,{{result_unit}}, .after = {{sd_result}})

    # for(j in seq_along(df)){
    #   data.table::set(df, i = which(is.na(df[[j]]) & is.numeric(df[[j]])), j = j, value = 0)
    # }
    df <- data.table::as.data.table(df)


#### create lb categorical aggregate table (from Kevin code)

create_lb_cat_agg_table <- function(dt) {

    dt$Incidence <- NA
	dt$Animal_Count <- NA_real_
    possible_results <- unique(dt[["LBSTRESC"]])

    for (result in possible_results) {
        total_count <- 0
        animal_usubj <- unique(dt[["USUBJID"]])
        animal_count <- 0
        for (animal in animal_usubj) {
            animal_index <- which(dt$USUBJID == animal)

            animal_observations <- dt[["LBSTRESC"]][animal_index]

            for (observation in animal_observations) {
                if (observation == result) {
                    animal_count <- animal_count + 1 / length(animal_observations)
            animal_count <- total_count + animal_count
        incidence <- round(animal_count / length(animal_usubj), digits = 3)

        # print(paste0(result, ": ", animal_count))
        index_count <- which(dt$LBSTRESC == result)
        dt[["Incidence"]][index_count] <- incidence
		dt[["Animal_Count"]][index_count] <- animal_count

# calculate mean for interval
# x is vector, column from dataset
# n is interval, should be a non negative whole number
# showsamples TRUE will show the mean of index of x
meanEveryNth <- function(mean_column, sd_column, incidence_count,interval=3, showsamples=TRUE) {

  if (length(mean_column) <1 | is.null(length(mean_column))) {
    mean_return <- NA
    index_return <- NA
    weighted_sd_return <- NA

  } else {

    if(interval==1) {index_return <- seq(1:length(mean_column)); mean_return <- mean_column ; weighted_sd_return <- sd_column}

    if (interval>1)
      newLen <- length(mean_column) - length(mean_column)%%interval
      mean_column <- mean_column[1:newLen]
      sd_column <- sd_column[1:newLen]
      index <- seq(1, newLen, 1)
      incidence_count <- incidence_count[1:newLen]
      matrix_mean_column <- matrix(matrix(mean_column), nrow = interval)
      matrix_sd_coumn <- matrix(matrix(sd_column), nrow = interval)
      matrix_index <- matrix(matrix(index), nrow = interval)
      matrix_incidence <- matrix(matrix(incidence_count), nrow = interval)
      get_original_value <- matrix_mean_column * matrix_incidence
      mean_return <- colSums(get_original_value)/colSums(matrix_incidence)
      col_dim <- dim(matrix_sd_coumn)[2]
      weighted_sd_return <- sapply(1:col_dim, function(i) sqrt(Hmisc::wtd.var(matrix_mean_column[,i], matrix_incidence[,i])))
      #mean_return <- apply(matrix_mean_column, 2, mean)
      # sd_return <- apply(matrix_mean_column, 2, sd)
      index_return <- apply(matrix_index, 2, mean)
    } }
  else if(showsamples==TRUE)
    zz <- cbind(index_return, mean_return, weighted_sd_return)
    colnames(zz) <- c("Index","Mean", "Weighted_SD")
  zz <- data.table::as.data.table(zz)

# meanEveryNth <- function(x, n=3, showsamples=TRUE) {
#   if (length(x) <1 | is.null(length(x))) {
#     z <- NA
#     y <- NA
#     z_sd <- NA
#   } else {
#   if(n==1) y <- seq(1:length(x)); z <- x ; z_sd <- NA
#   if (n>1)
#   {
#     xlen <- length(x)
#     newLen <- length(x) - length(x)%%n
#     x <- x[1:newLen]
#     index_x <- seq(1, newLen, 1)
#     matrix_x <- matrix(matrix(x), nrow = n)
#     matrix_index <- matrix(matrix(index_x), nrow = n)
#     z <- apply(matrix_x, 2, mean)
#     z_sd <- apply(matrix_x, 2, sd)
#     y <- apply(matrix_index, 2, mean)
#   } }
#   if(showsamples==FALSE)
#   {
#     zz<-z
#   }
#   else if(showsamples==TRUE)
#   {
#     zz<-cbind(y,z,z_sd)
#     colnames(zz)<-c("Sample","Mean", "SD")
#   }
#   zz <- data.table::as.data.table(zz)
#   return(zz)
# }

# x is the vector or column of dataset
# bin is the interval number
make_interval <- function(x,bin) {
  if (bin ==1) {
  } else
  new_x <- (as.integer(x/bin)*bin) - (0.5*bin)

#function to create tooltip for column in the table
  #tooltip_list is the list of column description (returned from getTabColLabels function)
  #to show as hover text on column
  tooltipCallback <- function(tooltip_list) {
    headerCallback <- c(
      "function(thead, data, start, end, display){",
      sprintf("  var tooltips = [%s];", toString(paste0("'", tooltip_list, "'"))),
      "  for(var i = 1; i <= tooltips.length; i++){",
      "    $('th:eq('+i+')',thead).attr('title', tooltips[i-1]);",
      "  }",

  # fixed for aggregate table
  tooltipCallback_agg <- function(tooltip_list) {
    headerCallback <- c(
      "function(thead, data, start, end, display){",
      sprintf("  var tooltips = [%s];", toString(paste0("'", tooltip_list, "'"))),
      "  for(var i = 0; i <= tooltips.length; i++){",
      "    $('th:eq('+i+')',thead).attr('title', tooltips[i]);",
      "  }",

# Avoid  'no visible binding for global variable' notes from check of package:
n <- NULL

Try the sendigR package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

sendigR documentation built on Aug. 18, 2022, 9:07 a.m.