Man pages for sensitivity
Global Sensitivity Analysis of Model Outputs and Importance Measures

addelman_constAddelman and Kempthorne construction
correlRatioCorrelation Ratio
decouplingDecoupling Simulations and Estimations
delsaDistributed Evaluation of Local Sensitivity Analysis
discrepancyCriteria_cplusDiscrepancy measure
EPtestNon-parametric variable significance test based on the...
fast99Extended Fourier Amplitude Sensitivity Test
johnsonJohnson indices
johnsonshapJohnson-Shapley indices
lmgLMG R-squared decomposition for linear and logistic...
maximin_cplusMaximin criterion
morrisMorris's Elementary Effects Screening Method
morrisMultOutMorris's Elementary Effects Screening Method for...
parameterSetsGenerate parameter sets
pccPartial Correlation Coefficients
PLIPerturbed-Law based sensitivity Indices (PLI) for failure...
PLIquantilePerturbed-Law based sensitivity Indices (PLI) for quantile
PLIquantile_multivarPerturbed-Law based sensitivity Indices (PLI) for quantile...
PLIsuperquantilePerturbed-Law based sensitivity Indices (PLI) for...
PLIsuperquantile_multivarPerturbed-Law based sensitivity Indices (PLI) for...
plot.supportSupport index functions: Measuring the effect of input...
pmeData-given proportional marginal effects estimation via...
pmvdProportional Marginal Variance Decomposition indices for...
PoincareChaosSqCoefSquared coefficients computation in generalized chaos
PoincareConstantPoincare constants for Derivative-based Global Sensitivity...
PoincareOptimalOptimal Poincare constants for Derivative-based Global...
qosaQuantile-oriented sensitivity analysis
sbSequential Bifurcations
sensiFdivSensitivity Indices based on Csiszar f-divergence
sensiHSICSensitivity Indices based on the Hilbert-Schmidt Independence...
sensitivity-packageSensitivity Analysis
shapleyBlockEstimationComputation of the Shapley effects in the Gaussian linear...
shapleyLinearGaussianComputation of the Shapley effects in the linear Gaussian...
shapleyPermExEstimation of Shapley effects by examining all permutations...
shapleyPermRandEstimation of Shapley effects by random permutations of...
shapleysobol_knnData given Shapley effects estimation via nearest-neighbors...
shapleySubsetMcEstimation of Shapley effects from data using nearest...
sobolMonte Carlo Estimation of Sobol' Indices
sobol2002Monte Carlo Estimation of Sobol' Indices (scheme by Saltelli...
sobol2007Monte Carlo Estimation of Sobol' Indices (improved formulas...
sobolEffMonte Carlo Estimation of Sobol' Indices (formulas of...
sobolGPKriging-based sensitivity analysis
soboljansenMonte Carlo Estimation of Sobol' Indices (improved formulas...
sobolmaraMonte Carlo Estimation of Sobol' Indices via matrix...
sobolmartinezMonte Carlo Estimation of Sobol' Indices (formulas of...
sobolMultOutMonte Carlo Estimation of Aggregated Sobol' Indices for...
sobolowenMonte Carlo Estimation of Sobol' Indices (improved formulas...
sobolrankFirst-order sensitivity indices estimation via ranking
sobolrecRecursive estimation of Sobol' indices
sobolrepSobol' indices estimation based on replicated orthogonal...
sobolroalhsSobol' Indices Estimation Using Replicated OA-based LHS
sobolroaucSobol' Indices estimation under inequality constraints
sobolSaltMonte Carlo Estimation of Sobol' Indices based on Saltelli...
sobolshap_knnFlexible sensitivity analysis via ranking / nearest...
sobolSmthSplEstimation of Sobol' First Order Indices with B-spline...
sobolTIIloLiu and Owen Estimation of Total Interaction Indices
sobolTIIpfPick-freeze Estimation of Total Interaction Indices
soboltouatiMonte Carlo Estimation of Sobol' Indices (formulas of...
squaredIntEstimSquared integral estimate
srcStandardized Regression Coefficients
supportSupport index functions: Measuring the effect of input...
template_replaceReplace Values in a Template Text
testHSICTests of Independence based on the Hilbert-Schmidt...
testmodelsTest Models for Sensitivity Analysis
truncateddistribTruncated distributions
weightTSAWeight-function to transform an output variable in order to...
sensitivity documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 9:09 p.m.