
Defines functions mc_to_sc_data

Documented in mc_to_sc_data

#' Merge Multiple Sequence Objects into One (from Multichannel to Single Channel Data)
#' Function \code{mc_to_sc_data} combines observed states of multiple
#'   sequence objects into one, time point by time point.
#' @export
#' @param data A list of state sequence objects (\code{stslist}s)
#'   created with the \code{\link{seqdef}} function.
#' @param combine_missing Controls whether combined states of observations
#'   at time t are coded missing (coded with * in \code{stslist}s)
#'   if one or more of the channels include missing information at time t.
#'   Defaults to \code{TRUE}. \code{FALSE} keeps missing states
#'   as they are, producing more states in data; e.g. single/childless/*
#'   where the observation in channel 3 is missing.
#' @param all_combinations Controls whether all possible combinations of
#'   observed states are included in the single channel representation or
#'   only combinations that are found in the data. Defaults to \code{FALSE},
#'   i.e. only actual observations are included.
#' @param cpal The color palette used for the new combined symbols. Optional in
#'   a case where the number of symbols is less or equal to 200 (in which case
#'   the \code{seqHMM::colorpalette} is used).
#' @seealso \code{\link{mc_to_sc}} for transforming multichannel \code{hmm}
#'   or \code{mhmm} objects into single-channel representations;
#'   \code{\link{ssplot}} for plotting multiple sequence data sets in the
#'   same plot; and \code{\link{seqdef}} for creating state sequence objects.
#' @examples
#' # Load three-channel sequence data
#' data("biofam3c")
#' # Building sequence objects
#' marr_seq <- seqdef(biofam3c$married,
#'   start = 15,
#'   alphabet = c("single", "married", "divorced")
#' )
#' child_seq <- seqdef(biofam3c$children,
#'   start = 15,
#'   alphabet = c("childless", "children")
#' )
#' left_seq <- seqdef(biofam3c$left,
#'   start = 15,
#'   alphabet = c("with parents", "left home")
#' )
#' # Define colors
#' attr(marr_seq, "cpal") <- c("violetred2", "darkgoldenrod2", "darkmagenta")
#' attr(child_seq, "cpal") <- c("darkseagreen1", "coral3")
#' attr(left_seq, "cpal") <- c("lightblue", "red3")
#' # Converting multichannel data to single-channel data
#' sc_data <- mc_to_sc_data(list(marr_seq, child_seq, left_seq))
#' # 10 combined states
#' alphabet(sc_data)
#' # Colors for combined states
#' attr(sc_data, "cpal") <- colorpalette[[14]][1:10]
#' # Plotting sequences for the first 10 subjects
#' ssplot(
#'   list(
#'     "Marriage" = marr_seq, "Parenthood" = child_seq,
#'     "Residence" = left_seq, "Combined" = sc_data
#'   ),
#'   type = "I",
#'   tlim = 1:10
#' )
#' # Including all combinations (whether or not available in data)
#' sc_data_all <- mc_to_sc_data(list(marr_seq, child_seq, left_seq),
#'   all_combinations = TRUE
#' )
#' # 12 combined states, 2 with no observations in data
#' seqstatf(sc_data_all)
mc_to_sc_data <- function(data, combine_missing = TRUE, all_combinations = FALSE, cpal) {
  if (length(unique(sapply(data, nrow))) > 1) {
    stop("The number of subjects (rows) is not the same in all channels.")
  if (length(unique(sapply(data, ncol))) > 1) {
    stop("The length of the sequences (number of columns) is not the same in all channels.")

  alph <- apply(expand.grid(lapply(data, alphabet)), 1, paste0, collapse = "/")

  datax <- data[[1]]
  for (i in 2:length(data)) {
    datax <- as.data.frame(mapply(paste, datax,
      MoreArgs = list(sep = "/")
  names(datax) <- names(data[[1]])
  if (combine_missing == TRUE) {
    datax[Reduce("|", lapply(
      function(x) {
        x == attr(data[[1]], "nr") |
          x == attr(data[[1]], "void") |
    ))] <- NA

  if (missing(cpal) || identical(cpal, "auto")) {
    if (length(alph) <= 200) {
      cpal <- seqHMM::colorpalette[[length(alph)]]
    } else {
        "The number of observed states is ", length(alph),
        " which is more than supported by the default color palette. ",
        "Specify your own color palette with the argument 'cpal'."
  if (length(alph) != length(cpal)) {
      "The number of observed states is ", length(alph),
      " but the supplied color palette contains only ", length(cpal),

  if (all_combinations == TRUE) {
    datax <- suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(seqdef(datax, alphabet = alph)))
  } else {
    datax <- suppressWarnings(suppressMessages((seqdef(datax))))

  attr(datax, "xtstep") <- attr(data[[1]], "xtstep")
  attr(datax, "missing.color") <- attr(data[[1]], "missing.color")
  attr(datax, "nr") <- attr(data[[1]], "nr")
  attr(datax, "void") <- attr(data[[1]], "void")
  attr(datax, "missing") <- attr(data[[1]], "missing")
  attr(datax, "start") <- attr(data[[1]], "start")
  attr(datax, "cpal") <- cpal[alph %in% alphabet(datax)]


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seqHMM documentation built on July 9, 2023, 6:35 p.m.