#' @title Meta analyze burden tests from multiple studies
#' @description Takes as input `seqMeta` objects (from the
#' \code{\link{prepScores}} function), and meta-analyzes the corresponding
#' burden test.
#' @inheritParams singlesnpMeta
#' @param wts weights for the burden test, as a function of maf, or a character string specifying weights in the SNP Info file.
#' @param mafRange Range of MAF's to include in the analysis (endpoints included). Default is all SNPs (0 <= MAF <= 0.5).
#' @details This function uses the scores and their variances available in a
#' seqMeta object to perform burden tests. Though coefficients are reported,
#' the tests are formally score tests, and the coefficients can be thought of
#' as one-step approximations to those reported in a Wald test.
#' @return a data frame with the following columns:
#' \item{gene}{the name of the gene or unit of aggregation being meta analyzed}
#' \item{p}{the p-value from the burden tests}
#' \item{beta}{approximate coefficient for the effect of genotype}
#' \item{se}{approximate standard error for the effect of genotype}
#' \item{cmafTotal}{the cumulative minor allele frequency of the gene}
#' \item{cmafUsed}{the cumulative minor allele frequency of snps used in the
#' analysis}
#' \item{nsnpsTotal}{the number of snps in the gene}
#' \item{nsnpsUsed}{the number of snps used in the analysis}
#' \item{nmiss}{The number of `missing` SNPs. For a gene with a single SNP
#' this is the number of individuals which do not contribute to the analysis,
#' due to studies that did not report results for that SNP. For a gene with
#' multiple SNPs, is totalled over the gene.}
#' @author Arie Voorman, Jennifer Brody
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{skatMeta}}
#' \code{\link{skatOMeta}}
#' \code{\link{prepScores}}
#' @examples
#' ###load example data for two studies:
#' ### see ?seqMetaExample
#' data(seqMetaExample)
#' ####run on each cohort:
#' cohort1 <- prepScores(Z=Z1, y~1, SNPInfo=SNPInfo, data=pheno1)
#' cohort2 <- prepScores(Z=Z2, y~1, SNPInfo=SNPInfo, data=pheno2)
#' #### combine results:
#' out <- burdenMeta(cohort1, cohort2, SNPInfo = SNPInfo, mafRange=c(0,.01))
#' head(out)
#' \dontrun{
#' ##### Compare with analysis on full data set:
#' bigZ <- matrix(NA,2*n,nrow(SNPInfo))
#' colnames(bigZ) <- SNPInfo$Name
#' for(gene in unique(SNPInfo$gene)) {
#' snp.names <- SNPInfo$Name[SNPInfo$gene == gene]
#' bigZ[1:n,SNPInfo$gene == gene][ , snp.names \%in\% colnames(Z1)] <-
#' Z1[ , na.omit(match(snp.names,colnames(Z1)))]
#' bigZ[(n+1):(2*n),SNPInfo$gene == gene][ , snp.names \%in\% colnames(Z2)] <-
#' Z2[ , na.omit(match(snp.names,colnames(Z2)))]
#' }
#' pheno <- rbind(pheno1[, c("y","sex","bmi")],pheno2[,c("y","sex","bmi")])
#' burden.p <- c(by(SNPInfo$Name, SNPInfo$gene, function(snp.names) {
#' inds <- match(snp.names,colnames(bigZ)) burden <- rowSums(bigZ[,na.omit(inds)],na.rm=TRUE)
#' mod <- lm(y~burden + gl(2,nrow(pheno1)),data=pheno)
#' summary(mod)$coef[2,4]
#' }))
#' head(cbind(out$p,burden.p))
#' #will be slightly different:
#' plot(y=out$p,x=burden.p, ylab = "burden meta p-values", xlab = "complete data p-values")
#' }
#' @export
burdenMeta <- function(..., SNPInfo=NULL, wts=1, snpNames="Name", aggregateBy="gene", mafRange=c(0,0.5), verbose=FALSE) {
cl <- = FALSE)
warning("No SNP Info file provided: loading the Illumina HumanExome BeadChip. See ?SNPInfo for more details")
load(paste(find.package("skatMeta"), "data", "SNPInfo.rda",sep = "/"))
aggregateBy = "SKATgene"
} else {
SNPInfo <- prepSNPInfo(SNPInfo, snpNames, aggregateBy, wt1=wts)
genelist <- stats::na.omit(unique(SNPInfo[,aggregateBy]))
cohortNames <- lapply(cl[[2]],as.character)
ncohort <- length(cohortNames)
ev <- parent.frame()
classes <- unlist(lapply(cohortNames,function(name){class(get(name,envir=ev))}))
if(!all(classes == "seqMeta" | classes == "skatCohort") ){
stop("an argument to ... is not a seqMeta object!")
res.strings <- data.frame("gene"=genelist,stringsAsFactors=F)
res.numeric <- matrix(NA, nrow= nrow(res.strings),ncol = length(c("p","beta","se","cmafTotal", "cmafUsed","nsnpsTotal","nsnpsUsed","nmiss")))
colnames(res.numeric) <- c("p","beta","se","cmafTotal", "cmafUsed","nsnpsTotal","nsnpsUsed","nmiss")
cat("\n Meta Analyzing... Progress:\n")
pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(genelist), style = 3)
pb.i <- 0
snp.names.list <- split(SNPInfo[,snpNames],SNPInfo[,aggregateBy])
ri <- 0
for(gene in genelist){
ri <- ri+1
nsnps.sub <- length(snp.names.list[[gene]])
maf <- vcount <- numeric(nsnps.sub) <- numeric(nsnps.sub)
n.miss <- numeric(nsnps.sub)
big.cov <- matrix(0, nsnps.sub,nsnps.sub)
mscores <- numeric(nsnps.sub)
vary.ave <- 0
for(cohort.k in 1:ncohort){
cohort.gene <- get(cohortNames[[cohort.k]],envir=ev)[[gene]]
#cohort.gene <- lapply(cohort.gene,function(x){replace(x,is.nan(x),0)})
sub <- match(snp.names.list[[gene]],colnames(cohort.gene$cov))
if(any( | any(sub != 1:length(sub), na.rm=TRUE) | length(cohort.gene$maf) > nsnps.sub){
cohort.gene$cov <- as.matrix(cohort.gene$cov)[sub,sub,drop=FALSE]
cohort.gene$cov[,] <- cohort.gene$cov[,] <- 0
cohort.gene$maf <- cohort.gene$maf[sub]
cohort.gene$maf[] <- -1
cohort.gene$scores <- cohort.gene$scores[sub]
cohort.gene$scores[] <- 0
n.miss[cohort.gene$maf < 0] <- n.miss[cohort.gene$maf < 0] + cohort.gene$n[cohort.gene$maf >= 0] <-[cohort.gene$maf >= 0]+cohort.gene$n
cohort.gene$maf[cohort.gene$maf < 0] <- 0
maf <- maf + 2*cohort.gene$maf*cohort.gene$n
mscores <- mscores + cohort.gene$scores/cohort.gene$sey^2
big.cov <- big.cov + cohort.gene$cov/cohort.gene$sey^2
vary.ave <- vary.ave + max(cohort.gene$n,na.rm=T)*cohort.gene$sey^2
} else {
n.miss <- n.miss + get(cohortNames[[cohort.k]],envir=parent.frame())[[1]]$n
maf <- maf/(2*
maf[is.nan(maf)] <- 0
flip <- maf > 0.5
mscores[flip] <- -mscores[flip]
big.cov[flip,!flip] <- -big.cov[flip,!flip]
big.cov[!flip,flip] <- -big.cov[!flip,flip]
maf <- pmin(maf,1-maf)
tmpwts <- ifelse(maf > 0, wts(maf),0)
} else if(is.character(wts)){
tmpwts <- as.numeric(SNPInfo[SNPInfo[,aggregateBy]==gene,wts])
} else {
tmpwts <- rep(1,length(maf))
tmpwts <- as.numeric(tmpwts)
if( !all(mafRange == c(0,0.5))){
keep <- (maf > min(mafRange)) & (maf <= max(mafRange))
tmpwts[!keep] <- 0
vary.ave <- vary.ave/max(,na.rm=TRUE)
bscorevar <- as.numeric(tmpwts%*%big.cov%*%tmpwts)
bscore <- as.numeric(tmpwts%*%mscores)
res.numeric[ri,"beta"] = ifelse(bscorevar != 0, bscore/bscorevar, NA)
res.numeric[ri,"se"] = ifelse(bscorevar != 0, sqrt(1/bscorevar), NA)
res.numeric[ri,"cmafTotal"] = sum(maf,na.rm=TRUE)
res.numeric[ri,"cmafUsed"] = sum(maf[tmpwts != 0],na.rm = TRUE)
res.numeric[ri,"nsnpsTotal"] = length(maf)
res.numeric[ri,"nmiss"] = sum(n.miss[tmpwts != 0], na.rm = T)
res.numeric[ri,"nsnpsUsed"] = sum(tmpwts != 0)
res.numeric[ri,"p"] = ifelse(bscorevar !=0,stats::pchisq(bscore^2/bscorevar,lower.tail=FALSE,df=1),NA)
pb.i <- pb.i+1
utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, pb.i)
if(verbose) close(pb)
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