
Defines functions extractseqs

Documented in extractseqs

# Recuperation des sequences
# Simon Octobre 2006

#                                                                                                 #
#                                         extractseqs.socket                                       #
#                                                                                                 #

extractseqs <- function(listname, socket = autosocket(), format="fasta", operation="simple", feature="xx", bounds="xx", minbounds="xx", verbose = FALSE, nzlines=1000, zlib = FALSE){
    if (zlib == TRUE && .Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
        stop(paste("Zlib compressed sockets is not implemented for windows.\n"))
    if (verbose) debug <- 1
    if(verbose) cat("I'm checking the arguments...\n")
    if( !inherits(socket, "sockconn") ) stop(paste("argument socket = ", socket, "is not a socket connection."))
    if( !is.character(listname) ) stop(paste("argument listname = ", listname, "is not a character string."))
    if(verbose) cat("... and everything is OK up to now.\n")
    # Check arguments:
    # Check if  format is acnuc", "fasta", or "flat"
    if(verbose) cat("Format is ",format,"\n")
    if ((format != "fasta") &&  (format != "flat") && (format != "acnuc")) stop(paste("argument format = ", format, "is wrong. Format should be \"fasta\", \"flat\" or \"acnuc\"! "))
    # Check if operation "is simple", "translate", "fragment", "feature" or "region"
    if(verbose) cat("Operation is ",operation,"\n")
    if ((operation != "simple") && (operation != "translate") && (operation != "fragment") && (operation != "feature") && (operation != "region") ) {
        stop(paste("argument operation = ", operation, "is wrong. Operation should be \"simple\", \"translate\", \"fragment\", \"feature\" or \"region\"! "))
    # Check optionals
    if ((feature != "xx") && (verbose))cat("feature = ", feature, ".\n")
    if ((bounds != "xx") && (verbose))  cat("bounds = ", bounds, ".\n")
    if ((minbounds != "xx") && (verbose))  cat("minbounds = ", minbounds, ".\n")
    if ((operation == "feature") && (feature =="xx")) stop(paste("You should specify a feature!\n"))
    if ((operation == "fragment") && (bounds =="xx")) stop(paste("You should specify bounds!\n"))
    if ((operation == "region") && ((bounds =="xx") || (feature =="xx"))) stop(paste("You should specify bounds and region!\n"))
    # Build request:
    # listname is a list
    lrank <- glr(listname)
    if(verbose) cat("The rank of the list ",listname, "is ",lrank,".\n")
    if (is.na(lrank)) {
        stop(paste("Problem in rank list!\n"))
    request <- paste("extractseqs&lrank=", lrank, "&format=", format, "&operation=", operation, sep = "")
    if (feature != "xx") request <- paste(request,"&feature=", feature, sep = "")
    if (bounds != "xx") request <- paste(request,"&bounds=",bounds, sep = "")
    if (minbounds != "xx") request <- paste(request,"&minbounds=",minbounds, sep = "")
    if(zlib) {
        request <- paste(request,"&zlib=T", sep = "")
    else {
        request <- paste(request,"&zlib=F", sep = "")
    if(verbose) cat("request : ",request,"\n")
    # Write request into the socket:
    writeLines(request , socket, sep="\n")
    # Read result from server:
    if(zlib) {
        lastres <-  .Call("getzlibsock", socket, nzlines, debug,PACKAGE = "seqinr")
    else {
        lastres <- readLines(socket)
    if(zlib) {
        # Remove empty lines at the end of lastres:
        return( lastres[nchar(lastres) != 0] )
    else {
        # Remove flags from server:
        lastres <- lastres[-1]                       # code=0
        lastres <- lastres[-length(lastres)]         # extractseqs END. 
        lastres <- lastres[-grep("count=", lastres)] # count=

# Define a shorthcut for extractseqs
exseq <- extractseqs

Try the seqinr package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

seqinr documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:36 a.m.