
Defines functions .make_list_of_elements_from_cset .make_gset_from_list_of_gsets_and_support_and_connector .apply_connector_to_list_of_gsets_and_support .stop_if_memberships_are_invalid .make_gset_by_support_and_memberships .make_gset_from_support_and_memberships .make_gset_from_list Ops_gset `[[<-.gset` `[<-.gset` `[[.gset` `[.gset` format.gset print.summary.gset summary.gset print.gset gset

Documented in gset .make_gset_from_support_and_memberships

### Generalized Sets ###

## The gset class extends 'ordinary' sets by allowing
## membership values for each element. Strictly speaking,
## a generalized set is a pair (A, mu) with support A and
## membership function mu, where mu is a mapping from
## A into 2 ^ ([0, 1] -> N). Special cases are:
## mu : A -> {0, 1} ("ordinary sets")
## mu : A -> [0, 1] ("fuzzy sets")
## mu : A -> 2 ^ {0, 1} ("multi sets")

### Basic stuff (constructors, print/summary methods)

## * gset generator

gset <-
function(support = NULL, memberships = NULL, charfun = NULL,
         elements = NULL, universe = NULL, bound = NULL,
         assume_numeric_memberships = TRUE)
    Universe <- universe
        universe <- sets_options("universe")

    ### some checks
    if (!is.null(elements) &&
        !(is.null(support) && is.null(memberships) && is.null(charfun)))
        stop("'elements' needs to be specified alone.")
    if (is.null(support) && !is.null(memberships))
        stop("'membership' requires 'support'.")
    if (is.null(universe) && !is.null(charfun))
        stop("'charfun' requires 'universe' (or a default universe).")
    if (!is.null(memberships) && !is.null(charfun))
        stop("Need either 'memberships' and 'support', or 'charfun' and 'universe'.")

    ### element specification:
    ## split support and memberships, and proceed
    if (!is.null(elements)) {
        support <- unlist(elements, recursive = FALSE)
        memberships <- sapply(elements, .get_memberships)

    ### universe & charfun specification:
    ## create memberships from charfun, and proceed
    ## In general, create list of memberships (i.e., fuzzy multisets)
    ## but assume numeric memberships if specified (and by default)
    if (!is.null(universe))
        universe <- if (is.interval(universe))
    if (!is.null(charfun)) {
        if (is.charfun_generator(charfun))
            charfun <- charfun()
        memberships <- if (assume_numeric_memberships) {
            if (.domain_is_numeric(universe))
                vapply(universe, charfun, double(1L))
        } else
            lapply(universe, charfun)
        support <- universe
                                         "Membership function invalid.\n  ")

    ## handle empty set
    if (is.null(support))

    ### support & membership specification:
    ## just check memberships
    if (!is.null(memberships))

    ## check support against universe
    if (!is.null(universe) && !set_is_subset(as.set(support), universe))
        stop("Support must be a subset of the universe.")

    ### canonicalize memberships & create gset
    .make_gset_from_support_and_memberships(support, memberships, Universe,

print.gset <-
function(x, ...)
    writeLines(strwrap(format(x, ...), exdent = 1L))

summary.gset <-
function(object, ...)
    len <- gset_cardinality(object)
    if (na <- is.na(len))
        len <- length.set(object)
    out <- if (len == 0L)
        gettext("The empty set.")
    else if (len == 1L)
        gettext("A generalized set with 1 element.")
    else if (na)
        gettextf("A generalized set with %g elements.", len)
        gettextf("A generalized set with cardinality %g.", len)
    .structure(out, class = "summary.gset")

print.summary.gset <-
function(x, ...)

format.gset <-
function(x, ...) {
    x <- if (isTRUE(gset_is_set(x)))
    .format_set_or_tuple(x, "{", "}", ...)

### operators

## Disable numeric subscripting (as sets are "unordered" collections of
## elements).  Note that iterating via for() and lapply() still works,
## the former because this [currently, 2007-09-16] directly uses the
## internal list representation and the latter because we provide an
## as.list() method.

`[.gset` <-
function(x, i = x)
    ind <- .lookup_elements(x, i)
    gset(.as.list(x)[ind], gset_memberships(x)[ind])

`[[.gset` <-
function(x, i)

`[<-.gset` <-
function(x, i = x, value)
    gset(`[<-`(.as.list(x), .lookup_elements(x, i), value),
         memberships = gset_memberships(x))

`[[<-.gset` <-
function(x, i, value)
    if (!is.character(i) || length(i) > 1L) i <- list(i)
    if (length(lookup <- .lookup_elements(x, i)) < 1L) return(NULL)
    gset(`[[<-`(.as.list(x), lookup, value),
         memberships = gset_memberships(x))

Ops_gset <-
function(e1, e2, .Generic, .Class)
    if (missing(e2) == 1L) {
        if(!(as.character(.Generic) %in% "!"))
            stop(gettextf("Unary '%s' not defined for \"%s\" objects.",
                          .Generic, .Class),
                 domain = NA)

         %in% c("<", "<=", ">", ">=", "==", "!=",
                "&", "|", "*", "+", "-", "^")))
        stop(gettextf("Generic '%s' not defined for \"%s\" objects.",
                      .Generic, .Class),
             domain = NA)

    if(as.character(.Generic) == "^") {
        if(is.gset(e1) &&
            ((trunc(e2) != e2) || (e2 < 1L)))
            stop("Cartesian product only defined for positive integers.")
        if(is.gset(e2) && (e1 != 2L))
            stop("Operator not defined.")

           "+"  = gset_sum(e1, e2),
           "|"  = gset_union(e1, e2),
           "-"  = gset_difference(e1, e2),
           "&"  = gset_intersection(e1, e2),
           "*"  = gset_cartesian(e1, e2),
           "<"  = gset_is_proper_subset(e1, e2),
           "<=" = gset_is_subset(e1, e2),
           ">"  = gset_is_proper_subset(e2, e1),
           ">=" = gset_is_subset(e2, e1),
           "==" = gset_is_equal(e1, e2),
           "!=" = !gset_is_equal(e1, e2),
           "^"  = {
                   do.call(gset_cartesian, rep.int(list(e1), e2))}


### internal stuff

.make_gset_from_list <-
    .structure(list, class = c("gset", "cset"))

.make_gset_from_support_and_memberships <-
function(support, memberships, universe = NULL, bound = NULL)
    ## simplify memberships:
    if (!is.null(memberships)) {
        ## canonicalize (i.e., make sure that fuzzy multiset memberships
        ## are valid gset objects)
        memberships <- .canonicalize_memberships(memberships)

        ## check length
        if (length.set(memberships) != length.set(support))
            stop("Length of support must match length of memberships.")

        ## for fuzzy multisets, remove elements in membership with
        ## zero support
        if (is.list(memberships)) {
            # find zero elements in list
            z <- lapply(memberships,
                        function(i) sapply(i, `>`, 0) | sapply(i, is.na))
            # empty sets should have length 0
            z <- lapply(z, function(i) if (is.list(i)) 0 else i)
            # filter 0 elements
            memberships <-
                    Map("[", lapply(memberships, .as.list), z),
                    Map("[", lapply(memberships, gset_memberships), z))

        ## compute index of entries with 0 memberships.
        z <- if (is.list(memberships))
            sapply(memberships, gset_cardinality) == 0
            memberships == 0

        ## all zero? return empty set.
        if (!any(is.na(z)) && all(z)) return(set())

        ## remove entries with zero membership.
        if (any(z, na.rm = TRUE)) {
            support <- .as.list(support)[-which(z)]
            memberships <- memberships[-which(z)]

    ## if gset has no or trivial membership:
    if (is.null(memberships) || is.atomic(memberships) &&
        !any(is.na(memberships)) && all(memberships == 1, na.rm = TRUE)) {
        support <- .list_sort(.as.list(support))
        ## if a universe exists, return gset
        if (!is.null(universe))
            return(.make_gset_by_support_and_memberships(support = support,
                                                         memberships = NULL,
                                                         universe = universe))

    ## if gset has fuzzy multiset representation, but
    ## is really only multi or fuzzy, simplify memberships.
    if (is.list(memberships)) {
        tmp <- lapply(memberships, .as.list)
        if (all(lengths(tmp) == 1L)) {
            M <- unlist(memberships)
            if (!any(is.na(M)) && all(M == 1L))
                memberships <- sapply(memberships, .get_memberships)
            else {
                M <- sapply(memberships, .get_memberships)
                if (!any(is.na(M)) && all(M == 1L))
                    memberships <- unlist(memberships)

    ## check memberships against bound, if any.
    bd <- bound
    if (is.null(bd))
        bd <- sets_options("bound")
    if (!is.null(bd) && (max(.multiplicities(memberships), na.rm = TRUE) > bd))
        stop("Memberships must not exceed bound!")

    ## convert support to set. Reorder memberships accordingly, if needed.
    S <- canonicalize_set_and_mapping(x = support, mapping = memberships)

    ## return gset.
    .make_gset_by_support_and_memberships(support = S$set,
                                          memberships = S$mapping,
                                          universe = universe,
                                          bound = bound)

.make_gset_by_support_and_memberships <-
function(support, memberships, universe = NULL, bound = NULL)
    if (is.null(universe) && (is.null(memberships) ||
        is.atomic(memberships) && !any(is.na(memberships)) &&
                              all(memberships == 1, na.rm = TRUE)))
                   memberships = memberships,
                   universe = universe,
                   bound = bound,
                   class = c("gset", "cset"))

.stop_if_memberships_are_invalid <-
function(memberships, errmsg = NULL)
    if (is.list(memberships)) {
        for (i in memberships) {
            if (is.gset(i)) {
                if (!gset_is_crisp(i, na.rm = TRUE))
                    stop("For fuzzy multisets, the memberships must be (multi)sets.",
                         call. = FALSE)
                if (!all(sapply(i,
                                function(j) (is.na(j) || is.numeric(j)) && (j >= 0) && (j <= 1)), na.rm = TRUE))
                    stop("For fuzzy multisets, the memberships must be multisets over the unit interval.", call. = FALSE)
    } else {
        if (any(memberships < 0, na.rm = TRUE))
                        "Memberships must be positive."), call. = FALSE)
        if (any(memberships > 1, na.rm = TRUE) && any(memberships != trunc(memberships), na.rm = TRUE))
                        "Memberships must be either all integer (multisets),\n  or all in the unit interval (fuzzy sets)."), call. = FALSE)

.apply_connector_to_list_of_gsets_and_support <-
function(l, support, connector, matchfun = .exact_match,
         enforce_general_case = FALSE)
    ## extract memberships according to support
    m <- lapply(l, .memberships_for_support, support, matchfun)

    ## apply connector to memberships
    if (!enforce_general_case && !any(sapply(l, gset_is_fuzzy_multiset)))
        ## for multisets and fuzzy sets, just use normalized memberships
        Reduce(connector, m)
    else {
        ## in all other cases, expand memberships first:

        ## determine max. membership cardinality
        is_list <- sapply(m, is.list)
        FUN <- function(i) if (all(is.na(i))) 0 else max(i, na.rm = TRUE)
        mlen <- max(if (any(is_list)) sapply(m[is_list], sapply,
                    if (any(!is_list)) sapply(m[!is_list], FUN),
                    na.rm = TRUE)

        ## group by support, expand memberships, and apply connector
        lapply(seq_along(support), function(i) {
                   lapply(m, function(j) .expand_membership(j[[i]],
                                                            len = mlen)))

.make_gset_from_list_of_gsets_and_support_and_connector <-
function(l, support, connector, matchfun = .exact_match,
         enforce_general_case = FALSE)
    ## compute memberships
    memberships <-
        .apply_connector_to_list_of_gsets_and_support(l, support, connector,

    ## create resulting gset
    .make_gset_from_support_and_memberships(support, memberships)


.make_list_of_elements_from_cset <-

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