
# nolint start
#' @title R6 Class Representing Authentication Object
#' @description Authentication object with methods to access API endpoints.
#'  Every object could be requested from this Auth object and any action
#'  could start from this object using cascading style. Please check
#'  `vignette("Authentication_and_Billing", package = "sevenbridges2")`
#'  for more information.
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @importFrom  rlang abort warn inform
#' @details
#'  This is the main object for authentication to platforms powered by
#'  Seven Bridges.
#' @export
Auth <- R6::R6Class(
  # nolint end
  public = list(
    #' @field from Authentication method.
    from = NULL,

    #' @field platform The platform to use.
    platform = NULL,

    #' @field url Base URL for API.
    url = NULL,

    #' @field sysenv_url Name of the system environment variable storing
    #'  the API base URL.
    sysenv_url = NULL,

    #' @field sysenv_token Name of the system environment variable storing
    #'  the auth token.
    sysenv_token = NULL,

    #' @field config_file Location of the user configuration file.
    config_file = NULL,

    #' @field profile_name Profile name in the user configuration file.
    profile_name = NULL,

    #' @field fs FS (FileSystem) object, for mount and unmount file system.
    fs = NULL,

    #' @field authorization Is the `token` an API
    #'  authentication token (`FALSE`) or an access token from the
    #'  Seven Bridges single sign-on (`TRUE`)?
    authorization = NULL,

    #' @field projects Projects object, for accessing projects resources on the
    #'  platform.
    projects = NULL,

    #' @field files Files object, for accessing files resources on the
    #'  platform.
    files = NULL,

    #' @field apps Apps object, for accessing apps resources on the platform.
    apps = NULL,

    #' @field volumes Volumes object, for accessing volumes resources on the
    #'  platform.
    volumes = NULL,

    #' @field tasks Tasks object, for accessing volumes resources on the
    #'  platform.
    tasks = NULL,

    #' @field imports Storage imports object, for accessing volume imports
    #'  resources on the platform.
    imports = NULL,

    #' @field exports Storage exports object, for accessing volume exports
    #'  resources on the platform.
    exports = NULL,

    #' @field invoices Invoices object, for accessing invoice resources on the
    #'  platform.
    invoices = NULL,

    #' @field billing_groups Billing_groups object, for accessing billing groups
    #'  resources on the platform.
    billing_groups = NULL,

    # Initialize Auth object -------------------------------------------------
    #' @description
    #'  Create a new Seven Bridges API Authentication object.
    #'  All methods can be accessed through this object.
    #' @param from Authentication method. Could be:
    #'  \itemize{
    #'    \item `"direct"` - pass the credential information to the arguments
    #'      directly,
    #'    \item `"env"` - read from pre-set system environment variables, or
    #'    \item `"file"` - read configurations from a credentials file.
    #'    }
    #'  Default is `"direct"`.
    #' @param platform The platform to use.
    #'  If `platform` and `url` are both not specified,
    #'  the default is `"aws-us"` (Seven Bridges Platform - US).
    #'  Other possible values include:
    #'  \itemize{
    #'    \item `"aws-eu"` - Seven Bridges Platform - EU,
    #'    \item`"cgc"` - Cancer Genomics Cloud,
    #'    \item`"ali-cn"` - Seven Bridges Platform - China,
    #'    \item`"cavatica"` - Cavatica, and
    #'    \item`"f4c"` - BioData Catalyst Powered by Seven Bridges.
    #'  }
    #' @param url Base URL for API. Please only use this when you
    #'  want to specify a platform that is not in the `platform` list
    #'  above, and also leaving `platform` unspecified.
    #' @param token API authentication token or `access_token` for
    #'  Seven Bridges single sign-on. Authentication token uniquely identifies
    #'  you on the Seven Bridges Platform and has all your data access,
    #'  app management and task execution permissions.
    #'  Read more about its usage
    # nolint start
    #'  [here](https://docs.sevenbridges.com/docs/get-your-authentication-token).
    # nolint end
    #' @param sysenv_url Name of the system environment variable storing
    #'  the API base URL. By default: `"SB_API_ENDPOINT"`.
    #' @param sysenv_token Name of the system environment variable storing
    #'  the auth token. By default: `"SB_AUTH_TOKEN"`.
    #' @param config_file Location of the user configuration file. \cr
    #'  By default: `"~/.sevenbridges/credentials"`.
    #' @param profile_name Profile name in the user configuration file.
    #'  The default value is `"default"`.
    #' @param fs FS (FileSystem) object, for mount and unmount file system.
    #' @param authorization Is the `token` an API
    #'  authentication token (`FALSE`) or an access token from the
    #'  Seven Bridges single sign-on (`TRUE`)?
    #' @importFrom rlang inform abort
    #' @examples
    #' \dontrun{
    #'  # Multiple ways to create Auth object
    #'  # Using authentication token
    #'  a <- Auth$new(
    #'   token = "<your_token>",
    #'   platform = "aws-us"
    #'  )
    #'  # Authenticate using environment variables
    #'  a <- Auth$new(from = "env")
    #'  # Authenticate using file configuration
    #'  a <- Auth$new(from = "file")
    #' }
    #' @return `Auth` class object.
    initialize = function(from = c("direct", "env", "file"),
                          platform = NA,
                          url = NA,
                          token = NA,
                          sysenv_url = NA,
                          sysenv_token = NA,
                          config_file = NA,
                          profile_name = NA,
                          fs = NA,
                          authorization = FALSE) {
      self$from <- match.arg(from)
      self$fs <- fs
      self$authorization <- authorization

      # There are three options for authentication
      #   - direct
      #   - env
      #   - file

      if (self$from == "direct") {
        # In this case, `sysenv_url`, `sysenv_token`,
        # `config_file`, and `profile_name`
        # should all be `NULL` even if they
        # are assigned values
        self$sysenv_url <- NULL
        self$sysenv_token <- NULL
        self$config_file <- NULL
        self$profile_name <- NULL

        # Four cases depending on `platform` and `url`

        # Case 1: platform and url are both provided
        if (!is_missing(platform) & !is_missing(url)) {
          rlang::abort("`platform` and `url` cannot be set simultaneously")

        # Case 2: platform and url are both *not* provided, use default aws-us
        if (is_missing(platform) & is_missing(url)) {
          platform <- "aws-us"

        # Case 3: platform is provided, url is not provided
        if (!is_missing(platform) & is_missing(url)) {
          # platform name sanity check
          self$platform <- platform
          if (self$platform %in% names(sbg_baseurl)) {
            self$url <- sbg_baseurl[[self$platform]]
          } else {
            # nolint start
            rlang::abort("Platform does not exist, please check its spelling (case-sensitive)")
            # nolint end
          rlang::inform(paste0("Using platform: ", self$platform))

        # Case 4: platform is not provided, url is provided
        if (is_missing(platform) & !is_missing(url)) {
          self$url <- normalize_url(url) # nocov
          # look up an accurate platform name
          self$platform <- sbg_platform_lookup(self$url) # nocov

        if (is_missing(token)) {
          rlang::abort('`token` must be set when `from = "direct"`')
        } else {
          sbg_set_env(url = self$url, token = token)

      if (self$from == "env") {
        # In this case, `config_file` and `profile_name`
        # should be `NULL` even if they
        # are assigned values
        self$config_file <- NULL
        self$profile_name <- NULL

        # get system environment variables
        if (is_missing(sysenv_url)) {
          self$sysenv_url <- sbg_default_sysenv_url # nocov
        } else {
          self$sysenv_url <- sysenv_url
        if (is_missing(sysenv_token)) {
          self$sysenv_token <- sbg_default_sysenv_token # nocov
        } else {
          self$sysenv_token <- sysenv_token
            "Authenticating with system environment variables: ",
            " and ",

        # extract url and normalize it if necessary
        self$url <- normalize_url(sbg_get_env(self$sysenv_url))

        .sysenv_url_name <- self$sysenv_url

        Sys.setenv(.sysenv_url_name = self$url)

        # lookup an accurate platform name instead of simply `NULL`
        self$platform <- sbg_platform_lookup(self$url)

      if (self$from == "file") {
        # In this case, `sysenv_url`, `sysenv_token`,
        # should be `NULL` even if they
        # are assigned values
        self$sysenv_url <- NULL
        self$sysenv_token <- NULL

        # parse user config file
        if (is_missing(config_file)) {
          self$config_file <- sbg_default_config_file # nocov
        } else {
          self$config_file <- config_file
        config_list <- sbg_parse_config(self$config_file)
          "Authenticating with user configuration file: ",

        # locate user profile with url + token
        if (is_missing(profile_name)) {
          self$profile_name <- sbg_default_profile_name # nocov
        } else {
          self$profile_name <- profile_name
        # extract url + token from profile
        self$url <-
        .token <- config_list[[self$profile_name]][["auth_token"]]
        if (is_missing(self$url) || is_missing(.token)) {
          # nocov start
            "`The field api_endpoint` or `auth_token` is missing in profile:",
          # nocov end
        } else {
            url = self$url,
            token = .token,
            sysenv_url_name = paste0(self$profile_name, "_url"),
            sysenv_token_name = paste0(self$profile_name, "_token")
          "Authenticating with user profile: ",

        self$sysenv_token <- paste0(self$profile_name, "_token")

        # look up an accurate platform name instead of simply `NULL`
        self$platform <- sbg_platform_lookup(self$url)
      # Projects resource
      self$projects <- Projects$new(self)

      # Files resource
      self$files <- Files$new(self)

      # Apps resource
      self$apps <- Apps$new(self)

      # Volumes resource
      self$volumes <- Volumes$new(self)

      # Tasks resource
      self$tasks <- Tasks$new(self)

      # Imports resource
      self$imports <- Imports$new(self)

      # Exports resource
      self$exports <- Exports$new(self)

      # Invoices resource
      self$invoices <- Invoices$new(self)

      # Billng_groups resousrce
      self$billing_groups <- Billing_groups$new(self)

    # Get token --------------------------------------------------------------
    #' @description Returns the authentication token read from
    #'  system environment variable.
    #' @examples
    #' \dontrun{
    #'  # Authenticate using authentication token
    #'  a <- Auth$new(
    #'   token = "<your_token>",
    #'   platform = "aws-us"
    #'  )
    #'  # Get that same token
    #'  a$get_token()
    #' }
    #' @return An API authentication token in form of a string.
    get_token = function() {
      if (self$from == "env" || self$from == "file") {
      } else {

    # Send low level API requests ---------------------------------------------
    #' @description This method returns all API paths and
    #'  pass arguments to core `api()` function.
    #' @param limit The maximum number of collection items to return for a
    #'  single request. Minimum value is `1`. The maximum value is `100` and the
    #'  default value is `50`.
    #'  This is a pagination-specific attribute.
    #' @param offset The zero-based starting index in the entire collection of
    #'  the first item to return. The default value is `0`.
    #'  This is a pagination-specific attribute.
    #' @param fields Selector specifying a subset of fields to include in the
    #'  response. This parameter enables you to specify the fields you want to
    #'  be returned when listing resources (e.g. all your projects) or
    #'  getting details of a specific resource (e.g. a given project). \cr \cr
    #'  For example, `fields="id,name,size"` to return the fields
    #'  id, name and size for files. Default value is set to
    #'  `_all`, so all fields are always returned for each resource.
    #'  More details please check
    # nolint start
    #'  [general API documentation](https://docs.sevenbridges.com/docs/the-api#section-general-api-information).
    # nolint end
    #' @param ... Other arguments passed to core `api()` function, like `path`,
    #'  `query` parameters or full `url` to some resource.
    #' @examples
    #' \dontrun{
    #'  # Authenticate using authentication token
    #'  a <- Auth$new(
    #'   token = "<your_token>",
    #'   platform = "aws-us"
    #'  )
    #'  # Create API request using request parameters directly
    #'  a$api(params)
    #' }
    api = function(...,
                   limit = getOption("sevenbridges2")$"limit",
                   offset = getOption("sevenbridges2")$"offset",
                   fields = "_all") {
      # nocov start
      res <- sevenbridges2::api(
        token = self$get_token(),
        base_url = self$url,
        limit = limit,
        offset = offset,
        fields = fields,
        authorization = self$authorization,

    # Get user info ----------------------------------------------------------
    #' @description Get details about the authenticated user.
    #' @param username The username of a user for whom you want to get basic
    #'  account information. If not provided, information about the currently
    #'  authenticated user will be returned.
    #' @examples
    #' \dontrun{
    #'  # Authenticate using authentication token
    #'  a <- Auth$new(
    #'   token = "<your_token>",
    #'   platform = "aws-us"
    #'  )
    #'  # Get information about the currently authenticated user
    #'  a$user()
    #' }
    #' @return `User` class object.
    user = function(username = NULL) {
      if (is.null(username)) {
        res <- self$api(
          path = "user/",
          method = "GET"
        # nolint start
        rlang::inform("Username not provided, showing the currently authenticated user information.")
        # nolint end
      } else {
        res <- self$api(
          path = paste0("users/", username),
          method = "GET"

      # Create User object
      return(asUser(res, auth = self))

    # Get rate limit info ----------------------------------------------------
    #' @description Get information about current rate limit. \cr \cr
    #'  This call returns information about your current rate limit. This is the
    #'  number of API calls you can make in one hour. This call also returns
    #'  information about your current instance limit.
    #' @examples
    #' \dontrun{
    #'  # Authenticate using authentication token
    #'  a <- Auth$new(
    #'   token = "<your_token>",
    #'   platform = "aws-us"
    #'  )
    #'  # Get current rate limit
    #'  a$rate_limit()
    #' }
    rate_limit = function() {
      res <- self$api(
        path = "rate_limit",
        method = "GET"

      return(asRate(res, auth = self)) # nocov end

    # Upload file ------------------------------------------------------------
    #' @description This method allows you to upload a single file from your
    #'  local computer to the Platform.
    #' @param path File path on local disk.
    #' @param project `Project` object or its ID. Project should not be used
    #'  together with parent. If parent is used, the call will upload the file
    #'  to the specified Platform folder, within the project to which the
    #'  folder belongs. If project is used, the call will upload the file to
    #'  the root of the project's files.
    #' @param parent Parent folder object (of `File` class) or its ID.
    #'  Should not be used together with project. If parent is used, the call
    #'  will upload the file to the
    #'  specified Platform folder, within the project to which the folder
    #'  belongs. If project is used, the call will upload the file to the root
    #'  of the project's files.
    #' @param filename Optional new file name. By default the uploaded file will
    #'  have the same name as the original file provided with the `path`
    #'  parameter. If its name will not change, omit this key.
    #' @param overwrite In case there is already a file with the same name in
    #'  the selected platform project or folder, this option allows you to
    #'  control whether that file will be overwritten or not.
    #'  If overwrite is set to `TRUE` and a file already exists under the name
    #'  specified in the request, the existing file will be deleted and a new
    #'  one created in its place.
    #' @param part_size The preferred size for upload parts in bytes. If omitted
    #'  or set to a value that is incompatible with the cloud storage provider,
    #'  a default value will be used.
    #' @param init If `TRUE`, the method will initialize and return the Upload
    #'  object and stop. If `FALSE`, the method will return the Upload object
    #'  and start the upload process immediately.
    #' @importFrom checkmate test_r6 test_class assert_logical
    #' @importFrom rlang abort
    #' @examples
    #' \dontrun{
    #'  # Authenticate using authentication token
    #'  a <- Auth$new(
    #'   token = "<your_token>",
    #'   platform = "aws-us"
    #'  )
    #'  # Create upload job and set destination project
    #'  upload_job <- a$upload(
    #'    path = "/path/to/your/file.txt",
    #'    project = destination_project,
    #'    overwrite = TRUE,
    #'    init = TRUE
    #'  )
    #' }
    upload = function(path,
                      project = NULL,
                      parent = NULL,
                      filename = NULL,
                      overwrite = FALSE,
                      part_size = getOption("sevenbridges2")$RECOMMENDED_PART_SIZE, # nolint
                      init = FALSE) {
      # Check if the provided path is valid, i.e. if the file exists
      # and get its size.
      if (file.exists(path)) {
        file_size <- file.size(path)
      } else {
        rlang::abort("There is no file at the specified path.")

      # Check project and parent parameters
      if (is_missing(parent) && is_missing(project)) {
        rlang::abort("Both the project name and parent folder ID are missing. You need to provide one of them.") # nolint
      } else if (!is_missing(parent) && !is_missing(project)) {
        rlang::abort("You should specify a project or a parent folder, not both.") # nolint

      if (!is_missing(parent)) {
        if (inherits(parent, "File") && parent$type != "folder") {
          rlang::abort("The provided parent object is not a folder.")
        parent <- check_and_transform_id(parent, "File")
      } else if (!is_missing(project)) {
        project <- check_and_transform_id(project, "Project")

      # Check filename
      if (is_missing(filename)) {
        filename <- basename(path)

      if (grepl("\\s", filename) || grepl("\\/", filename)) {
        rlang::abort("The file name cannot contain spaces or backslashes.") # nolint

      # Check init param

      # Check overwrite param

      # nocov start
      # Check size and part_size params
      check_upload_params(size = file_size, part_size = part_size)

      # Create Upload object
      u <- Upload$new(
        path = path,
        project = project,
        parent = parent,
        filename = filename,
        overwrite = overwrite,
        file_size = file_size,
        part_size = part_size,
        initialized = FALSE,
        auth = self

      if (init) {
        # Initialize multipart upload only
      } else {
        # Initialize and start multipart upload

    # List ongoing file uploads -----------------------------------------------
    #' @description This method returns the list of all ongoing uploads.
    #' @importFrom cli cli_h1 cli_li cli_end
    #' @importFrom glue glue
    #' @examples
    #' \dontrun{
    #'  # Authenticate using authentication token
    #'  a <- Auth$new(
    #'   token = "<your_token>",
    #'   platform = "aws-us"
    #'  )
    #'  # List ongoing uploads
    #'  a$list_ongoing_uploads()
    #' }
    list_ongoing_uploads = function() {
      # Run API call based on id parameter
      res <- self$api(
        path = "upload/multipart",
        method = "GET"

      # Print information about ongoing uploads
      cli::cli_h1("Ongoing uploads")
      for (item in res$items) {
        fields_to_show <- c(
        string <-
          glue::glue("{fields_to_show}: {item[fields_to_show]}")

        cli::cli_h1("Upload info")
      # Close container elements


    # Abort file upload ------------------------------------------------------
    #' @description This call aborts an ongoing multipart upload.
    #' @param upload_id Upload object or ID of the upload process that you want
    #'  to abort.
    #' @importFrom rlang abort inform
    #' @importFrom checkmate assert_character
    #' @importFrom glue glue_col
    #' @examples
    #' \dontrun{
    #'  # Authenticate using authentication token
    #'  a <- Auth$new(
    #'   token = "<your_token>",
    #'   platform = "aws-us"
    #'  )
    #'  # Abort upload
    #'  a$abort_upload(upload_id = "<id_of_the_upload_process>")
    #' }
    upload_abort = function(upload_id) {
      upload_id <- check_and_transform_id(upload_id, "Upload")

      res <- self$api(
        path = glue::glue("upload/multipart/{upload_id}"),
        method = "DELETE"

          "The upload process with the following ID {green {upload_id}} has been aborted." # nolint
      ) # nocov end

    # Send feedback ----------------------------------------------------------
    #' @description Send feedback to Seven Bridges. \cr \cr
    #'  Send feedback on ideas, thoughts, and problems via the sevenbridges2 API
    #'  package with three available types: `idea`, `thought`, and `problem`.
    #'  You can send one feedback item per minute.
    #' @param text Specifies the content for the feedback i.e. feedback text.
    #' @param type Specifies the type of feedback. The following are available:
    #'  `idea`, `thought` and `problem`.
    #' @param referrer The name of the person submitting the feedback.
    #' @importFrom rlang inform
    #' @importFrom checkmate assert_string
    #' @examples
    #' \dontrun{
    #'  # Authenticate using authentication token
    #'  a <- Auth$new(
    #'   token = "<your_token>",
    #'   platform = "aws-us"
    #'  )
    #'  # Send feedback
    #'  a$send_feedback(
    #'   "This is a test for sending feedback via API.",
    #'   type = "thought"
    #'  )
    #' }
    send_feedback = function(text,
                             type = c("idea", "thought", "problem"),
                             referrer = NULL) {
      checkmate::assert_string(text, null.ok = FALSE)
      type <- match.arg(type)
      checkmate::assert_string(referrer, null.ok = TRUE)
      # nocov start
      if (is.null(referrer)) {
        referrer <- suppressMessages(self$user()[["username"]])

      body <- list(
        text = text,
        type = type,
        referrer = referrer

      res <- self$api(
        path = "action/notifications/feedback",
        method = "POST",
        body = body

      rlang::inform("Thank you for your feedback!")
    } # nocov end

Try the sevenbridges2 package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

sevenbridges2 documentation built on July 2, 2024, 9:06 a.m.