
Defines functions check_and_process_file_details check_response_and_notify_user check_execution_settings check_and_transform_datetime transform_configuration_param check_volume_params check_file_path check_app_copy_strategy check_upload_params check_retry_params check_download_path transform_multiple_vals check_metadata check_folder_name check_settings check_tags check_offset check_limit is_missing status_check

# Utils-validations
# Check request status -------------------------------------------------------
#' @description Check request status.
#' @param req API request
#' @param as Desired type output (contents of a request): raw, text or parsed
#' @return request content or the message
#' @importFrom httr status_code
#' @noRd
status_check <- function(req, as = "parsed", ...) {
  # nocov start

  # If request is successful return response
  if (httr::status_code(req) %in% c("200", "201", "202", "204")) {
    if (!is.null(req$request$headers["X-SBG-Auth-Token"])) {
      req$request$headers["X-SBG-Auth-Token"] <- "<your_auth_token>"
    res <- httr::content(req, as = as, ...)
    if (!is.null(res)) {
      attr(res, "response") <- req

  # If request is not successful return error message for standard error
  # messages
  if (httr::status_code(req) %in% c("401", "403", "404", "503")) {
    msg <- httr::content(req, as = as, ...)$message
    rlang::abort(paste0("HTTP Status ", httr::status_code(req), ": ", msg))

  # If request is not successful return error message for non-standard error
  # messages
  if (!is.null(httr::content(req, as = as, ...)$message)) {
    msg <- httr::content(req, as = as, ...)$message
    rlang::abort(paste0("HTTP Status ", httr::status_code(req), ": ", msg))

  if (httr::status_code(req) %in% names(codes)) {
    msg <- codes[[httr::status_code(req)]]
    rlang::abort(paste0("HTTP Status ", httr::status_code(req), ": ", msg))

  print(content(req, as = as, ...))
    "Error of unknown type occured: ",

  # nocov end

# Check if input value is missing --------------------------------------------
#' @description This function checks whether the input
#'  value is a vector of minimum length 1, with no empty
#'  value and no all missing values.
#'  If the input value is not a vector, it checks only if
#'  the value is set at all (original meaning of 'missing' function)
#'  in order to be able to use it with other object types.
#' @param input Value to check.
#' @importFrom checkmate test_vector
#' @noRd
is_missing <- function(input) {
  if (missing(input)) {
  if (checkmate::test_vector(input, null.ok = TRUE)) {
        min.len = 1,
        all.missing = FALSE
      ) ||
        isTRUE(input == "")
  } else {

# Check limit parameter ----------------------------------------------------
#' @description This function checks limit parameter.
#' @param limit Limit value.
#' @noRd
check_limit <- function(limit) {
  msg <- "Limit must be integer number between 1 and 100."
  if (!is.numeric(limit)) {
  limit_cast <- suppressWarnings(as.integer(limit))
  if (is_missing(limit_cast)) {
    rlang::abort(msg) # nocov
  if (limit_cast > 100 || limit_cast <= 0) {
    rlang::abort(msg) # nocov

# Check offset parameter ----------------------------------------------------
#' @description This function checks offset parameter.
#' @param offset Offset value.
#' @importFrom rlang abort
#' @importFrom glue glue
#' @noRd
check_offset <- function(offset) {
  msg <- "Offset must be integer number >= 0."
  if (!is.numeric(offset)) {
  offset_cast <- suppressWarnings(as.integer(offset))
  if (is_missing(offset_cast)) {
    rlang::abort(msg) # nocov
  if (offset_cast < 0) {
    rlang::abort(msg) # nocov

# Check tag parameters ----------------------------------------------
#' @description This function checks tag parameter.
#' @param tags Tag values.
#' @importFrom checkmate test_list
#' @importFrom rlang abort
#' @noRd
check_tags <- function(tags) {
  if (!checkmate::test_list(
    types = "character",
    null.ok = TRUE,
    names = "unnamed"
  )) {
    # nolint start
      "Tags parameter must be an unnamed list of tags. For example: tags <- list('my_tag_1', 'my_tag_2')"
    # nolint end

# Check project settings -----------------------------------------------------
#' @description This function checks project settings.
#' @param settings Settings named list.
# nolint start
#' @importFrom checkmate assert_logical assert_list assert_character assert_integer
# nolint end
#' @importFrom rlang abort
#' @noRd
check_settings <- function(settings) {
  if (!is.null(settings)) {
    msg <- "Settings must be provided as a list."
    if (!is.list(settings)) {

    valid_input_names <- c(

    invalid_element_names <-
      setdiff(names(settings), valid_input_names)

    if (length(invalid_element_names) > 0) {
      # nolint start
        "Argument {invalid_element_names} is not a valid settings field."
      # nolint end

      .var.name = "locked",
      null.ok = TRUE
      .var.name = "controlled",
      null.ok = TRUE
      .var.name = "use_interruptible_instances",
      null.ok = TRUE
      .var.name = "use_memoization",
      null.ok = TRUE
      .var.name = "allow_network_access",
      null.ok = TRUE
      .var.name = "use_elastic_disk",
      null.ok = TRUE

      .var.name = "location",
      null.ok = TRUE

    if ("intermediate_files" %in% names(settings)) {
        .var.name = "intermediate_files",
        null.ok = TRUE
        .var.name = "intermediate_files$duration",
        null.ok = TRUE
        .var.name = "intermediate_files$retention",
        null.ok = TRUE

# Check folder name ---------------------------------------------------------
#' @description This function checks if the provided folder name is valid.
#' @param name Name of the folder.
#' @noRd
check_folder_name <- function(name) {
  if (is_missing(name)) {
    rlang::abort("Please provide the folder's name.")
  if (substr(name, 1, 2) == "__") {
    rlang::abort("The folder name cannot start with \"__\"")
  if (grepl("\\s", name)) {
    rlang::abort("The folder name cannot contain spaces in the name.")

# Check metadata -------------------------------------------------------------
#' @description This function checks metadata form.
#' @param metadata Metadata named list.
#' @importFrom checkmate test_list
#' @importFrom rlang abort
#' @noRd
check_metadata <- function(metadata) {
  if (!checkmate::test_list(
    types = "character",
    null.ok = TRUE,
    names = "named",
    max.len = 1000
  )) {
    # nolint start
      "Metadata parameter must be a named list of key-value pairs. For example: metadata <- list(metadata_key_1 = 'metadata_value_1', metadata_key_2 = 'metadata_value_2')"
    # nolint end

# Transform multiple values set for single query parameter --------------------
#' @description Transform multiple values set for single query parameter.
#' @param input Query parameter values.
#' @importFrom utils URLencode
#' @noRd
transform_multiple_vals <- function(input) {
  encoded_inputs <- lapply(input, function(x) {
  new_inputs <- flatten_query(encoded_inputs)

# Check file download destination ------------------------------------------
#' @description Check file download destination path.
#' @param directory_path Directory path, string.
#' @param filename File name (base name).
#' @noRd
check_download_path <- function(directory_path, filename) {
  if (dir.exists(directory_path)) {
    if (is_missing(filename)) {
      rlang::abort("The filename parameter is missing.")
    } else if (!checkmate::test_string(filename)) {
      rlang::abort("The filename parameter should be a length-one string.")
  } else {
    rlang::abort(glue::glue_col("Destination directory {directory_path} does not exist.")) # nolint

# Check retry parameters -----------------------------------------------------
#' @description This function validates provided retry parameter
#'  used within the `download()` method of a `File` object.
#' @param input Value to check.
#' @param parameter_to_validate Retry parameter to be validated.
#' @noRd
check_retry_params <- function(input, parameter_to_validate) {
  if (parameter_to_validate == "count") {
    msg <- "retry_count parameter must be a positive integer number."
  } else if (parameter_to_validate == "timeout") {
    msg <- "retry_timeout parameter must be a positive integer number."

  if (!is.numeric(input)) {
    rlang::abort(msg) # nocov
  retry_param_cast <- suppressWarnings(as.integer(input))
  if (is_missing(retry_param_cast)) {
    rlang::abort(msg) # nocov
  if (retry_param_cast <= 0) {
    rlang::abort(msg) # nocov

# Check upload parameters for file uploads ---------------------------------
#' @description Check upload parameters size, part_size and part_length.
#' @param size File size.
#' @param part_size Part size.
#' @importFrom rlang abort
#' @importFrom checkmate assert_numeric
#' @noRd
check_upload_params <- function(size, part_size) {
    lower = 0,
    len = 1,
    any.missing = FALSE,
    null.ok = FALSE
    lower = 0,
    len = 1,
    any.missing = FALSE,
    null.ok = FALSE

  if (!(size >= 0 && size <= getOption("sevenbridges2")$MAXIMUM_OBJECT_SIZE)) {
    rlang::abort("File size must be between 0 - 5497558138880 (5TB), inclusive")
  if (!(part_size <= getOption("sevenbridges2")$MAXIMUM_PART_SIZE &&
    part_size >= getOption("sevenbridges2")$MINIMUM_PART_SIZE)) {
    # nolint start
    rlang::abort("Parameter part_size must be 5 MB to 5 GB, last part can be < 5 MB")
    # nolint end
  part_length <- ifelse(size == 0, 1,
    as.integer(ceiling(size / part_size))
  if (part_length < 1 ||
    part_length > getOption("sevenbridges2")$MAXIMUM_TOTAL_PARTS) {
    # nolint start
    rlang::abort("Total number of parts must be from 1 to 10,000 (inclusive). Please modify part_size.")
    # nolint end

# Check app copy strategy ----------------------------------------------------
#' @description This function checks if the provided strategy for app copy is
#'  valid.
#' @param strategy Strategy for app copy.
#' @importFrom rlang abort
#' @importFrom glue glue_col
#' @noRd
check_app_copy_strategy <- function(strategy) {
  if (is_missing(strategy)) {
    rlang::abort("Please provide the copy strategy.")
  # nolint start
  supported_app_copy_strategies <-
  if (!(strategy %in% supported_app_copy_strategies)) {
        "The provided copy strategy ({magenta {strategy}}) is not supported. Please use one of the following strategies: ",
        "{green {paste(supported_app_copy_strategies, collapse = ', ')}}"
  # nolint end

# Check file path -----------------------------------------------------------
#' @description This function checks if the file with the provided path exists
#'  on the local disk.
#' @param file_path File path on the local disk.
#' @importFrom rlang abort
#' @importFrom glue glue_col
#' @noRd
check_file_path <- function(file_path) {
  if (!file.exists(file_path)) {
    rlang::abort(glue::glue_col("File {magenta {file_path}} does not exist."))

# Check all volume params when creating a volume ------------------------------
#' @description This function checks parameters needed for
#'  value creation/update.
#' @param args Input parameters to check
#' @param volume_type Storage type, can be one of: s3, gcs, azure, oss
#' @importFrom checkmate assert_list assert_string
#' @importFrom rlang abort
#' @importFrom glue glue_col
#' @noRd
check_volume_params <- function(args,
                                volume_type = c("s3", "gcs", "azure", "OSS")) {
  checkmate::assert_list(args, null.ok = FALSE)
  volume_type <- match.arg(volume_type)

  checkmate::assert_string(args[["name"]], null.ok = FALSE)

  if (volume_type %in% c("s3", "gcs", "OSS")) {
    checkmate::assert_string(args[["bucket"]], null.ok = FALSE)

  # Azure specific check
  if (volume_type == "azure") {
    checkmate::assert_string(args[["container"]], null.ok = FALSE)

  checkmate::assert_string(args[["access_mode"]], null.ok = TRUE)

  if (!is_missing(args[["access_mode"]]) &&
    !(args[["access_mode"]] %in% c("RW", "RO"))) {
    rlang::abort("Access mode must be RW or RO.")

  checkmate::assert_string(args[["prefix"]], null.ok = TRUE)
  checkmate::assert_string(args[["description"]], null.ok = TRUE)
  checkmate::assert_list(args[["properties"]], null.ok = TRUE)

  if (!is_missing(args[["endpoint"]])) {
    checkmate::assert_string(args[["endpoint"]], null.ok = TRUE)
  } else if (!is_missing(args[["root_url"]])) {
    checkmate::assert_string(args[["root_url"]], null.ok = TRUE)

# Transform configuration parameter in GC (IAM Role) volume creation ----------
#' @description This function checks whether provided configuration parameter
#'  is a named list or a file path to the configuration JSON file.
#' @param configuration Path to JSON file or named list containing configuration
#'  parameters values for creating GC volume using IAM Role.
#' @importFrom rlang abort
#' @importFrom checkmate test_list
#' @importFrom checkmate test_string
#' @importFrom jsonlite toJSON
#' @importFrom readr read_file
#' @noRd
transform_configuration_param <- function(configuration) {
  if (checkmate::test_list(configuration, min.len = 1, null.ok = FALSE) &&
    !is_missing(names(configuration))) {
    config_json_string <-
      as.character(jsonlite::toJSON(configuration, auto_unbox = TRUE, pretty = TRUE)) # nolint
  } else if (checkmate::test_string(configuration, null.ok = FALSE)) {
    # nolint
    config_json_string <- readr::read_file(configuration)
  } else {
      "Invalid configuration parameter! \n Please provide a string path to the JSON file or a named list." # nolint

# Convert date to string ----------------------------------------------------
#' @description This function converts date data type to string.
#' @param datetime Object to convert.
#' @importFrom rlang abort
#' @importFrom checkmate test_posixct
#' @importFrom checkmate test_character
#' @noRd
check_and_transform_datetime <- function(datetime) {
  if (missing(datetime)) {
    rlang::abort("Date is required!")
  if (checkmate::test_character(datetime)) {
  if (checkmate::test_posixct(datetime)) {

# Check execution settings parameters ----------------------------------------
#' @description Check execution settings parameters.
#' @param execution_settings List of execution settings parameters.
#' @importFrom checkmate assert_list assert_string assert_int assert_logical
#' @noRd
check_execution_settings <- function(execution_settings = NULL) {
    min.len = 1,
    max.len = 4,
    any.missing = TRUE,
    null.ok = TRUE
  if ("instance_type" %in% names(execution_settings)) {
      x = execution_settings[["execution_settings"]],
      null.ok = TRUE

  if ("max_parallel_instances" %in% names(execution_settings)) {
      x = execution_settings[["max_parallel_instances"]],
      null.ok = TRUE

  if ("use_memoization" %in% names(execution_settings)) {
      x = execution_settings[["use_memoization"]],
      null.ok = TRUE

  if ("use_elastic_disk" %in% names(execution_settings)) {
      x = execution_settings[["use_elastic_disk"]],
      null.ok = TRUE

# Check the bulk delete response and notify the user of the action's outcome
#' @description This function processes the response from a bulk delete API
#'  call and informs the user about the results. It distinguishes between
#'  successfully deleted files and files that could not be deleted because they
#'  do not exist.
#' @param files A character vector of file IDs that were requested to be
#'  deleted.
#' @param res Bulk delete API call response containing the `items` field where
#'  each item indicates whether the corresponding file was successfully deleted
#'  or not.
#' @importFrom rlang abort inform format_error_bullets
#' @importFrom cli cli_text qty cli_end
#' @importFrom checkmate assert_character assert_list
#' @return None. This function only provides console output to inform the user
#'  about the status of the file deletions.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' files <- c("file_id_1", "file_id_2", "file_id_3")
#' res <- list(items = list(
#'   list(error = list(status = 404, code = 5002, message = "Requested file does not exist.")), # nolint
#'   list(resource = list(id = "file_id_2")),
#'   list(error = list(status = 404, code = 5002, message = "Requested file does not exist.")) # nolint
#' ))
#' check_response_and_notify_user(files, res)
#' }
#' @noRd
check_response_and_notify_user <- function(files, res) {
  if (is_missing(files)) {
    rlang::abort("Files parameter is required.")

  if (is_missing(res)) {
    rlang::abort("Res parameter is required.")

    types = "character",
    min.len = 1,
    any.missing = FALSE,
    null.ok = FALSE
    min.len = 1,
    null.ok = FALSE

  # nocov start
  # Create empty lists to store results
  deleted_files <- list()
  non_existent_files <- list()

  # Process the response items
  for (i in seq_along(res$items)) {
    item <- res$items[[i]]
    if (!is.null(item$error)) {
      non_existent_files <- c(non_existent_files, files[[i]])
    } else {
      deleted_files <- c(deleted_files, files[[i]])

  # Inform user of the action's outcome
  if (length(deleted_files) > 0) {
    rlang::inform(message = cli::cli_text("{cli::qty(length(deleted_files))} File{?s} with the following ID{?s} {?has/have} been removed:")) # nolint

  if (length(non_existent_files) > 0) {
    rlang::inform(message = cli::cli_text("{cli::qty(length(non_existent_files))} File{?s} with the following ID{?s} {?does/do} not exist and therefore could not be deleted:")) # nolint

  # Close container elements
  # nocov end

# Check and process file object details --------------------------------------
#' @description This function takes a provided File object where the user has
#' manually modified certain fields such as name, tags, and metadata. It
#' verifies that all fields are of the desired type and assembles them into a
#' list required for creating the body for the `bulk_update`/ `bulk_edit` API
#' call.
#' @param file File object.
#' @importFrom checkmate assert_string assert_list
#' @return A list containing the following four fields from the File object:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item `id` The ID of the File object.
#'   \item `name` File's name.
#'   \item `tags` File tags.
#'   \item `metadata` Metadata associated with the File object.
#' }
#' @noRd
check_and_process_file_details <- function(file) {
  # Check if 'name' is a string
    null.ok = FALSE

  # Check if 'tags' is an unnamed list
    types = "character",
    names = "unnamed"

  # Check if 'metadata' is a named list with string keys and values
    types = "character",
    names = "named"

  # Return the processed file details
    id = file$id,
    name = file$name,
    tags = file$tags,
    metadata = file$metadata

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sevenbridges2 documentation built on July 2, 2024, 9:06 a.m.