
Defines functions sfcr_scenario .check_shock_consistency .abort_wrong_shock_var .extend_baseline_matrix .sfcr_make_scenario_matrix

Documented in .check_shock_consistency .extend_baseline_matrix .sfcr_make_scenario_matrix sfcr_scenario

#' Make matrix for scenario calculations
#' @param baseline a model calculated with the \code{sfcr_sim()} function
#' @param scenario a List holding the different scenarios
#' @param periods The total number of periods in the model
#' @details This function generates the base matrix that is going to be
#' modified in place by the different solvers.
#' @author João Macalós
#' @keywords internal
.sfcr_make_scenario_matrix <- function(baseline, scenario, periods) {

  sfcr_random <- function(.f, ...) {
    match.arg(.f, c("rnorm", "rbinom", "runif"))

    args <- list(...)
    # Make sure that periods are read as n
    args$n <- NULL
    n <- list(n=periods)
    args <- c(n, args)
    # Call the function
    do.call(eval(parse(text=.f)), args)

  steady <- utils::tail(attributes(baseline)$matrix, n = 1)

  m <- steady[rep(seq_len(nrow(steady)), periods), ]

  # TODO: evaluate external vars here (and so add sfcr_random())
  external <- attr(baseline, "external")
  exgs_names <- external$lhs
  exg_exprs <- purrr::map(external$rhs, function(x) parse(text=x))

  for (var in seq_along(exgs_names)) {
    m[, exgs_names[[var]]] <- eval(exg_exprs[[var]])

  scenario_eqs <- purrr::map(scenario, function(x) .eq_as_tb(x[[1]]))

  scenario_names <- purrr::map(scenario_eqs, function(x) x$lhs)
  scenario_exprs <- purrr::map(scenario_eqs, function(x) purrr::map(x$rhs, function(y) parse(text = y)))

  scenario_start <- purrr::map(scenario, function(x) x[[2]])
  scenario_end <- purrr::map(scenario, function(x) x[[3]])

  # Re-define here to extend shock
  sfcr_random <- function(.f, ...) {
   match.arg(.f, c("rnorm", "rbinom", "runif"))

   args <- list(...)
  # Make sure that periods are read as n
   args$n <- NULL
   n <- list(n=shock_length)
   args <- c(n, args)
  # Call the function
   do.call(eval(parse(text=.f)), args)

  for (scenario in seq_len(vctrs::vec_size(scenario_eqs))) {
    shock_length <- length(seq(scenario_start[[scenario]], scenario_end[[scenario]]))
    scenario_nms <- scenario_names[[scenario]]
    scenario_xprs <- scenario_exprs[[scenario]]

    for (var in seq_along(scenario_nms)) {
      m[scenario_start[[scenario]]:scenario_end[[scenario]], scenario_nms[[var]]] <- eval(scenario_xprs[[var]])


#' Extend a baseline matrix
#' This function is called if a scenario is to be created that just
#' continues with the baseline specification. It is useful to create
#' a benchmark model to compare new scenarios.
#' @param baseline A baseline model
#' @param periods The total number of periods to run the model
#' @author João Macalós
#' @keywords internal
.extend_baseline_matrix <- function(baseline, periods) {

  steady <- utils::tail(attributes(baseline)$matrix, n = 1)

  m <- steady[rep(seq_len(nrow(steady)), periods), ]

  # TODO : evaluate external vars here
  sfcr_random <- function(.f, ...) {
   match.arg(.f, c("rnorm", "rbinom", "runif"))

   args <- list(...)
  # Make sure that periods are read as n
   args$n <- NULL
   n <- list(n=periods)
   args <- c(n, args)
  # Call the function
   do.call(eval(parse(text=.f)), args)

  external <- attr(baseline, "external")
  exgs_names <- external$lhs
  exg_exprs <- purrr::map(external$rhs, function(x) parse(text=x))

  for (var in seq_along(exgs_names)) {
    m[, exgs_names[[var]]] <- eval(exg_exprs[[var]])



.abort_wrong_shock_var <- function(wrong_var) {

  if (length(wrong_var) == 1) {
    rlang::abort(message = paste0("Shocked variable `", wrong_var, "` is not included in the external variables of the model. Please check your shocks and try again."))
  } else {
    rlang::abort(message = paste0("Shocked variables `", paste0(wrong_var, collapse = ", "), "` are not present in the external variables of the model. Please check your shocks and try again."))


#' Check shocks for length consistency and warn about risks of using exogenous series
#' This function executes two checks and issues one warning.
#' First, it checks that the start of the shock is not negative and that the end
#' of the shock is not bigger than the number of periods in the scenario.
#' Secondly, it checks for consistency on the length of the shocks added to the scenario.
#' Only two types of exogenous variables are allowed:
#' 1) The exogenous variable is a constant that is repeated over time;
#' 2) The exogenous variable has exactly the same length as the shock.
#' Furthermore, it throws a warning that using exogenous series in a shock can lead to unexpected
#' behavior if the length of the shock is not the same as the periods in the scenario.
#' @param shock A sfcr_shock object
#' @author João Macalós
#' @keywords internal
.check_shock_consistency <- function(shock, periods=periods) {

  # We remove `sfcr_random` from sanity checks because it is certain that it will not lead
  # to mistakes.

  # Duration of the shock
  start = shock$start
  end = shock$end

  if (start < 0) {
    rlang::abort("Please supply a non-negative start period for the shock.")

  if (end > periods) {
    rlang::abort("The end of the shock must be smaller or equal to the periods in the scenario.")

  length_shock = length(seq(start, end))

  # Parse vars
  vars <- .eq_as_tb(shock$variables)
  vars <- dplyr::filter(vars, stringr::str_detect(.data$rhs, "sfcr_random", negate=TRUE))

  if (vctrs::vec_is_empty(vars)) {
    # pass

  } else {

    parse_vars <- purrr::map(vars$rhs, ~eval(parse(text=.x)))
    vars_length <- purrr::map_dbl(parse_vars, length)

    if (mean(vars_length) > 1) {

      abortifnot(all(vars_length %in% c(1, length_shock)), "All exogenous variables supplied as a shock must have either length 1 or exactly the same length as the shock.")

      # Warning
      rlang::warn("Passing exogenous series with a shock can lead to unexpected behavior if the length of the series is smaller than the periods to the end of the scenario. Be cautious when using this functionality.", .frequency_id = "scenario_warn", .frequency="once")




#' Add scenarios to a \code{sfcr} model.
#' @param baseline A model generated with the \code{sfcr_baseline()} function.
#' @param scenario Either a shock created with \code{sfcr_shock()}, a list of shocks,
#' or \code{NULL}. If \code{scenario = NULL}, the model will just extend the baseline
#' model.
#' @inheritParams sfcr_baseline
#' @details Add scenario(s) to a model generated with \code{sfcr_baseline()} functions.
#' This function inherits the block structure from the steady state model. See
#' \code{\link{sfcr_baseline}} for further details on the algorithms.
#' @seealso \code{\link{sfcr_baseline}}
#' @example inst/examples/example_sfcr_scenario.R
#' @export
#' @author João Macalós, \email{joaomacalos@@gmail.com}
sfcr_scenario <- function(baseline, scenario, periods, max_iter = 350, tol = 1e-10, method = "Broyden", ...) {

  match.arg(method, c("Gauss", "Newton", "Broyden"))

  # Check inheritance because I need to work with a list of sfcr_shocks, even if this list
  # has only one item

  if (inherits(scenario, "sfcr_shock")) {
    scenario <- list(scenario)

  # Load calls
  eqs <- attr(baseline, "calls")

  # Check that all shocks are created with sfcr_shock

  if (!is.null(scenario)) {
    check_all_shocks <- purrr::map_lgl(scenario, ~inherits(.x, "sfcr_shock"))

    if (mean(check_all_shocks) < 1) rlang::abort("Please use `sfcr_shock()` to create shocks.")

    # Check if variables in the shock are valid
    ends_names <- eqs$lhs
    all_names <- colnames(baseline)
    exgs_names <- all_names[which(!(all_names %in% ends_names))]

    all_shock_vars <- unlist(purrr::map(scenario, ~.eq_as_tb(.x$variables)$lhs))
    check_valid_vars <- purrr::map_lgl(all_shock_vars, ~{.x %in% exgs_names})

    if (mean(check_valid_vars) < 1) {
      wrong_var <- all_shock_vars[!check_valid_vars]

  # Check shock consistency
  if (!is.null(scenario)) {
    purrr::map(scenario, ~.check_shock_consistency(.x, periods))


  # If scenario is NULL, extend baseline model
  if (is.null(scenario)) {
    m <- .extend_baseline_matrix(baseline, periods)
  } else {
    m <- .sfcr_make_scenario_matrix(baseline, scenario, periods)

  if (method == "Gauss") {
    s1 <- .sfcr_gauss_seidel(m, eqs, periods, max_iter, tol)
  } else if (method == "Newton") {
    s1 <- .sfcr_newton(m, eqs, periods, max_iter, tol, ...)
  } else {
    s1 <- .sfcr_broyden(m, eqs, periods, max_iter, tol)

  s2 <- tibble::tibble(data.frame(s1)) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(period = dplyr::row_number()) %>%
    dplyr::select(-tidyselect::contains('block')) %>%
    dplyr::select(.data$period, tidyselect::everything())
    #dplyr::mutate(dplyr::across(-c(.data$period), ~round(.x, digits = 4)))

  #attr(s2, "matrix") <- s1
  #attr(s2, "calls") <- eqs

  #class(s2) <- c("sfcr", "tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame")

  ext <- attr(baseline, "external")

  x <- new_sfcr_tbl(s2, s1, eqs, ext)


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sfcr documentation built on Oct. 11, 2021, 9:09 a.m.