
Defines functions gsee

Documented in gsee

##   R package sgee by Gregory Vaughan, Kun Chen, and Jun Yan
##   Copyright (C) 2016-2018
##   This file is part of the R package sgee.
##   The R package sgee is free software: You can redistribute it and/or
##   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
##   by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
##   any later version (at your option). See the GNU General Public License
##   at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/> for details.
##   The R package sgee is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
##   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY without even the implied warranty of
#' @export
#' @rdname bisee
gsee <- function(y, x, family,
                 clusterID, waves = NULL, groupID = 1:ncol(x),
                 corstr="independence", alpha = NULL,
                 offset = 0, 
                 intercept = TRUE,
                 control = sgee.control(maxIt = 200, epsilon = 0.05, 
                     stoppingThreshold =  min(length(y), ncol(x))-intercept,
                     undoThreshold = 0.005),
                 standardize = TRUE,
                 verbose = FALSE,
    ## Preliminaries/set up

    maxIt <- control$maxIt
    epsilon <- control$epsilon
    undoThreshold <- control$undoThreshold
    interceptLimit <- control$interceptLimit
    ##If the undoThreshold is >= epsilon
    ## the check wil always trigger;
    ## so this check is added to prevent
    ## an infinte loop
    if(undoThreshold >= epsilon){
            cat(paste0("****** undoThreshold too large! reducing threshold now **********\n"))
        undoThreshold  <- epsilon/10
        stoppingThreshold <- min(length(y), ncol(x))-intercept
    } else {
        stoppingThreshold <- control$stoppingThreshold
    p <- ncol(x)

    if (is.character(family)){ 
        family <- get(family, mode = "function", envir = parent.frame())
    if (is.function(family)){ 
        family <- family()
        unstandardizedX <- x
            x <- scale(x)
        } else{
            x <- scale(x, center = FALSE)

        clusz <- unlist(sapply(unique(clusterID), function(x) {sum(clusterID == x)}))
        waves <- as.integer(unlist(sapply(clusz, function(x) 1:x)))
    ## currently assuming only intercept in estimation of
    ## of correlation and dispersion
    r <- 1 # number of covariates in dispersion modeling
    q <- 1 # number of covariates in correlation modeling

    ## Initial estimates for all parameters
    beta <- rep(0,p)
    phi <- stats::sd(y)^2    
    ## current initial estimation for correlation parameter
        alpha <- 0
    ## Intercept value
    beta0 <- 0
    meanLink <- family$linkfun
    meanLinkInv <- family$linkinv
    varianceLink <- family$variance
    mu.eta <- family$mu.eta

    ## Paths of parameter estimates
    path <- matrix(rep(0,(maxIt)*(p + intercept)), nrow = maxIt)
    ## currently assuming only intercept in estimating dispersion
    phiPath <- matrix(rep(0,(maxIt)*r), nrow = maxIt)
    ## currently assuming only intercept in estimating correlation
    alphaPath <- matrix(rep(0,(maxIt)*q), nrow = maxIt)

    clusterIDs <- unique(clusterID)
    numClusters <- length(clusterIDs)
    maxClusterSize <- max(waves)

    ##stoppedOn added to keep track of when the algorithm stops
    ## it assumes it goes the whole lenght unless stopped prematurely
    stoppedOn <- maxIt
    ## Working correlation matrix
    R <- genCorMat(corstr = corstr, rho = alpha, maxClusterSize = maxClusterSize)

    RInv <- solve(R)

    ## Main Algorithim
    oldDelta <- rep(0, length(beta)) 
    it <- 0
    while (it <maxIt){
        it <- it +1
            cat(paste0("****** Beginning iteration # ", it, " **********\n"))
        GEEValues <- evaluateGEE(y = y,
                                 x = x,
                                 beta = beta,
                                 beta0 = beta0,
                                 phi = phi,
                                 offset = offset,
                                 RInv = RInv,
                                 numClusters = numClusters,
                                 clusterID = clusterID,
                                 waves = waves,
                                 meanLinkInv = meanLinkInv,
                                 mu.eta = mu.eta,
                                 varianceLink = varianceLink,
                                 corstr = corstr,
                                 maxClusterSize = maxClusterSize,
                                 interceptLimit = interceptLimit)
        ## Update Estimates
        beta0 <- GEEValues$beta0
        phi <- GEEValues$phiHat
        alpha <- GEEValues$rhoHat
        RInv <- GEEValues$RInv
        ## Current Values of the estimating equations
        sumMean <- GEEValues$sumMean

        ## Update Selection
        a <- rep(0, length(unique(groupID)))

        for (j in unique(groupID)){
          currentGroupIndex <- groupID == j
          aCurrent <- sumMean[currentGroupIndex]
          a[j] <- sqrt(sum(aCurrent^2))/sqrt(length(aCurrent))
        ## Identify optimal update        
        delta <- which(a== max(a))
        deltaGroupIndex <- groupID == delta

        ## Check if the update is effectively undoing the last one
        if (sum(abs(oldDelta[deltaGroupIndex] + epsilon * sumMean[deltaGroupIndex]/ (a[delta]*length(sumMean[deltaGroupIndex]))))<= undoThreshold){
                cat(paste0("****** Step Undone! Reducing Stepsize **********\n"))

                if (intercept){
                    beta <- path[it - 2,-1]
                } else {
                    beta <- path[it - 2,]
            } else{
                beta <- rep(0, length(beta))
            epsilon <- epsilon/2
            it <- it - 2
            oldDelta <- rep(0, length(beta))

            ##If the undoThreshold is >= epsilon
            ## the check wil always trigger;
            ## so this check is added to prevent
            ## an infinte loop
            if(undoThreshold >= epsilon){
                    cat(paste0("****** undoThreshold too large! reducing threshold now **********\n"))
                undoThreshold  <- epsilon/10
            ## If the check is passed and the update
            ## is sufficiently different from the previous
            ## update
        } else {
            oldDelta <- rep(0, length(beta))
            oldDelta[deltaGroupIndex] <- epsilon * sumMean[deltaGroupIndex]/ (a[delta]*length(sumMean[deltaGroupIndex]))

            ## Update estimates
            ##B_j^{[t]} = B_j^{[t-1]} - epsilon * U_j/(||U_j||_2 * sqrt(p_j))
            beta[deltaGroupIndex] <- beta[deltaGroupIndex] +  epsilon * sumMean[deltaGroupIndex]/ (a[delta]*length(sumMean[deltaGroupIndex]))

            ## Update Paths
                path[it,] <- c(beta0, beta)
                path[it,] <-  beta
            phiPath[it,] <- phi
            alphaPath[it,] <- alpha
            ## stopping mechanism when the alogrithim has
            ## reached saturation.
            ## sum(a) <0.5 threshold added to prevent possible loop
            ## that can happen with binary data using the adaptive
            ## step size where the algorithm thinks a step keeps
            ## being undone, but really the estimating equations
            ## are all VERY close to 0
            if(((sum(beta != 0) >= stoppingThreshold) | sum(a) < 0.5 )& (it< maxIt) ){
                print("stopped on")
                path[((it+1):maxIt),] <- matrix(rep(path[it,],(maxIt - it)),
                                                nrow = (maxIt - it),
                                                byrow = TRUE)
                phiPath[((it+1):maxIt),] <- matrix(rep(phiPath[it,],(maxIt - it)),
                                                   nrow = (maxIt - it),
                                                   byrow = TRUE)
                alphaPath[((it+1):maxIt),] <- matrix(rep(alphaPath[it,],(maxIt - it)),
                                                     nrow = (maxIt - it),
                                                byrow = TRUE)
                stoppedOn <- it


    result <- list(path = path,
                   gammaPath = phiPath,
                   alphaPath = alphaPath,
                   stoppedOn = stoppedOn,
                   maxIt = maxIt,
                   y = y,
                   x = x,
                   intercept = intercept,
                   clusterID = clusterID,
                   groupID = groupID,
                   family = family,
                   offset = offset,
                   epsilon = epsilon)

        result$x <- unstandardizedX
        temp <- path
            temp[,-1] <- t(t(path[,-1]) /attr(x, "scaled:scale"))
            temp[,1] <- path[,1] - crossprod(t(path[,-1]),
                                             (attr(x, "scaled:center")/attr(x, "scaled:scale")))  
        } else{
            temp <- t(t(path) /attr(x, "scaled:scale"))
        result$standardizedPath <-  path
        result$path <- temp
        result$standardizedX <- x

    class(result) <-  "sgee"


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sgee documentation built on May 1, 2019, 7:10 p.m.