
Defines functions update_multiple_radio multiple_radio update_multiple_checkbox multiple_checkbox toggle checkboxInput checkbox_input

Documented in checkbox_input checkboxInput multiple_checkbox multiple_radio toggle update_multiple_checkbox update_multiple_radio

#' Create Semantic UI checkbox
#' @aliases checkbox_input
#' @aliases toggle
#' This creates a checkbox using Semantic UI styles.
#' @param input_id Input name. Reactive value is available under input[[name]].
#' @param label Text to be displayed with checkbox.
#' @param type Type of checkbox: NULL, 'toggle'
#' @param is_marked Defines if checkbox should be marked. Default TRUE.
#' @param style Style of the widget.
#' @param inputId same as \code{input_id}
#' @param value same as \code{is_marked}
#' @param width The width of the input (currently not supported, but check \code{style})
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()){
#'   ui <- shinyUI(
#'     semanticPage(
#'       p("Simple checkbox:"),
#'       checkbox_input("example", "Check me", is_marked = FALSE),
#'       p(),
#'       p("Simple toggle:"),
#'       toggle("tog1", "My Label", TRUE)
#'     )
#'   )
#'   server <- function(input, output, session) {
#'     observeEvent(input$tog1, {
#'       print(input$tog1)
#'     })
#'   }
#'   shinyApp(ui, server)
#' }
#' @details
#' The inputs are updateable by using \code{\link[shiny]{updateCheckboxInput}}.
#' The following \code{type}s are allowed:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{NULL} The standard checkbox (default)
#' \item{toggle} Each checkbox has a toggle form
#' \item{slider} Each checkbox has a simple slider form
#' }
#' @rdname checkbox
#' @export
checkbox_input <- function(input_id, label = "", type = NULL, is_marked = TRUE,
                           style = NULL) {
    class = paste("ui", type, if (is_marked) "checked", "checkbox"), style = style,
    tags$input(id = input_id, type = "checkbox", checked = if (is_marked) NA else NULL),

#' @rdname checkbox
#' @export
checkboxInput <- function(inputId, label = "", value = FALSE, width = NULL){
  if (!is.null(width))
  checkbox_input(inputId, label, is_marked = value)

#' @rdname checkbox
#' @export
toggle <- function(input_id, label = "", is_marked = TRUE, style = NULL) {
  checkbox_input(input_id, label, type = "toggle", is_marked = is_marked, style = style)

#' Create Semantic UI multiple checkbox
#' This creates a multiple checkbox using Semantic UI styles.
#' @param input_id Input name. Reactive value is available under \code{input[[input_id]]}.
#' @param label Text to be displayed with checkbox.
#' @param choices Vector of labels to show checkboxes for.
#' @param choices_value Vector of values that should be used for corresponding choice.
#'   If not specified, \code{choices} is used by default.
#' @param selected The value(s) that should be chosen initially.
#'   If \code{NULL} the first one from \code{choices} is chosen.
#' @param position Specified checkmarks setup. Can be \code{grouped} or \code{inline}.
#' @param type Type of checkbox or radio.
#' @param ... Other arguments to be added as attributes of the
#' tag (e.g. style, childrens etc.)
#' @details
#' The following \code{type}s are allowed:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{NULL} The standard checkbox (default)
#' \item{toggle} Each checkbox has a toggle form
#' \item{slider} Each checkbox has a simple slider form
#' }
#' @rdname multiple_checkbox
#' @examples
#' ## Only run examples in interactive R sessions
#' if (interactive()) {
#'   # Checkbox
#'   library(shiny)
#'   library(shiny.semantic)
#'   ui <- function() {
#'       shinyUI(
#'         semanticPage(
#'           title = "Checkbox example",
#'           h1("Checkboxes"),
#'           multiple_checkbox("checkboxes", "Select Letters", LETTERS[1:6], selected = "A"),
#'           p("Selected letters:"),
#'           textOutput("selected_letters"),
#'           tags$br(),
#'           h1("Radioboxes"),
#'           multiple_radio("radioboxes", "Select Letter", LETTERS[1:6], selected = "A"),
#'           p("Selected letter:"),
#'           textOutput("selected_letter")
#'        )
#'      )
#'   }
#'   server <- shinyServer(function(input, output) {
#'      output$selected_letters <- renderText(paste(input$checkboxes, collapse = ", "))
#'      output$selected_letter <- renderText(input$radioboxes)
#'   })
#'   shinyApp(ui = ui(), server = server)
#' }
#' @export
multiple_checkbox <- function(input_id, label, choices, choices_value = choices,
                              selected = NULL, position = "grouped", type = NULL, ...) {
  choices_html <- tagList(lapply(seq_along(choices), function(x) {
      class = "field",
        class = paste("ui checkbox", type, if (choices_value[x] %in% selected) "checked"),
          type = "checkbox", name = input_id, tabindex = "0", value = choices_value[x],
          checked = if (choices_value[x] %in% selected) NA else NULL

    id = input_id, class = paste(position, "fields ss-checkbox-input"),
    tags$label(`for` = input_id, label),

#' Update checkbox Semantic UI component
#' Change the value of a \code{\link{multiple_checkbox}} input on the client.
#' @param session The \code{session} object passed to function given to \code{shinyServer}.
#' @param input_id The id of the input object
#' @param choices All available options one can select from. If no need to update then leave as \code{NULL}
#' @param choices_value What reactive value should be used for corresponding choice.
#' @param selected The initially selected value.
#' @param label The label linked to the input
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()) {
#' library(shiny)
#' library(shiny.semantic)
#' ui <- function() {
#'   shinyUI(
#'     semanticPage(
#'       title = "Checkbox example",
#'       form(
#'         multiple_checkbox(
#'           "simple_checkbox", "Letters:", LETTERS[1:5], selected = c("A", "C"), type = "slider"
#'         )
#'       ),
#'       p("Selected letter:"),
#'       textOutput("selected_letter"),
#'       shiny.semantic::actionButton("simple_button", "Update input to D")
#'     )
#'   )
#' }
#' server <- shinyServer(function(input, output, session) {
#'   output$selected_letter <- renderText(paste(input[["simple_checkbox"]], collapse = ", "))
#'   observeEvent(input$simple_button, {
#'     update_multiple_checkbox(session, "simple_checkbox", selected = "D")
#'   })
#' })
#' shinyApp(ui = ui(), server = server)
#' }
#' @export
update_multiple_checkbox <- function(session = getDefaultReactiveDomain(),
                                     input_id, choices = NULL, choices_value = choices,
                                     selected = NULL, label = NULL) {
  if (!is.null(selected)) value <- jsonlite::toJSON(gsub("'", '"', selected)) else value <- NULL
  if (!is.null(choices)) {
    options <- jsonlite::toJSON(data.frame(name = choices, value = gsub("'", '"', choices_value)))
  } else {
    options <- NULL

  message <- list(choices = options, value = value, label = label)
  message <- message[!vapply(message, is.null, FUN.VALUE = logical(1))]

  session$sendInputMessage(input_id, message)

#' @rdname multiple_checkbox
#' @export
multiple_radio <- function(input_id, label, choices, choices_value = choices,
                           selected = choices_value[1], position = "grouped",
                           type = "radio", ...) {
  choices_html <- tagList(lapply(seq_along(choices), function(x) {
      class = "field",
        class = paste("ui checkbox", type,  if (choices_value[x] %in% selected) "checked"),
          type = "radio", name = input_id, tabindex = "0", value = choices_value[x],
          checked = if (choices_value[x] %in% selected) NA else NULL

    id = input_id, class = paste(position, "fields ss-checkbox-input"),
    tags$label(`for` = input_id, label),

#' @rdname update_multiple_checkbox
#' @export
update_multiple_radio <- function(session = getDefaultReactiveDomain(),
                                  input_id, choices = NULL, choices_value = choices,
                                  selected = NULL, label = NULL) {
  if (length(selected) > 1) {
    warning("More than one radio box has been selected, only first will be used")
    selected <- selected[1]

  update_multiple_checkbox(session, input_id, choices, choices_value, selected, label)

Try the shiny.semantic package in your browser

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shiny.semantic documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:36 a.m.