#' Create a select list input control
#' Create a select list that can be used to choose a single or multiple items
#' from a list of values.
#' By default, `selectInput()` and `selectizeInput()` use the JavaScript library
#' \pkg{selectize.js} (<>) instead of
#' the basic select input element. To use the standard HTML select input
#' element, use `selectInput()` with `selectize=FALSE`.
#' In selectize mode, if the first element in `choices` has a value of `""`, its
#' name will be treated as a placeholder prompt. For example:
#' `selectInput("letter", "Letter", c("Choose one" = "", LETTERS))`
#' **Performance note:** `selectInput()` and `selectizeInput()` can slow down
#' significantly when thousands of choices are used; with legacy browsers like
#' Internet Explorer, the user interface may hang for many seconds. For large
#' numbers of choices, Shiny offers a "server-side selectize" option that
#' massively improves performance and efficiency; see
#' [this selectize article](
#' on the Shiny Dev Center for details.
#' @inheritParams textInput
#' @param choices List of values to select from. If elements of the list are
#' named, then that name --- rather than the value --- is displayed to the
#' user. It's also possible to group related inputs by providing a named list
#' whose elements are (either named or unnamed) lists, vectors, or factors. In
#' this case, the outermost names will be used as the group labels (leveraging
#' the `<optgroup>` HTML tag) for the elements in the respective sublist. See
#' the example section for a small demo of this feature.
#' @param selected The initially selected value (or multiple values if `multiple
#' = TRUE`). If not specified then defaults to the first value for
#' single-select lists and no values for multiple select lists.
#' @param multiple Is selection of multiple items allowed?
#' @param selectize Whether to use \pkg{selectize.js} or not.
#' @param size Number of items to show in the selection box; a larger number
#' will result in a taller box. Not compatible with `selectize=TRUE`.
#' Normally, when `multiple=FALSE`, a select input will be a drop-down list,
#' but when `size` is set, it will be a box instead.
#' @return A select list control that can be added to a UI definition.
#' @family input elements
#' @seealso [updateSelectInput()] [varSelectInput()]
#' @examples
#' ## Only run examples in interactive R sessions
#' if (interactive()) {
#' # basic example
#' shinyApp(
#' ui = fluidPage(
#' selectInput("variable", "Variable:",
#' c("Cylinders" = "cyl",
#' "Transmission" = "am",
#' "Gears" = "gear")),
#' tableOutput("data")
#' ),
#' server = function(input, output) {
#' output$data <- renderTable({
#' mtcars[, c("mpg", input$variable), drop = FALSE]
#' }, rownames = TRUE)
#' }
#' )
#' # demoing group support in the `choices` arg
#' shinyApp(
#' ui = fluidPage(
#' selectInput("state", "Choose a state:",
#' list(`East Coast` = list("NY", "NJ", "CT"),
#' `West Coast` = list("WA", "OR", "CA"),
#' `Midwest` = list("MN", "WI", "IA"))
#' ),
#' textOutput("result")
#' ),
#' server = function(input, output) {
#' output$result <- renderText({
#' paste("You chose", input$state)
#' })
#' }
#' )
#' }
#' @section Server value: A vector of character strings, usually of length
#' 1, with the value of the selected items. When `multiple=TRUE` and
#' nothing is selected, this value will be `NULL`.
#' @export
selectInput <- function(inputId, label, choices, selected = NULL,
multiple = FALSE, selectize = TRUE, width = NULL,
size = NULL) {
selected <- restoreInput(id = inputId, default = selected)
# resolve names
choices <- choicesWithNames(choices)
# default value if it's not specified
if (is.null(selected)) {
if (!multiple) selected <- firstChoice(choices)
} else selected <- as.character(selected)
if (!is.null(size) && selectize) {
stop("'size' argument is incompatible with 'selectize=TRUE'.")
# create select tag and add options
selectTag <- tags$select(
id = inputId,
class = "shiny-input-select",
class = if (!selectize) "form-control",
size = size,
selectOptions(choices, selected, inputId, selectize)
if (multiple)
selectTag$attribs$multiple <- "multiple"
# return label and select tag
res <- div(
class = "form-group shiny-input-container",
style = css(width = validateCssUnit(width)),
shinyInputLabel(inputId, label),
if (!selectize) return(res)
selectizeIt(inputId, res, NULL, nonempty = !multiple && !("" %in% choices))
firstChoice <- function(choices) {
if (length(choices) == 0L) return()
choice <- choices[[1]]
if (is.list(choice)) firstChoice(choice) else choice
# Create tags for each of the options; use <optgroup> if necessary.
# This returns a HTML string instead of tags for performance reasons.
selectOptions <- function(choices, selected = NULL, inputId, perfWarning = FALSE) {
if (length(choices) >= 1000) {
warning("The select input \"", inputId, "\" contains a large number of ",
"options; consider using server-side selectize for massively improved ",
"performance. See the Details section of the ?selectizeInput help topic.",
call. = FALSE)
html <- mapply(choices, names(choices), FUN = function(choice, label) {
if (is.list(choice)) {
# If sub-list, create an optgroup and recurse into the sublist
'<optgroup label="%s">\n%s\n</optgroup>',
htmlEscape(label, TRUE),
selectOptions(choice, selected, inputId, perfWarning)
} else {
# If single item, just return option string
'<option value="%s"%s>%s</option>',
htmlEscape(choice, TRUE),
if (choice %in% selected) ' selected' else '',
HTML(paste(html, collapse = '\n'))
# need <optgroup> when choices contains sub-lists
needOptgroup <- function(choices) {
any(vapply(choices, is.list, logical(1)))
#' @rdname selectInput
#' @param ... Arguments passed to `selectInput()`.
#' @param options A list of options. See the documentation of \pkg{selectize.js}(<>)
#' for possible options (character option values inside [base::I()] will
#' be treated as literal JavaScript code; see [renderDataTable()]
#' for details).
#' @param width The width of the input, e.g. `'400px'`, or `'100%'`;
#' see [validateCssUnit()].
#' @note The selectize input created from `selectizeInput()` allows
#' deletion of the selected option even in a single select input, which will
#' return an empty string as its value. This is the default behavior of
#' \pkg{selectize.js}. However, the selectize input created from
#' `selectInput(..., selectize = TRUE)` will ignore the empty string
#' value when it is a single choice input and the empty string is not in the
#' `choices` argument. This is to keep compatibility with
#' `selectInput(..., selectize = FALSE)`.
#' @export
selectizeInput <- function(inputId, ..., options = NULL, width = NULL) {
selectInput(inputId, ..., selectize = FALSE, width = width),
# given a select input and its id, selectize it
selectizeIt <- function(inputId, select, options, nonempty = FALSE) {
if (length(options) == 0) {
# For NULL and empty unnamed list, replace with an empty named list, so that
# it will get translated to {} in JSON later on.
options <- empty_named_list()
# Make sure accessibility plugin is included
if (!('selectize-plugin-a11y' %in% options$plugins)) {
options$plugins <- c(options$plugins, list('selectize-plugin-a11y'))
res <- checkAsIs(options)
deps <- list(selectizeDependency())
if ('drag_drop' %in% options$plugins) {
deps[[length(deps) + 1]] <- jqueryuiDependency()
# Insert script on same level as <select> tag
select$children[[2]] <- tagAppendChild(
type = 'application/json',
`data-for` = inputId, `data-nonempty` = if (nonempty) '',
`data-eval` = if (length(res$eval)) HTML(toJSON(res$eval)),
attachDependencies(select, deps)
selectizeDependency <- function() {
selectizeDependencyFunc <- function(theme) {
if (!is_bs_theme(theme)) {
bs_version <- bslib::theme_version(theme)
# It'd be cleaner to ship the JS in a separate, href-based,
# HTML dependency (which we currently do for other themable widgets),
# but DT, crosstalk, and maybe other pkgs include selectize JS/CSS
# in HTML dependency named selectize, so if we were to change that
# name, the JS/CSS would be loaded/included twice, which leads to
# strange issues, especially since we now include a 3rd party
# accessibility plugin
selectizeDir <- system_file(package = "shiny", "www/shared/selectize/")
script <- file.path(selectizeDir, selectizeScripts())
input = selectizeSass(bs_version),
theme = theme,
name = "selectize",
version = version_selectize,
cache_key_extra = get_package_version("shiny"),
.dep_args = list(script = script)
selectizeSass <- function(bs_version) {
selectizeDir <- system_file(package = "shiny", "www/shared/selectize/")
stylesheet <- file.path(
selectizeDir, "scss", paste0("selectize.bootstrap", bs_version, ".scss")
selectizeStaticDependency <- function(version) {
src = "www/shared/selectize",
package = "shiny",
stylesheet = "css/selectize.bootstrap3.css",
script = selectizeScripts()
selectizeScripts <- function() {
isMinified <- isTRUE(get_devmode_option("shiny.minified", TRUE))
if (isMinified) ".min.js" else ".js"
#' Select variables from a data frame
#' Create a select list that can be used to choose a single or multiple items
#' from the column names of a data frame.
#' By default, `varSelectInput()` and `selectizeInput()` use the
#' JavaScript library \pkg{selectize.js}
#' (<>) to instead of the basic
#' select input element. To use the standard HTML select input element, use
#' `selectInput()` with `selectize=FALSE`.
#' @inheritParams selectInput
#' @param data A data frame. Used to retrieve the column names as choices for a [selectInput()]
#' @return A variable select list control that can be added to a UI definition.
#' @family input elements
#' @seealso [updateSelectInput()]
#' @section Server value:
#' The resulting server `input` value will be returned as:
#' * A symbol if `multiple = FALSE`. The `input` value should be
#' used with rlang's [rlang::!!()]. For example,
#' `ggplot2::aes(!!input$variable)`.
#' * A list of symbols if `multiple = TRUE`. The `input` value
#' should be used with rlang's [rlang::!!!()] to expand
#' the symbol list as individual arguments. For example,
#' `dplyr::select(mtcars, !!!input$variabls)` which is
#' equivalent to `dplyr::select(mtcars, !!input$variabls[[1]], !!input$variabls[[2]], ..., !!input$variabls[[length(input$variabls)]])`.
#' @examples
#' ## Only run examples in interactive R sessions
#' if (interactive()) {
#' library(ggplot2)
#' # single selection
#' shinyApp(
#' ui = fluidPage(
#' varSelectInput("variable", "Variable:", mtcars),
#' plotOutput("data")
#' ),
#' server = function(input, output) {
#' output$data <- renderPlot({
#' ggplot(mtcars, aes(!!input$variable)) + geom_histogram()
#' })
#' }
#' )
#' # multiple selections
#' \dontrun{
#' shinyApp(
#' ui = fluidPage(
#' varSelectInput("variables", "Variable:", mtcars, multiple = TRUE),
#' tableOutput("data")
#' ),
#' server = function(input, output) {
#' output$data <- renderTable({
#' if (length(input$variables) == 0) return(mtcars)
#' mtcars %>% dplyr::select(!!!input$variables)
#' }, rownames = TRUE)
#' }
#' )}
#' }
#' @export
varSelectInput <- function(
inputId, label, data, selected = NULL,
multiple = FALSE, selectize = TRUE, width = NULL,
size = NULL
) {
# no place holders
choices <- colnames(data)
selectInputVal <- selectInput(
inputId = inputId,
label = label,
choices = choices,
selected = selected,
multiple = multiple,
selectize = selectize,
width = width,
size = size
# set the select tag class to be "symbol"
selectClass <- selectInputVal$children[[2]]$children[[1]]$attribs$class
if (is.null(selectClass)) {
newClass <- "symbol"
} else {
newClass <- paste(selectClass, "symbol", sep = " ")
selectInputVal$children[[2]]$children[[1]]$attribs$class <- newClass
#' @rdname varSelectInput
#' @param ... Arguments passed to `varSelectInput()`.
#' @param options A list of options. See the documentation of \pkg{selectize.js}(<>)
#' for possible options (character option values inside [base::I()] will
#' be treated as literal JavaScript code; see [renderDataTable()]
#' for details).
#' @param width The width of the input, e.g. `'400px'`, or `'100%'`;
#' see [validateCssUnit()].
#' @note The variable selectize input created from `varSelectizeInput()` allows
#' deletion of the selected option even in a single select input, which will
#' return an empty string as its value. This is the default behavior of
#' \pkg{selectize.js}. However, the selectize input created from
#' `selectInput(..., selectize = TRUE)` will ignore the empty string
#' value when it is a single choice input and the empty string is not in the
#' `choices` argument. This is to keep compatibility with
#' `selectInput(..., selectize = FALSE)`.
#' @export
varSelectizeInput <- function(inputId, ..., options = NULL, width = NULL) {
varSelectInput(inputId, ..., selectize = FALSE, width = width),
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