
Defines functions shinyAce_debug meta_obj meta_pkg re_capture get_usage_help get_arg_help get_desc_help rd_2_html get_help_file

Documented in get_arg_help get_desc_help get_help_file get_usage_help meta_obj meta_pkg rd_2_html re_capture shinyAce_debug

shiny::shinyAppDir(system.file(package = "shinyAce", "examples", "12-tooltips"))

#' Get namespace to get access to unexported functions, namely
#'   .getHelpFile
#'   .assignLinebuffer
#'   .assignEnd
#'   .guessTokenFromLine
#'   .completeToken
#' @import utils
.utils <- asNamespace("utils")

#' Get namespace to get access to unexported functions, namely
#'   RdTags
#' @import tools
.tools <- asNamespace("tools")

#' Retrieve an Rd object of a help query
#' Safely return NULL if an error is encountered.
#' @inheritParams utils::help
#' @inheritDotParams utils::help
#' @return the Rd object returned from \code{utils:::getHelpFile}
#' @import utils
get_help_file <- function(...) {
  dots <- list(...)
  if (is.character(dots$package) && nchar(dots$package) == 0) 
    dots$package <- NULL
    h <- do.call(help, dots)
    if (length(h) > 1) h <- do.call(structure, c(h[1], attributes(h)))
    if (!length(h)) NULL
    else .utils$.getHelpFile(h)
  }, error = function(e) {
    shinyAce_debug("Error while trying to retrieve help files: \n", e$message)

#' Convert an Rd object to HTML
#' @inheritParams tools::Rd2HTML
#' @return a character value of Rd content rendered as HTML
#' @importFrom tools Rd2HTML
rd_2_html <- function(...) {
  paste(capture.output(tools::Rd2HTML(...)), collapse = " ")

#' Retrieve description section from help document
#' @inheritParams get_help_file
#' @inheritDotParams get_help_file
#' @return a character value representing the description section of a help
#'   document, rendered as HTML
#' @examples 
#' shinyAce:::get_desc_help("match", package = "base")
#' @import tools 
get_desc_help <- function(...) {
  x <- get_help_file(...)
  if (is.null(x)) return(x)
  rd_2_html(x[[which(.tools$RdTags(x) == "\\description")]], fragment = TRUE)

#' Retrieve argument documentation from help document
#' @inheritParams get_help_file
#' @inheritDotParams get_help_file
#' @param args function arguments names to get documentation for
#' @return A character vector of help 
#' @examples
#' shinyAce:::get_arg_help("match", package = "base", args = c("table", "nomatch"))
#' @import tools
get_arg_help <- function(..., args = character()) {
  # TODO:
  #   split multi-argument help text, e.g. for function "seq" which gives a
  #   description for arguments "from" and "to" together
  x <- get_help_file(...)
  if (is.null(x)) return(character())
  arg_rds <- x[[which(.tools$RdTags(x) == "\\arguments")]]
  arg_rds <- Filter(function(i) attr(i, "Rd_tag") == "\\item", arg_rds)
  names(arg_rds) <- Map(function(i) i[[1]][[1]], arg_rds)
  arg_rds <- lapply(arg_rds, "[[", 2)
  # split multiple argument entries (e.g "package, help" from ?library)
  arg_rds <- Reduce(c, Map(function(name, value) {
    n <- strsplit(name, ", ")[[1]]
    out <- rep(list(value), length(n))
    names(out) <- n
  }, names(arg_rds), arg_rds))
  # rename R "\dots" fields
  names(arg_rds)[names(arg_rds) == "list()"] <- "..."
  if (length(args)) arg_rds <- arg_rds[which(names(arg_rds) %in% args)]
  out <- vector("character", length(args))
  names(out) <- args
  out[names(arg_rds)] <- vapply(arg_rds, rd_2_html, character(1L), fragment = TRUE)

#' Retrieve usage section from help document
#' @inheritParams get_help_file
#' @inheritDotParams get_help_file
#' @return a character value representing the usage section of a help
#'   document, rendered as HTML
#' @examples 
#' shinyAce:::get_usage_help("match", package = "base")
#' @import tools 
get_usage_help <- function(...) {
  x <- get_help_file(...)
  if (is.null(x)) return(x)
  rd_2_html(x[[which(.tools$RdTags(x) == "\\usage")]], fragment = TRUE)

#' Retrieve regular expression named capture groups as a list
#' @param x a character string to capture from
#' @param re the regular expression to use
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to \code{\link[base]{regexpr}}
#' @return a named list of matches
#' @examples
#' shinyAce:::re_capture("ak09j b", "(?<num>\\d+)(?<alpha>[a-zA-Z]+)", perl = TRUE)
re_capture <- function(x, re, ...) {
  re_match <- regexpr(re, x, ...)
  out <- substring(x, 
    s <- attr(re_match, "capture.start"),  
    s + attr(re_match, "capture.length") - 1)
  names(out) <- attr(re_match, "capture.names")

#' Character value to use for package meta field
meta_pkg <- function() "{pkg}"

#' Character value to use for object meta field
meta_obj <- function() "{obj}"

#' Function for handling optional debugging messages
#' @inheritParams base::message
shinyAce_debug <- function(...) {
  if (getOption("shinyAce.debug", FALSE))
    message("[shinyAce] ", ...)

#' Regular expression for matching the function name in a completion line in the
#' middle of a function call
.fname_regex <- paste0(
  "(?:^|.*[^a-zA-Z0-9._:])", # non-function name chars, non-capturing group
  "([a-zA-Z0-9._:]+)",       # function name capturing group
  "\\(",                     # function call open paren
  "[^)]*$"                   # remainder of line buffer within function call

Try the shinyAce package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

shinyAce documentation built on May 6, 2022, 9:07 a.m.