
Defines functions sd_checkUniqueWidgetNames sd_listWidgets sd_waitForValue sd_stop

#' Remote control a Shiny app running in a headless browser
#' @description
#' This class starts a Shiny app in a new R session, along with a `phantom.js`
#' headless browser that can be used to simulate user actions. This provides
#' a full simulation of a Shiny app so that you can test user interactions
#' with a live app.
#' @param iotype Type of the Shiny widget. Usually shinytest finds the widgets
#'   by their name, so this is only needed if you use the same name for an
#'   input and output widget.
#' @param timeout Amount of time to wait before giving up (milliseconds).
#' @param timeout_ Amount of time to wait before giving up (milliseconds).
#' @param wait_ Wait until all reactive updates have completed?
#' @param name Name of a shiny widget.
#' @param css CSS selector to find an HTML element.
#' @param linkText Find `<a>` HTML elements based on exact `innerText`
#' @param partialLinkText Find `<a>` HTML elements based on partial `innerText`
#' @param xpath Find HTML elements using XPath expressions.
#' @param checkInterval How often to check for the condition, in ms.
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @export
ShinyDriver <- R6Class(

  public = list(

    #' @param path Path to a directory containing a Shiny app, i.e. a
    #'   single `app.R` file or a `server.R`-`ui.R` pair.
    #' @param loadTimeout How long to wait for the app to load, in ms.
    #'   This includes the time to start R. Defaults to 5s when running
    #'   locally and 10s when running on CI.
    #' @param phantomTimeout How long to wait when connecting to phantomJS
    #'  process, in ms
    #' @param checkNames Check if widget names are unique?
    #' @param debug Start the app in debugging mode? In debugging mode debug
    #'   messages are printed to the console.
    #' @param seed An optional random seed to use before starting the application.
    #'   For apps that use R's random number generator, this can make their
    #'   behavior repeatable.
    #' @param cleanLogs Whether to remove the stdout and stderr logs when the
    #'   Shiny process object is garbage collected.
    #' @param shinyOptions A list of options to pass to [shiny::runApp()].
    #' @param renderArgs Passed to `rmarkdown::run()` for interactive `.Rmd`s.
    #' @param options A list of [base::options()] to set in the driver's child
    #'   process.
    initialize = function(path = ".", loadTimeout = NULL, checkNames = TRUE,
      debug = c("none", "all", shinytest::ShinyDriver$debugLogTypes),
      phantomTimeout = 5000, seed = NULL, cleanLogs = TRUE,
      shinyOptions = list(), renderArgs = NULL, options = list())
      sd_initialize(self, private, path, loadTimeout, checkNames, debug,
        phantomTimeout = phantomTimeout, seed = seed, cleanLogs = cleanLogs,
        shinyOptions = shinyOptions, renderArgs = renderArgs, options = options)

    #' @description Stop app and clean up logs.
    finalize = function()
      sd_finalize(self, private),

    #' @description
    #' Stop the app, the terminate external R process that runs the app and
    #' the phantomjs instance.
    stop = function()
      sd_stop(self, private),

    #' @description
    #' Finds a widget and queries its value. See the `getValue()` method of
    #' [Widget] for more details.
    getValue = function(name, iotype = c("auto", "input", "output")) {
      "!DEBUG sd_getValue `name` (`iotype`)"
      self$findWidget(name, iotype)$getValue()

    #' @description
    #' Finds a widget and sets its value. It's a shortcut for `findElement()`
    #' plus `setValue()`; see the [Widget] documentation for more details.
    #' @param value New value.
    #' @return Self, invisibly.
    setValue = function(name, value, iotype = c("auto", "input", "output")) {
      "!DEBUG sd_setValue `name`"
      self$findWidget(name, iotype)$setValue(value)

    #' @description
    #' Find a widget and click it. It's a shortcut for `findElement()`
    #' plus `click()`; see the [Widget] documentation for more details.
    click = function(name, iotype = c("auto", "input", "output")) {
      self$findWidget(name, iotype)$click()

    #' @description
    #' Returns a named list of all inputs, outputs, and export values.
    #' @param input,output,export Either `TRUE` to return all
    #'   input/output/exported values, or a character vector of specific
    #'   controls.
    getAllValues = function(input = TRUE, output = TRUE, export = TRUE)
      sd_getAllValues(self, private, input, output, export),

    #' @description
    #' Sends the specified keys to specific HTML element. Shortcut for
    #' `findWidget()` plus `sendKeys()`.
    #' @param keys Keys to send to the widget or the app. See [webdriver::key]
    #'   for how to specific special keys.
    #' @return Self, invisibly.
    sendKeys = function(name, keys) {
      "!DEBUG sd_sendKeys `name`"

    #' @description
    #' Sets size of the browser window.
    #' @param width,height Height and width of browser, in pixels.
    #' @return Self, invisibly.
    setWindowSize = function(width, height) {
      "!DEBUG sd_setWindowSize `width`x`height`"
      private$web$getWindow()$setSize(width, height)

    #' @description
    #' Get current size of the browser window, as list of integer scalars
    #'   named `width` and `height`.
    getWindowSize = function() {
      "!DEBUG sd_getWindowSize"

    ## Debugging

    #' @description
    #' Query one or more of the debug logs.
    #' @param type Log type: `"all"`, `"shiny_console"`, `"browser"`,
    #'   or `"shinytest"`.
    getDebugLog = function(type = c("all", ShinyDriver$debugLogTypes))
      sd_getDebugLog(self, private, match.arg(type, several.ok = TRUE)),

    #' @description
    #' Enable/disable debugging messages
    #' @param enable New value.
    enableDebugLogMessages = function(enable = TRUE)
      sd_enableDebugLogMessages(self, private, enable),

    ## Event logging

    #' @description Add event to log.
    #' @param event Event name
    #' @param ... Addition data to store for event
    logEvent = function(event, ...)
      sd_logEvent(self, private, event, ...),

    #' @description Retrieve event log.
    getEventLog = function()
      sd_getEventLog(self, private),

    #' @description Get current url
    getUrl = function() {
      "!DEBUG sd_getUrl"

    #' @description Get page title
    getTitle = function() {
      "!DEBUG sd_getTitle"

    #' @description Get complete source of current page.
    getSource = function() {
      "!DEBUG sd_getSource"

    #' @description Return to previous page
    #' @return Self, invisibly.
    goBack = function() {
      "!DEBUG sd_goBack"

    #' @description Refresh the browser
    #' @return Self, invisibly.
    refresh = function() {
      "!DEBUG refresh"

    #' @description
    #' Takes a screenshot of the current page and writes it to a PNG file or
    #' shows on current graphics device.
    #' @param file File name to save the screenshot to. If `NULL`, then
    #'   it will be shown on the R graphics device.
    #' @param id If not-`NULL`, will take a screenshot of element with this id.
    #' @param parent If `TRUE`, will take screenshot of parent of `id`; this
    #'   is useful if you also want to capture the label attached to a Shiny
    #'   control.
    #' @return Self, invisibly.
    takeScreenshot = function(file = NULL, id = NULL, parent = FALSE) {
      "!DEBUG sd_takeScreenshot"
      self$logEvent("Taking screenshot")
      path <- tempfile()

      # Fix up the PNG resolution header on windows
      if (is_windows()) {

      if (!is.null(id)) {
        png <- png::readPNG(path)
        element <- self$findElement(paste0("#", id))
        if (parent) {
          element <- element$findElement(xpath = "..")
        pos <- element$getRect()
        pos$x2 <- pos$x + pos$width
        pos$y2 <- pos$y + pos$height

        png <- png[pos$y:pos$y2, pos$x:pos$x2, ]
        png::writePNG(png, path)

      if (is.null(file)) {
        withr::local_par(list(bg = "grey90"))
        png <- png::readPNG(path)
      } else {
        file.copy(path, file)


    #' @description
    #' Find an HTML element on the page, using a CSS selector, XPath expression,
    #' or link text (for `<a>` tags). If multiple elements are matched, only
    #' the first is returned.
    #' @return A [webdriver::Element].
    findElement = function(css = NULL, linkText = NULL, partialLinkText = NULL, xpath = NULL) {
      "!DEBUG sd_findElement '`css %||% linkText %||% partialLinkText %||% xpath`'"
      private$web$findElement(css, linkText, partialLinkText, xpath)

    #' @description
    #' Find all elements matching CSS selection, xpath, or link text.
    #' @return A list of [webdriver::Element]s.
    findElements = function(css = NULL, linkText = NULL, partialLinkText = NULL, xpath = NULL) {
      "!DEBUG sd_findElements '`css %||% linkText %||% partialLinkText %||% xpath`'"
      private$web$findElements(css, linkText, partialLinkText, xpath)

    #' @description
    #' Waits until a JavaScript `expr`ession evaluates to `true` or the
    #' `timeout` is exceeded.
    #' @param expr A string containing JavaScript code. Will wait until the
    #'   condition returns `true`.
    #' @return `TRUE` if expression evaluates to `true` without error, before
    #'   timeout. Otherwise returns `NA`.
    waitFor = function(expr, checkInterval = 100, timeout = 3000)  {
      "!DEBUG sd_waitFor"
      private$web$waitFor(expr, checkInterval, timeout)

    #' @description
    #' Waits until Shiny is not busy, i.e. the reactive graph has finished
    #' updating. This is useful, for example, if you've resized the window with
    #' `setWindowSize()` and want to make sure all plot redrawing is complete
    #' before take a screenshot.
    #' @return `TRUE` if done before before timeout; `NA` otherwise.
    waitForShiny = function()  {
      # Shiny automatically sets using busy/idle events:
      # https://github.com/rstudio/shiny/blob/e2537d/srcjs/shinyapp.js#L647-L655
      # Details of busy event: https://shiny.rstudio.com/articles/js-events.html

    #' @description
    #' Waits until the `input` or `output` with name `name` is not one of
    #' `ignore`d values, or the timeout is reached.
    #' This function can be useful in helping determine if an application
    #' has initialized or finished processing a complex reactive situation.
    #' @param ignore List of possible values to ignore when checking for
    #'   updates.
    waitForValue = function(name, ignore = list(NULL, ""), iotype = c("input", "output", "export"), timeout = 10000, checkInterval = 400) {
      sd_waitForValue(self, private, name = name, ignore = ignore, iotype = match.arg(iotype), timeout = timeout, checkInterval = checkInterval)

    #' @description
    #' Lists the names of all input and output widgets
    #' @return A list of two character vectors, named `input` and `output`.
    listWidgets = function()
      sd_listWidgets(self, private),

    #' @description
    #' Check if Shiny widget names are unique.
    checkUniqueWidgetNames = function()
      sd_checkUniqueWidgetNames(self, private),

    #' @description Execute JS code
    #' @param script JS to execute.
    #' @param ... Additional arguments to script.
    #' @return Self, invisibly.
    executeScript = function(script, ...) {
      "!DEBUG sd_executeScript"
      private$web$executeScript(script, ...)

    #' @description Execute JS code asynchronously.
    #' @param script JS to execute.
    #' @param ... Additional arguments to script.
    #' @return Self, invisibly.
    executeScriptAsync = function(script, ...) {
      "!DEBUG sd_executeScriptAsync"
      private$web$executeScriptAsync(script, ...)

    ## Main methods

    #' @description
    #' Finds the a Shiny input or output control.
    #' @return A [Widget].
    findWidget = function(name, iotype = c("auto", "input", "output"))
      sd_findWidget(self, private, name, match.arg(iotype)),

    #' @description
    #' It performs one or more update operations via the browser, thens
    #' waits for the specified output(s) to update. The test succeeds if
    #' all specified output widgets are updated before the `timeout`.
    #' For updates that involve a lot of computation, increase the timeout.
    #' @param output Name of output control to check.
    #' @param ... Name-value pairs used to update inputs.
    expectUpdate = function(output, ..., timeout = 3000,
      iotype = c("auto", "input", "output"))
      sd_expectUpdate(self, private, output, ..., timeout = timeout,
                       iotype = match.arg(iotype)),

    #' @description
    #' Sets input values.
    #' @param ... Name-value pairs, `name1 = value1, name2 = value2` etc.
    #'   Enput with name `name1` will be assigned value `value1`.
    #' @param allowInputNoBinding_ When setting the value of an input, allow
    #'   it to set the value of an input even if that input does not have
    #'   an input binding.
    #' @param priority_ Sets the event priority. For expert use only: see
    #'   <https://shiny.rstudio.com/articles/communicating-with-js.html#values-vs-events> for details.
    #' @param values_ If `TRUE`, will return final updated values of inputs.
    #' @return Returns updated values, invisibly.
    setInputs = function(..., wait_ = TRUE, values_ = TRUE, timeout_ = 3000,
      allowInputNoBinding_ = FALSE, priority_ = c("input", "event")) {
      sd_setInputs(self, private, ..., wait_ = wait_, values_ = values_,
                   timeout_ = timeout_, allowInputNoBinding_ = allowInputNoBinding_,
                   priority_ = priority_)

    #' @description
    #' Uploads a file to a file input.
    #' @param ... Name-path pairs, e.g. `name1 = path1`. The file located at
    #' `path1` will be uploaded to file input with name `name1`.
    #' @param values_ If `TRUE`, will return final updated values of download
    #'   control.
    uploadFile = function(..., wait_ = TRUE, values_ = TRUE, timeout_ = 3000)
      sd_uploadFile(self, private, ..., wait_ = wait_, values_ = values_,
                     timeout_ = timeout_),

    #' @description
    #' Download a snapshot. Generally, you should not call this function
    #' yourself; it will be generated by [recordTest()] as needed.
    #' @param path Directory to save snapshots.
    #' @param screenshot Take screenshots for each snapshot?
    snapshotInit = function(path, screenshot = TRUE)
      sd_snapshotInit(self, private, path, screenshot),

    #' @description
    #' Take a snapshot. Generally, you should not call this function
    #' yourself; it will be generated by [recordTest()] as needed.
    #' @param items Elements to include in snapshot
    #' @param filename Filename to use. It is recommended to use a `.json`
    #'   file extension.
    #' @param screenshot Take a screenshot? Overrides value set by
    #'   `$snapshotInit()`
    snapshot = function(items = NULL,
                        filename = NULL,
                        screenshot = NULL)
      sd_snapshot(self, private, items, filename, screenshot),

    #' @description Deprecated
    #' @param ... Ignored
    snapshotCompare = function(...) {
      inform("app$snapshotCompare() no longer used")

    #' @description
    #' Snapshot a file download action. Generally, you should not call this
    #' function yourself; it will be generated by [recordTest()] as needed.
    #' @param id Output id of [shiny::downloadButton()]/[shiny::downloadLink()]
    #' @param filename File name to save file to. The default, `NULL`,
    #'   generates an ascending sequence of names: `001.download`,
    #'   `002.download`, etc.
    snapshotDownload = function(id, filename = NULL)
      sd_snapshotDownload(self, private, id, filename),

    #' @description Directory where app is located
    getAppDir = function() {
      # path can be a directory (for a normal Shiny app) or path to a .Rmd
      if (self$isRmd()) dirname(private$path) else private$path

    #' @description App file name, i.e. `app.R` or `server.R`. `NULL` for Rmds.
    getAppFilename = function() {
      if (!self$isRmd()) {
      } else {

    #' @description Directory where tests are located
    getTestsDir = function() {
      if (self$isRmd()) {
        path <- dirname(private$path)
      } else {
        path <- private$path
      findTestsDir(path, quiet = TRUE)

    #' @description Relative path to app from current directory.
    getRelativePathToApp = function() {
      # Get the relative path from the test directory to the parent. Since there
      # are currently only two supported test dir options, we can just cheat
      td <- self$getTestsDir()
      if (grepl("[/\\\\]shinytest[/\\\\]?", td, perl = TRUE)) {
      } else {

    #' @description Directory where snapshots are located.
    getSnapshotDir = function() {
      testDir <- findTestsDir(self$getAppDir(), quiet = TRUE)
      file.path(testDir, private$snapshotDir)

    #' @description Is this app an Shiny Rmd document?
    isRmd = function() {

  private = list(

    state = "stopped",                  # stopped or running
    path = NULL,                        # Full path to app (including filename if it's a .Rmd)
    shinyUrlProtocol = NULL,            # "http" or "https"
    shinyUrlHost = NULL,                # usually
    shinyUrlPort = NULL,
    shinyUrlPath = NULL,
    shinyProcess = NULL,                # process object
    phantomPort = NULL,
    web = NULL,                         # webdriver session
    afterId = NULL,
    shinyTestSnapshotBaseUrl = NULL,   # URL for shiny's test API
    snapshotDir = "snapshot",          # Directory for storing test artifacts
    snapshotCount = 0,
    snapshotScreenshot = TRUE,         # Whether to take screenshots for each snapshot
    shinyWorkerId = NA_character_,
    eventLog = list(),
    cleanLogs = TRUE,                  # Whether to clean logs when GC'd

    startShiny = function(path, seed = NULL, loadTimeout = 10000,
                          shinyOptions = list(), renderArgs = NULL, options = list())
      sd_startShiny(self, private, path, seed, loadTimeout, shinyOptions, renderArgs, options),

    getShinyUrl = function()
      sd_getShinyUrl(self, private),

    setShinyUrl = function(url)
      sd_setShinyUrl(self, private, url),

    setupDebugging = function(debug)
      sd_setupDebugging(self, private, debug),

    queueInputs = function(...)
      sd_queueInputs(self, private, ...),

    flushInputs = function(wait = TRUE, timeout = 1000)
      sd_flushInputs(self, private, wait, timeout),

    getTestSnapshotUrl = function(input = TRUE, output = TRUE,
      export = TRUE, format = "json")
      sd_getTestSnapshotUrl(self, private, input, output, export,

ShinyDriver$debugLogTypes <- c(

sd_stop <- function(self, private) {
  "!DEBUG sd_stop"

  if (private$state == "stopped")

  self$logEvent("Closing PhantomJS session")

  # If the app is being hosted locally, kill the process.
  if (!is.null(private$shinyProcess)) {
    self$logEvent("Ending Shiny process")

    # Attempt soft-kill before hard-kill. This is a workaround for
    # https://github.com/r-lib/processx/issues/95
    # SIGINT quits the Shiny application, SIGTERM tells R to quit.
    # Unfortunately, SIGTERM isn't quite the same as `q()`, because
    # finalizers with onexit=TRUE don't seem to run.

  private$state <- "stopped"

sd_waitForValue <- function(self, private, name, ignore = list(NULL, ""), iotype = "input", timeout = 10000, checkInterval = 400) {
  "!DEBUG sd_waitForValue"

  timeoutSec <- as.numeric(timeout) / 1000
  if (!is.numeric(timeoutSec) || is.na(timeoutSec) || is.nan(timeoutSec)) {
    abort("timeout must be numeric")
  checkInterval <- as.numeric(checkInterval)
  if (!is.numeric(checkInterval) || is.na(checkInterval) || is.nan(checkInterval)) {
    abort("checkInterval must be numeric")

  now <- function() {

  endTime <- now() + timeoutSec

  while (TRUE) {
    value <- try({
      # by default, do not retrieve anything
      args <- list(input = FALSE, output = FALSE, export = FALSE)
      # only retrieve `name` from `iotype`
      args[[iotype]] <- name
      do.call(self$getAllValues, args)[[iotype]][[name]]
    }, silent = TRUE)

    # if no error when trying ot retrieve the value..
    if (!inherits(value, "try-error")) {
      # check against all invalid values
      isInvalid <- vapply(ignore, identical, logical(1), x = value)
      # if no matches, then it's a success!
      if (!any(isInvalid)) {

    # if too much time has elapsed... throw
    if (now() > endTime) {
      abort(paste0("timeout reached when waiting for value: ", name))

    # wait a little bit for shiny to do some work
    Sys.sleep(checkInterval / 1000)

sd_listWidgets <- function(self, private) {
  "!DEBUG sd_listWidgets"
  res <- private$web$executeScript("return shinytest.listWidgets();")
  res$input <- unlist(res$input)
  res$output <- unlist(res$output)

sd_checkUniqueWidgetNames <- function(self, private) {
  "!DEBUG sd_checkUniqueWidgetNames"
  widgets <- self$listWidgets()
  inputs <- widgets$input
  outputs <- widgets$output

  check <- function(what, ids) {
    if (any(duplicated(ids))) {
      dup <- paste(unique(ids[duplicated(ids)]), collapse = ", ")
      warning("Possible duplicate ", what, " widget ids: ", dup)

  if (any(inputs %in% outputs)) {
    dups <- unique(inputs[inputs %in% outputs])
      "Widget ids both for input and output: ",
      paste(dups, collapse = ", ")

    ## Otherwise the following checks report it, too
    inputs <- setdiff(inputs, dups)
    outputs <- setdiff(outputs, dups)

  if (length(inputs) > 0) check("input", inputs)
  if (length(outputs) > 0) check("output", outputs)

Try the shinytest package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

shinytest documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:33 a.m.