
Defines functions validate_testname all_testnames findTests isShinyTest findTestsDir testApp

Documented in testApp

#' Run tests for a Shiny application
#' @param appDir Path to directory containing a Shiny app (e.g. `app.R`) or
#'   single interactive `.Rmd`.
#' @param testnames Test script(s) to run. The .R extension of the filename is
#'   optional. For example, `"mytest"` or `c("mytest", "mytest2.R")`.
#'   If `NULL` (the default), all scripts in the tests/ directory will be
#'   run.
#' @param quiet Should output be suppressed? This is useful for automated
#'   testing.
#' @param compareImages Should screenshots be compared? It can be useful to set
#'   this to `FALSE` when the expected results were taken on a different
#'   platform from the one currently being used to test the application.
#' @param interactive If there are any differences between current results and
#'   expected results, provide an interactive graphical viewer that shows the
#'   changes and allows the user to accept or reject the changes.
#' @param suffix An optional suffix for the expected results directory. For
#'   example, if the suffix is `"mac"`, the expected directory would be
#'   `mytest-expected-mac`.
#' @seealso [snapshotCompare()] and [snapshotUpdate()] if
#'   you want to compare or update snapshots after testing. In most cases, the
#'   user is prompted to do these tasks interactively, but there are also times
#'   where it is useful to call these functions from the console.
#' @export
testApp <- function(
  appDir = ".",
  testnames = NULL,
  quiet = FALSE,
  compareImages = TRUE,
  interactive = is_interactive(),
  suffix = NULL

  path <- app_path(appDir, "appDir")

  testsDir <- findTestsDir(path$dir, quiet=FALSE)
  found_testnames <- findTests(testsDir, testnames)
  if (length(found_testnames) == 0) {
    abort("No test scripts found in ", testsDir)

  # Run all the test scripts.
  if (!quiet) {
    message("Running ", appendLF = FALSE)
  lapply(found_testnames, function(testname) {
    # Run in test directory, and pass the (usually relative) path as an option,
    # so that the printed output can print the relative path.
    # Some apps have different behavior if RSTUDIO is present.
    withr::local_envvar(c(RSTUDIO = ""))
    withr::local_options(list(shinytest.app.dir = "appdir"))

    # This will kill any existing Shiny processes launched by shinytest,
    # in case they're using some of the same resources.

    if (!quiet) {
      message(testname, " ", appendLF = FALSE)
    env <- new.env(parent = .GlobalEnv)
    source(testname, local = env)

  if (!quiet) message("")  # New line

  # Compare all results
    testnames = sub("\\.[rR]$", "", found_testnames),
    quiet = quiet,
    images = compareImages,
    interactive = interactive,
    suffix = suffix

#' Identify in which directory the tests are contained.
#' Prior to, tests were stored directly in `tests/` rather than
#' nested in `tests/shinytest/`.
#' @param mustExist If TRUE, will error if we can't find a test directory.
#' @param quiet If we see that the tests are stored in the top-level tests/ directory as we used to
#'   recommend, we will note the new recommendation in a message to the user if this is FALSE.
#' This function does the following:
#'  1. Check to see if `tests/shinytest/` exists. If so, use it.
#'  2. Check to see if all the top-level R files in `tests/` appear to be shinytest. If
#'     some are and some aren't, throw an error.
#'  3. Assuming all top-level R files in `tests/` appear to be shinytest, return that dir.
#' @noRd
findTestsDir <- function(appDir, mustExist=TRUE, quiet=TRUE) {
  if (basename(appDir) == "tests"){
    # We were given a */tests/ directory. It's possible that we're in the middle of a nested tests
    # directory and the application dir is actually one level up. This happens in certain versions
    # of the RStudio IDE.
    # https://github.com/rstudio/rstudio/issues/5677

    if (!dir_exists(file.path(appDir, "tests"))){
      # We're in a dir called `tests` and there's not another `tests` directory inside, so we can
      # assume that the app dir is actually probably one level up.
      appDir <- dirname(appDir)

  testsDir <- file.path(appDir, "tests")
  if (!dir_exists(testsDir) && mustExist) {
    abort("tests/ directory doesn't exist")
  } else if (!dir_exists(testsDir) && !mustExist) {
    # Use the preferred directory if nothing exists yet.
    return(file.path(testsDir, "shinytest"))

  r_files <- list.files(testsDir, pattern = "\\.[rR]$", full.names = TRUE)
  is_test <- vapply(r_files, function(f) {
    isShinyTest(readLines(f, warn=FALSE))
  }, logical(1))

  if (dir_exists(file.path(testsDir, "shinytests"))) {
      "tests/shinytests/ directory found.",
      " Please rename this directory to tests/shinytest/.",
      " (The tests/shinytests/ directory was used only in an unreleased version of the shinytest package.)"

  shinytestDir <- file.path(testsDir, "shinytest")
  if (dir_exists(shinytestDir)) {
    # We'll want to use this dir. But as a courtesy, let's warn if we find anything
    # that appears to be a shinytest in the top-level; it's possible that someone
    # using the old layout (tests at the top-level) might have just had a directory
    # named shinytest. Let's leave them a clue.
    if (any(is_test) && !quiet) {
      warning("Assuming that the shinytests are stored in tests/shinytest, but it appears that there are some ",
              "shinytests in the top-level tests/ directory. All shinytests should be placed in the tests/shinytest/ directory.")


  if (!any(is_test) && !mustExist){
    # There may be some stuff in the tests directory, but if it's not shinytest-related...
    # Ignore and just use the nested dir

  if (!all(is_test)) {
    abort("Found R files that don't appear to be shinytests in the tests/ directory. shinytests should be placed in tests/shinytest/")

  if (!quiet) {
      "Shinytest scripts found in tests/.\n",
      "As of shinytest 1.4.0, shinytests should be placed in the tests/shinytest/ directory.\n",
      "Please use migrateShinytestDir(), or see ?migrateShinytestDir for more information."

#' Check to see if the given text is a shinytest
#' Scans for the magic string of `app <- ShinyDriver$new(` as an indicator that this is a shinytest.
#' @noRd
isShinyTest <- function(text) {
  lines <- grepl("app\\s*<-\\s*ShinyDriver\\$new\\(", text, perl=TRUE)

#' Finds the relevant tests in a given directory
#' @noRd
findTests <- function(testsDir, testnames=NULL) {
  found_testnames <- list.files(testsDir, pattern = "\\.[rR]$")
  found_testnames_no_ext <- sub("\\.[rR]$", "", found_testnames)

  if (!is.null(testnames)) {
    testnames_no_ext <- sub("\\.[rR]$", "", testnames)

    # Keep only specified files
    idx <- match(testnames_no_ext, found_testnames_no_ext)

    if (any(is.na(idx))) {
      abort(c("Test scripts do not exist:", testnames[is.na(idx)]))

    # Keep only specified files
    found_testnames <- found_testnames[idx]


all_testnames <- function(testDir, suffixes = c("-expected", "-current")) {
  # Create a regex string like "(-expected|-current)$"
  pattern <- paste0(
    paste0(suffixes, collapse = "|"),

  testnames <- dir(testDir, pattern = pattern)
  testnames <- sub(pattern, "", testnames)

validate_testname <- function(testDir, testname) {
  valid_testnames <- all_testnames(testDir)

  if (is.null(testname) || !(testname %in% valid_testnames)) {
      paste0('"', testname, '" is not a valid testname for the app.'),
      paste0('Valid names are: "', paste(valid_testnames, collapse = '", "'), '".')

Try the shinytest package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

shinytest documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:33 a.m.