
Defines functions fir2

Documented in fir2

## Copyright (C) 2000 Paul Kienzle
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
## Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

## usage: b = fir2(n, f, m [, grid_n [, ramp_n]] [, window])
## Produce an FIR filter of order n with arbitrary frequency response, 
## returning the n+1 filter coefficients in b.  
## n: order of the filter (1 less than the length of the filter)
## f: frequency at band edges
##    f is a vector of nondecreasing elements in [0,1]
##    the first element must be 0 and the last element must be 1
##    if elements are identical, it indicates a jump in freq. response
## m: magnitude at band edges
##    m is a vector of length(f)
## grid_n: length of ideal frequency response function
##    defaults to 512, should be a power of 2 bigger than n
## ramp_n: transition width for jumps in filter response
##    defaults to grid_n/20; a wider ramp gives wider transitions
##    but has better stopband characteristics.
## window: smoothing window
##    defaults to hamming(n+1) row vector
##    returned filter is the same shape as the smoothing window
## To apply the filter, use the return vector b:
##       y=filter(b,1,x)
## Note that plot(f,m) shows target response.
## Example:
##   f=[0, 0.3, 0.3, 0.6, 0.6, 1]; m=[0, 0, 1, 1/2, 0, 0]
##   [h, w] = freqz(fir2(100,f,m))
##   plot(f,m,';target response;',w/pi,abs(h),';filter response;')

## Feb 27, 2000 PAK
##     use ramping on any transition less than ramp_n units
##     use 2^nextpow2(n+1) for expanded grid size if grid is too small
## 2001-01-30 PAK
##     set default ramp length to grid_n/20 (i.e., pi/20 radians)
##     use interp1 to interpolate the grid points
##     better(?) handling of 0 and pi frequency points.
##     added some demos

fir2 <- function(n, f, m, grid_n = 512, ramp_n = grid_n/20, window = hamming(n+1))  {

  ## verify frequency and magnitude vectors are reasonable
  t = length(f)
  if (t<2 || f[1]!=0 || f[t]!=1 || any(diff(f)<0))
    stop("frequency must be nondecreasing starting from 0 and ending at 1")
  if (t != length(m))
    stop("frequency and magnitude vectors must be the same length")

  ## find the grid spacing and ramp width
  if (length(grid_n)>1 || length(ramp_n)>1)
    stop("grid_n and ramp_n must be integers")

  ## find the window parameter, or default to hamming
#  if (!is.double(window))
#    window = feval(window, n+1)
  if (length(window) != n+1)
    stop("window must be of length n+1")

  ## make sure grid is big enough for the window
  if (2*grid_n < n+1)
    grid_n = 2^ceiling(log2(abs(n+1)))

  ## Apply ramps to discontinuities
  if (ramp_n > 0) {
    ## remember original frequency points prior to applying ramps
    basef = f
    basem = m
    ## separate identical frequencies, but keep the midpoint
    idx = which(diff(f) == 0)
    f[idx] = f[idx] - ramp_n/grid_n/2
    f[idx+1] = f[idx+1] + ramp_n/grid_n/2
    f = c(f, basef[idx])
    ## make sure the grid points stay monotonic in [0,1]
    f[f<0] = 0
    f[f>1] = 1
    f = sort(unique(c(f, basef[idx])))

    ## preserve window shape even though f may have changed
    m = approx(basef, basem, f, ties="ordered")$y
  ## interpolate between grid points
  grid = approx(f,m,seq(0, 1, length = grid_n+1), ties = "ordered")$y

  ## Transform frequency response into time response and
  ## center the response about n/2, truncating the excess
  if((n %% 2) == 0) {
    b = fft(c(grid, grid[seq(grid_n, 2, by = -1)]), inverse = TRUE)
    b = b / length(b)
    mid = (n+1)/2
    b = Re(c(b[(2*grid_n-floor(mid)+1):(2*grid_n)], b[1:ceiling(mid)]))
  } else {
    b = fft(c(grid, rep(0, grid_n*2), grid[seq(grid_n, 2, by = -1)]), inverse = TRUE)
    b = b / length(b)
    b = 2 * Re(c(b[seq(length(b)-n+1, length(b), by=2)], b[seq(2, n+2, by=2)]))
  ## Multiplication in the time domain is convolution in frequency,
  ## so multiply by our window now to smooth the frequency response.
  b = b * window

#! f=[0, 0.3, 0.3, 0.6, 0.6, 1]; m=[0, 0, 1, 1/2, 0, 0]
#! [h, w] = freqz(fir2(100,f,m))
#! subplot(121)
#! plot(f,m,';target response;',w/pi,abs(h),';filter response;')
#! subplot(122)
#! plot(f,20*log10(m+1e-5),';target response (dB);',...
#!      w/pi,20*log10(abs(h)),';filter response (dB);')
#! oneplot

#! f=[0, 0.3, 0.3, 0.6, 0.6, 1]; m=[0, 0, 1, 1/2, 0, 0]
#! plot(f,20*log10(m+1e-5),';target response;')
#! hold on
#! [h, w] = freqz(fir2(50,f,m,512,0))
#! plot(w/pi,20*log10(abs(h)),';filter response (ramp=0);')
#! [h, w] = freqz(fir2(50,f,m,512,25.6))
#! plot(w/pi,20*log10(abs(h)),';filter response (ramp=pi/20 rad);')
#! [h, w] = freqz(fir2(50,f,m,512,51.2))
#! plot(w/pi,20*log10(abs(h)),';filter response (ramp=pi/10 rad);')
#! hold off

#! % Classical Jakes spectrum
#! % X represents the normalized frequency from 0
#! % to the maximum Doppler frequency
#! asymptote = 2/3
#! X = linspace(0,asymptote-0.0001,200)
#! Y = (1 - (X./asymptote).^2).^(-1/4)
#! % The target frequency response is 0 after the asymptote
#! X = [X, asymptote, 1]
#! Y = [Y, 0, 0]
#! title('Theoretical/Synthesized CLASS spectrum')
#! xlabel('Normalized frequency (Fs=2)')
#! ylabel('Magnitude')
#! plot(X,Y,'b;Target spectrum;')
#! hold on
#! [H,F]=freqz(fir2(20, X, Y))
#! plot(F/pi,abs(H),'c;Synthesized spectrum (n=20);')
#! [H,F]=freqz(fir2(50, X, Y))
#! plot(F/pi,abs(H),'r;Synthesized spectrum (n=50);')
#! [H,F]=freqz(fir2(200, X, Y))
#! plot(F/pi,abs(H),'g;Synthesized spectrum (n=200);')
#! hold off
#! xlabel(''); ylabel(''); title('')

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signal documentation built on June 26, 2024, 9:06 a.m.