
Defines functions flattopwin

Documented in flattopwin

## flattopwin(n, [periodic|symmetric])
## Return the window f(w):
##   f(w) = 1 - 1.93 cos(2 pi w) + 1.29 cos(4 pi w)
##            - 0.388 cos(6 pi w) + 0.0322cos(8 pi w)
## where w = i/(n-1) for ( i in 0 : n-1 for a symmetric window, or) {
## w = i/n for ( i in 0 : n-1 for a periodic window.  The default) {
## is symmetric.  The returned window is normalized to a peak
## of 1 at w = 0.5.
## This window has low pass-band ripple, but high bandwidth.
## According to [1]:
##    The main use for the Flat Top window is for calibration, due
##    to its negligible amplitude errors.
## [1] Gade, S; Herlufsen, H; (1987) "Use of weighting functions in DFT/FFT
## analysis (Part I)", Bruel & Kjaer Technical Review No.3.

## This program is public domain.

flattopwin <- function(n, sym = c('symmetric', 'periodic'))  {
  sym = match.arg(sym)
  if (sym == "symmetric")
    divisor = n - 1
    divisor = n
  x = 2*pi * 0:(n-1) / divisor
  w = (1-1.93*cos(x)+1.29*cos(2*x)-0.388*cos(3*x)+0.0322*cos(4*x))/4.6402

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signal documentation built on June 26, 2024, 9:06 a.m.