
Defines functions as_signed_proj as_unsigned_2mode complex_walks as_complex_edges as_incidence_complex laplacian_matrix_complex as_adj_complex as_incidence_signed as_adj_signed

Documented in as_adj_complex as_adj_signed as_complex_edges as_incidence_complex as_incidence_signed as_signed_proj as_unsigned_2mode complex_walks laplacian_matrix_complex

#' Convert a signed graph to a signed adjacency matrix
#' This function returns the adjacency matrix for a signed graph
#' @param g igraph object. Must have a "sign" edge attribute.
#' @param sparse 	Logical scalar, whether to return the result as a sparse matrix. The Matrix package is required for sparse matrices.
#' @return signed adjacency matrix
#' @seealso [as_adj_complex]
#' @export

as_adj_signed <- function(g, sparse = FALSE) {
    if (!igraph::is_igraph(g)) {
        stop("Not a graph object")
    if (!"sign" %in% igraph::edge_attr_names(g)) {
        stop("network does not have a sign edge attribute")
    A <- igraph::as_adj(g, type = "both", attr = "sign", sparse = TRUE)
    if (!sparse) {
        A <- as.matrix(A)

#' Convert a signed two-mode network to a signed matrix
#' This function returns the incidence matrix for a signed two-mode network.
#' @param g igraph object (bipartite). Must have a "sign" edge attribute.
#' @param sparse 	Logical scalar, whether to return the result as a sparse matrix. The Matrix package is required for sparse matrices.
#' @return signed incidence matrix
#' @export

as_incidence_signed <- function(g, sparse = FALSE) {
    if (!igraph::is_igraph(g)) {
        stop("Not a graph object")
    if (!"sign" %in% igraph::edge_attr_names(g)) {
        stop("network does not have a sign edge attribute")
    if (!"type" %in% igraph::vertex_attr_names(g)) {
        stop("network must have a type vertex attribute")
    igraph::as_incidence_matrix(g, attr = "sign", sparse = sparse)

#' Convert a signed graph to a complex adjacency matrix
#' This function returns the adjacency matrix for a signed graph that contains ambivalent ties
#' @param g igraph object
#' @param attr edge attribute name that encodes positive ("P"), negative ("N") and ambivalent ("A") ties.
#' @return complex adjacency matrix
#' @seealso [as_adj_signed]
#' @export

as_adj_complex <- function(g, attr) {
    if (!igraph::is_igraph(g)) {
        stop("Not a graph object")
    if (igraph::is_directed(g)) {
        stop("directed graphs are not supported")
    if (missing(attr)) {
        stop('argument "attr" is missing, with no default')

    eattr <- igraph::get.edge.attribute(g, attr)
    if (!all(eattr %in% c("P", "N", "A"))) {
        stop('attr may only contain "P","N" and "A" ')
    n <- igraph::vcount(g)
    A <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = n)
    class(A) <- "complex"
    for (e in igraph::E(g)) {
        val_char <- igraph::E(g)[e]$type
        val_com <- ifelse(val_char == "P", complex(1, 1, 0), ifelse(val_char == "N", complex(1, 0, 1), complex(1, 0.5, 0.5)))
        A[igraph::ends(g, e)[1], igraph::ends(g, e)[2]] <- val_com
        A[igraph::ends(g, e)[2], igraph::ends(g, e)[1]] <- val_com
    A[lower.tri(A)] <- Conj(A[lower.tri(A)])

#' @title Complex Graph Laplacian
#' @description The Laplacian of a signed graph containing ambivalent ties.
#' @param g igraph object.
#' @param attr edge attribute name that encodes positive ("P"), negative ("N") and ambivalent ("A") ties.
#' @param norm Whether to calculate the normalized Laplacian. See definitions below.
#' @details
#' See \link[igraph]{laplacian_matrix} of igraph for more details. In the complex case, D is a diagonal matrix containing the absolute values of row sums of the complex adjacency matrix.
#' @return a complex matrix
#' @seealso [laplacian_matrix_signed]
#' @author David Schoch
#' @export

laplacian_matrix_complex <- function(g, attr, norm = FALSE) {
    if (!igraph::is_igraph(g)) {
        stop("Not a graph object")
    if (igraph::is_directed(g)) {
        stop("directed graphs are not supported")
    A <- as_adj_complex(g, attr)
    I <- diag(1, nrow(A))
    D <- diag(rowSums(abs(A)))
    if (norm) {
        diag(D) <- diag(D)^(-1 / 2)
        L <- I - D %*% A %*% D
    } else {
        L <- D - A

#' @title Complex Incidence Matrix
#' @description The complex incidence matrix of a signed graph containing ambivalent ties.
#' @param g igraph object.
#' @param attr edge attribute name that encodes positive ("P"), negative ("N") and ambivalent ("A") ties.
#' @details
#' This function is slightly different than \link[igraph]{as_incidence_matrix} since it is defined for bipartite graphs.
#' The incidence matrix here is defined as a \eqn{S \in C^{n,m}}, where n is the number of vertices and m the number of edges. Edges (i,j) are oriented such that i<j and entries are defined as
#' \deqn{S_{i(i,j)}=\sqrt{A_{ij}}}
#' \deqn{S_{j(i,j)}=-\sqrt{A_{ji}} if (i,j) is an ambivalent tie}
#' \deqn{S_{j(i,j)}=-A_{ji}\sqrt{A_{ji}} else}
#' @return a complex matrix
#' @seealso [laplacian_matrix_complex],[as_adj_complex]
#' @author David Schoch
#' @export
as_incidence_complex <- function(g, attr) {
    A <- as_adj_complex(g, attr)
    N <- igraph::vcount(g)
    M <- igraph::ecount(g)
    S <- matrix(0, N, M)
    e <- 0
    for (i in 1:N) {
        for (j in i:N) {
            if (A[i, j] != 0) {
                e <- e + 1
                if (A[i, j] == complex(1, 1, 0)) {
                    S[i, e] <- sqrt(A[i, j])
                    S[j, e] <- -A[j, i] * sqrt(A[i, j])
                } else if (A[i, j] == complex(1, 0, 1)) {
                    S[i, e] <- sqrt(A[i, j])
                    S[j, e] <- -A[j, i] * sqrt(A[i, j])
                } else {
                    S[i, e] <- sqrt(A[i, j])
                    S[j, e] <- -sqrt(A[j, i])

#' @title Convert Signed Network to Complex
#' @param g igraph object. Must have a "sign" edge attribute.
#' @param attr new edge attribute name that encodes positive ("P"), negative ("N") and ambivalent ("A") ties.
#' @return igraph object
#' @author David Schoch
#' @examples
#' g <- sample_islands_signed(2, 10, 1, 10)
#' as_complex_edges(g)
#' @export
as_complex_edges <- function(g, attr = "type") {
    if (!igraph::is_igraph(g)) {
        stop("Not a graph object")
    if (!"sign" %in% igraph::edge_attr_names(g)) {
        stop("network does not have a sign edge attribute")
    esign <- igraph::get.edge.attribute(g, "sign")

    if (!all(esign %in% c(-1, 1))) {
        stop("sign may only contain -1 and 1")

    ecompl <- ifelse(esign == 1, "P", "N")
    g <- igraph::set_edge_attr(g, name = attr, value = ecompl)

#' @title Count Walks in complex signed network
#' @param g igraph object.
#' @param attr edge attribute that encodes positive ("P"), negative ("N") and ambivalent ("A") ties.
#' @param k integer. length of walks
#' @return igraph object
#' @author David Schoch
#' @examples
#' g <- sample_islands_signed(2, 10, 1, 10)
#' g <- as_complex_edges(g, attr = "type")
#' complex_walks(g, attr = "type", k = 3)
#' @export
complex_walks <- function(g, attr, k) {
    if (!igraph::is_igraph(g)) {
        stop("Not a graph object")
    if (missing(attr)) {
        stop('argument "attr" is missing, with no default')
    if (!attr %in% igraph::edge_attr_names(g)) {
        stop(paste0("There is no edge attribute ", '"', attr, '"'))
    if (k == 0) {
        return(diag(1 + 0i, igraph::vcount(g)))
    A <- as_adj_complex(g, attr)
    if (k == 1) {
    B <- A

    for (i in 2:k) {
        B <- cxmatmul(B, A)

#' @title convert signed two-mode network to unsigned
#' @param g igraph object. Two-mode network, must have a "sign" edge attribute.
#' @param primary logical. Which mode to transform
#' @return igraph object
#' @author David Schoch
#' @seealso [as_signed_proj]
#' @examples
#' library(igraph)
#' # create a simple signed two mode network
#' el <- matrix(c(1, "a", 1, "b", 1, "c", 2, "a", 2, "b"), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
#' g <- graph_from_edgelist(el, directed = FALSE)
#' E(g)$sign <- c(1, 1, -1, 1, -1)
#' V(g)$type <- c(FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE)
#' # convert to unsigned two-mode network and project
#' l <- as_unsigned_2mode(g, primary = TRUE)
#' p <- bipartite_projection(l, which = "true")
#' # turn the unsigned projection back to a signed network
#' as_signed_proj(p)
#' @export

as_unsigned_2mode <- function(g, primary = TRUE) {
    if (!igraph::is_igraph(g)) {
        stop("Not a graph object")
    if (!"sign" %in% igraph::edge_attr_names(g)) {
        stop("network does not have a sign edge attribute")

    if (!"type" %in% igraph::vertex_attr_names(g)) {
        stop("not a two-mode network.")
    if (!"name" %in% igraph::vertex_attr_names(g)) {
        igraph::V(g)$name <- as.character(1:igraph::vcount(g))
    vnames <- igraph::V(g)$name
    mode1 <- vnames[which(igraph::V(g)$type)]
    mode2 <- vnames[which(!igraph::V(g)$type)]
    el <- igraph::as_data_frame(g, "edges")
    el[["sign"]] <- ifelse(el[["sign"]] == 1, "-pos", "-neg")
    from <- el[["from"]]
    to <- el[["to"]]
    signs <- el[["sign"]]

    if (primary) {
        new_nodes <- paste0(rep(mode1, each = 2), rep(c("-pos", "-neg"), length(mode1)))
        vert <- data.frame(
            name = c(new_nodes, mode2),
            type = c(rep(TRUE, length(new_nodes)), rep(FALSE, length(mode2)))
        from[from %in% mode1] <- paste0(from[from %in% mode1], signs[from %in% mode1])
        to[to %in% mode1] <- paste0(to[to %in% mode1], signs[to %in% mode1])
    } else {
        new_nodes <- paste0(rep(mode2, each = 2), rep(c("-pos", "-neg"), length(mode2)))
        vert <- data.frame(
            name = c(new_nodes, mode1),
            type = c(rep(TRUE, length(new_nodes)), rep(FALSE, length(mode1)))
        from[from %in% mode2] <- paste0(from[from %in% mode2], signs[from %in% mode2])
        to[to %in% mode2] <- paste0(to[to %in% mode2], signs[to %in% mode2])

    el <- data.frame(from, to)

    igraph::graph_from_data_frame(el, igraph::is_directed(g), vert)

#' @title convert unsigned projection to signed
#' @param g igraph object
#' @return igraph object
#' @author David Schoch
#' @seealso [as_unsigned_2mode]
#' @examples
#' library(igraph)
#' # create a simple signed two mode network
#' el <- matrix(c(1, "a", 1, "b", 1, "c", 2, "a", 2, "b"), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
#' g <- graph_from_edgelist(el, directed = FALSE)
#' E(g)$sign <- c(1, 1, -1, 1, -1)
#' V(g)$type <- c(FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE)
#' # convert to unsigned two-mode network and project
#' l <- as_unsigned_2mode(g, primary = TRUE)
#' p <- bipartite_projection(l, which = "true")
#' # turn the unsigned projection back to a signed network
#' as_signed_proj(p)
#' @export
as_signed_proj <- function(g) {
    el <- igraph::as_data_frame(g, "edges")
    m1 <- regexpr("pos|neg", el[["from"]])
    m2 <- regexpr("pos|neg", el[["to"]])
    el[["type1"]] <- regmatches(el[["from"]], m1)
    el[["type2"]] <- regmatches(el[["to"]], m2)
    el[["type"]] <- "N"
    el[["type"]][el[["type1"]] == el[["type2"]]] <- "P"
    el[["from"]] <- gsub("\\-.*", "", el[["from"]])
    el[["to"]] <- gsub("\\-.*", "", el[["to"]])

    el <- el[, c("from", "to", "type")]

    el_new <- data.frame(t(apply(el[, 1:2], 1, sort)), stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
    el_new[["type"]] <- el[["type"]]
    el_new <- el_new[!duplicated(el_new), ]
    names(el_new)[1:2] <- c("from", "to")

    el_aggr <- stats::aggregate(type ~ from + to, data = el_new, FUN = function(x) paste0(x, collapse = ""))
    el_aggr <- do.call(data.frame, el_aggr)
    el_aggr[["from"]] <- as.character(el_aggr[["from"]])
    el_aggr[["to"]] <- as.character(el_aggr[["to"]])
    el_aggr[["type"]] <- as.character(el_aggr[["type"]])
    el_aggr[["type"]][!el_aggr[["type"]] %in% c("N", "P")] <- "A"
    igraph::graph_from_data_frame(el_aggr[, c("from", "to", "type")], directed = FALSE)

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signnet documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:56 a.m.