
Defines functions modifySILC chooseSILCvars checkCol mergeSILC2 mergeSILC loadSILC revalueFactor

Documented in checkCol chooseSILCvars loadSILC mergeSILC modifySILC

revalueFactor <- function(x, replace = NULL){
  if (!is.null(x) && !is.factor(x) && !is.character(x)) {
    stop("x is not a factor or a character vector.")
  xchr <- as.character(x)
  nrepl <- names(replace)
  for(i in seq_along(replace)){
    xchr[which(xchr==nrepl[i])] <- replace[i]
### utility functions for the sga project on EU-SILC
#' @name silcTools2
#' @rdname silcTools2
#' @aliases mergeSILC checkCol chooseSILCvars modifySILC
#' @title Utility functions for EU-SILC data
#' @description Various utility functions mainly used for simulating EU-SILC data
#' @param file data set in R binary format, csv or sav (SPSS) of merged EU-SILC data.
#' @param filed data set including the household register information
#' @param filer data set including the personal register information
#' @param filep data set including the personal information
#' @param fileh data set including the household information
#' @param year year of origin
#' @param country country
#' @param x public-use file (for checkCol function) or orginal data
#' @param y scientific-use file (for checkCol function)
#' @param vars variables to be selected for function chooseSILCvars
#' @details Collection of functions to import, select and modify data EU-SILC data.
#' Either file (merged data) or single files have to be provided for loadSILC().
#' @author Matthias Templ

#' @rdname silcTools2
#' @name loadSILC
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' x <- loadSILC("new_workfile.RData")
#' filed <- "zielvar_d_eurostat2013.sav"
#' filer <- "zielvar_r_eurostat2013.sav"
#' filep <- "zielvar_p_eurostat2013.sav"
#' fileh <- "zielvar_h_eurostat2013.sav"
#' suf4 <- loadSILC(filed = filed,
#'                  filer = filer,
#'                  filep = filep,
#'                  fileh = fileh)
#' }
#' @export
loadSILC <- function(file = NULL,
                     filed = NULL,
                     filer = NULL,
                     filep = NULL,
                     fileh = NULL,
                     year = 2013,
                     country = "Austria"){
  if(is.null(file)) comment1 <- "unmerged original files imported"
  if(is.null(filep)) comment1 <- "already merged original files imported"
  if(!is.null(file) & !is.null(filed)) stop("provide a merged file or unmerged files but not both")

  ## read orginal file (if exists)
    nc <- nchar(file)
    if(substr(file, nc - 4, nc) == "RData" | substr(file, nc - 2, nc) == "rda"){
      xyz <- load(file)
      x <- get(xyz)
    if(substr(file, nc - 2, nc) == "sav"){
      x <- haven::read_spss(file)
    if(substr(file, nc - 2, nc) == "csv"){
      x <- utils::read.csv2(file, header=TRUE, sep=",")
    if(country == "France"){
      DB135 <- NULL
      x <- subset(x, DB135 == 1)
    names(x) <- tolower(names(x))
  } else {
    ## read original files (if exists)
    nc <- nchar(filep)
    if(substr(filep, nc - 4, nc) == "RData" | substr(filep, nc - 2, nc) == "rda"){
      xyzp <- load(filep)
      x_p <- get(xyzp)
      xyzp <- load(fileh)
      x_h <- get(xyzp)
      xyzp <- load(filer)
      x_r <- get(xyzp)
      xyzp <- load(filed)
      x_d <- get(xyzp)
    if(substr(filep, nc - 2, nc) == "sav"){
      x_p <- haven::read_spss(filep)
      x_h <- haven::read_spss(fileh)
      x_r <- haven::read_spss(filer)
      x_d <- haven::read_spss(filed)
    if(substr(filep, nc - 2, nc) == "csv"){
      x_p <- read.csv2(filep, header=TRUE, sep=",")
      x_h <- read.csv2(fileh, header=TRUE, sep=",")
      x_r <- read.csv2(filer, header=TRUE, sep=",")
      x_d <- read.csv2(filed, header=TRUE, sep=",")
    ## ensure that colnames are lower case
    names(x_d) <- tolower(names(x_d))
    names(x_h) <- tolower(names(x_h))
    names(x_p) <- tolower(names(x_p))
    names(x_r) <- tolower(names(x_r))

    x <- list("p"=x_p,


#' @rdname silcTools2
#' @name mergeSILC
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' filed <- "zielvar_d_eurostat2013.sav"
#' filer <- "zielvar_r_eurostat2013.sav"
#' filep <- "zielvar_p_eurostat2013.sav"
#' fileh <- "zielvar_h_eurostat2013.sav"
#' suf4 <- loadSILC(filed = filed,
#'                  filer = filer,
#'                  filep = filep,
#'                  fileh = fileh)
#' suf <- mergeSILC(d = suf4[["d"]],
#'                  r = suf4[["r"]],
#'                  h = suf4[["h"]],
#'                  p = suf4[["p"]])
#' }
#' @export
mergeSILC <- function(filed, filer, fileh, filep){
  ## x ... list with four elements
  pers <- merge(x=filer, y=filep, by.x="rb030", by.y="pb030", all.x=TRUE)
  pers$pb030 <- pers$rb030
  hh <- merge(x=filed, y=fileh, by.x="db030", by.y="hb030", all.x=TRUE)
  hh$hb030 <- hh$db030
  if(!("rx030" %in% colnames(pers))) pers$rx030 <- pers$rb040
  if(!("rx030" %in% colnames(hh))) hh$rx030 <- hh$pb030
  if(!("hb030" %in% colnames(hh))) hh$hb030 <- pers$db030
  m <- merge(x=pers, y=hh, by.x="rx030", by.y="hb030")

mergeSILC2 <- function(filed, filer, fileh, filep){
  ## x ... list with four elements
  filed <- data.table(filed, key = "db030")
  filer <- data.table(filer, key = "rb030")
  fileh <- data.table(fileh, key = "hb030")
  filep <- data.table(filep, key = "pb030")
  pers <- merge(x=filer, y=filep, all.x=TRUE, by.x="rb030", by.y="pb030")
  pers$pb030 <- pers$rb030
  hh <- merge(x=filed, y=fileh, all.x=TRUE, by.x="db030", by.y="hb030")
  hh$hb030 <- hh$db030
  if(!("rx030" %in% colnames(pers))) pers$rx030 <- pers$rb040
  if(!("rx030" %in% colnames(hh))) hh$rx030 <- hh$pb030
  if(!("hb030" %in% colnames(hh))) hh$hb030 <- pers$db030
  hb030 <- NULL
  rx030 <- NULL
  setkey(hh, hb030)
  setkey(pers, rx030)
  m <- merge(x=pers, y=hh, by.x="rx030", by.y="hb030")

#' @rdname silcTools2
#' @name checkCol
#' @examples
#' data(eusilc13puf)
#' ## instead of scientific-use file or
#' ## original data we took the 2006 synthetic data
#' data(eusilcS)
#' ## check which columns of y are in x
#' checkCol(eusilc13puf, eusilcS)
#' @export
checkCol <- function(x, y){
  int <- intersect(colnames(x), colnames(y))
  w <- which(!(colnames(y) %in% colnames(x)))
  cn <- colnames(y)[w]
  cat("\n these variables are in y but not in x:\n", cn, "\n")

#' @rdname silcTools2
#' @name chooseSILCvars
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## on original silc data to extract needed variables for SGA project on SILC
#' x <- loadSILC("new_workfile.RData")
#' chooseSILCvars(x)
#' }
#' @export
chooseSILCvars <- function(x, vars = c("db030", "db040", "rb030", "rb080", "rb090", "pl031", "pb220a", "py010g",
                                       "py021g", "py050g",  "py080g", "py090g", "py100g", "py110g", "py120g", "py130g",
                                       "py140g", "hy040g", "hy050g", "hy060g",  "hy070g", "hy080g" , "hy090g" ,"hy100g" ,
                                       "hy110g", "hy120g", "hy130g", "hy140g", "db090", "rb050", "pb190", "pe040",
                                       "pl051","pl111" , "rb010"), country = NULL){
  x <- x[, vars]
  if(!is.numeric(x$db090)) x$db090 <- as.numeric(as.character(x$db090))
  if(!is.numeric(x$rb050)) x$rb050 <- as.numeric(as.character(x$rb050))
  if(!is.factor(x$pb190)) x$pb190 <- factor(x$pb190)
  if(!is.factor(x$pb190)) x$pb190 <- factor(x$pb190)
  if(!is.factor(x$pe040)) x$pe040 <- factor(x$pe040)
  if(!is.factor(x$pl051)) x$pl051 <- factor(x$pl051)
  if(!is.factor(x$pl111)) x$pl111 <- factor(x$pl111)
  if(!is.factor(x$rb010)) x$rb010 <- factor(x$rb010)
  if(!is.factor(x$pl031)) x$pl031 <- factor(x$pl031)
  ## category 1 is too small:
  tab <- table(x$pe040, useNA = "always")[2]
  if(tab < 10){
    x$pe040 <- revalueFactor(x$pe040, c("0"="0-1", "1"="0-1" ))
    message(cat("Note: number of categories in pe040 was too small ( count =", tab, ").\n Categories 0 and 1 in pe040 have been combined to category 0-1\n"))

  if(country == "Austria"){
    x$db040 <- factor(x$db040,
                      labels= c("Burgenland", "Lower Austria", "Vienna",
                                "Carinthia", "Styria", "Upper Austria",
                                "Salzburg", "Tyrol", "Vorarlberg"))

  x <- x[order(x$db030),]
  x$db030 <- restructureHHid(x)


#' @rdname silcTools2
#' @name modifySILC
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## wrapper to prepare SILC data
#' ## on original silc data
#' x <- loadSILC("new_workfile.RData")
#' x <- chooseSILCvars(x)
#' modifySILC(x)
#' }
#' @export
modifySILC <- function(x, country = "Austria"){
  x$age <- getAge(data = x)
  x$rb090 <- getGender(data = x)
  x$hsize <- getHsize(data = x)
  x$hsize <- as.factor(x$hsize)
  x$pl031 <- getEcoStat(data = x, levels = levels(x$pl031))
  ## modify pb220a
  if(country == "France"){
    owncountry <- "FR"
    EU <- c("AT","BE","BG","CY","CZ", "DE", "DK","EE","EL","ES","FI","GR","HU","IE",
  if(country == "Austria"){
    owncountry <- "AT"
    EU <- c("BE","BG","CY","CZ", "DE", "DK","EE","EL","ES","FI","FR","GR","HU","IE",
  other <- c("CAN","CH","CSA","HR","IS","ME","MK","NAF","NME","NO",
  x$pb220a <- factor(x$pb220a)
  x$pb220a <- getCitizenship(data=x, owncountry=owncountry,
                             EU=EU, other=other)

  ## Recoding of Occupation to 1-digit version
  x$pl051 <- as.numeric(as.character(x$pl051))
  x$pl051 <- as.factor(trunc(x$pl051/10))
  x$pl051 <- revalueFactor(x$pl051, c("0"="0-1", "1"="0-1" ))

  if(country %in% c("France", "Austria")){
    ## Recoding of NACE code - this may be country-specific.
    levels(x$pl111)[which(levels(x$pl111) %in% c("1","2","3"))] <- "a"
    levels(x$pl111)[which(levels(x$pl111) %in% c("5","6","7","8","9",
                                                 "26","27","28","29","30","31","32","33","34","35","36","37","38","39"))] <- "b-e"
    levels(x$pl111)[which(levels(x$pl111) %in% c("41","42","43"))] <- "f"
    levels(x$pl111)[which(levels(x$pl111) %in% c("45","46","47"))] <- "g"
    levels(x$pl111)[which(levels(x$pl111) %in% c("49","50","51","52",
                                                 "53"))] <- "h"
    levels(x$pl111)[which(levels(x$pl111) %in% c("55","56"))] <- "i"
    levels(x$pl111)[which(levels(x$pl111) %in% c("58","59","60","61",
                                                 "62","63"))] <- "j"
    levels(x$pl111)[which(levels(x$pl111) %in% c("64","65","66"))] <- "k"
    levels(x$pl111)[which(levels(x$pl111) %in% c("68","69","70",
                                                 "71","72","73","74","75","76","77","78","79","80","81","82"))] <- "l-n"
    levels(x$pl111)[which(levels(x$pl111)=="84")] <- "o"
    levels(x$pl111)[which(levels(x$pl111)=="85")] <- "p"
    levels(x$pl111)[which(levels(x$pl111) %in% c("86","87","88"))] <- "q"
    levels(x$pl111)[which(levels(x$pl111) %in% c("90","91","92","93","94",
                                                 "95","96","97","98","99"))] <- "r-u"
  if(country == "Germany"){
    # Code for German recoding:
    levels(x$pl111)[which(levels(x$pl111)=="1")] <- "a"
    levels(x$pl111)[which(levels(x$pl111) %in% c("2","3","4","5", "6"))] <- "b-e"
    levels(x$pl111)[which(levels(x$pl111)=="7")] <- "f"
    levels(x$pl111)[which(levels(x$pl111)=="8")] <- "g"
    levels(x$pl111)[which(levels(x$pl111)=="9")] <- "h"
    levels(x$pl111)[which(levels(x$pl111)=="10")] <- "i"
    levels(x$pl111)[which(levels(x$pl111)=="11")] <- "j"
    levels(x$pl111)[which(levels(x$pl111)=="12")] <- "k"
    levels(x$pl111)[which(levels(x$pl111) %in% c("13","14","15"))] <- "l-n"
    levels(x$pl111)[which(levels(x$pl111)=="16")] <- "o"
    levels(x$pl111)[which(levels(x$pl111)=="17")] <- "p"
    levels(x$pl111)[which(levels(x$pl111)=="18")] <- "q"
    levels(x$pl111)[which(levels(x$pl111) %in% c("19","20","21", "22","23"))] <- "r-u"

  x$pgrossIncome <- rowSums(x[, c("py010g","py021g","py050g","py080g",
                                  "py090g","py100g", "py110g","py120g", "py130g","py140g")], na.rm = TRUE)
  x$hgrossIncome <- rowSums(x[, c("hy040g","hy050g","hy060g",
                                  "hy070g", "hy080g", "hy090g", "hy110g")], na.rm = TRUE)
  x$hgrossminus <- rowSums(x[, c("hy120g","hy130g","hy140g")], na.rm = TRUE)

  breaks <- getBreaks(x$pgrossIncome, x$rb050,
                      upper = Inf, equidist = FALSE, zeros = TRUE)
  x$pgrossIncomeCat <- getCat(x$pgrossIncome, breaks)
  breakshh <- getBreaks(x$hgrossIncome, x$rb050,
                        upper = Inf, equidist = FALSE, zeros = TRUE)
  x$hgrossIncomeCat <- getCat(x$hgrossIncome, breakshh)
  breakshhm <- getBreaks(x$hgrossminus, x$rb050,
                         upper = Inf, equidist = FALSE, zeros = TRUE)
  x$hgrossminusCat <- getCat(x$hgrossminus, breakshhm)

  x$country <- factor(rep(country, nrow(x)))

  breaks <- c(min(x$age, na.rm = TRUE), seq(15, 65, 15), max(x$age, na.rm=TRUE))
  x$ageCat <- cut(x$age,
                  breaks=breaks, include.lowest=TRUE)

  if(country == "France"){
    x$db040[which(x$db030 %in% c(9382,11461))] <- "FR82"
    x$db040 <- droplevels(x$db040)


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