
## Formula parsing

expect_true(simputation:::is_additive(expression(x + y)[[1]]))
expect_true(simputation:::is_additive(expression(x - z)[[1]]))

expect_equal(simputation:::get_imputed(x + y ~ z, dat=data.frame(x=0,y=0,z=0)  ),c("x","y"))
expect_equal(simputation:::get_imputed(.-y ~ x + y, dat=data.frame(x=0,y=0,z=0)),c("x","z"))
expect_equal(simputation:::get_imputed(. ~ x + y, dat=data.frame(x=0,y=0,z=0)),c("x","y","z"))
expect_error(simputation:::get_imputed(x:y+z ~ x, dat=data.frame(x=0,y=0,z=0)))

expect_equal(simputation:::get_predictors(z ~ x + y, dat=data.frame(x=0,y=0,z=0)),c("x","y"))
expect_equal(simputation:::get_predictors(z ~ .-y, dat=data.frame(x=0,y=0,z=0)), c("x","z"))
expect_equal(simputation:::get_predictors(z ~ . , dat=data.frame(x=0,y=0,z=0)), c("x","y","z"))

expect_identical(simputation:::get_predictors(x + y ~ 1, dat=data.frame(x=0,y=0,z=0), one_ok=TRUE), NULL)

expect_error(simputation:::get_predictors(x ~ x:y+z, dat=data.frame(x=0,y=0,z=0)))

## Linear model imputation

funs <- list(impute_lm = simputation::impute_lm
             , impute_rlm = simputation::impute_rlm
             , impute_const = simputation::impute_const
             , impute_median = simputation::impute_median)
irisNA <- iris
irisNA[1:3,"Sepal.Length"] <- NA
irisNA[3:5,"Sepal.Width"] <- NA
irisNA[5:7,"Petal.Length"] <- NA
for ( i in seq_along(funs)){
  f <- funs[[i]]
  # impute one variable, constant models
  expect_equal(sum(,Sepal.Length ~ 1))),  6)
  # impute two variables, constant models
  expect_equal(sum(,Sepal.Length + Sepal.Width ~ 1))),  3)
  # impute all variables, constant models. 
  expect_equal(sum(, . ~ 1))),  0)
  # with residuals 
  expect_equal(sum(, . ~ 1, add_residual="normal"))),  0)
  expect_equal(sum(, . ~ 1, add_residual="observed"))),  0)

funs <- list(impute_lm = impute_lm
             , impute_rlm = impute_rlm
             , impute_cart = impute_cart
             , impute_proxy = impute_proxy)
for ( i in seq_along(funs) ){
  fn <- funs[[i]]
  nm <- names(funs)[i]
  out <- if (nm == "impute_cart") 6 else 7 # cart is more robust for missing predictors
  expect_equal(sum(, Sepal.Length ~ Sepal.Width))), out)  
  expect_equal(sum(, Sepal.Length + Sepal.Width ~ Petal.Width))),3)
  expect_equal(sum(, Sepal.Length + Sepal.Width ~ Petal.Width, add_residual="normal"))),3)
  expect_equal(sum(, Sepal.Length + Sepal.Width ~ Petal.Width, add_residual="observed"))),3)
if (requireNamespace("glmnet",quietly = TRUE)){
  # Imputation using glmnet. Expects two predictors at minimum (intercept not counted)
  # add dummy variable
  nm <- "impute_en"
  irisNA$PW2 <- 2 * irisNA$Petal.Width
  expect_equal(sum(, Sepal.Length ~ Sepal.Width + PW2))), 7)  
  expect_equal(sum(, Sepal.Length + Sepal.Width ~ Petal.Width + PW2))),3)
  expect_equal(sum(, Sepal.Length + Sepal.Width ~ Petal.Width + PW2, add_residual="normal"))),3)
  expect_equal(sum(, Sepal.Length + Sepal.Width ~ Petal.Width + PW2, add_residual="observed"))),3)

# Try imputing a column where everything is missing (so models don't fit)
irisNA$foo <- NA_real_
#expect_warning(impute_lm(irisNA, foo ~ 1))
#expect_warning(impute_rlm(irisNA, foo ~ 1))
#expect_warning(impute_median(irisNA, foo ~ 1))

## grouped imputation
wom <- women
wom$foo <- c(rep("a",7),rep("b",8))
wom[c(1,15),1] <- NA

expect_equal(impute_lm(wom, height ~ 0 + foo), impute_lm(wom, height ~ 1 | foo))
expect_equal(impute_rlm(wom, height ~ 0 + foo), impute_lm(wom, height ~ 1 | foo))
expect_equal(impute_median(wom, height ~ foo),impute_median(wom, height ~ 1|foo))
expect_equal(impute_proxy(wom, height ~ weight), impute_proxy(wom, height ~ weight | foo))
expect_equal(impute_const(wom, height ~ 7), impute_const(wom, height ~ 7 | foo))
wom2 <- wom1 <- wom
wom1[c(1,15),1] <- mean(wom[,1],na.rm=TRUE)
wom2[c(1,15),1] <- tapply(wom2[,1],wom2$foo,mean,na.rm=TRUE)
expect_equal(impute_proxy(wom,height ~ mean(height,na.rm=TRUE)*rep(1,length(height))),wom1)
expect_equal(impute_proxy(wom,height ~ mean(height,na.rm=TRUE)),wom1)
expect_equal(impute_proxy(wom,height ~ mean(height,na.rm=TRUE)*rep(1,length(height))|foo),wom2)
expect_equal(impute_proxy(wom,height ~ mean(height,na.rm=TRUE)|foo),wom2)

## regression tests
irisNA <- iris
irisNA[1:3,1] <- NA
# this used to cause havoc because the ... was not passed correctly
out <- impute_lm(irisNA, .-Sepal.Width ~ 0 + Sepal.Width, weights=1/iris$Sepal.Length)

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simputation documentation built on June 16, 2022, 5:10 p.m.