
Defines functions msim

Documented in msim

#' Simulation of Multivariate Linear Model Data
#' @param p Number of variables
#' @param q Vector containing the number of relevant predictor variables for each relevant response components
#' @param m Number of response variables
#' @param relpos A list of position of relevant component for predictor variables. The list contains vectors of position index, one vector or each relevant response components
#' @param gamma A declining (decaying) factor of eigen value of predictors (X). Higher the value of \code{gamma}, the decrease of eigenvalues will be steeper
#' @param R2 Vector of coefficient of determination (proportion of variation explained by predictor variable) for each relevant response components
#' @param eta A declining (decaying) factor of eigenvalues of response (Y). Higher the value of \code{eta}, more will be the declining of eigenvalues of Y. \code{eta = 0} refers that all eigenvalues of responses (Y) are 1.
#' @param muX Vector of average (mean) for each predictor variable
#' @param muY Vector of average (mean) for each response variable
#' @param ypos List of position of relevant response components that are combined to generate response variable during orthogonal rotation
#' @return A simrel object with all the input arguments along with following additional items
#'     \item{X}{Simulated predictors}
#'     \item{Y}{Simulated responses}
#'     \item{W}{Simulated predictor components}
#'     \item{Z}{Simulated response components}
#'     \item{beta}{True regression coefficients}
#'     \item{beta0}{True regression intercept}
#'     \item{relpred}{Position of relevant predictors}
#'     \item{testX}{Test Predictors}
#'     \item{testY}{Test Response}
#'     \item{testW}{Test predictor components}
#'     \item{testZ}{Test response components}
#'     \item{minerror}{Minimum model error}
#'     \item{Xrotation}{Rotation matrix of predictor (R)}
#'     \item{Yrotation}{Rotation matrix of response (Q)}
#'     \item{type}{Type of simrel object \emph{univariate} or \emph{multivariate}}
#'     \item{lambda}{Eigenvalues of predictors}
#'     \item{SigmaWZ}{Variance-Covariance matrix of components of response and predictors}
#'     \item{SigmaWX}{Covariance matrix of response components and predictors}
#'     \item{SigmaYZ}{Covariance matrix of response and predictor components}
#'     \item{Sigma}{Variance-Covariance matrix of response and predictors}
#'     \item{RsqW}{Coefficient of determination corresponding to response components}
#'     \item{RsqY}{Coefficient of determination corresponding to response variables}
#' @concept simulation 
#' @concept linear model data
#' @keywords datagen
#' @references Sæbø, S., Almøy, T., & Helland, I. S. (2015). simrel—A versatile tool for linear model data simulation based on the concept of a relevant subspace and relevant predictors. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 146, 128-135.
#' @references Almøy, T. (1996). A simulation study on comparison of prediction methods when only a few components are relevant. Computational statistics & data analysis, 21(1), 87-107.
#' @export

msim <- function(p = 15, q = c(5, 4, 3), m = 5,
                 relpos = list(c(1, 2), c(3, 4, 6), c(5, 7)),
                 gamma = 0.6, R2 = c(0.8, 0.7, 0.8),
                 eta = 0, muX = NULL, muY = NULL,
                 ypos = list(c(1), c(3, 4), c(2, 5))) {
    ## Get all input parameter also for output ---
    arg_list <- as.list(environment())
    ## Validate Inputs ----
    if (!all(sapply(list(length(relpos), length(R2)), identical, length(q))))
        stop("Length of relpos, R2 and q must be equal\n")

    if (!all(sapply(seq_along(q), function(i) q[i] >= sapply(relpos, length)[i])))
        stop("Number of relevant predictor is smaller than the number of relevant components\n")

    if (!sum(q) <= p)
        stop("Number of variables can not be smaller than the number of relevant variables\n")

    if (!max(unlist(relpos)) <= p)
        stop("Relevant Position can not exceed the number of variables\n")

    if (!all(R2 < 1 & R2 > 0))
        stop("R2 must be between 0 and 1\n")
    if (!is.null(muX) & length(muX) != p) {
        stop("Mean of X must have same length as the number of X variables\n")
    if (!is.null(muY) & length(muY) != m) {
        stop("Mean of Y must have same length as the number of Y variables\n")
    if (any(duplicated(unlist(ypos)))) {
        stop("Response Space must have unique combination of response variable.")

    ## Warning Conditions
    if (any(unlist(lapply(ypos, identical, 1:2)))) {
        warning("Current setting of ypos will produce uninformative response variable.")

    ## Completing Parameter for required response
    nW0          <- length(relpos)
    nW.extra     <- m - length(relpos)
    nW.extra.idx <- seq.int(nW0 + 1, length.out = nW.extra)

    relpos <- append(relpos, lapply(nW.extra.idx, function(x) integer()))
    R2     <- c(R2, rep(0, nW.extra))
    q      <- c(q, rep(0, nW.extra))

    ## How many components are relevant for each W_i
    n.relpos <- vapply(relpos, length, 0L)

    ## Irrelevant position of predictors
    resample <- function(x, n, ...){
        if (n == 0) return(integer(0))
        if (length(x) == 1) return(x) 
        sample(x, n, ...)
    irrelpos <- setdiff(seq_len(p), Reduce(union, relpos))
    n_epos <- q - sapply(relpos, length)
    predPos  <- lapply(seq_along(relpos), function(i){
        pos      <- relpos[[i]]
        ret      <- c(pos, resample(irrelpos, n_epos[i]))
        irrelpos <<- setdiff(irrelpos, ret)
    predPos[[length(relpos) + 1]] <- irrelpos

    ## Constructing Sigma
    lambda    <- exp(-gamma * (1:p))/exp(-gamma)
    kappa     <- exp(-eta * (1:m))/exp(-eta)
    SigmaZ    <- diag(lambda);
    SigmaZinv <- diag(1 / lambda)
    SigmaW    <- diag(kappa) ## diag(m)
    rhoMat    <- SigmaW

### Covariance Construction
    get_cov <- function(pos, Rsq, kappa = 1, p = p, lambda = lambda){
        out      <- vector("numeric", p)
        alph     <- runif(length(pos), -1, 1)
        out[pos] <- sign(alph) * sqrt(Rsq * abs(alph) / sum(abs(alph)) * lambda[pos] * kappa)
    get_rho <- function(rhoMat, RsqVec) {
        sapply(1:nrow(rhoMat), function(row){
            sapply(1:ncol(rhoMat), function(col){
                if (row == col) return(1)
                rhoMat[row, col] / sqrt((RsqVec[row]) * (RsqVec[col]))

    SigmaZW <- mapply(get_cov, pos = relpos, Rsq = R2, kappa = kappa,
                      MoreArgs = list(p = p, lambda = lambda))
    Sigma   <- cbind(rbind(SigmaW, SigmaZW), rbind(t(SigmaZW), SigmaZ))
    rho.out <- get_rho(rhoMat, R2)
    rho.out[is.nan(rho.out)] <- 0
    if (any(rho.out < -1 | rho.out > 1))
        stop("Two Responses in orthogonal, but highly relevant spaces must be less correlated. Choose rho closer to zero.")

    ## Rotation Matrix
    RotX <- diag(p)
    RotY <- diag(m)

    getRotate <- function(predPos) {
        n    <- length(predPos)
        Qmat <- matrix(rnorm(n ^ 2), n)
        Qmat <- scale(Qmat, scale = FALSE)

    for (pos in predPos) {
        rotMat         <- getRotate(pos)
        RotX[pos, pos] <- rotMat

    for (pos in ypos) {
        rotMat         <- getRotate(pos)
        RotY[pos, pos] <- rotMat
    ## Fill remaining irrelevant space with random normal variates
    RotX[irrelpos, irrelpos] <- getRotate(irrelpos)

    ## True Regression Coefficient
    betaZ <- SigmaZinv %*% SigmaZW
    betaX <- Reduce(`%*%`, list(RotX, betaZ, t(RotY)))

    ## Geting Coef for Intercept
    beta0 <- rep(0, m)
    if (!(is.null(muY))) {
        beta0 <- beta0 + muY
    if (!(is.null(muX))) {
        beta0 <- beta0 - t(betaX) %*% muX
    ## Rotation was not correct, now it is good, i suppose
    SigmaY   <- Reduce(`%*%`, list(RotY, SigmaW, t(RotY)))
    SigmaX   <- Reduce(`%*%`, list(RotX, SigmaZ, t(RotX)))
    SigmaYX  <- Reduce(`%*%`, list(RotY, t(SigmaZW), t(RotX)))
    SigmaYZ  <- RotY %*% t(SigmaZW)
    SigmaWX  <- t(SigmaZW) %*% RotX
    SigmaOut <- rbind(
        cbind(SigmaY, SigmaYX),
        cbind(t(SigmaYX), SigmaX)

    var_w <- diag(1/sqrt(diag(SigmaW)))
    RsqW <- Reduce(`%*%`, list(var_w, t(SigmaZW), SigmaZinv, SigmaZW, var_w))
    var_y <- diag(-1/sqrt(diag(SigmaY)))
    RsqY <- Reduce(`%*%`, list(var_y, RotY, t(SigmaZW), SigmaZinv, SigmaZW, t(RotY), var_y))

    ## Minimum Error
    ## minerror <- SigmaY - SigmaYX, (RotX, SigmaZinv, t(RotX)), t(SigmaYX)

    var_expl <- Reduce(`%*%`, list(RotY, t(SigmaZW), SigmaZinv, SigmaZW, t(RotY)))
    minerror <- SigmaY - var_expl

    ## Check for Positive Definite
    pd <- all(eigen(Sigma)$values > 0)
    if (!pd) stop("No positive definite coveriance matrix found with current parameter settings")

    seed <- .Random.seed

    get_data <- function(n = 100) {
        .Random.seed <- seed
        ## Simulation of Test and Training Data
        SigmaRot  <- chol(Sigma)
        train_cal <- matrix(rnorm(n * (p + m), 0, 1), nrow = n)
        train_cal <- train_cal %*% SigmaRot
        W         <- train_cal[, 1:m, drop = F]
        Z         <- train_cal[, (m + 1):(m + p), drop = F]
        X         <- Z %*% t(RotX)
        Y         <- W %*% t(RotY)
        if (!(is.null(muX))) X <- sweep(X, 2, muX, '+')
        if (!(is.null(muY))) Y <- sweep(Y, 2, muY, '+')
        colnames(X) <- paste0('X', 1:p)
        colnames(Y) <- paste0('Y', 1:m)
        return(list(W = W, Z = Z, X = X, Y = Y))

    ## Return List
    ret <- list(
        call      = match.call(),
        data      = get_data,
        beta      = betaX,
        beta0     = beta0,
        relpred   = predPos,
        minerror  = minerror,
        Xrotation = RotX,
        Yrotation = RotY,
        lambda    = lambda,
        SigmaWZ   = Sigma,
        SigmaWX   = SigmaWX,
        SigmaYZ   = SigmaYZ,
        SigmaYX   = SigmaYX,
        Sigma     = SigmaOut,
        rho.out   = rho.out,
        RsqW      = RsqW,
        RsqY      = RsqY,
        type      = "multivariate"
    ret <- `class<-`(append(arg_list, ret), 'simrel')

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simrel documentation built on Sept. 17, 2021, 5:06 p.m.