### Theoretical ACF / PACF
# hidden casting function
cast_acf = function(object, n, name_ = "Empirical", type = "Autocorrelation",
class = "theo_arma"){
# Force to array
if(is.null(nrow(object))){ dim(object) = c(length(object), 1, 1)}
# Make pretty names
ids = seq_len(nrow(object))
if(type == "Autocorrelation" || type == "Autocovariance"){
ids = ids - 1
if("PACF" %in% class){ ids = seq_len(nrow(object)) }
dimnames(object) = list(ids, name_, name_)
structure(object, type = type, n = n, class = class)
# Work horse of the two functions for theoretical ACF & PACF
theo_arma_ = function(model, lagmax = 20, pacf = FALSE){
if(!is.ts.model(model)){ stop("`model` must be a `ts.model` object.")}
if(model$starting){ stop("`model` must have specific parameter values.")}
if(length(model$desc) != 1 && model$desc != "SARIMA"){ stop("`model` must contain only 1 process.")}
objdesc = model$objdesc[[1]]
ar = model$theta[model$process.desc == "AR"]
ma = model$theta[model$process.desc == "MA"]
if(is.null(lagmax)){ lagmax = max(length(ar), length(ma) + 1) + 2}
if(pacf == TRUE){
myclass = c("PACF", "array")
myclass = c("simtsACF", "array")
cast_acf(ARMAacf(ar = ar, ma = ma, lag.max = lagmax, pacf = pacf),
n = lagmax,
name_ = "Theoretical",
type = "Autocorrelation",
class = myclass)
#' @title Theoretical Autocorrelation (ACF) of an ARMA process
#' @description This function computes the theoretical Autocorrelation (ACF) of an ARMA process.
#' @param ar A \code{vector} containing the AR coefficients.
#' @param ma A \code{vector} containing the MA coefficients.
#' @param lagmax An \code{integer} indicating the maximum lag up to which to compute the theoretical ACF.
#' @author Yuming Zhang
#' @importFrom stats ARMAacf
#' @examples
#' # Compute the theoretical ACF for an ARMA(1,0) (i.e. a first-order autoregressive model: AR(1))
#' theo_acf(ar = -0.25, ma = NULL)
#' # Computes the theoretical ACF for an ARMA(2, 1)
#' theo_acf(ar = c(.50, -0.25), ma = 0.20, lagmax = 10)
#' @export
theo_acf = function(ar, ma = NULL, lagmax = 20){
model = ARMA(ar=ar, ma=ma)
theo_arma_(model = model, lagmax = lagmax, pacf = FALSE)
#' @title Theoretical Partial Autocorrelation (PACF) of an ARMA process
#' @description This function computes the theoretical Partial Autocorrelation (PACF) of an ARMA process.
#' @param ar A \code{vector} containing the AR coefficients.
#' @param ma A \code{vector} containing the MA coefficients.
#' @param lagmax An \code{integer} indicating the maximum lag up to which to compute the theoretical PACF.
#' @author Yuming Zhang
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Computes the theoretical ACF for an ARMA(1,0) (i.e. a first-order autoregressive model: AR(1))
#' theo_pacf(ar = -0.25, ma = NULL, lagmax = 7)
#' # Computes the theoretical ACF for an ARMA(2, 1)
#' theo_pacf(ar = c(.50, -0.25), ma = .20, lagmax = 10)
theo_pacf = function(ar, ma = NULL, lagmax = 20){
model = ARMA(ar=ar, ma=ma)
theo_arma_(model = model, lagmax = lagmax, pacf = TRUE)
### Empirical ACF / PACF
# ----- wrapper function
#' @title Empirical ACF and PACF
#' @description This function can estimate either the autocovariance / autocorrelation for univariate time series,
#' or the partial autocovariance / autocorrelation for univariate time series.
#' @author Yuming Zhang
#' @param x A \code{vector} or \code{ts} object (of length \eqn{N > 1}).
#' @param lag.max An \code{integer} indicating the maximum lag up to which to compute the empirical ACF / PACF.
#' @param pacf A \code{boolean} indicating whether to output the PACF.
#' If it's \code{TRUE}, then the function will only estimate the empirical PACF. If it's \code{FALSE} (the default),
#' then the function will only estimate the empirical ACF.
#' @param type A \code{character} string giving the type of acf to be computed. Allowed values are "correlation" (the default) and "covariance".
#' @param demean A \code{boolean} indicating whether the data should be detrended (\code{TRUE}) or not (\code{FALSE}). Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param robust A \code{boolean} indicating whether a robust estimator should be used (\code{TRUE}) or not (\code{FALSE}). Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' This only works when the function is estimating ACF.
#' @return An \code{array} of dimensions \eqn{N \times 1 \times 1}{N x 1 x 1}.
#' @details
#' \code{lagmax} default is \eqn{10*log10(N/m)} where \eqn{N} is the number of
#' observations and \eqn{m} is the number of time series being compared. If
#' \code{lagmax} supplied is greater than the number of observations N, then one
#' less than the total will be taken (i.e. N - 1).
#' @importFrom stats acf pacf mad
#' @importFrom robcor robacf
#' @export
#' @examples
#' m = auto_corr(datasets::AirPassengers)
#' m = auto_corr(datasets::AirPassengers, pacf = TRUE)
auto_corr = function(x, lag.max = NULL, pacf = FALSE, type = "correlation", demean = TRUE, robust = FALSE){
if(pacf == FALSE){
ACF(x, lag.max = lag.max, type = type, demean = demean, robust = robust)
PACF(x, lag.max = lag.max, type = type, demean = demean)
# ------ empirical ACF
ACF = function(x, lag.max = NULL, type = "correlation", demean = TRUE, robust = FALSE){
# Change the data to matrix form
if(is.ts(x) || is.atomic(x)){
x2 = data.matrix(x)
if (type != "correlation" && type != "covariance"){
stop("Type not authorized. Allowed values correlation and covariance.")
if (demean){
x3 = as.matrix(x)
x3 = sweep(x3, 2, colMeans(x3, na.rm = TRUE), check.margin = FALSE)
# Get the acf value of the data
if (robust == FALSE){
acfe = acf(x3, lag.max = lag.max, type = type, plot = FALSE)
if (type == "correlation"){
acfe = robacf(x3, lag.max = lag.max, plot = FALSE)
sig2 = mean(abs(x3 - mean(x3)))*sqrt(pi/2)
acfe = sig2*robacf(x3, lag.max = lag.max, plot = FALSE)
acfe = acfe$acf
# Get the data name
varName = deparse(substitute(x))
# Adjust the name for data
dimnames(acfe) = list(seq_len(nrow(acfe))-1, "ACF", varName)
if (is.null(attr(x, "data_name"))){
acfe = structure(acfe, n = nrow(x2), class = c("simtsACF", "array"))
acfe = structure(acfe, n = nrow(x2), data_name = attr(x, "data_name"), class = c("simtsACF", "array"))
unit_time = attr(x, "unit_time")
if (!is.null(unit_time)){
attr(acfe, "unit_time") = unit_time
attr(acfe, "data_name") = names(x)
#' @title Plot Auto-Covariance and Correlation Functions
#' @description The function plots the output of the \code{theo_acf} and \code{auto_corr} functions (autocovariance or autocorrelation functions).
#' @author Yunxiang Zhang, Stéphane Guerrier and Yuming Zhang
#' @param x An \code{"ACF"} object output from \code{theo_acf} and \code{auto_corr}.
#' @param xlab A \code{string} indicating the label of the x axis: the default name is 'Lags'.
#' @param ylab A \code{string} indicating the label of the y axis: the default name is 'ACF'.
#' @param A \code{bool} indicating whether to show the confidence region. Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param alpha A \code{double} indicating the level of significance for the confidence interval. By default \code{alpha = 0.05} which gives a 1 - \code{alpha} = 0.95 confidence interval.
#' @param col_ci A \code{string} that specifies the color of the region covered by the confidence intervals (confidence region).
#' @param transparency A \code{double} between 0 and 1 indicating the transparency level of the color defined in \code{col_ci}.
#' Defaults to 0.25.
#' @param main A \code{string} indicating the title of the plot. Default name is "Variable name ACF plot'.
#' @param parValue A \code{vector} defining the margins for the plot.
#' @param ... Additional parameters
#' @rdname plot.simtsACF
#' @export
#' @importFrom grDevices col2rgb
#' @examples
#' # Calculate the Autocorrelation
#' m = auto_corr(datasets::AirPassengers)
#' # Plot with 95% CI
#' plot(m)
#' # Plot with 90% CI
#' plot(m, alpha = 0.1)
#' # Plot without 95% CI
#' plot(m, = FALSE)
#' # More customized CI
#' plot(m, xlab = "my xlab", ylab = "my ylab", = TRUE,
#' alpha = NULL, col_ci = "grey", transparency = 0.5, main = "my main")
plot.simtsACF = function(x, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, = TRUE, alpha = NULL, col_ci = NULL, transparency = NULL, main = NULL, parValue = NULL, ...){
lag_unit = attr(x, "unit_time")
# add xlab
if (!is.null(xlab)){
xlab = xlab
if (!is.null(lag_unit)){
xlab = paste("Lags (", lag_unit,")", sep = "")
xlab = "Lags"
# add ylab
if (!is.null(ylab)){
ylab = ylab
ylab = "ACF"
# add alpha
if (!is.null(alpha)){
alpha = alpha
alpha = 0.05
# add transparency
if (!is.null(transparency)){
transparency = transparency
transparency = 0.25
# add color of CI
if (!is.null(col_ci)){
col_ci = col2rgb(col_ci)
col_ci = rgb(col_ci[1], col_ci[2], col_ci[3], transparency*255, maxColorValue = 255)
col_ci = rgb(red = 0, green = 0.6, blue = 1, transparency)
# Quiet the warnings...
Lag = xmin = xmax = ymin = ymax = NULL
# Wide to long array transform
x2 =, responseName = "ACF")
colnames(x2) = c("Lag", "Signal X", "Signal Y", "ACF")
# Remove character cast
x2$Lag = as.numeric(x2$Lag)
# Range
x_range = range(x2$Lag)-1
# Remove confidence intervals for theoretical ACF
if (attr(x, "dimnames")[[2]] == "Theoretical"){ = FALSE
if ( == TRUE){
n = attr(x,"n")
mult = qnorm(1-alpha/2)
y_range = range(c(x2$ACF, 1/sqrt(n)*mult*c(-1,1)))
y_range = range(x2$ACF)
x_ticks = seq(x_range[1], x_range[2], by = 1)
y_ticks = seq(y_range[1], y_range[2], by = 0.05)
if (!is.null(parValue)){
par(mar = parValue)
par(mar = c(5.1, 5.1, 1, 2.1))
# Title
if (is.null(main)){
if (is.null(attr(x,"data_name"))){
main = paste0(as.character((x2$`Signal Y`)[1]), " ACF plot")
main = paste0(attr(x,"data_name")[1], " ACF plot")
}else {
main = main
# Main plot
plot(NA, xlim = c(0, max(x2$Lag)), ylim = y_range,
xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, xaxt = 'n',
yaxt = 'n', bty = "n", ann = FALSE)
win_dim = par("usr")
par(new = TRUE)
plot(NA, xlim = c(0, max(x2$Lag)), ylim = c(win_dim[3], win_dim[4] + 0.09*(win_dim[4] - win_dim[3])),
xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, xaxt = 'n', yaxt = 'n', bty = "n")
win_dim = par("usr")
# Add grid
grid(NULL, NULL, lty = 1, col = "grey95")
# Add title
x_vec = c(win_dim[1], win_dim[2], win_dim[2], win_dim[1])
y_vec = c(win_dim[4], win_dim[4],
win_dim[4] - 0.09*(win_dim[4] - win_dim[3]),
win_dim[4] - 0.09*(win_dim[4] - win_dim[3]))
polygon(x_vec, y_vec, col = "grey95", border = NA)
text(x = mean(c(win_dim[1], win_dim[2])),
y = (win_dim[4] - 0.09/2*(win_dim[4] - win_dim[3])),
# Add axes and box
lines(x_vec[1:2], rep((win_dim[4] - 0.09*(win_dim[4] - win_dim[3])),2), col = 1)
axis(1, padj = 0.3)
y_axis = axis(2, labels = FALSE, tick = FALSE)
y_axis = y_axis[y_axis < (win_dim[4] - 0.09*(win_dim[4] - win_dim[3]))]
axis(2, padj = -0.2, at = y_axis)
abline(h = 0, lty = 1, lwd = 2)
# Plot CI
clim0 = 1/sqrt(n)*mult
rect(xleft = -2, ybottom = -clim0, xright = 2*x_range[2], ytop = clim0,
col = col_ci, lwd = 0)
# Plot ACF
segments(x0 = x_ticks, y0 = rep(0, x_range[2]), x1 = x_ticks, y1 = x2$ACF, lty = 1, lwd = 1)
# ----- empirical PACF
PACF = function(x, lag.max = NULL, type = "correlation", demean = TRUE){
if (type != "correlation" && type != "covariance"){
stop("Type not authorized. Allowed values correlation and covariance.")
# Change the data to matrix form
if(is.ts(x) || is.atomic(x)){
x2 = data.matrix(x)
if (demean){
x3 = as.matrix(x)
x3 = sweep(x3, 2, colMeans(x3, na.rm = TRUE), check.margin = FALSE)
#Get the pacf value of the data
pacfe = pacf(x3, lag.max = lag.max, type = type, plot = FALSE)
pacfe = pacfe$acf
# Get the data name
varName = deparse(substitute(x))
# Adjust the name for data
dimnames(pacfe) = list(seq_len(nrow(pacfe))-1, "PACF", varName)
if (is.null(attr(x, "data_name"))){
pacfe = structure(pacfe, n = nrow(x2), class = c("PACF", "array"))
pacfe = structure(pacfe, n = nrow(x2), data_name = attr(x, "data_name"), class = c("PACF", "array"))
unit_time = attr(x, "unit_time")
if (!is.null(unit_time)){
attr(pacfe, "unit_time") = unit_time
attr(pacfe, "data_name") = names(x)
#' @title Plot Partial Auto-Covariance and Correlation Functions
#' @description The function plots the output of the \code{\link{theo_pacf}} and \code{\link{auto_corr}} functions (partial autocovariance or autocorrelation functions).
#' @author Yunxiang Zhang and Yuming Zhang
#' @param x A \code{"PACF"} object output from \code{\link{theo_pacf}} or \code{\link{auto_corr}}.
#' @param xlab A \code{string} indicating the label of the x axis: the default name is 'Lags'.
#' @param ylab A \code{string} indicating the label of the y axis: the default name is 'PACF'.
#' @param A \code{bool} indicating whether to show the confidence region. Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param alpha A \code{double} indicating the level of significance for the confidence interval. By default \code{alpha = 0.05} which gives a 1 - \code{alpha} = 0.95 confidence interval.
#' @param col_ci A \code{string} that specifies the color of the region covered by the confidence intervals (confidence region).
#' @param transparency A \code{double} between 0 and 1 indicating the transparency level of the color defined in \code{col_ci}.
#' Defaults to 0.25.
#' @param main A \code{string} indicating the title of the plot. Default name is "Variable name PACF plot'.
#' @param parValue A \code{vector} defining the margins for the plot.
#' @param ... Additional parameters
#' @rdname plot.PACF
#' @importFrom grDevices col2rgb
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Plot the Partial Autocorrelation
#' m = auto_corr(datasets::AirPassengers, pacf = TRUE)
#' plot(m)
#' # More customized CI
#' plot(m, xlab = "my xlab", ylab = "my ylab", = TRUE,
#' alpha = NULL, col_ci = "grey", transparency = 0.5, main = "my main")
plot.PACF = function(x, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, = TRUE, alpha = NULL, col_ci = NULL, transparency = NULL, main = NULL, parValue = NULL, ...){
lag_unit = attr(x, "unit_time")
# add xlab
if (!is.null(xlab)){
xlab = xlab
if (!is.null(lag_unit)){
xlab = paste("Lags (", lag_unit,")", sep = "")
xlab = "Lags"
# add ylab
if (!is.null(ylab)){
ylab = ylab
ylab = "PACF"
# add alpha
if (!is.null(alpha)){
alpha = alpha
alpha = 0.05
# add transparency
if (!is.null(transparency)){
transparency = transparency
transparency = 0.25
# add color of CI
#col_ci = rgb(0, 0.6, 1, 0.2)
if (!is.null(col_ci)){
col_ci = col2rgb(col_ci)
col_ci = rgb(col_ci[1], col_ci[2], col_ci[3], transparency*255, maxColorValue = 255)
col_ci = rgb(red = 0, green = 0.6, blue = 1, transparency)
# Quiet the warnings...
Lag = xmin = xmax = ymin = ymax = NULL
# Wide to long array transform
x2 =, responseName = "PACF")
colnames(x2) = c("Lag", "Signal X", "Signal Y", "PACF")
# Remove character cast
x2$Lag = as.numeric(x2$Lag)
# Range
x_range = range(x2$Lag)
# Remove confidence intervals for theoretical ACF
if (attr(x, "dimnames")[[2]] == "Theoretical"){ = FALSE
if ( == TRUE){
n = attr(x,"n")
mult = qnorm(1-alpha/2)
y_range = range(c(x2$PACF, 1/sqrt(n)*mult*c(-1,1)))
y_range = range(x2$PACF)
x_ticks = seq(x_range[1], x_range[2], by = 1)
y_ticks = seq(y_range[1], y_range[2], by = 0.05)
if (!is.null(parValue)){
par(mar = parValue)
par(mar = c(5.1, 5.1, 1, 2.1))
# Title
if (is.null(main)){
if (is.null(attr(x,"data_name"))){
main = paste0(as.character((x2$`Signal Y`)[1]), " PACF plot")
main = paste0(attr(x,"data_name")[1], " PACF plot")
}else {
main = main
# Main plot
plot(NA, xlim = x_range, ylim = y_range,
xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, xaxt = 'n',
yaxt = 'n', bty = "n", ann = FALSE)
win_dim = par("usr")
par(new = TRUE)
plot(NA, xlim = x_range, ylim = c(win_dim[3], win_dim[4] + 0.09*(win_dim[4] - win_dim[3])),
xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, xaxt = 'n', yaxt = 'n', bty = "n")
win_dim = par("usr")
# Add grid
grid(NULL, NULL, lty = 1, col = "grey95")
# Add title
x_vec = c(win_dim[1], win_dim[2], win_dim[2], win_dim[1])
y_vec = c(win_dim[4], win_dim[4],
win_dim[4] - 0.09*(win_dim[4] - win_dim[3]),
win_dim[4] - 0.09*(win_dim[4] - win_dim[3]))
polygon(x_vec, y_vec, col = "grey95", border = NA)
text(x = mean(c(win_dim[1], win_dim[2])),
y = (win_dim[4] - 0.09/2*(win_dim[4] - win_dim[3])),
# Add axes and box
lines(x_vec[1:2], rep((win_dim[4] - 0.09*(win_dim[4] - win_dim[3])),2), col = 1)
axis(1, padj = 0.3)
y_axis = axis(2, labels = FALSE, tick = FALSE)
y_axis = y_axis[y_axis < (win_dim[4] - 0.09*(win_dim[4] - win_dim[3]))]
axis(2, padj = -0.2, at = y_axis)
abline(h = 0, lty = 1, lwd = 2)
# Plot CI
clim0 = 1/sqrt(n)*mult
rect(xleft = -2, ybottom = -clim0, xright = 2*x_range[2],
ytop = clim0, col = col_ci, lwd = 0)
# Plot PACF
segments(x0 = x_ticks, y0 = rep(0, x_range[2]), x1 = x_ticks, y1 = x2$PACF, lty = 1, lwd = 1)
#' @title Correlation Analysis Functions
#' @description Correlation Analysis function computes and plots both empirical ACF and PACF
#' of univariate time series.
#' @author Yunxiang Zhang
#' @param x A \code{vector} or \code{"ts"} object (of length \eqn{N > 1}).
#' @param lag.max A \code{integer} indicating the maximum lag up to which to compute the ACF and PACF functions.
#' @param type A \code{character} string giving the type of acf to be computed. Allowed values are "correlation" (the default) and "covariance".
#' @param demean A \code{bool} indicating whether the data should be detrended (\code{TRUE}) or not (\code{FALSE}). Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param A \code{bool} indicating whether to compute and show the confidence region. Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param alpha A \code{double} indicating the level of significance for the confidence interval. By default \code{alpha = 0.05} which gives a 1 - \code{alpha} = 0.95 confidence interval.
#' @param plot A \code{bool} indicating whether a plot of the computed quantities should be produced. Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param ... Additional parameters.
#' @return Two \code{array} objects (ACF and PACF) of dimension \eqn{N \times S \times S}{N x S x S}.
#' @rdname corr_analysis
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Estimate both the ACF and PACF functions
#' corr_analysis(datasets::AirPassengers)
corr_analysis = function(x, lag.max = NULL, type = "correlation", demean = TRUE, = TRUE, alpha = 0.05, plot = TRUE, ...){
if (type != "correlation" && type != "covariance"){
stop("Type not authorized. Allowed values correlation and covariance.")
# Compute ACF and PACF
acfe = auto_corr(x, lag.max = lag.max, type = type, demean = demean)
pacfe = PACF(x, lag.max = lag.max, type = type, demean = demean)
# Plots
if (plot){
par(mfrow = c(1,2))
plot(acfe, = TRUE, alpha = 0.05, main = "Empirical ACF", parValue = c(5.1, 4.5, 1,2))
plot(pacfe, = TRUE, alpha = 0.05, main = "Empirical PACF", parValue = c(5.1,3.85,1,2.1))
par(mfrow = c(1,1))
invisible(list("ACF" = acfe, "PACF" = pacfe))
#' @title Comparison of Classical and Robust Correlation Analysis Functions
#' @description Compare classical and robust ACF
#' of univariate time series.
#' @author Yunxiang Zhang
#' @param x A \code{vector} or \code{"ts"} object (of length \eqn{N > 1}).
#' @param lag.max A \code{integer} indicating the maximum lag up to which to compute the ACF and PACF functions.
#' @param demean A \code{bool} indicating whether the data should be detrended (\code{TRUE}) or not (\code{FALSE}). Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param A \code{bool} indicating whether to compute and show the confidence region. Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param alpha A \code{double} indicating the level of significance for the confidence interval. By default \code{alpha = 0.05} which gives a 1 - \code{alpha} = 0.95 confidence interval.
#' @param plot A \code{bool} indicating whether a plot of the computed quantities should be produced. Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param ... Additional parameters.
#' @rdname compare_acf
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Estimate both the ACF and PACF functions
#' compare_acf(datasets::AirPassengers)
compare_acf = function(x, lag.max = NULL, demean = TRUE, = TRUE, alpha = 0.05, plot = TRUE, ...){
# Compute ACF and PACF
acfe = auto_corr(x, lag.max = lag.max, demean = demean)
pacfe = auto_corr(x, lag.max = lag.max, demean = demean, robust = TRUE)
# Plots
if (plot){
par(mfrow = c(1,2))
plot(acfe, = TRUE, alpha = 0.05, main = "Empirical Classical ACF", parValue = c(5.1, 4.5, 1,2))
plot(pacfe, = TRUE, alpha = 0.05, main = "Empirical Robust ACF", parValue = c(5.1, 4.5, 1,2))
par(mfrow = c(1,1))
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