#' Unstandardised Difference Test
#' A test on the discrepancy between two tasks in a single case, by comparison
#' to the mean of discrepancies of the same two tasks in a control sample. Use
#' \emph{only} when the two tasks are measured on the same scale with the same
#' underlying distribution because no standardisation is performed on task
#' scores. As a rule-of-thumb, the UDT may be applicable to pairs of tasks for
#' which it would be sensible to perform a paired t-test within the control
#' group. Calculates however a standardised effect size in the same manner as
#' \code{\link{RSDT}()}. This is original behaviour from Crawford and Garthwaite
#' (2005) but might not be appropriate. So use this standardised effect size
#' with caution. Calculates a standardised effect size of task discrepancy as
#' well as a point estimate of the proportion of the control population that
#' would be expected to show a more extreme discrepancy and respective
#' confidence intervals.
#' Running  \code{UDT} is equivalent to running \code{TD} on discrepancy scores
#' making it possible to run unstandardised tests with covariates by applying
#' \code{BTD_cov} to discrepancy scores.
#' @param case_a Case's score on task A.
#' @param case_b Case's score on task B.
#' @param controls_a Controls' scores on task A. Takes either a vector of
#'   observations or a single value interpreted as mean. \emph{Note}: you can
#'   supply a vector as input for task A while mean and SD for task B.
#' @param controls_b Controls' scores on task B. Takes either a vector of
#'   observations or a single value interpreted as mean. \emph{Note}: you can
#'   supply a vector as input for task B while mean and SD for task A.
#' @param sd_a If single value for task A is given as input you must
#'   supply the standard deviation of the sample.
#' @param sd_b If single value for task B is given as input you must
#'   supply the standard deviation of the sample.
#' @param sample_size If A or B is given as mean and SD you must supply the
#'   sample size. If controls_a is given as vector and controls_b as mean and
#'   SD, sample_size must equal the number of observations in controls_a.
#' @param r_ab If A and/or B is given as mean and SD you must supply the
#'   correlation between the tasks.
#' @param alternative A character string specifying the alternative hypothesis,
#'   must be one of \code{"two.sided"} (default), \code{"greater"} or
#'   \code{"less"}. You can specify just the initial letter. Since the direction
#'   of the expected effect depends on which task is set as A and which is set
#'   as B, be very careful if changing this parameter.
#' @param conf_int Initiates a search algorithm for finding confidence
#'   intervals. Defaults to \code{TRUE}, set to \code{FALSE} for faster
#'   calculation (e.g. for simulations).
#' @param conf_level Level of confidence for intervals, defaults to 95\%.
#' @param conf_int_spec The size of iterative steps for calculating confidence
#'   intervals. Smaller values gives more precise intervals but takes longer to
#'   calculate. Defaults to a specificity of 0.01.
#' @param na.rm Remove \code{NA}s from controls.
#' @return A list with class \code{"htest"} containing the following components:
#'   \tabular{llll}{ \code{statistic}   \tab the t-statistic. \cr\cr
#'   \code{parameter} \tab the degrees of freedom for the t-statistic.\cr\cr
#'   \code{p.value}    \tab the p-value of the test.\cr\cr \code{estimate} \tab
#'   unstandardised case scores, task difference and pont estimate of proportion
#'   control population expected to above or below the observed task difference.
#'   \cr\cr \code{control.desc}   \tab named numerical with descriptive
#'   statistics of the control samples. \cr\cr \code{null.value}   \tab the
#'   value of the difference under the null hypothesis.\cr\cr
#'   \code{alternative}     \tab a character string describing the alternative
#'   hypothesis.\cr\cr \code{method} \tab a character string indicating what
#'   type of test was performed.\cr\cr \code{data.name} \tab a character string
#'   giving the name(s) of the data}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' UDT(-3.857, -1.875, controls_a = 0, controls_b = 0, sd_a = 1,
#' sd_b = 1, sample_size = 20, r_ab = 0.68)
#' UDT(case_a = size_weight_illusion[1, "V_SWI"], case_b = size_weight_illusion[1, "K_SWI"],
#'  controls_a = size_weight_illusion[-1, "V_SWI"], controls_b = size_weight_illusion[-1, "K_SWI"])
#' @references
#' Crawford, J. R., & Garthwaite, P. H. (2005). Testing for
#' Suspected Impairments and Dissociations in Single-Case Studies in
#' Neuropsychology: Evaluation of Alternatives Using Monte Carlo Simulations and
#' Revised Tests for Dissociations. \emph{Neuropsychology, 19}(3), 318 - 331.
#' \doi{10.1037/0894-4105.19.3.318}

UDT <- function (case_a, case_b, controls_a, controls_b,
                 sd_a = NULL, sd_b = NULL,
                 sample_size = NULL, r_ab = NULL,
                 alternative = c("two.sided", "greater", "less"),
                 conf_int = TRUE, conf_level = 0.95,
                 conf_int_spec = 0.01,
                 na.rm = FALSE) {

  # Set up of error and warning messages

  case_a <- as.numeric(unlist(case_a))
  controls_a <- as.numeric(unlist(controls_a))

  case_b <- as.numeric(unlist(case_b))
  controls_b <- as.numeric(unlist(controls_b))

  if (length(case_a) > 1 | length(case_b) > 1) stop("Case scores should be single value")
  if (length(controls_a) > 1 & length(controls_b) > 1) {
    if (length(controls_a) != length(controls_b)) stop("Sample sizes must be equal")

  if (length(controls_a) > 1 & length(controls_b) > 1 & is.null(sample_size) == FALSE) message("Value on sample_size will be ignored")

  if (length(controls_a) > 1 & is.null(sd_a) == FALSE) message("Value on sd_a will be ignored")
  if (length(controls_b) > 1 & is.null(sd_b) == FALSE) message("Value on sd_b will be ignored")
  if (length(controls_a) == 1 & is.null(sd_a) == TRUE) stop("Please give sd and n on task A if controls_a is to be treated as mean")
  if (length(controls_b) == 1 & is.null(sd_b) == TRUE) stop("Please give sd and n on task B if controls_b is to be treated as mean")
  if (conf_int == TRUE & (conf_level < 0 | conf_level >= 1)) stop("Confident level must be between 0 and < 1")

  # Handling of NA use cases below
  if(is.na(case_a) == TRUE | is.na(case_b) == TRUE) stop("One or both case scores is NA")

  if (na.rm == TRUE) {
    if (sum(is.na(controls_a))  > 0 & sum(is.na(controls_b)) == 0 ) {
      controls_b <- controls_b[!is.na(controls_a)]
      controls_a <- controls_a[!is.na(controls_a)]
      warning("Removal of NAs on controls_a resulted in removal of non-NAs on controls_b")

    if (sum(is.na(controls_b))  > 0 & sum(is.na(controls_a)) == 0 ) {
      controls_a <- controls_a[!is.na(controls_b)]
      controls_b <- controls_b[!is.na(controls_b)]
      warning("Removal of NAs on controls_b resulted in removal of non-NAs on controls_a")

    if (sum(is.na(controls_b))  > 0 & sum(is.na(controls_a)) > 0 ) {

      if (identical(!is.na(controls_a), !is.na(controls_b)) == TRUE) {
        controls_a <- controls_a[!is.na(controls_a)]
        controls_b <- controls_b[!is.na(controls_b)]
      } else {
        con_a <- controls_a[!is.na(controls_a) & !is.na(controls_b)]
        con_b <- controls_b[!is.na(controls_a) & !is.na(controls_b)]

        controls_a <- con_a
        controls_b <- con_b

        warning("Removal of NAs on one control sample resulted in removal of non-NAs on the other")


  if (sum(is.na(controls_a)) > 0 | sum(is.na(controls_b)) > 0) stop("Controls contains NA, set na.rm = TRUE to proceed")
  # End of NA use cases

  if (length(controls_a) > 1 & length(controls_b) > 1) {
    if (length(controls_a) != length(controls_b)) stop("Sample sizes must be equal")

  # Extract relevant statistics and set up further errors

  alternative <- match.arg(alternative)

  con_m_a <- mean(controls_a) # Mean of the control sample on task x
  con_m_b <- mean(controls_b) # Mean of the control sample on task y

  con_sd_a <- stats::sd(controls_a) # Standard deviation of the control sample on task x
  if (length(controls_a) == 1 & is.null(sd_a) == FALSE) con_sd_a <- sd_a

  con_sd_b <- stats::sd(controls_b) # Standard deviation of the control sample on task y
  if (length(controls_b) == 1 & is.null(sd_b) == FALSE) con_sd_b <- sd_b

  # Since controls x and y need to be of equal length n is the length of any of them
  n <- length(controls_a)
  if (length(controls_a) == 1 | length(controls_b) == 1) {
    if (is.null(sample_size) == TRUE) stop("Please set sample size")
    n <- sample_size
    if (length(controls_a) > 1 & n != length(controls_a)) stop("Sample sizes must be equal")
    if (length(controls_b) > 1 & n != length(controls_b)) stop("Sample sizes must be equal")

  if (is.null(r_ab) == TRUE & length(controls_a) == 1) stop("Please set correlation between tasks")
  if (is.null(r_ab) == TRUE & length(controls_b) == 1) stop("Please set correlation between tasks")

  if (is.null(r_ab) == FALSE){
    if (r_ab < -1 | r_ab > 1) stop("Correlation must be between -1 and 1")

  r <- r_ab

  if (length(controls_a) > 1 & length(controls_b) > 1) r <- stats::cor(controls_a, controls_b)

  df <- n - 1

  def_a <- (case_a - con_m_a)
  def_b <- (case_b - con_m_b)

  dif <- (def_a - def_b)

  std.er <- sqrt(
    (con_sd_a^2 + con_sd_b^2 - 2*con_sd_a*con_sd_b*r) * ((n + 1) / n)

  tstat <- dif/std.er # t statistic for the difference
  names(tstat) <- "t"

  # Get p-value

  if (alternative == "two.sided") {
    pval <- 2 * stats::pt(abs(tstat), df = df, lower.tail = FALSE)
  } else if (alternative == "greater") {
    pval <- stats::pt(tstat, df = df, lower.tail = FALSE)
  } else { # I.e. if alternative == "less"
    pval <- stats::pt(tstat, df = df, lower.tail = TRUE)

  # Calculate standardised effect sizes

  z_a <- (case_a - con_m_a)/con_sd_a
  z_b <- (case_b - con_m_b)/con_sd_b

  zdcc <- (z_a - z_b)/sqrt(2-2*r)

  estimate <- c(def_a, def_b, zdcc, ifelse(alternative == "two.sided", (pval/2*100), pval*100))

  # Find the confidence boundaries

  if (conf_int == T) {

    # Below is a search algorithm to find the non-centrality parameter of two non-central t-distributions
    # which have their alpha/2 and 1-alpha/2 percentile at the std effect size * sqrt(n), respectively.
    # These non-centrality paramters / sqrt(n) are then taken as the limits of the CIs.
    # Method described in Crawford and Garthwaite (2002).

    alph <- 1 - conf_level

    stop_ci_lo <- FALSE
    ncp_lo <- zdcc*sqrt(n)
    perc_lo <- 1 - (alph/2)
    while (stop_ci_lo == FALSE) {

      # Here we search downwards with each step being as big as specified in conf_int_spec
      ncp_lo <- ncp_lo - conf_int_spec

      suppressWarnings( # Depending on ncp and percentile qt gives approximations, which produces warnings
        quant <- stats::qt(perc_lo, df = df, ncp = ncp_lo)

      if (quant <= zdcc*sqrt(n)) { # When the specified quantile reaches zcc*sqrt(n) the search stops
        stop_ci_lo <- TRUE

    stop_ci_up <- FALSE
    ncp_up <- zdcc*sqrt(n)
    perc_up <- (alph/2)
    while (stop_ci_up == FALSE) {

      # Here we search upwards with each step being as big as specified in conf_int_spec
      ncp_up <- ncp_up + conf_int_spec

      suppressWarnings( # Depending on ncp and percentile qt gives approximations, which produces warnings
        quant <- stats::qt(perc_up, df = df, ncp = ncp_up)

      if (quant >= zdcc*sqrt(n)) { # Wen the specified quantile reaches zcc*sqrt(n) the search stops
        stop_ci_up <- TRUE

    ci_lo_zdcc <- ncp_lo/sqrt(n)
    ci_up_zdcc <- ncp_up/sqrt(n)
    cint_zdcc <- c(ci_lo_zdcc, ci_up_zdcc)

    # Set the name of the zcc estimate so that the CI is shown for print()

    zdcc.name <- paste0("Std. task discrepancy (Z-DCC), ",
                       100*conf_level, "% CI [",
                       format(round(cint_zdcc[1], 2), nsmall = 2),", ",
                       format(round(cint_zdcc[2], 2), nsmall = 2),"]")

    # Get CIs for p-estimates, and set the names

    if (alternative == "less") {

      ci_lo_p <- stats::pnorm(ci_lo_zdcc)*100
      ci_up_p <- stats::pnorm(ci_up_zdcc)*100
      cint_p <- c(ci_lo_p, ci_up_p)

      p.name <- paste0("Proportion below case (%), ",
                       100*conf_level, "% CI [",
                       format(round(cint_p[1], 2), nsmall = 2),", ",
                       format(round(cint_p[2], 2), nsmall = 2),"]")

    } else if (alternative == "greater") {

      ci_lo_p <- (1 - stats::pnorm(ci_lo_zdcc))*100
      ci_up_p <- (1 - stats::pnorm(ci_up_zdcc))*100

      # NOTE (!): Because of right side of dist, lower and upper CI must switch to
      # be consistent with lower CI to the left and upper to the right in output
      cint_p <- c(ci_up_p, ci_lo_p)

      p.name <- paste0("Proportion above case (%), ",
                       100*conf_level, "% CI [",
                       format(round(cint_p[1], 2), nsmall = 2),", ",
                       format(round(cint_p[2], 2), nsmall = 2),"]")

    } else { # I.e. two-sided
      if (tstat < 0) {

        ci_lo_p <- stats::pnorm(ci_lo_zdcc)*100
        ci_up_p <- stats::pnorm(ci_up_zdcc)*100
        cint_p <- c(ci_lo_p, ci_up_p)

        p.name <- paste0("Proportion below case (%), ",
                         100*conf_level, "% CI [",
                         format(round(cint_p[1], 2), nsmall = 2),", ",
                         format(round(cint_p[2], 2), nsmall = 2),"]")

      } else {

        ci_lo_p <- (1 - stats::pnorm(ci_lo_zdcc))*100
        ci_up_p <- (1 - stats::pnorm(ci_up_zdcc))*100

        # NOTE (!): Because of right side of dist, lower and upper CI must switch to
        # be consistent with lower CI to the left and upper to the right in output
        cint_p <- c(ci_up_p, ci_lo_p)

        p.name <- paste0("Proportion above case (%), ",
                         100*conf_level, "% CI [",
                         format(round(cint_p[1], 2), nsmall = 2),", ",
                         format(round(cint_p[2], 2), nsmall = 2),"]")

    # Set names for the CI stored in the output

    names(cint_zdcc) <- c("Lower Z-DCC CI", "Upper Z-DCC CI")
    names(cint_p) <- c("Lower p CI", "Upper p CI")

    typ.int <- 100*conf_level
    names(typ.int) <- "Confidence (%)"

    interval <- c(typ.int, cint_zdcc, cint_p)

    names(estimate) <- c("Std. case score, task A (Z-CC)",
                         "Std. case score, task B (Z-CC)",

  } else {

    # If CI is not desired

    interval <- NULL

    if (alternative == "two.sided") {
      p.name <- paste("Proportion", ifelse(tstat < 0, "below", "above"), "case (%)")
    } else if (alternative == "greater") {
      p.name <- "Proportion above case (%)"
    } else {
      p.name <- "Proportion below case (%)"

    names(estimate) <- c("Std. case score, task A (Z-CC)",
                         "Std. case score, task B (Z-CC)",
                         "Std. discrepancy (Z-DCC)",


  # Set names for objects in output

  names(df) <- "df"
  null.value <- 0 # Null hypothesis: difference = 0
  names(null.value) <- "difference between tasks"
  dname <- paste0("Case A: ", format(round(case_a, 2), nsmall = 2), ", ",
                  "B: ", format(round(case_b, 2), nsmall = 2), ", ",
                  "Ctrl. A (m, sd): (", format(round(con_m_a, 2), nsmall = 2), ", ",format(round(con_sd_a, 2), nsmall = 2), "), ",
                  "B: (", format(round(con_m_b, 2), nsmall = 2), ", ",format(round(con_sd_b, 2), nsmall = 2), ")")

  names(con_m_a) <- "Mean A"
  names(con_m_b) <- "Mean B"
  names(con_sd_a) <- "SD A"
  names(con_sd_b) <- "SD B"
  names(n) <- "Sample size"
  control.desc <- c(con_m_a, con_m_b, con_sd_a, con_sd_b, n)

  # Build output to be able to set class as "htest" object for S3 methods.
  # See documentation for "htest" class for more info
  output <- list(statistic = tstat,
                 parameter = df,
                 p.value = pval,
                 estimate = estimate,
                 interval = interval,
                 control.desc = control.desc,
                 null.value = null.value,
                 alternative = alternative,
                 method = paste("Unstandardised Difference Test"),
                 data.name = dname)

  class(output) <- "htest"


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