
trList <-
    Class    = "trList",
    fields   = list(
      data     = "list",
      nperiods = "integer"),
    methods  = list(
      getTrees = function(i, j = (1:(nperiods+1))){
        'Gets tree(s) i info all fields.
                           j defines the columns or period names, by default it selects all
                          It does not display it, just passes the value'
        ## I think i only works when is numeric (not TRUE/FALSE)
        are.data.frame <-  sapply(data, "is.data.frame")
        ## create same structure as data
        x <- list()
        x[names(data) [!are.data.frame]] <- 
          sapply(data[!are.data.frame], "[", i, simplify = FALSE)
        x[names(data) [are.data.frame]] <-
          sapply(data[are.data.frame], "[",
                 i = i,
                 j = j,
                 simplify = FALSE, drop = FALSE)
      extractTrees = function(i){
        'Extract tree(s). Removes tree data from the tree list and
                           returns (invisible) the data for the trees'
        are.data.frame <-  sapply(data, "is.data.frame")
        ## get trees' data
        x <- getTrees(i)
        ## remove trees
        data[!are.data.frame] <<-
          sapply(data[!are.data.frame], "[", -i, simplify = FALSE)
        data[names(data) [are.data.frame]] <<-
          sapply(data[are.data.frame], "[",
                 i = -i,
                 j = (1:(nperiods+1)),
                 simplify = FALSE, drop = FALSE)
      addTrees = function(value){
        'add new trees to existing trList object'
        ## I need to add some object validation for value
        if(!is.list(value)){stop("Error the new data should be a list")}
        if(!all( names(data) %in% names(value))){
          stop("Error: missing elements in the list")}
        if(sum(names(data) != names(value)) > 0){
          stop("The elements of the list are not in the correct order")}
        data <<- mapply(toBindLists, x = data, y = value,
                        SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
      show = function() {
        'Method for automatically printing matrix editors'
        cat("Reference tree list object of class",
            classLabel(class(.self)), "\n")
        cat("Data: \n")
        cat("Showing the first 20 trees \n")
        for ( my.var in names(data)){
          if (is.data.frame(data[[my.var]])){
            cat(my.var); cat(" \n")
            print(data[[my.var]] [1:20,])
          } else {
            cat(my.var); cat(" \n"); print(data[[my.var]] [1:20])
          cat(" \n")
      as.list = function(){
        'Method for converting to class list'
          i = 1:length(data$plot.id)
        , j = 1:(nperiods+1)

## This class builds on the TreeList (trList) class.
## This classs is meant to keep the info of the dead trees in a very
## similar way as the live trees but with some extra info such as diameter
## and height at last measurement (1/2 of the BAi predicted)

trListDead <- setRefClass(Class    = "trListDead",
                          contains = "trList",
                          fields   = list( last.measurement     = "data.frame"),
                          methods  = list(
                            remove.next.period = function(next.period){
                              are.data.frame <-  sapply(data, "is.data.frame")
                              ## NEXT.PERIOD TO ZERO
                              fn.zero <- function(x, next.period){
                                x[, next.period] <- 0
                              data[are.data.frame ] <<-
                                  FUN         = fn.zero,
                                  next.period = next.period,
                                  simplify    = FALSE
                              data$yrs.sim <<- data$yrs.sim - 2.5
                            addTrees = function(value){
                              ## I need to add some object validation for value
                              data <<- mapply(toBindLists,
                                              x = data,
                                              y = value$data[names(data)],
                                              SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
                              last.measurement <<- rbind(last.measurement,
                            last.time.alive = function(){
                              ## calculate when dead trees where last alive
                              last.zero <- function(x){
                              dum <- as.matrix(data$dbh.mm) == 0
                              dum <- apply(dum, 1, last.zero)

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sitree documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:03 a.m.