
Defines functions eval_design_survival_mc

Documented in eval_design_survival_mc

#'@title Evaluate Power for Survival Design
#'@description Evaluates power for an experimental design in which the response variable may be
#'right- or left-censored. Power is evaluated with a Monte Carlo simulation,
#'using the \code{survival} package and \code{survreg} to fit the data. Split-plot designs are not supported.
#'@param design The experimental design. Internally, all numeric columns will be rescaled to [-1, +1].
#'@param model The model used in evaluating the design. If this is missing and the design
#'was generated with skpr, the generating model will be used. It can be a subset of the model used to
#'generate the design, or include higher order effects not in the original design generation. It cannot include
#'factors that are not present in the experimental design.
#'@param alpha Default `0.05`. The type-I error. p-values less than this will be counted as significant.
#'@param nsim The number of simulations. Default 1000.
#'@param distribution Distribution of survival function to use when fitting the data. Valid choices are described
#'in the documentation for \code{survreg}. \emph{Supported} options are
#'"exponential", "lognormal", or "gaussian". Default "gaussian".
#'@param censorpoint The point after/before (for right-censored or left-censored data, respectively)
#'which data should be labelled as censored. Default NA for no censoring. This argument is
#'used only by the internal random number generators; if you supply your own function to
#'the \code{rfunctionsurv} parameter, then this parameter will be ignored.
#'@param censortype The type of censoring (either "left" or "right"). Default "right".
#'@param rfunctionsurv Random number generator function. Should be a function of the form f(X, b), where X is the
#'model matrix and b are the anticipated coefficients. This function should return a \code{Surv} object from
#'the \code{survival} package. You do not need to provide this argument if \code{distribution} is one of
#' the supported choices and you are satisfied with the default behavior described below.
#'@param anticoef The anticipated coefficients for calculating the power. If missing, coefficients
#'will be automatically generated based on the \code{effectsize} argument.
#'@param effectsize Helper argument to generate anticipated coefficients. See details for more info.
#'If you specify \code{anticoef}, \code{effectsize} will be ignored.
#'@param contrasts Default \code{contr.sum}. Function used to encode categorical variables in the model matrix. If the user has specified their own contrasts
#'for a categorical factor using the contrasts function, those will be used. Otherwise, skpr will use contr.sum.
#'@param parallel Default `FALSE`. If `TRUE`, the power simulation will use all but one of the available cores.
#' If the user wants to set the number of cores manually, they can do this by setting `options("cores")` to the desired number (e.g. `options("cores" = parallel::detectCores())`).
#' NOTE: If you have installed BLAS libraries that include multicore support (e.g. Intel MKL that comes with Microsoft R Open), turning on parallel could result in reduced performance.
#'@param detailedoutput Default `FALSE`. If `TRUE`, return additional information about evaluation in results.
#'@param progress Default `TRUE`. Whether to include a progress bar.
#'@param advancedoptions Default `NULL`. Named list of advanced options. Pass `progressBarUpdater` to include function called in non-parallel simulations that can be used to update external progress bar.
#'`advancedoptions$ci_error_conf` will set the confidence level for power intervals, which are printed when `detailedoutput = TRUE`.
#'@param ... Any additional arguments to be passed into the \code{survreg} function during fitting.
#'@return A data frame consisting of the parameters and their powers. The parameter estimates from the simulations are
#'stored in the 'estimates' attribute. The 'modelmatrix' attribute contains the model matrix and the encoding used for
#'categorical factors. If you manually specify anticipated coefficients, do so in the order of the model matrix.
#'@import foreach doParallel stats iterators doFuture
#'@details Evaluates the power of a design with Monte Carlo simulation. Data is simulated and then fit
#'with a survival model (\code{survival::survreg}), and the fraction of simulations in which a parameter
#'is significant
#'(its p-value is less than the specified \code{alpha})
#'is the estimate of power for that parameter.
#'If not supplied by the user, \code{rfunctionsurv} will be generated based on the \code{distribution}
#'argument as follows:
#'\bold{distribution}  \tab \bold{generating function} \cr
#'"gaussian"                  \tab \code{rnorm(mean = X \%*\% b, sd = 1)}           \cr
#'"exponential"               \tab \code{rexp(rate = exp(-X \%*\% b))}           \cr
#'"lognormal"                 \tab \code{rlnorm(meanlog = X \%*\% b, sdlog = 1)}           \cr
#'In each case, if a simulated data point is past the censorpoint (greater than for right-censored, less than for
#'left-censored) it is marked as censored. See the examples below for how to construct your own function.
#'Power is dependent on the anticipated coefficients. You can specify those directly with the \code{anticoef}
#'argument, or you can use the \code{effectsize} argument to specify an effect size and \code{skpr} will auto-generate them.
#'You can provide either a length-1 or length-2 vector. If you provide a length-1 vector, the anticipated
#'coefficients will be half of \code{effectsize}; this is equivalent to saying that the \emph{linear predictor}
#'(for a gaussian model, the mean response; for an exponential model or lognormal model,
#'the log of the mean value)
#'changes by \code{effectsize} when a continuous factor goes from its lowest level to its highest level. If you provide a
#'length-2 vector, the anticipated coefficients will be set such that the \emph{mean response} changes from
#'\code{effectsize[1]} to \code{effectsize[2]} when a factor goes from its lowest level to its highest level, assuming
#'that the other factors are inactive (their x-values are zero).
#'The effect of a length-2 \code{effectsize} depends on the \code{distribution} argument as follows:
#'For \code{distribution = 'gaussian'}, the coefficients are set to \code{(effectsize[2] - effectsize[1]) / 2}.
#'For \code{distribution = 'exponential'} or \code{'lognormal'},
#'the intercept will be
#'\code{1 / 2 * (log(effectsize[2]) + log(effectsize[1]))},
#'and the other coefficients will be
#'\code{1 / 2 * (log(effectsize[2]) - log(effectsize[1]))}.
#'@examples #These examples focus on the survival analysis case and assume familiarity
#'#with the basic functionality of eval_design_mc.
#'#We first generate a simple 2-level design using expand.grid:
#'basicdesign = expand.grid(a = c(-1, 1))
#'design = gen_design(candidateset = basicdesign, model = ~a, trials = 15)
#'#We can then evaluate the power of the design in the same way as eval_design_mc,
#'#now including the type of censoring (either right or left) and the point at which
#'#the data should be censored:
#'eval_design_survival_mc(design = design, model = ~a, alpha = 0.05,
#'                         nsim = 100, distribution = "exponential",
#'                         censorpoint = 5, censortype = "right")
#'#Built-in Monte Carlo random generating functions are included for the gaussian, exponential,
#'#and lognormal distributions.
#'#We can also evaluate different censored distributions by specifying a custom
#'#random generating function and changing the distribution argument.
#'rlognorm = function(X, b) {
#'   Y = rlnorm(n = nrow(X), meanlog = X %*% b, sdlog = 0.4)
#'   censored = Y > 1.2
#'   Y[censored] = 1.2
#'   return(survival::Surv(time = Y, event = !censored, type = "right"))
#'#Any additional arguments are passed into the survreg function call.  As an example, you
#'#might want to fix the "scale" argument to survreg, when fitting a lognormal:
#'eval_design_survival_mc(design = design, model = ~a, alpha = 0.2, nsim = 100,
#'                         distribution = "lognormal", rfunctionsurv = rlognorm,
#'                         anticoef = c(0.184, 0.101), scale = 0.4)
eval_design_survival_mc = function(design, model = NULL, alpha = 0.05,
                                   nsim = 1000, distribution = "gaussian", censorpoint = NA, censortype = "right",
                                   rfunctionsurv = NULL, anticoef = NULL, effectsize = 2, contrasts = contr.sum,
                                   parallel = FALSE, detailedoutput = FALSE, progress = TRUE, advancedoptions = NULL, ...) {
  if(missing(design)) {
    stop("skpr: No design detected in arguments.")
  if(!is.null(getOption("skpr_progress"))) {
    progress = getOption("skpr_progress")
  if(missing(model) || (is.numeric(model) && missing(alpha))) {
    if(is.numeric(model) && missing(alpha)) {
      alpha = model
    if(is.null(attr(design,"generating.model"))) {
      stop("skpr: No model detected in arguments or in design attributes.")
    } else {
      model = attr(design,"generating.model")
  args = list(...)
  if ("RunMatrix" %in% names(args)) {
    stop("skpr: RunMatrix argument deprecated. Use `design` instead.")
  #detect pre-set contrasts
  presetcontrasts = list()
  for (x in names(design)[lapply(design, class) %in% c("character", "factor")]) {
    if (!is.null(attr(design[[x]], "contrasts"))) {
      presetcontrasts[[x]] = attr(design[[x]], "contrasts")

  if (!is.null(advancedoptions)) {
    if (is.null(advancedoptions$GUI)) {
      advancedoptions$GUI = FALSE
    if (!is.null(advancedoptions$progressBarUpdater)) {
      progressBarUpdater = advancedoptions$progressBarUpdater
    } else {
      progressBarUpdater = NULL
  } else {
    advancedoptions = list()
    advancedoptions$GUI = FALSE
    progressBarUpdater = NULL
  if(is.null(advancedoptions$ci_error_conf)) {
    advancedoptions$ci_error_conf = 0.95
  if (attr(terms.formula(model, data = design), "intercept") == 1) {
    nointercept = FALSE
  } else {
    nointercept = TRUE

  #Remove skpr-generated REML blocking indicators if present
  run_matrix_processed = remove_skpr_blockcols(design)

  #covert tibbles
  run_matrix_processed = as.data.frame(run_matrix_processed)

  #----- Convert dots in formula to terms -----#
  model = convert_model_dots(run_matrix_processed, model)

  #----- Rearrange formula terms by order -----#
  model = rearrange_formula_by_order(model, data = run_matrix_processed)

  #Generating random generation function for survival. If no censorpoint specified, return all uncensored.
  if (is.na(censorpoint)) {
    censorfunction = function(data, point) rep(FALSE, length(data))
  if (censortype == "left" && !is.na(censorpoint)) {
    censorfunction = function(data, point) data < point
  if (censortype == "right" && !is.na(censorpoint)) {
    censorfunction = function(data, point) data > point

  if (is.null(rfunctionsurv)) {
    if (distribution == "exponential") {
      if(!is.na(censorpoint) && censorpoint <= 0) {
        stop("For an exponential distribution, `censorpoint` must be greater than zero.")
      rfunctionsurv = function(X, b) {
        Y = rexp(n = nrow(X), rate = exp(-(X %*% b)))
        condition = censorfunction(Y, censorpoint)
        Y[condition] = censorpoint
        return(survival::Surv(time = Y, event = !condition, type = censortype))
    if (distribution == "lognormal") {
      if(!is.na(censorpoint) && censorpoint <= 0) {
        stop("For an lognormal distribution, `censorpoint` must be greater than zero.")
      rfunctionsurv = function(X, b) {
        Y = rlnorm(n = nrow(X), meanlog = X %*% b, sdlog = 1)
        condition = censorfunction(Y, censorpoint)
        Y[condition] = censorpoint
        return(survival::Surv(time = Y, event = !condition, type = censortype))
    if (distribution == "gaussian") {
      rfunctionsurv = function(X, b) {
        Y = rnorm(n = nrow(X), mean = X %*% b, sd = 1)
        condition = censorfunction(Y, censorpoint)
        Y[condition] = censorpoint
        return(survival::Surv(time = Y, event = !condition, type = censortype))

  #------Normalize/Center numeric columns ------#
  run_matrix_processed = normalize_design(run_matrix_processed)

  #---------- Generating model matrix ----------#
  #remove columns from variables not used in the model
  RunMatrixReduced = reduceRunMatrix(run_matrix_processed, model)

  contrastslist = list()
  for (x in names(RunMatrixReduced)[lapply(RunMatrixReduced, class) %in% c("character", "factor")]) {
    if (!(x %in% names(presetcontrasts))) {
      contrastslist[[x]] = contrasts
      stats::contrasts(RunMatrixReduced[[x]]) = contrasts
    } else {
      contrastslist[[x]] = presetcontrasts[[x]]
  if (length(contrastslist) < 1) {
    contrastslist = NULL

  ModelMatrix = model.matrix(model, RunMatrixReduced, contrasts.arg = contrastslist)
  #We'll need the parameter and effect names for output
  parameter_names = colnames(ModelMatrix)

  # autogenerate anticipated coefficients
  if (!missing(anticoef) && !missing(effectsize)) {
    warning("User defined anticipated coefficients (anticoef) detected; ignoring effectsize argument.")
  if (missing(anticoef)) {
    default_coef = gen_anticoef(RunMatrixReduced, model, nointercept)
    anticoef = anticoef_from_delta_surv(default_coef, effectsize, distribution)
    if (!("(Intercept)" %in% colnames(ModelMatrix))) {
      anticoef = anticoef[-1]
  if (length(anticoef) != dim(ModelMatrix)[2]) {
    stop("skpr: Wrong number of anticipated coefficients")

  nparam = ncol(ModelMatrix)
  RunMatrixReduced$Y = 1

  #---------------- Run Simulations ---------------#

  num_updates = min(c(nsim, 200))
  progressbarupdates = floor(seq(1, nsim, length.out = num_updates))
  progresscurrent = 1
  pvallist = list()
  estimates = matrix(0, nrow = nsim, ncol = nparam)

  if (!parallel) {
    power_values = rep(0, ncol(ModelMatrix))
    if(interactive() && progress) {
      pb = progress::progress_bar$new(format = sprintf("  Calculating Power [:bar] (:current/:total, :tick_rate sim/s) ETA: :eta"),
                                      total = nsim, clear = TRUE, width= 100)
    for (j in seq_len(nsim)) {
      if (advancedoptions$GUI && !is.null(progressBarUpdater)) {
          #This code is to slow down the number of updates in the Shiny app--if there
          #are too many updates, the progress bar will lag behind the actual computation
        if (j %in% progressbarupdates) {
          progressBarUpdater(1 / num_updates)
      #simulate the data.
      anticoef_adjusted = anticoef

      RunMatrixReduced$Y = rfunctionsurv(ModelMatrix, anticoef_adjusted)

      model_formula = update.formula(model, Y ~ .)

      #fit a model to the simulated data.
      fit = suppressWarnings(
          survival::survreg(model_formula, data = RunMatrixReduced, dist = distribution, ...)

      #determine whether beta[i] is significant. If so, increment nsignificant
      pvals = extractPvalues(fit)[seq_len(ncol(ModelMatrix))]
      pvals = pvals[order(factor(names(pvals), levels = parameter_names))]
      pvals[is.na(pvals)] = 1
      stopifnot(all(names(pvals) == parameter_names))
      pvallist[[j]] = pvals
      power_values[pvals < alpha] = power_values[pvals < alpha] + 1
      estimates[j, ] = coef(fit)
    power_values = power_values / nsim
    pvals = do.call(rbind, pvallist)
    if(interactive() && progress && !advancedoptions$GUI) {
  } else {
    if(!getOption("skpr_progress", TRUE)) {
      progressbarupdates = c()
    if(!advancedoptions$GUI && progress) {
      set_up_progressr_handler("Evaluating", "sims")
    nc =  future::nbrOfWorkers()
    run_search = function(iterations, is_shiny, surv_args) {
      prog = progressr::progressor(steps = nsim)
      foreach::foreach(i = iterations,
                       .errorhandling = "remove",
                       .options.future = list(packages = "survival",
                                              globals  = c("extractPvalues", "rfunctionsurv", "parameter_names", "progress", "progressbarupdates",
                                                            "model", "distribution", "RunMatrixReduced", "ModelMatrix", "anticoef" ,"nc", "prog",
                                                            "is_shiny", "num_updates", "nsim", "alpha", "surv_args"),
                                              seed = TRUE)) %dofuture% {
        if(i %in% progressbarupdates) {
          if(is_shiny) {
            prog(sprintf(" (%i workers) ", nc), amount = nsim/num_updates)
          } else {
            prog(amount = nsim/num_updates)
        power_values = rep(0, ncol(ModelMatrix))
        #simulate the data.

        RunMatrixReduced$Y = rfunctionsurv(ModelMatrix, anticoef)

        model_formula = update.formula(model, Y ~ .)

        surv_args$formula = model_formula
        surv_args$data = RunMatrixReduced
        surv_args$dist = distribution

        # fit a model to the simulated data.
        fit = suppressWarnings(
            do.call("survreg", args = surv_args)

        #determine whether beta[i] is significant. If so, increment nsignificant
        pvals = extractPvalues(fit)[seq_len(ncol(ModelMatrix))]
        pvals = pvals[order(factor(names(pvals), levels = parameter_names))]
        stopifnot(all(names(pvals) == parameter_names))
        pvals[is.na(pvals)] = 1
        power_values[pvals < alpha] = 1
        estimates = coef(fit)
        list("parameterpower" = power_values, "estimates" = estimates, "pvals" = pvals)
    power_estimates = run_search(seq_len(nsim), advancedoptions$GUI, args)
    power_values = apply(do.call("rbind",lapply(power_estimates,\(x) x$parameterpower)), 2, sum) / nsim
    pvals = do.call("rbind",lapply(power_estimates,\(x) x$pvals))
    estimates = do.call("rbind",lapply(power_estimates,\(x) x$estimates))
  #output the results (tidy data format)
  retval = data.frame(parameter = parameter_names,
                      type = "parameter.power.mc",
                      power = power_values)
  colnames(estimates) = parameter_names
  attr(retval, "estimates") = estimates
  attr(retval, "modelmatrix") = ModelMatrix
  attr(retval, "anticoef") = anticoef
  attr(retval, "pvals") = pvals
  attr(retval, "alpha") = alpha
  attr(retval, "runmatrix") = RunMatrixReduced

  if (detailedoutput) {
    if (nrow(retval) != length(anticoef)){
      retval$anticoef = c(rep(NA, nrow(retval) - length(anticoef)), anticoef)
    } else {
      retval$anticoef = anticoef
    retval$alpha = alpha
    retval$trials = nrow(run_matrix_processed)
    retval$nsim = nsim
    retval = add_ci_bounds_mc_power(retval, nsim = nsim, conf =  advancedoptions$ci_error_conf)
    attr(retval, "mc.conf.int") = advancedoptions$ci_error_conf
  if(!inherits(retval,"skpr_eval_output")) {
    class(retval) = c("skpr_eval_output", class(retval))

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skpr documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:06 a.m.