## ----include = FALSE----------------------------------------------------------
env_present <- slendr:::is_slendr_env_present()
collapse = FALSE,
comment = "#>",
fig.width = 8,
fig.height = 6,
dpi = 60,
eval = (Sys.which("slim") != "" || Sys.which("slim.exe") != "" ) && env_present
## ----message = FALSE----------------------------------------------------------
seed <- 42
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
seq_len <- 100e6 # amount of sequence to simulate
rec_rate <- 1e-8 # uniform recombination rate
mut_rate <- 1e-8 # mutation rate
o <- population("outgroup", time = 1, N = 100)
c <- population("c", time = 2500, N = 100, parent = o)
a <- population("a", time = 3000, N = 100, parent = c)
b <- population("b", time = 3500, N = 100, parent = a)
x1 <- population("x1", time = 3800, N = 5000, parent = c)
x2 <- population("x2", time = 4000, N = 5000, parent = x1)
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# no gene flow model
model_nogf <- compile_model(populations = list(a, b, x1, x2, c, o), generation_time = 1, simulation_length = 4500)
samples <- schedule_sampling(
model_nogf, times = 4500,
list(a, 1), list(b, 1), list(x1, 50), list(x2, 50), list(c, 1), list(o, 1)
# model with gene flow
gf <- gene_flow(from = b, to = x1, start = 4100, end = 4400, rate = 0.1)
model_gf <- compile_model(populations = list(a, b, x1, x2, c, o), gene_flow = gf, generation_time = 1, simulation_length = 4500)
samples <- schedule_sampling(
model_gf, times = 4500,
list(a, 1), list(b, 1), list(x1, 50), list(x2, 50), list(c, 1), list(o, 1)
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
plot_model(model_nogf, sizes = FALSE)
plot_model(model_gf, sizes = FALSE, proportions = TRUE)
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# model without gene flow
slim_nogf <- slim(model_nogf, sequence_length = seq_len, recombination_rate = rec_rate, samples = samples, random_seed = seed)
msprime_nogf <- msprime(model_nogf, sequence_length = seq_len, recombination_rate = rec_rate, samples = samples, random_seed = seed)
# model with b -> x1 gene flow
slim_gf <- slim(model_gf, sequence_length = seq_len, recombination_rate = rec_rate, samples = samples, random_seed = seed)
msprime_gf <- msprime(model_gf, sequence_length = seq_len, recombination_rate = rec_rate, samples = samples, random_seed = seed)
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# SLiM outputs -- we can use built-in slendr functions for those
slim_nogf <-
slim_nogf %>%
ts_recapitate(Ne = 10, recombination_rate = rec_rate, random_seed = seed) %>%
ts_mutate(mut_rate, random_seed = seed)
slim_gf <-
slim_gf %>%
ts_recapitate(Ne = 10, recombination_rate = rec_rate, random_seed = seed) %>%
ts_mutate(mut_rate, random_seed = seed)
# msprime outputs (note that recapitation and simplification doesn't make
# sense here because we already have fully coalesced genealogies for our
# individuals of interest
msprime_nogf <- ts_mutate(msprime_nogf, mut_rate, random_seed = seed)
msprime_gf <- ts_mutate(msprime_gf, mut_rate, random_seed = seed)
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# extract vector of names of the "test individuals" in populations `x1` and `x2`
X <- ts_samples(slim_gf) %>% filter(pop %in% c("x1", "x2")) %>% pull(name)
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# calculate f4-statistics on individuals of `x1` and `x2` populations using data
# from the two models (a model with no gene flow and a gene flow model) -- we use
# map_dfr to iterate across all individuals from `X_individuals` and binding all
# resulting data frames into a single data frame
df_slim_f4 <- rbind(
map_dfr(X, ~ ts_f4(slim_nogf, "c_1", .x, "b_1", "outgroup_1")) %>% mutate(model = "no gene flow"),
map_dfr(X, ~ ts_f4(slim_gf, "c_1", .x, "b_1", "outgroup_1")) %>% mutate(model = "gene flow")
) %>%
select(X, f4, model) %>%
mutate(simulator = "SLiM backend")
# compute the proportions of `b` ancestry in `x1` (expected 10%) and `x2`
# (expected 0% because this population did not receive any gene flow from `b`)
df_slim_f4ratio <- rbind(
ts_f4ratio(slim_nogf, X, "a_1", "b_1", "c_1", "outgroup_1") %>% mutate(model = "no gene flow"),
ts_f4ratio(slim_gf, X, "a_1", "b_1", "c_1", "outgroup_1") %>% mutate(model = "gene flow")
) %>%
select(X, alpha, model) %>%
mutate(simulator = "SLiM backend")
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
df_msprime_f4 <- rbind(
map_dfr(X, ~ ts_f4(msprime_nogf, "c_1", .x, "b_1", "outgroup_1")) %>% mutate(model = "no gene flow"),
map_dfr(X, ~ ts_f4(msprime_gf, "c_1", .x, "b_1", "outgroup_1")) %>% mutate(model = "gene flow")
) %>%
select(X, f4, model) %>%
mutate(simulator = "msprime backend")
# compute the proportions of `b` ancestry in `x1` (expected 10%) and `x2`
# (expected 0% because this population did not receive any gene flow from `b`)
df_msprime_f4ratio <- rbind(
ts_f4ratio(msprime_nogf, X, "a_1", "b_1", "c_1", "outgroup_1") %>% mutate(model = "no gene flow"),
ts_f4ratio(msprime_gf, X, "a_1", "b_1", "c_1", "outgroup_1") %>% mutate(model = "gene flow")
) %>%
select(X, alpha, model) %>%
mutate(simulator = "msprime backend")
## ----msprime_slim_f4_distributions--------------------------------------------
df_f4 <- rbind(df_slim_f4, df_msprime_f4) %>%
mutate(population = ifelse(grepl("x1_", X),
"x1 (received gene flow)",
"x2 (no gene flow)"))
ggplot(df_f4, aes(f4, fill = population)) +
geom_histogram(bins = 50) +
facet_grid(simulator ~ model) +
geom_vline(xintercept = 0, linetype = 2) +
labs(y = "number of individuals", x = "f4 statistic",
title = "f4(c, x1 or x2; b, outgroup)",
subtitle = "f4 ~0 is consistent with no gene flow, negative value indicates gene flow with 'b'") +
theme(legend.position = "bottom")
## ----msprime_slim_f4ratio_distributions---------------------------------------
df_f4ratio <- rbind(df_slim_f4ratio, df_msprime_f4ratio) %>%
mutate(population = ifelse(grepl("x1_", X),
"x1 (received gene flow)",
"x2 (no gene flow)"))
ggplot(df_f4ratio, aes(alpha, fill = population)) +
geom_histogram(bins = 30) +
facet_grid(simulator ~ model) +
geom_vline(xintercept = 0.1, linetype = 2) +
labs(y = "number of individuals", x = "ancestry proportion (f4-ratio statistic)",
title = "f4-ratio estimate of 'b' ancestry calculated from simulated data",
subtitle = "f4-ratio = f4(a, outgroup; x1 or x2, c) / f4(a, outgroup; b, c)") +
theme(legend.position = "bottom")
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
N <- 1000
N_factor <- 5 # by what factor should Ne change
seq_len <- 50e6
rec_rate <- 1e-8
mut_rate <- 1e-8
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# constant Ne model
forward_const <- population("const", time = 1, N = N)
# decreasing step Ne model
forward_decr <- population("decr", time = 1, N = N, map = FALSE) %>%
resize(time = 2000, N = N / N_factor, how = "step")
# increasing step Ne model
forward_incr <- population("inc", time = 1, N = N) %>%
resize(time = 2000, N = N * N_factor, how = "step")
# exponential increase in size
forward_exp_incr <- population("exp_inc", time = 1, N = N) %>%
resize(time = 2000, end = 3000, N = N * N_factor, how = "exponential")
# exponential decrease in size
forward_exp_decr <- population("exp_decr", time = 1, N = N) %>%
resize(time = 2000, end = 3000, N = N / N_factor, how = "exponential")
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# constant Ne model
backward_const <- population("const", time = 5000, N = N)
# decreasing step Ne model
backward_decr <- population("decr", time = 5000, N = N) %>%
resize(time = 3000, N = N / N_factor, how = "step")
# increasing step Ne model
backward_incr <- population("inc", time = 5000, N = N) %>%
resize(time = 3000, N = N * N_factor, how = "step")
# exponential increase in size
backward_exp_incr <- population("exp_inc", time = 5000, N = N) %>%
resize(time = 3000, end = 2000, N = N * N_factor, how = "exponential")
# exponential decrease in size
backward_exp_decr <- population("exp_decr", time = 5000, N = N) %>%
resize(time = 3000, end = 2000, N = N / N_factor, how = "exponential")
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
compile_run_afs <- function(model_name, pop, seed = 42) {
# maximum length of the simulation (necessary for forward models which start
# in generation 1)
simulation_length <- 5000
# define sampling times given the direction of time
if (attr(pop, "history")[[1]]$time == 1) {
sampling_time <- simulation_length
direction <- "forward"
} else {
sampling_time <- 0
direction <- "backward"
# compile model
model <- compile_model(pop, generation_time = 15, direction = direction, simulation_length = simulation_length)
samples <- schedule_sampling(model, times = sampling_time, list(pop, 50))
# run the model in SLiM
ts_slim <- slim(model, sequence_length = seq_len, recombination_rate = rec_rate,
samples = samples, random_seed = seed, verbose = FALSE)
# run the same model in msprim
ts_msprime <- msprime(model, sequence_length = seq_len, recombination_rate = rec_rate,
samples = samples, random_seed = seed, verbose = FALSE)
# load the SLiM tree sequence
ts_slim <- ts_recapitate(ts_slim, Ne = N, recombination_rate = rec_rate, random_seed = seed) %>%
ts_mutate(mut_rate, random_seed = seed)
# load the msprime tree sequence
ts_msprime <- ts_mutate(ts_msprime, mut_rate, random_seed = seed)
# compute the AFS from the SLiM and msprime tree sequences and bind the
# results (derived allele counts per frequency bin) in a data frame
msprime_afs <- ts_afs(ts_msprime, polarised = TRUE)[-1]
slim_afs <- ts_afs(ts_slim, polarised = TRUE)[-1]
data.frame(simulator = "msprime", model = model_name, f = msprime_afs),
data.frame(simulator = "SLiM", model = model_name, f = slim_afs)
) %>%
group_by(simulator, model) %>%
mutate(n = 1:n(), direction = direction) %>%
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
afs <- bind_rows(
compile_run_afs("constant", forward_const),
compile_run_afs("constant", backward_const),
compile_run_afs("step contraction", forward_decr),
compile_run_afs("step contraction", backward_decr),
compile_run_afs("step increase", forward_incr),
compile_run_afs("step increase", backward_incr),
compile_run_afs("exponential decrease", forward_exp_decr),
compile_run_afs("exponential decrease", backward_exp_decr),
compile_run_afs("exponential increase", forward_exp_incr),
compile_run_afs("exponential increase", backward_exp_incr)
) %>%
mutate(model = factor(
model, levels = c("step contraction", "constant", "step increase",
"exponential decrease", "exponential increase"))
## ----msprime_slim_afs---------------------------------------------------------
ggplot(afs, aes(n, f, color = direction, linetype = simulator)) +
geom_line(stat = "identity") +
facet_wrap(~ model) +
labs(x = "number of derived alleles", y = "frequency",
title = "Site frequency spectra obtained from five demographic models",
subtitle = "Each model was specified in forward or backward direction of time and executed by
two different backend scripts in slendr (SLiM and msprime)") +
guides(color = guide_legend("direction of\ntime in slendr"),
linetype = guide_legend("slendr backend\nengine used")) +
scale_linetype_manual(values = c(3, 2)) +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = c(1, seq(20, 100, 20)), limits = c(1, 100)) +
theme(legend.position = "bottom")
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