
Defines functions clean.survey clean

Documented in clean clean.survey

#' @export
clean <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("clean")
#' @name clean
#' @rdname clean
#' @title Clean contact survey data
#' @description Cleans survey data to work with the 'contact_matrix' function
#' @param x A [survey()] object
#' @param country.column the name of the country in which the survey participant was interviewed
#' @param participant.age.column the column in `x$participants` containing participants' age
#' @param ... ignored
#' @importFrom data.table fcase
#' @importFrom countrycode countrycode
#' @importFrom lubridate period_to_seconds period years
#' @return a cleaned survey in the correct format
#' @examples
#' data(polymod)
#' cleaned <- clean(polymod) # not really necessary as the 'polymod' data set has already been cleaned
#' @autoglobal
#' @export
clean.survey <- function(x, country.column = "country", participant.age.column = "part_age", ...) {

  x <- survey(x$participants, x$contacts, x$reference)

  ## update country names
  if (country.column %in% colnames(x$participants)) {
    countries <- x$participants[[country.column]]
    origin.code <- fcase(
      all(nchar(as.character(countries)) == 2), "iso2c",
      all(nchar(as.character(countries)) == 3), "iso3c",
      default = "country.name"
    converted_countries <- suppressWarnings(countrycode(countries, origin.code, "country.name"))
    converted_countries[is.na(converted_countries)] <- as.character(countries[is.na(converted_countries)])
    x$participants[, paste(country.column) := factor(converted_countries)]

  if (nrow(x$participants) > 0 &&
    participant.age.column %in% colnames(x$participants) &&
    !is.numeric(x$participants[, get(participant.age.column)])) {
    ## set any entries not containing numbers to NA
    x$participants <- x$participants[,
      paste(participant.age.column) := fifelse(
        grepl("[0-9]", get(participant.age.column)),
    ## fix "under 1"
    x$participants <- x$participants[,
      paste(participant.age.column) := sub("Under ", "0-", get(participant.age.column), fixed = TRUE)
    ## split off units
    if (any(grepl(" ", x$participants[, get(participant.age.column)], fixed = TRUE))) {
      x$participants <- x$participants[,
        ..age.unit :=
          tstrsplit(as.character(get(participant.age.column)), " ", keep = 2L, fixed = TRUE)
      x$participants <- x$participants[
        ..age.unit := fifelse(
          !is.na(get(participant.age.column)) & is.na(..age.unit),
    } else {
      x$participants <- x$participants[,
        ..age.unit := "years"

    limits <- c("..low", "..high")
    x$participants <- x$participants[,
       paste(limits) :=
        tstrsplit(as.character(get(participant.age.column)), "-", fixed = TRUE)
    x$participants <- x$participants[
      ..high := fifelse(is.na(..high), ..low, ..high)
    seconds_in_year <- period_to_seconds(years(1))
    for (limit in limits) {
      x$participants <- x$participants[,
        paste(limit) := fifelse(!is.na(get(limit)), as.numeric(get(limit)), NA_real_)
      x$participants <- x$participants[,
        paste(limit) := fifelse(
          period_to_seconds(period(get(limit), ..age.unit)) /
        by = seq_len(nrow(x$participants))

    x$participants <- x$participants[,
      paste(participant.age.column) := (..low + ..high) / 2

    x$participants[, ..high := NULL]
    x$participants[, ..low := NULL]
    x$participants[, ..age.unit := NULL]


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socialmixr documentation built on June 22, 2024, 12:15 p.m.