
Defines functions wpp_countries survey_countries list_surveys

Documented in list_surveys survey_countries wpp_countries

#' List all surveys available for download
#' @return character vector of surveys
#' @importFrom oai list_records
#' @autoglobal
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' list_surveys()
#' }
#' @export
list_surveys <- function() {
  record_list <-
      metadataPrefix = "oai_datacite",
      set = "user-social_contact_data"
  ## find common DOI for different versions, i.e. the "relation" that is a DOI
  relations <- grep("^relation(\\.|$)", colnames(record_list), value = TRUE)
  DOIs <- apply(
    record_list, 1, function(x) {
      min(grep("^https://doi.org/.*zenodo", x[relations], value = TRUE))
  record_list <- record_list[, common_doi := DOIs]
  record_list <- record_list[, url := sub("doi:", "https://doi.org/", common_doi, fixed = TRUE)]
  ## get number within version DOI, this is expected to be ascending by version
  record_list <-
    record_list[, doi.nb := as.integer(sub("^.*zenodo\\.org:", "", identifier.1))]
  ## save date at which first entered
  record_list <- record_list[, date := min(date), by = common_doi]
  ## order by DOI number and extract newest version
  record_list <- record_list[order(-doi.nb)]
  record_list <- record_list[, .SD[1], by = common_doi]
  ## order by date
  setkey(record_list, date)
  return(record_list[, list(date_added = date, title, creator, url = identifier.2)])

#' List all countries contained in a survey
#' @param country.column column in the survey indicating the country
#' @param ... further arguments for [get_survey()]
#' @return list of countries
#' @inheritParams get_survey
#' @examples
#' data(polymod)
#' survey_countries(polymod)
#' @export
survey_countries <- function(survey, country.column = "country", ...) {
  survey <- get_survey(survey, ...)

#' List all countries and regions for which socialmixr has population data
#' Uses the World Population Prospects data from the `wpp2017` package
#' @return list of countries
#' @import wpp2017
#' @importFrom data.table fread setkey
#' @importFrom utils data
#' @importFrom countrycode countrycode
#' @autoglobal
#' @examples
#' wpp_countries()
#' @export
wpp_countries <- function() {
  popF <- fread(system.file("data", "popF.txt", package = "wpp2017"))
  popM <- fread(system.file("data", "popM.txt", package = "wpp2017"))

  countries <- unique(c(popF$country_code, popM$country_code))
  found_countries <-
  found_countries <- found_countries[!is.na(found_countries)]

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socialmixr documentation built on June 22, 2024, 12:15 p.m.