
Defines functions annotation_app formant_app pitch_app soundgen_app

Documented in annotation_app formant_app pitch_app soundgen_app

# Note: might wrap shiny::runApp in suppress.warnings()

#' Interactive sound synthesizer
#' Starts a shiny app that provides an interactive wrapper to
#' \code{\link{soundgen}}. Supported browsers: Firefox / Chrome. Note that the
#' browser has to be able to playback WAV audio files, otherwise there will be
#' no sound.
#' @export
soundgen_app = function() {
  appDir = system.file("shiny", "soundgen_main", package = "soundgen")
  if (appDir == "") {
    stop("Could not find app directory. Try re-installing `soundgen`.",
         call. = FALSE)
  shiny::runApp(appDir, display.mode = "normal", launch.browser = TRUE)

#' Interactive pitch tracker
#' Starts a shiny app for manually editing pitch contours. The settings in the
#' panels on the left correspond to arguments to \code{\link{analyze}} - see
#' `?analyze` and the vignette on acoustic analysis for help and examples. You
#' can verify the pitch contours first, and then feed them back into
#' \code{analyze} (see examples).
#' @return When proceeding to the next file in the cue, two types of backups are
#'   created. (1) A global object called "my_pitch" is created or updated. This
#'   list becomes visible when the app is terminated, and it contains the usual
#'   outputs of analyze() ($detailed and $summary) plus lists of manually
#'   corrected voiced and unvoiced frames. (2) The app saves to disk a .csv file
#'   with one row per audio file. Apart from the usual descriptives from
#'   analyze(), there are two additional columns: "time" with time stamps (the
#'   midpoint of each STFT frame, ms) and "pitch" with the manually corrected
#'   pitch values for each frame (Hz). When the orange "Download results" button
#'   is clicked, a context menu pops up offering to terminate the app - if that
#'   happens, the results are also returned directly into R. To process pitch
#'   contours further in R, work directly with my_pitch[[myfile]]$time and
#'   my_pitch[[myfile]]$pitch or, if loading the csv file, do something like:
#' \preformatted{
#' a = read.csv('~/Downloads/output.csv', stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' pitch = as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(a$pitch, ',')))
#' mean(pitch, na.rm = TRUE); sd(pitch, na.rm = TRUE)
#' }
#' \bold{Suggested workflow}
#' Start by setting the basic analysis settings such as pitchFloor,
#' pitchCeiling, silence, etc. Then click "Load audio" to upload one or several
#' audio files (wav/mp3). Long files will be very slow, so please cut your audio
#' into manageable chunks (ideally <10 s). If Shiny complains that maximum
#' upload size is exceeded, you can increase it, say to 30 MB, with
#' `options(shiny.maxRequestSize = 30 * 1024^2)`. Once the audio has been
#' uploaded to the browser, fine-tune the analysis settings as needed, edit the
#' pitch contour in the first file to your satisfaction, then click "Next" to
#' proceed to the next file, etc. Remember that setting a reasonable prior is
#' often faster than adjusting the contour one anchor at a time. When done,
#' click "Save results". If working with many files, you might want to save the
#' results occasionally in case the app crashes (although you should still be
#' able to recover your data if it does - see below).
#' \bold{How to edit pitch contours}
#' Left-click to add a new anchor, double-click to remove it or unvoice the
#' frame. Each time you make a change, the entire pitch contour is re-fit, so
#' making a change in one frame can affect the path through candidates in
#' adjacent frames. You can control this behavior by changing the settings in
#' Out/Path and Out/Smoothing. If correctly configured, the app corrects the
#' contour with only a few manual values - you shouldn't need to manually edit
#' every single frame. For longer files, you can zoom in/out and navigate within
#' the file. You can also select a region to voice/unvoice or shift it as a
#' whole or to set a prior based on selected frequency range.
#' \bold{Recovering lost data}
#' Every time you click "next" or "last" to move in between files in the queue,
#' the output you've got so far is saved in a backup file called "temp.csv", and
#' the "my_pitch" global object is updated. If the app crashes or is closed
#' without saving the results, this backup file preserves your data. To recover
#' it, access this file manually on disk or simply restart pitch_app() - a
#' dialog box will pop up and ask whether you wank to append the old data to the
#' new one. Path to backup file:
#' "[R_installation_folder]/soundgen/shiny/pitch_app/www/temp.csv", for example,
#' "/home/allgoodguys/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.6/soundgen/shiny/pitch_app/www/temp.csv"
#' @seealso \code{\link{formant_app}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Recommended workflow for analyzing a lot of short audio files
#' path_to_audio = '~/Downloads/temp'  # our audio lives here
#' # STEP 1: extract manually corrected pitch contours
#' my_pitch = pitch_app()  # runs in default browser such as Firefox or Chrome
#' # To change system default browser, run something like:
#' options('browser' = '/usr/bin/firefox')  # path to the executable on Linux
#' # STEP 2: run analyze() with manually corrected pitch contours to obtain
#' # accurate descriptives like the proportion of energy in harmonics above f0,
#' # etc. This also gives you formants and loudness estimates (disabled in
#' # pitch_app to speed things up)
#' df2 = analyze(path_to_audio,
#'   pitchMethods = 'autocor',  # only needed for HNR
#'   nFormants = 5,        # now we can measure formants as well
#'   pitchManual = my_pitch
#'   # or, if loading the output of pitch_app() from the disk:
#'   # pitchManual = '~/Downloads/output.csv'
#'   # pitchManual = '~/path_to_some_folder/my_pitch_contours.rds
#'   # etc
#' )
#' # STEP 3: add other acoustic descriptors, for ex.
#' df3 = segment(path_to_audio)
#' # STEP 4: merge df2, df3, df4, ... in R or a spreadsheet editor to have all
#' # acoustic descriptives together
#' # To verify your pitch contours and/or edit them later, copy output.csv to
#' # the folder with your audio, run pitch_app(), and load the audio + csv
#' # together. The saved pitch contours are treated as manual anchors
#' }
pitch_app = function() {
  appDir = system.file("shiny", "pitch_app", package = "soundgen")
  if (appDir == "") {
    stop("Could not find app directory. Try re-installing `soundgen`.",
         call. = FALSE)
  shiny::runApp(appDir, display.mode = "normal", launch.browser = TRUE)

#' Interactive formant tracker
#' Starts a shiny app for manually correcting formant measurements. For more
#' tips, see \code{\link{pitch_app}} and http://cogsci.se/soundgen.html.
#' Suggested workflow: load one or several audio files (wav/mp3), preferably not
#' longer than a minute or so. Select a region of interest in the spectrogram -
#' for example, a sustained vowel with clear and relatively steady formants.
#' Double-click within the selection to create a new annotation (you may add a
#' text label if needed). If you are satisfied with the automatically calculated
#' formant frequencies, proceed to the next region of interest. If not, there
#' are 4 ways to adjust them: (1) type in the correct number in one of the
#' formant boxes in the top right corner; (2) click a spectrogram within
#' selection (pick the formant number to adjust by clicking the formant boxes);
#' (3) single-click the spectrum to use the cursor's position, or (4)
#' double-click the spectrum to use the nearest spectral peak. When done with a
#' file, move on to the next one in the queue. Use the orange button to download
#' the results. To continue work, upload the output file from the previous
#' session together with the audio files (you can rename it, but keep the .csv
#' extension). Use hotkeys (eg spacebar to play/stop) and avoid working with
#' very large files.
#' @seealso \code{\link{pitch_app}}
#' @return Every time a new annotation is added, the app creates a backup csv
#'   file and creates or updates a global object called "my_formants", which
#'   contains all the annotations. When the app is terminated, it also returns
#'   the results as a dataframe.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' f = formant_app()  # runs in default browser such as Firefox or Chrome
#' # To change system default browser, run something like:
#' options('browser' = '/usr/bin/firefox')  # path to the executable on Linux
#' }
formant_app = function() {
  appDir = system.file("shiny", "formant_app", package = "soundgen")
  if (appDir == "") {
    stop("Could not find app directory. Try re-installing `soundgen`.",
         call. = FALSE)
  shiny::runApp(appDir, display.mode = "normal", launch.browser = TRUE)

#' Annotation app
#' Starts a shiny app for annotating audio. This is a simplified and faster
#' version of \code{\link{formant_app}} intended only for making annotations.
#' @return Every time a new annotation is added, the app creates a backup csv
#'   file and creates or updates a global object called "my_annot", which
#'   contains all the annotations. When the app is terminated, it also returns
#'   the results as a dataframe.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ann = annotation_app()  # runs in default browser such as Firefox or Chrome
#' # To change system default browser, run something like:
#' options('browser' = '/usr/bin/firefox')  # path to the executable on Linux
#' }
annotation_app = function() {
  appDir = system.file("shiny", "annotation_app", package = "soundgen")
  if (appDir == "") {
    stop("Could not find app directory. Try re-installing `soundgen`.",
         call. = FALSE)
  shiny::runApp(appDir, display.mode = "normal", launch.browser = TRUE)

Try the soundgen package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

soundgen documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:41 a.m.