Man pages for spBayes
Univariate and Multivariate Spatial-Temporal Modeling

adaptMetropGibbsAdaptive Metropolis within Gibbs algorithm
bayesGeostatExactSimple Bayesian spatial linear model with fixed semivariogram...
bayesLMConjugateSimple Bayesian linear model via the Normal/inverse-Gamma...
bayesLMRefSimple Bayesian linear model with non-informative priors
BEF.datBartlett Experimental Forest inventory data
FBC07.datSynthetic multivariate data with spatial and non-spatial...
FORMGMT.datData used for illustrations
iDistEuclidean distance matrix
mkMvXMake a multivariate design matrix
mkSpCovFunction for calculating univariate and multivariate...
NETemp.datMonthly weather station temperature data across the...
NYOzone.datObservations of ozone concentration levels.
PM10.datObserved and modeled PM10 concentrations across Europe
PM10.polyEuropean countries used in PM10.dat
pointsInPolyFinds points in a polygon
spDiagModel fit diagnostics
spDynLMFunction for fitting univariate Bayesian dynamic space-time...
spGLMFunction for fitting univariate Bayesian generalized linear...
spLMFunction for fitting univariate Bayesian spatial regression...
spMisalignGLMFunction for fitting multivariate generalized linear Bayesian...
spMisalignLMFunction for fitting multivariate Bayesian spatial regression...
spMvGLMFunction for fitting multivariate Bayesian generalized linear...
spMvLMFunction for fitting multivariate Bayesian spatial regression...
spPredictFunction for new locations given a model object
spRecoverFunction for recovering regression coefficients and spatial...
spSVCFunction for fitting univariate Bayesian spatially-varying...
SVCMvData.datSynthetic data from a space-varying coefficients model
WEF.datWestern Experimental Forest inventory data
Zurich.datZurichberg Forest inventory data
spBayes documentation built on May 17, 2022, 5:07 p.m.