Zurich.dat: Zurichberg Forest inventory data

Zurich.datR Documentation

Zurichberg Forest inventory data


Inventory data of the Zurichberg Forest, Switzerland (see Mandallaz 2008 for details). These data are provided with the kind authorization of the Forest Service of the Caton of Zurich.

This dataset holds the coordinates for all trees in the Zurichberg Forest. Species (SPP), basal area (BAREA) diameter at breast height (DBH), and volume (VOL) are recorded for each tree. See species codes below.




A data frame containing 4954 rows and 6 columns.


## Not run: 

coords <- Zurich.dat[,c("X_TREE", "Y_TREE")]

spp.name <- c("beech","maple","ash","other broadleaves",
              "spruce","silver fir", "larch", "other coniferous")

spp.col <- c("yellow","red","orange","pink",
             "green","dark green","black","gray")
plot(coords, col=spp.col[Zurich.dat$SPP+1],
     pch=19, cex=0.5, ylab="Northing", xlab="Easting")

legend.coords <- c(23,240)

legend(legend.coords, pch=19, legend=spp.name,
       col=spp.col, bty="n")

## End(Not run)

spBayes documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:09 a.m.

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