pointsInPoly: Finds points in a polygon

View source: R/pointsInPoly.R

pointsInPolyR Documentation

Finds points in a polygon


Given a polygon and a set of points this function returns the subset of points that are within the polygon.


 pointsInPoly(poly, points, ...)



an nx2 matrix of polygon vertices. Matrix columns correspond to vertices' x and y coordinates, respectively.


an mx2 matrix of points. Matrix columns correspond to points' x and y coordinates, respectively.


currently no additional arguments.


It is assumed that the polygon is to be closed by joining the last vertex to the first vertex.


If points are found with the polygon, then a vector is returned with elements corresponding to the row indices of points, otherwise NA is returned.


Andrew O. Finley finleya@msu.edu,
Sudipto Banerjee sudiptob@biostat.umn.edu,


## Not run: 
##Example 1
points <- cbind(runif(1000, 0, 10),runif(1000, 0, 10))

poly <- cbind(c(1:9,8:1), c(1,2*(5:3),2,-1,17,9,8,2:9))

point.indx <- pointsInPoly(poly, points)

plot(points, pch=19, cex=0.5, xlab="x", ylab="y", col="red")
points(points[point.indx,], pch=19, cex=0.5, col="blue")

##Example 2
##a function to partition the domain
tiles <- function(points, x.cnt, y.cnt, tol = 1.0e-10){

  x.min <- min(points[,1])-tol
  x.max <- max(points[,1])+tol
  y.min <- min(points[,2])-tol
  y.max <- max(points[,2])+tol
  x.cnt <- x.cnt+1
  y.cnt <- y.cnt+1
  x <- seq(x.min, x.max, length.out=x.cnt)
  y <- seq(y.min, y.max, length.out=y.cnt)

  tile.list <- vector("list", (length(y)-1)*(length(x)-1))

  l <- 1
  for(i in 1:(length(y)-1)){
    for(j in 1:(length(x)-1)){
      tile.list[[l]] <- rbind(c(x[j], y[i]),
                              c(x[j+1], y[i]),
                              c(x[j+1], y[i+1]),
                              c(x[j], y[i+1]))
       l <- l+1



n <- 1000
points <- cbind(runif(n, 0, 10), runif(n, 0, 10))

grd <- tiles(points, x.cnt=10, y.cnt=10)

plot(points, pch=19, cex=0.5, xlab="x", ylab="y")

sum.points <- 0
for(i in 1:length(grd)){
  polygon(grd[[i]], border="red")
  point.indx <- pointsInPoly(grd[[i]], points)
    sum.points <- length(point.indx)+sum.points
    text(mean(grd[[i]][,1]), mean(grd[[i]][,2]), length(point.indx), col="red")

## End(Not run)

spBayes documentation built on May 17, 2022, 5:07 p.m.