
Defines functions .diagnose_conv_problem_LevM .cat_break_info .wrap_wrap_v_h_IRLS .loc_pot_tol .pot4improv

.pot4improv <- function(which_LevMar_step, sXaug, gainratio_grad, seq_n_u_h) {
  Mg_solve_g_fac <- 250 # in selected hard 21-subset of nloptr tests, increasing to 1000 this reduced inner time but increases outer one (& opposite when reducing to 100)
                        # <- 1 would be very poor.
                        # (__F I X M E__ revisit these controls, adjusted under time pressure... but 250 gives good results in nloptr tests)
         "v_b"= Mg_solve_g_fac*get_from_MME(sXaug=sXaug, which="Mg_solve_g", B=gainratio_grad), # 0 at full solution (althoug B is not full gradient everywhere)
         "v"= get_from_MME(sXaug=sXaug, which="Mg_invH_g", B=gainratio_grad[seq_n_u_h]),  # 0 on the manifold
         "b"= { 
           if (length(B)) {
             get_from_MME(sXaug=sXaug, which="Mg_invXtWX_g", B=B) # hum not 0 zero at full solution (bc using only block of matrix) nor at hlik maximum (since B has full logdet gradient) 
           } else {0}
         "b_&_v_in_b"= Mg_solve_g_fac*get_from_MME(sXaug=sXaug, which="Mg_solve_g", B=gainratio_grad), # again, 0 at full solution
         "b_from_v_b"= Mg_solve_g_fac*get_from_MME(sXaug=sXaug, which="Mg_solve_g", B=gainratio_grad) # again, 0 at full solution

.loc_pot_tol <- function(which_LevMar_step, spaMM_tol) {
         "v_b"= spaMM_tol$b_pot_tol,
         "v"= spaMM_tol$v_pot_tol,
         "b"= spaMM_tol$b_pot_tol, 
         "b_&_v_in_b"= spaMM_tol$b_pot_tol,
         "b_from_v_b"= spaMM_tol$b_pot_tol

.wrap_wrap_v_h_IRLS <- function(IRLS_fn, v_h, beta_eta, seq_n_u_h, GLMMbool, wranefblob, processed, lambda_est, v_infer_args, Trace) {
  #v_infer_args$maxit.mean <- ceiling(v_total_maxit_mean/5)
  v_h_blob <- .wrap_v_h_IRLS(v_h=v_h , 
                             beta_eta=beta_eta, seq_n_u_h, GLMMbool, wranefblob, 
                             processed, lambda_est=lambda_est, 
                             v_infer_args, Trace, IRLS_fn=IRLS_fn)
  if (v_h_blob$break_info$IRLS_breakcond=="maxit") { # problematic failure: we need to do something
    #v_infer_args$maxit.mean <- ceiling(v_total_maxit_mean*4/5)
    v_h_blob <- .wrap_v_h_IRLS(v_h=processed$psi_M, 
                               beta_eta=beta_eta, seq_n_u_h, GLMMbool, wranefblob, 
                               processed, lambda_est=lambda_est, 
                               v_infer_args, Trace, IRLS_fn=IRLS_fn)

.cat_break_info <- function(v_h_blob, stylefn_v, stylefn) {
  break_info <- v_h_blob$break_info
  cat(stylefn_v(paste0("v_h IRLS returns max(|grad|): v=",.prettify_num(break_info$maxs_grad[1L]), # grad when v_h IRLS exits
                       " beta=",.prettify_num(break_info$maxs_grad[2L]),
                       " after ",v_h_blob$innerj, # number of iterations of v_h IRLS
                       " iter"
  break_info$maxs_grad <- NULL
  for (st in names(break_info)) {
    if (is.numeric(stinfo <- break_info[[st]])) {
      cat(stylefn_v(paste0(", ",st,"=",.prettify_num(stinfo))))
    } else cat(stylefn_v(paste0(", ",st,"=",stinfo)))

.diagnose_conv_problem_LevM <- function(beta_cov_info,  processed) {# ?__F I X M E__? redefine it to use tcrossfac_beta_v_cov rather than it tcrossprod? But RSpectra may be more efficient on symmetric matrices...
  condnum <- decomp <- NULL
  nc <- ncol(beta_cov_info$tcrossfac_beta_v_cov)
  if ( nc <.spaMM.data$options$diagnose_conv) { # for larger matrices the crossprod itself may be slow, perhaps the slowest step ?
    tc <- tcrossprod(beta_cov_info$tcrossfac_beta_v_cov) # hm. it's fairly dense
    if (inherits(tc,"sparseMatrix")) decomp <- .try_RSpectra(tc, symmetric=TRUE) # 1000 -> 0.28s
    if (is.null(decomp)) { # RSpectra was not available or it failed or matrix was not sparse
      if (ncol(tc)<1000L) { # 1000 -> 0.5s
        # kappa() computes by default (an estimate of) the 2-norm condition number of a matrix or of 
        # the R matrix of a QR decomposition, perhaps of a linear fit. The 2-norm condition number can 
        # be shown to be the ratio of the largest to the smallest *non-zero* singular value of the matrix.
        condnum <- kappa(tc)
      } # else condnum remains NULL
    } else condnum <- decomp$eigrange[2]/decomp$eigrange[1]
  } else if (is.null(processed$envir$divinfo_warned)) { # else condnum remains NULL
    warning(paste0("Increase 'diagnose_conv' threshold above ",nc,
                   " if you want a (possibly slow)\n diagnosis of non-convergence (see help('div_info'))" ), immediate.=TRUE)
    processed$envir$divinfo_warned <- TRUE
  if ( ( ! is.null(condnum)) && condnum>1e08) {
    processed$envir$PQLdivinfo$high_kappa$ranFixes <- c(processed$envir$PQLdivinfo$high_kappa$ranFixes,
  } else { # problem too large, or no singularity
    # "unknown" : ideally this does not occur, if previous tests such a pot_tol checks provide explanations
    # But if this occurs, there are several other possible things to check:
    # check damping value ? provide info about hlik difference and about breakcond ?
    processed$envir$PQLdivinfo$unknown$ranFixes  <- c(processed$envir$PQLdivinfo$unknown$ranFixes,

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spaMM documentation built on Aug. 30, 2023, 1:07 a.m.