
Defines functions print.fixedLRT summary.fixedLRT corrMM.LRT fixedLRT .Bartlett_robust

Documented in corrMM.LRT fixedLRT print.fixedLRT summary.fixedLRT

.Bartlett_robust <- function(LRTobject,robust=TRUE,verbose=F) {
      bootLRTS <- with(LRTobject,2*(bootreps[,1]-bootreps[,2]))## full -null but can be p_v or p_bv
      # plot(qchisq(ppoints(zut),1),sort(zut)) ## QQplot, MASS p. 108
      filter <- bootLRTS[bootLRTS>-1e-08]
      resu <- list()
      if (robust) {
        ## finds the df of the distribution by robust regression (MM: MASS p. 161) of QQplot, 
        robustMean <- MASS::rlm(sort(filter)~qchisq(ppoints(filter),1)-1,method="MM",maxit=200)$coefficients[[1]] 
        ## [[1]] to remove name which otherwise finishes as a rowname in a subsequent dataframe       
        # plot(qchisq(ppoints(filter),1),sort(filter)) ## QQplot, MASS p. 108
        # points(qchisq(ppoints(filter),1),robustMean * qchisq(ppoints(filter),1),pch=".")   
        if (inherits(robustMean,"try-error")) {
          resu$robustMean <- NA
          warning("problem in computation of robustMean.")
        } else resu$robustMean <- robustMean
      resu$meanPosbootLRT <- mean(filter)
      resu$nPosbootLRT <- length(filter) 
      if (verbose) print(unlist(resu))

## fixedLRT is a safe interface for performing tests as described in Ecography paper.
## it does not allow the profiling procedure in .corrMM_LRT
fixedLRT <- function(  ## interface to .LRT or (for devel only) .corrMM_LRT
  # type="marginal", # not necess sing fixedLRT -> .LRT -> spaMM_boot( type="marginal" hard coded)
  ...) {  ## since .corrMM_LRT is not doc'ed, REMLformula=NULL,boot.repl=0 cannot go into '...' 
  if (missing(null.formula)) stop("'null.formula' argument is missing, with no default.")
  if (missing(formula)) stop("'formula' argument is missing, with no default.")
  if (missing(data)) stop("'data' argument is missing, with no default.")
  mc <- match.call(expand.dots = TRUE)
  if ( ! is.null(weights.form)) {
    mc[["prior.weights"]] <-  weights.form[[2]]
  } else if ("prior.weights" %in%  evalq(names(substitute(...())))) {
    p_weights <- substitute(alist(...))$prior.weights # necessary when prior weights has been passed to fitme 
    # through the '...' of another function. In that case we reconstruct the call argument as if they had not been passed in this way.
    # is user quoted the pw, the str() of the result of the substitute() calls is language quote(...)  ~  doubly quoted stuff... => eval 
    if ( (inherits(p_weights,"call") && p_weights[[1L]] == "quote") ) p_weights <- eval(p_weights)
    mc[["prior.weights"]] <- p_weights
  # method mess
  if (missing(method)) {
    if (missing(HLmethod)) {
      stop("'method' (or 'HLmethod') argument is missing, with no default. Provide 'method'.")
    } else {
      METHOD <- eval(HLmethod,parent.frame())
  } else if ( ! missing(HLmethod)) {
    stop("Don't use both 'method' and 'HLmethod' arguments.")
  } else METHOD <- eval(method,parent.frame())
  ## other possible settings, through iterative fits
  ## We had a potential backward compatiblity problem, since the simulation scripts 
  ## for the Ecography paper assume that the package automatically interpret the model as spatial, even if findSpatial returns NULL
  ## and we no longer want such a behaviour
  ## but fixedLRT is not used in these scripts, so it can make a different assumption
  spatial <- .findSpatial(formula)
  if ( length(spatial)) { ## not list()
    if (missing(fittingFunction)) { 
      mc$fittingFunction <- "fitme" # only changed from corrHLfit to fitme in v 3.7.16
      mc$HLmethod <- NULL
      mc$method <- METHOD
    ## both will use p_v for the optim steps, we need to distinguish whether some REML correction is used in iterative algo :
    if ( METHOD %in% c("ML","PQL/L","SEM") || substr(METHOD,0,2) == "ML") {
      mc[[1L]] <- get(".LRT", asNamespace("spaMM"), inherits=FALSE) ## https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10022436/do-call-in-combination-with
    } else { ## EQL, REPQL or REML variants: 
      stop(paste0("Likelihood-ratio test not (or no longer) implemented for method ",METHOD)) # .corrMM_LRT long removed
      # FIXME typos (e.g. "PQLL") are not detected...
  } else {
    mc[[1L]] <- get(".LRT", asNamespace("spaMM"), inherits=FALSE) ## https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10022436/do-call-in-combination-with
    mc$method <- NULL
    mc$HLmethod <- METHOD
    ## No maxit, restarts
    if (missing(fittingFunction)) {
      if (is.null(mc$corrMatrix)) { ## neither explicit spatial nor corrMatrix -> HLfit
        mc$fittingFunction <- "HLfit"
      } else {
        ## corrMatrix -> we need to use HLCor
        mc$fittingFunction <- "HLCor"
  if (mc$fittingFunction=="fitme") {
    if ( ! is.null(mc$init.corrHLfit)) {
      mc[["init"]] <- mc$init.corrHLfit
      mc["init.corrHLfit"] <- NULL
    fixed <- c(eval(mc$ranFix),eval(mc$ranPars)) #,mc$etaFix)
    if ( ! is.null(fixed)) {
      mc[["fixed"]] <- fixed
      mc["ranFix"] <- NULL
      mc["ranPars"] <- NULL
      #mc["etaFix"] <- NULL
  } else if (mc$fittingFunction=="corrHLfit") {
    if ( ! is.null(mc$"init")) {
      mc[["init.corrHLfit"]] <- mc$init
      mc["init"] <- NULL
    fixed <- c(eval(mc$ranFix),eval(mc$ranPars)) #,mc$etaFix)
    if ( ! is.null(fixed)) {
      mc[["ranFix"]] <- fixed
      mc["fixed"] <- NULL
      mc["ranPars"] <- NULL
      #mc["etaFix"] <- NULL
  eval(mc, parent.frame())

corrMM.LRT <- function(...) stop("'corrMM.LRT' is deprecated since version 2.1.66.\n The up-to-date function is 'fixedLRT' (or 'spaMM:::.LRT' for elaborate experiments)")

summary.fixedLRT <- function(object,verbose=TRUE,...) {
  basicLRT <- object$basicLRT
  if (is.na(df <- basicLRT$df)) {
    if (is.null(object$rawBootLRT)) {
      message("Asymptotic chi2 too dubious; 'raw' bootstrap p-value\n  would be reported if requested (see 'boot.repl' argument).")
    } else message("Asymptotic chi2 too dubious; only 'raw' bootstrap p-value is reported.")
  } else print(basicLRT)
  bootInfo <- object$bootInfo
  if (!is.null(bootInfo)) {
    cat(" ======== Bootstrap: ========\n")    
    outst <- paste0("Raw simulated p-value: ",signif(object$rawBootLRT$p_value,3))    
    if ( ! is.na(df)) {
      cat(paste("\nBartlett-corrected LR test:\n"))
      print(object$BartBootLRT) ## print data frame
    } else cat("\n")
    if ( ! is.null(bootInfo$warnlist)) lapply(bootInfo$warnlist, message)

print.fixedLRT <- function(x,...) {


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spaMM documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:48 a.m.